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Different Names, Same Issue   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Studies of the impact of welfare reform reported in the Winter 2000 issue of JSI uniformly conclude that the results are mixed. Uncritically accepting the official story that success can be evaluated by the numbers of former welfare recipients who are working, the researchers, adopting a neutral objective perspective, focus on barriers to achieving this goal. We argue that this honest broker model, in which researchers provide scientific data to those in power, neglects the roles of social psychologists as social critics and political activists that were among the diverse perspectives among SPSSI's founders. We call for a rebirth of these more radical orientations and offer examples of research approaches that involve entering into alliances with oppressed groups in society. We hope our critique will stimulate wider discussion about SPSSI's future mission.  相似文献   

潘畅和 《日本学刊》2006,(5):107-116
日本与韩国虽然同样接受了中国的儒学,但对同样的儒学文本却做出了现实的不同诠释。这种结果是由两个主体的不同文化机质引发的:日本尚武,韩国崇文;日本是地域分割的有序组织,韩国是依赖血缘的无序社会;日本是以忠为先的主从秩序,韩国是以孝为先的父子序列;日本是基于人为的他律文化,韩国是基于自然主义的自律文化。  相似文献   

Clinical, administrative and social action reasons for expanding social work services in hospital based home care programs are persuasive. Hospital departments of social work should consider carefully how they may expand services in home care and coordinate and integrate such activities with social work and discharge planning processes occurring throughout the hospital. It is necessary for social work leadership to be present on professional advisory, quality assurance and similar committees and to use these committees as arenas for expanding the social work role in home care.  相似文献   

晓苏 《今日辽宁》2008,(1):53-55
在艺工造型设计有限公司,艺术总监胡乃敏正在电脑前为美国AllTech公司1.5T超导核磁共振做产品的外观造型设计。他憨笑的脸,给人感觉老实、厚道,颇多实干家的沉稳与干练,说到造型设计他溢言溢色,独到的见解和专业的睿  相似文献   

赵剑 《社会工作》2011,(22):27-29
哈贝马斯意义上经典公共领域概念是国内外社会政治文明研究中的一个前沿性问题。新时期,由网络媒介技术迅猛发展带来了中国社会公共领域范畴的重塑或超越。同时,在当前网络公共领域社会化的中国语境下,对网络公共领域的功能与建构研究对我们探讨中国社会结构转型及民主进程发展都具有重要现实意义。本文力求以网络公共领域中的具体恶搞事件为例,阐释网络公共领域的相关公共参与和社会功能问题,并进一步寻找出国家与社会相关实体对其积极构建路径的有利因素,促进公民公共参与和民主进程。  相似文献   

Historiography in China has been fruitful after an uneven course ofdevelopment over the past century. There are numerous great historiansof the century, including Zhang Taiyan, Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei,Chen Yuan, Chen Yinque, Hu Shi, Gu Jiegang and Qian Mu from thefirst half of the century, and Li Dazhao, Guo Moruo, Fan Wenlan, JianBozan, La Zhenyu and Hou Wailu. Historiography accomplished atransformation from the traditional to the modern in the first half of the20th century with…  相似文献   

解读日本2005年公司法的大修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年,日本公司法自19世纪末期创制以来,经历了一次历史上最大规模的修订。这次修订无疑将会对日本公司法的理论和公司实务产生非常大的影响,同时也为发展中的我国公司法理论和法制建设树立了一个比较坐标和学习楷模。本文[1]将对日本公司法的此次大修订作一番简要的介绍和探析,[2]并在此基础上,探讨我国公司法所应借鉴和需要改善的地方。  相似文献   

战后日本,三种公共哲学最具有影响力,它们是立宪主义的民主主义与和平主义,经济发展和新民族主义.和平宪法存在天皇制等历史局限性和问题.和平宪法的现实主义因素有:对本国政府和军队的怀疑主义,原子弹受害经验,国家主权的自主限制,新国民原理等,和平宪法维护了日本战后60年没有发动过战争,防止了军国主义的复活,保持了"和平国家"的形象,战后的民主主义与和平主义没有国民的精力和国家资源使用到军事方面等是不容忽视的重要事实.  相似文献   

Current conceptual frameworks differ deeply on the meanings of human-natural environment relations. One is a monist social constructionist frame: meaning is only in human definitions, and natural events are meaningless. The other offers dualist perspectives that locate meaning both in definitions and in realist indications of environmental events such as global environmental change. After discussing 'landscape' as a bridging concept, I suggest an ordering of the two perspectives through a metatheoretical distinction between definitional and responsive meanings with primacy in the response. Finally, I apply a metatheoretical schema based on the work of George H. Mead to meanings of natural environment implicated in a discussion of an official pronouncement, 'The drought is over'.  相似文献   

杜甫是一代伟大的诗人,最主要就是因为他在诗歌语言上的造诣和成就。本文试图从杜诗中的词语选择分析肌质关系对于诗歌意象的表情、诗歌风格、隐喻等多方面的作用,以检验西方文论中的诗歌对应原则和肌质理论,挖掘中国古典诗歌当中的独特诗性所在。  相似文献   

随着公共组织平衡计分卡理论研究的不断深入,其应用领域也日益广泛。本文结合目前国内外公共组织平衡计分卡的研究成果,归纳了公共组织的使命、核心价值观、愿景以及战略的特点,总结了公共组织平衡计分卡的基本模式及各层面内涵,并在此基础上提出了在未来的研究中需要继续探讨的若干同题。  相似文献   

从<俄狄浦斯王>到<俄狄浦斯在科罗诺斯>,俄狄浦斯的命运呈现了理性对抗虔敬、理性向虔敬转化的轨迹.索福克勒斯正是借助俄狄浦斯的故事告诚城邦的统治者,必须同时面对并接受人的必死和人的虔敬,并在城邦的政治生活中审慎地处理自然与神圣、理性与虔敬之间的关系.  相似文献   

本文通过对陆游、杨万里诗坛地位的考索,以觇知南宋诗风趋向;从诗学观念、统绪意识、政治影响、子嗣绍继等方面探讨陆、杨不同地位之成因;复就陆、杨往还文字揭示其真实关系.本文认为杨万里具有强烈的"统绪"意识,专精锐意于变革创新,诗风易于效法,在当时的影响力较陆游为巨;陆游则"统绪"意识淡薄,萦心系怀于家国时事,诗歌抒写恢复之志,效法者少,加以仕途蹭蹬,故未能转移风会,是一位"孤独"的诗人.  相似文献   

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