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What does theory predict about the way government size and structure adapts to changes in government’s organisational environment (particularly to uncertainty and complexity)? In this paper, we review the theory and evidence from the literature about the way government size adjusts to such changes -- particularly to changes in macroeconomic fundamentals like gross national product (GDP). We find that the traditional theories from the organisational theory literature—like the contingency-based view, resource-based view and the rational choice view -- fail to provide global explanations for much of the variation we see in the world around us. Instead, theorists need to adopt a “mosaic view” of organisational theory -- accepting that different theories may explain the way public sector size and structure responds to the uncertainty and variability in its (macroeconomic) organisational environment. We also provide several empirical hypotheses to test such a mosaic-view.  相似文献   

分布式认知理论及其在管理实践中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种新的认知理论--分布式认知理论.在分布式认知"信息发布-信息筛选判断-认知收敛"的系统流程中,重点论述了分布式认知的收敛机制,并根据决策中心所处的位置及决策特征提出了无中心式、弱中心式、强中心式3种收敛机制.结合一系列管理实践案例对比了3种收敛机制的作用.结果发现,合理运用不同类型的分布式认知收敛机制,能够有效提高民主管理、跨专业难题解决、竞争情报收集分析、公共管理等领域决策的准确性.  相似文献   

In light of the Armitage-Doll multistage carcinogenesis theory, this paper examines the assumption that an additive relative risk relationship is indicative of two carcinogens that affect the same stage in the cancer process. We present formulas to compute excess cancer risks for a variety of patterns for limited exposure durations to two carcinogens that affect the first and penultimate stages; and using an index of synergy proposed by Thomas (1982), we find a number of these patterns to produce additive, or nearly additive, relative risk relationships. The consistent feature of these patterns is that the two exposure periods are of short duration and occur close together.  相似文献   

For a knowledge‐ and skill‐centric organization, the process of knowledge management encompasses three important and closely related elements: (i) task assignments, (ii) knowledge acquisition through training, and (iii) maintaining a proper level of knowledge inventory among the existing workforce. Trade‐off on choices between profit maximization in the short run and agility and flexibility in the long term is a vexing problem in knowledge management. In this study, we examine the effects of different training strategies on short‐term operational efficiency and long‐term workforce flexibility. We address our research objective by developing a computational model for task and training assignment in a dynamic knowledge environment consisting of multiple distinct knowledge dimensions. Overall, we find that organizational slack is an important variable in determining the effectiveness of training strategies. Training strategies focused on the most recent skills are found to be the preferred option in most of the considered scenarios. Interestingly, increased efficiencies in training can actually create preference conflict between employees and the firm. Our findings indicate that firms facing longer knowledge life cycles, higher slack in workforce capacity, and better training efficiencies actually face more difficult challenges in knowledge management.  相似文献   

This paper develops an inferential theory for factor models of large dimensions. The principal components estimator is considered because it is easy to compute and is asymptotically equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator (if normality is assumed). We derive the rate of convergence and the limiting distributions of the estimated factors, factor loadings, and common components. The theory is developed within the framework of large cross sections (N) and a large time dimension (T), to which classical factor analysis does not apply. We show that the estimated common components are asymptotically normal with a convergence rate equal to the minimum of the square roots of N and T. The estimated factors and their loadings are generally normal, although not always so. The convergence rate of the estimated factors and factor loadings can be faster than that of the estimated common components. These results are obtained under general conditions that allow for correlations and heteroskedasticities in both dimensions. Stronger results are obtained when the idiosyncratic errors are serially uncorrelated and homoskedastic. A necessary and sufficient condition for consistency is derived for large N but fixed T.  相似文献   

覃大嘉  施怡  钱箴 《管理评论》2022,34(2):126-141
新时代数字技术发展不断突破原有的时间和空间界限,组织跨境商业模式中的知识创造与异质的社会文化因素相交织,呈现出难以预测的动态模式。由于已有相关理论存在的情境局限性,本研究聚焦于受新现象驱动而提出的多元时间知识创造海洋模型,并对其进行概念、内涵的深入阐述与逻辑推演。同时,本研究以重大公共卫生事件下六个国家的新知识创造作为案例,基于牛津大学COVID-19政府响应追踪系统(OxCGRT)的数据,按照质性研究思路对海洋模型进行理论验证。研究结果证实了海洋模型三阶段在实践层面的有效性。本文的主要贡献在于呼应现象驱动研究,探讨了重大现象和议题背后的基础理论问题;使用结合大数据的系统性分析方法,对知识创造海洋模型进行了首次实证检验;促进了跨文化管理、知识管理、危机管理等学科的交叉与融合发展;为分析和解决跨文化情境的知识创造问题提供理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

挖掘企业成长的独特模式、识别影响企业成长的众多因素对于探讨中国企业成长问题十分有益.扎根理论研究方法是一种科学有效的定性研究方法,以蒙牛公司为例,以扎根理论为主导工具进行研究,得出蒙牛公司厚积裂变、模仿超越型快速成长模式及其在模仿追随和自我超越两个不同发展阶段的成长影响因素,对快速成长企业有启发意义.  相似文献   

知识原理、知识具体与企业知识创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当知识成为社会尤其是企业创新的重要资源时,对知识所进行的分析和研究越来越深入。本文从企业知识分类的角度分析了企业创新的一个重要方面,提出了知识原理和知识具体两个相对应的概念,分析了这两个概念在被企业运用过程中的性质和特点,从而指出知识原理与知识具体的转化是一项重要的创新活动。  相似文献   

基于团队认知能力的知识转移影响机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以项目团队为背景,分别对知识转移及其影响因素、团队认知能力进行了分析讨论,并认为团队认知能力在项目团队内部知识转移情境中具有重要作用;继而构建了基于团队认知能力的知识转移概念模型,借助结构方程,在统计分析的基础上重点讨论了团队认知能力三个构成要素以及不同类型知识在知识转移过程中的不同角色及其影响,提出了具有现实意义的知识转移障碍解决思路.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the interaction of knowledge and organization in IB research, particularly research on the MNC. The argument is advanced that although the MNC literature is quite advanced with respect to its treatment of firm-level knowledge, several closely connected problems remain. In particular, there has been an over-emphasis on knowledge flows and an under-emphasis on knowledge stocks; the micro-foundations of MNC knowledge are unclear; and there is a no clear understanding of the causal relations between knowledge stocks and flows and organizational control. A control theory approach that may resolve some of these problems is then sketched.  相似文献   

关于知识与创新间的关系,现有研究多强调不同类型知识对创新总体绩效的影响差异,较少关注同一知识基对创新微观过程的不同阶段是否具有同等影响。针对这一理论缺口,本研究首先建构了知识积累与基于创新微观过程的企业创新能力间关系模型,并利用问卷调查获得的419份国内企业数据、利用层次回归方法进行实证检验。研究发现:企业知识积累对创新能力具有显著提升作用,并且这种积极效应贯穿在创新的整个微观过程中;分别以内、外组织学习为特征的不同知识激活机制在促进知识贡献于创新不同阶段能力提升过程中具有不同影响。本文最后讨论了理论贡献、管理意义及局限。  相似文献   

基于进化博弈论的组织知识共享分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐性知识共享是知识管理的一个关键环节,影响知识共享的因素主要来自于知识共享的双方;知识和知识型员工的行为都会影响到知识共享的效率.在有限理性假设下,运用进化博弈论的模仿者动态模型,分析了组织内隐性知识共享过程中,知识型员工的进化稳定战略.研究发现在共享知识的过程中,知识型员工所获得报酬、同伴行为以及共享知识的对方的行为都会影响到知识员工的行为选择.组织应该为员工共享知识提供积极的氛围和健全的激励机制.  相似文献   

组织学习模型简要评述——基于知识论视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
芮明杰  陈晓静 《管理学报》2006,3(6):745-753
组织学习模型研究是当前的一个研究热点,国内外学者纷纷从不同的角度对此展开研究。分别从“系统”视角、“技术过程”视角、“学习类型”视角和“社会过程”视角对已有的比较有代表性的国内外组织学习模型展开简要的评述,肯定它们的优点,指出它们的不足,以期为将来的研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Creative industries are firms which are characterized largely by the labour inputs of creative individuals, and surrounded by a degree of rhetoric as to their significance, but are a comparatively under‐researched sector. In this study we developed a research framework which integrated entrepreneurial cognition, entrepreneurial orientation and firm capabilities and explored the relationships between these variables, market conditions and the performance of small creative industry enterprises. The data suggest that high growth small firms are characterized by well‐developed internal capabilities allied to an entrepreneurial orientation and that the combination of the various sub‐attributes associated with each of these appear to be especially salient under conditions of intense competition. The policies, managerial and educational implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Computational models support environmental regulatory activities by providing the regulator an ability to evaluate available knowledge, assess alternative regulations, and provide a framework to assess compliance. But all models face inherent uncertainties because human and natural systems are always more complex and heterogeneous than can be captured in a model. Here, we provide a summary discussion of the activities, findings, and recommendations of the National Research Council's Committee on Regulatory Environmental Models, a committee funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide guidance on the use of computational models in the regulatory process. Modeling is a difficult enterprise even outside the potentially adversarial regulatory environment. The demands grow when the regulatory requirements for accountability, transparency, public accessibility, and technical rigor are added to the challenges. Moreover, models cannot be validated (declared true) but instead should be evaluated with regard to their suitability as tools to address a specific question. The committee concluded that these characteristics make evaluation of a regulatory model more complex than simply comparing measurement data with model results. The evaluation also must balance the need for a model to be accurate with the need for a model to be reproducible, transparent, and useful for the regulatory decision at hand. Meeting these needs requires model evaluation to be applied over the "life cycle" of a regulatory model with an approach that includes different forms of peer review, uncertainty analysis, and extrapolation methods than those for nonregulatory models.  相似文献   

基于知识图谱理论和扎根理论的方法指导,以中文社会科学引文检索数据库收录的1998~2019年期间,与中国管理研究以及理论构建相关的561篇施引文献和7108篇被引文献作为研究对象。通过运用Citespace V可视化软件,进行中国管理研究与理论构建的知识基础、研究热点和主题演进脉络等的可视化分析与研究;并进一步精选了116篇科技文献为样本数据进行三级扎根编码,构建中国管理理论的研究框架模型。研究表明:中国管理研究目前聚焦于理论构建范式的研究主题,构建中国管理理论要直面实践导向,扎根传统文化,实现实践与文化的融合,要采用多元科学方法论与方法,辩证地使用实证研究方法。  相似文献   

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