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Minimax squared error risk estimators of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution are characterized which have smallest Bayes risk with respect to a spherically symmetric prior distribution for (i) squared error loss, and (ii) zero-one loss depending on whether or not estimates are consistent with the hypothesis that the mean is null. In (i), the optimal estimators are the usual Bayes estimators for prior distributions with special structure. In (ii), preliminary test estimators are optimal. The results are obtained by applying the theory of minimax-Bayes-compromise decision problems.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimating a matrix of the normal means, where the variances are unknown but common. The approach to this problem is provided by a hierarchical Bayes modeling for which the first stage prior for the means is matrix-variate normal distribution with mean zero matrix and a covariance structure and the second stage prior for the covariance is similar to Jeffreys’ rule. The resulting hierarchical Bayes estimators relative to the quadratic loss function belong to a class of matricial shrinkage estimators. Certain conditions are obtained for admissibility and minimaxity of the hierarchical Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution under a variety of assumed structures among the parameters of the sampling and prior distributions. We adopt a pragmatic approach. We adopt distributional familites, assess hyperparmeters, and adopt patterned mean and coveariance structures when it is relatively simple to do so; alternatively, we use the sample data to estimate hyperparameters of prior distributions when assessment is a formidable task; such as the task of assessing parameters of multidimensional problems. James-Stein-like estimators are found to result. In some cases, we've been abl to show that the estimators proposed uniformly dominate the MLE's when measured with respect to quadratic loss functions.  相似文献   

Problems involving bounded parameter spaces, for example T-minimax and minimax esyimation of bounded parameters, have received much attention in recent years. The existing literature is rich. In this paper we consider T-minimax estimation of a multivariate bounded normal mean by affine rules, and discuss the loss of efficiency due to the use of such rules instead of optimal, unrestricted rules. We also investigate the behavior of 'probability restricted' affine rules, i.e., rules that have a guaranteed large probability of being in the bounded parameter space of the problem.  相似文献   

This paper shows that a minimax Bayes rule and shrinkage estimators can be effectively applied to portfolio selection under the Bayesian approach. Specifically, it is shown that the portfolio selection problem can result in a statistical decision problem in some situations. Following that, we present a method for solving a problem involved in portfolio selection under the Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

In this paper the stochastic properties of two estimators of linear models, mixed and minimax, based on different types of prior information, are compared using quadratic risk as the criterion for superiority. A necessary and sufficient condition for the minimax estimator to be superior to the comparable mixed estimator is derived as well as a simpler necessary but not sufficient condition.  相似文献   

Let S : 2 × 2 have a nonsingular Wishart distribution with unknown matrix σ and n degrees of freedom. For estimating σ two families of mimmax estimators, with respect to the entropy loss, are presented. These estimators are of the form σ(S) = Rø(L)Rt where R is orthogonal, L and Φ are diagonal, and RLRT = S. Conditions under which the components of Φ and L follow the same order relation [i.e., writing Φ = diag(Φ12) and L = diag(l1,/2) with l1 ≥ l2, we have Φ1 ≥ Φ2] are established. Comparisons with Stein's estimators and other orthogonally invariant estimators are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the problem of estimating the square of population mean (μ2) in normal distribution when a prior estimate or guessed value σ0 2 of the population variance σ2 is available. We have suggested a family of shrinkage estimators , say, for μ2 with its mean squared error formula. A condition is obtained in which the suggested estimator is more efficient than Srivastava et al’s (1980) estimator Tmin. Numerical illustrations have been carried out to demonstrate the merits of the constructed estimator over Tmin. It is observed that some of these estimators offer improvements over Tmin particularly when the population is heterogeneous and σ2 is in the vicinity of σ0 2.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the mean θθ of an Np(θ,Ip)Np(θ,Ip) distribution with squared error loss ∥δ−θ∥2δθ2 and under the constraint ∥θ∥≤mθm, for some constant m>0m>0. Using Stein's identity to obtain unbiased estimates of risk, Karlin's sign change arguments, and conditional risk analysis, we compare the risk performance of truncated linear estimators with that of the maximum likelihood estimator δmleδmle. We obtain for fixed (m,p)(m,p) sufficient conditions for dominance. An asymptotic framework is developed, where we demonstrate that the truncated linear minimax estimator dominates δmleδmle, and where we obtain simple and accurate measures of relative improvement in risk. Numerical evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of the asymptotic framework for approximating the risks for moderate or large values of p.  相似文献   

A test for choosing between a linear admissible estimator and the least squares estimator (LSE) is developed. A characterization of linear admissible estimators useful for comparing estimators is presented and necessary and sufficient conditions for superiority of a linear admissible estimator over the LS estimetor is derived for the test. The test is based on the MSE matrix superiority, but also new resl?!ts concerning covariance matrix comparisons of linear estimators are derived. Further,shown that the test of Toro - Vizcarrondo and Wailace applies iioi only the restricted least squares estimators but also to certain estimators outside this class.  相似文献   

The problem of selecting the normal population with the largest population mean when the populations have a common known variance is considered. A two-stage procedure is proposed which guarantees the same probability requirement using the indifference-zone approach as does the single-stage procedure of Bechhofer (1954). The two-stage procedure has the highly desirable property that the expected total number of observations required by the procedure is always less than the total number of observations required by the corresponding single-stage procedure, regardless of the configuration of the population means. The saving in expected total number of observations can be substantial, particularly when the configuration of the population means is favorable to the experimenter. The saving is accomplished by screening out “non-contending” populations in the first stage, and concentrating sampling only on “contending” populations in the second stage.

The two-stage procedure can be regarded as a composite one which uses a screening subset-type approach (Gupta (1956), (1965)) in the first stage, and an indifference-zone approach (Bechhofer (1954)) applied to all populations retained in the selected sub-set in the second stage. Constants to implement the procedure for various k and P? are provided, as are calculations giving the saving in expected total sample size if the two-stage procedure is used in place of the corresponding single-stage procedure.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution with unknown covariance matrix, under uncertain prior information (UPI) that the component mean vectors are equal, is considered. The shrinkage preliminary test maximum likelihood estimator (SPTMLE) for the parameter vector is proposed. The risk and covariance matrix of the proposed estimato are derived and parameter range in which SPTMLE dominates the usual preliminary test maximum likelihood estimator (PTMLE) is investigated. It is shown that the proposed estimator provides a wider range than the usual premilinary test estimator in which it dominates the classical estimator. Further, the SPTMLE has more appropriate size for the preliminary test than the PTMLE.  相似文献   

L. Wang 《Statistical Papers》1991,32(1):155-165
Suppose y is normally distributed with mean IRn and covariance σ2V, where σ2>0 and V>0 is known. The n. s. conditions that a linear estimator Ay+a of μ be admissible in the class of all estimators of μ which depend only on y are derived. In particular, the usual estimator δ0(y)=y is admissible in this class. The results are applied to the normal linear model and the admissibilities of many well-known linear estimators are demonstrated.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the bias of the estimate of the variance of the overall effect synthesized from individual studies by using the variance weighted method. This bias is proven to be negative. Furthermore, the conditions, the likelihood of underestimation and the bias from this conventional estimate are studied based on the assumption that the estimates of the effect are subject to normal distribution with common mean. The likelihood of underestimation is very high (e.g. it is greater than 85% when the sample sizes in two combined studies are less than 120). The alternative less biased estimates for the cases with and without the homogeneity of the variances are given in order to adjust for the sample size and the variation of the population variance. In addition, the sample size weight method is suggested if the consistence of the sample variances is violated Finally, a real example is presented to show the difference by using the above three estimate methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, the simultaneous estimation of the precision parameters of k normal distributions is considered under the squared loss function in a decision-theoretic framework. Several classes of minimax estimators are derived by using the chi-square identity, and the generalized Bayes minimax estimators are developed out of the classes. It is also shown that the improvement on the unbiased estimators is characterized by the superharmonic function. This corresponds to Stein's [1981. Estimation of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution. Ann. Statist. 9, 1135–1151] result in simultaneous estimation of normal means.  相似文献   

A general lower bound of minimax risk for absolute-error loss is given in terms of the Hellinger modulus of the estimation problem. The main results are applicable to various parametric, semi-parametric and nonparametric problems. Two examples of parametric estimation problems and two examples of density estimation problems are given. In all of these examples, the general lower bound achieves the convergence rates of minimax risk.  相似文献   

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