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A central principle in urban ecological theory implies that in urbanized landscapes anthropogenic drivers will dominate natural drivers in the control of soil organic carbon storage (SOC). To assess the effect of urban land-use change on the storage of SOC, we compared SOC stocks of turf grass and native cover types of two metropolitan areas (Baltimore, MD, and Denver, CO) representing climatologically distinct regions in the United States. We hypothesized that introducing turf grass and management will lead to higher SOC densities in the arid Denver area and lower densities in the mesic Baltimore area relative to native cover types. Moreover, differences between turf grass soils will be less than differences between the native soils of each metropolitan region. Within Baltimore, turf grass had almost a 2-fold higher SOC density at 0- to 1-m and 0- to 20-cm depths than in rural forest soils, whereas there were no differences with soils of urban forest remnants. Moreover, urban forest remnants had more than 70% higher SOC densities than rural forest soils. Within Denver, turf grass (>25 years of age) had more than 2-fold higher SOC densities than in shortgrass steppe soils, while having similar densities to Baltimore turf grass soils. By contrast, the native soils of Baltimore were almost 2-fold higher than the native steppe grass soils of Denver using SOC densities of remnant forests as representative of native soils in the Baltimore region. These results supported our hypothesis that turf grass systems will be similar in SOC densities across regional variations in climate, parent material, and topography. These similarities are apparently due to greater management efforts in the Denver region to offset the constraint of climate, i.e., anthropogenic factors (management supplements) overwhelmed native environmental factors that control SOC storage.  相似文献   

With the rapid urbanization of natural lands, researchers have begun to examine the capacity of urban soils to store carbon (C), with recent attention to residential yards. We performed a case study to examine four potential influences on soil C levels in residential yards. In 67 yards containing trees, we examined the relationship of soil C (kg m?2) to tree aboveground biomass, home age (3–87 years), yard maintenance (fertilization, irrigation, mulching or bagging lawn clippings), and soil texture (% clay, % sand, % silt), at three depths (0–15 cm, 15–30 cm, and 30–50 cm). Six tree aboveground biomass data sets were developed: 1) biomass, 2) biomass*(1/distance from tree), 3) biomass?≤?15 m from sample site, 4) biomass?≤?10 m, 5) biomass?≤?5 m, and 6) biomass?≤?4 m. Biomass?≤?5 m and biomass?≤?4 m had the greatest explanatory power for soil C at 30–50 cm depth (P?=?0.001, R2?=?0.28; P?=?0.05 R2?=?0.39, respectively). The relationship between soil C and home age was positive at 0–15 cm (P?=?0.0003, R2?=?0.19), but constant at the two lower depths. Yard maintenance had no significant influence on soil C levels across home age. At 0–15 cm, soil C increased with % silt (P?=?0.006, R2?=?0.12). Overall, trees in turfgrass yards may have a stabilizing effect on soil C levels below 15 cm but minimal influence above 15 cm.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a study comparing the well being and self-esteem of young adolescents (age 12-14) who were placed together with their siblings in residential facilities (intact care) in Israel and of youngsters who were placed without their siblings (separate care). The study examines the contribution of sibling relations, frequency of the meetings between the siblings, parental favoritism, age rank, time in care, self-esteem and perception of parents' economic status to the well being of the youngsters in the two groups. The findings show that the youngsters in intact care (N = 91) reported greater well being than those in separate care (N = 103), but have no other significant differences. Greater self-esteem and sibling closeness improved the well being of both groups of youngsters, but the other predictor variables functioned differently in the two groups. Greater frequency of meetings improved the well being only of the youngsters in intact care, while the other variables examined improved the well being only of those in separate care. Moreover, the examined variables accounted for a greater proportion of the variance in the youngsters' well being when the sibling was absent than when he or she was present. Practical implications are suggested.  相似文献   

Working collaboratively with two state associations and their member (nonprofit) agencies providing out-of-home care to children and youth, University researchers conducted a multi-site project to examine whether there were any differences in individual child-level outcomes between children placed in residential group care and those placed in foster. The study employed a quasi-experimental repeated measures design, with data collected at a minimum of two intervals (at intake and 3-month follow-up) and at subsequent intervals of 6 and 12 months for children remaining in care. Samples for analyses were drawn from 1082 youth in either residential group care (n = 903) or foster care (n = 179), in one of 37 agency sites across two southeastern states, who participated in a broader evaluation project. The average ages of participating youth in residential and foster care were 13.97 (SD = 2.43) and 13.65 (SD = 2.73), respectively. Based on his or her score on the Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) at intake, each participant was also assigned to the low functioning group (n = 526; 53.1%), the borderline group (n = 232; 23.4%), or the high functioning group (n = 232; 23.4%). Analyses confirmed that youth in foster care tended to have higher levels of general functioning at baseline than did youth placed in group care. However, the degree to which youth progressed in care on measures of general functioning and mental and behavioral health problems did not differ based on placement setting; youth in residential group care settings progressed at the same rate as youth in community-based settings, regardless of their level of functioning at intake. The only exception to this pattern was in regard to anxiety; there was an observable, but non-significant trend of youth in foster care reporting decreases in anxiety levels, while those in group care reported increased anxiety.  相似文献   

This paper compares the interpersonal dynamics of the family and residential care for older children within the context of ecologically based permanency planning where the birth family will be the preferred source of permanence in most cases. The author argues, on the basis of a review of the research, that foster care has a great deal to offer many children and is undoubtedly preferable for young children, but residential care is a genuine and important alternative for some older children. She concludes that the decision for placement should rest on a comprehensive assessment, taking into account consumer views.  相似文献   

Trees are thought to be important for supporting urban biodiversity. However tree species differ considerably in the numbers of invertebrates they support, with potential consequences for higher trophic groups such as birds. In this study the influence of native and non-native trees on the abundance of insects (Hemiptera) and the incidence of insectivorous birds (Paridae) were investigated in the southern English town of Bracknell. The number and species of tree were recorded from each of 17 roundabout and parkland sites. Tree beating was used to sample arboreal Hemiptera and Paridae were recorded either with point counts and transect walks, depending on the size of the site. Due to the great variation between tree species, there was no overall significant difference in species richness or abundance of Hemiptera between native and non-native tree species. However, individual native trees had more species and individuals than non-natives. The proportion of native trees at Bracknell sites was positively related to the abundance of both Hemiptera and the number of Paridae observed. The consequences of vegetation type for insect abundance indicates that in order to sustain and enhance urban biodiversity, careful consideration needs to be given to species of trees present in urban areas.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are rapidly developing due to population growth and the appeal of coastlines. In order to gain insight into how land use/cover affects carbon (C) storage in a coastal context, we examined soil and vegetation C and soil nitrogen (N) across land uses near Apalachicola, FL. Forested wetlands had the greatest soil C and N storage, while natural pine forests and pine plantations had the least. In paired plots, urban lawns had significantly greater mineral soil N content compared to urban forest remnants. Total ecosystem C (soil + vegetation) was higher in forested wetlands than all other land uses/covers combined due to the high organic content of those wetland soils. Urban forest remnants and lawns had greater total ecosystem C than natural pine forests and pine plantations, which likely reflects the differential influence of prescribed fire and less frequent anthropogenic disturbances between the rural and urban areas, respectively. Projections of land use change in Franklin County, FL combined with these data suggest that increases in C storage are possible with continued urbanization along the Gulf Coast, if forest remnants are left and lawns are incorporated in built-up areas. However, this study does not account for C emissions during land conversion, or any emissions associated with maintaining urban built-up and residential areas. A better understanding of land use/cover influences on C pools has applications for planning and development, as well as ecological and environmental protection in the region.  相似文献   

Urban areas are an important and growing land use class. Nearly 5 % of the world is covered with urban development and residential yards make up a large proportion of that area. Yards have unique but homogenous biological characteristics and are known to be rich with bird fauna, but little is known about backyard mammals. We used camera traps to sample mammal communities in backyards and urban woodlots in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, USA and related species activity to yard characteristics and levels of neighborhood development. We found a vibrant community of smaller herbivores and carnivores using residential yards in urban areas, but larger ungulates and carnivores were only detected on the urban fringe, or in woodlots. Backyard chicken coops were positively correlated with raccoon activity but were not positively correlated with other predators, suggesting that chicken coops are attracting raccoons, but not other predators, to yards. Fenced-in dogs were negatively correlated with most mammals suggesting that confined dogs keep mammals out of yards. Unfenced dogs and fences without dogs, showed a more varied relationship with mammal activity. These results show an encouraging sign of how humans can coexist with wildlife, even in urban areas, and suggest some strategies to minimize conflict regarding backyard chicken coops and dogs.  相似文献   

A psychological profile of juvenile firesetters in residential treatment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Psychological test data of 30 known juvenile and adolescent firesetters were compared with those of a matched control group, within a residential treatment center, to distinguish the identifying characteristics of each group. Hypotheses based on 80 variables found in the literature on firesetting were treated by using a standard test equivalent for each variable. Of the hypotheses, 14 were found to differentiate significantly the two groups, but not all in the predicted direction. Four characteristics were found to be sufficient to discriminate between the groups with greater efficiency than any other combination of variables. A predictor equation is set forth.  相似文献   

Some studies have suggested that socially excluded groups exhibit different environmental values and behaviours from mainstream society. To consider this in the context of disability, a survey was implemented to investigate environmental values and ecological behaviour. A high percentage of participants considered themselves to have a disability, long‐standing illness or infirmity. Over half of the sample had restricted physical mobility. The study used the revised New Ecological Paradigm Scale, a widely used measure of pro‐environmental orientation, and the General Ecological Behaviour scale to assess ecological behaviours. No significant differences were found between respondents with/without disability for either their general environmental attitudes or their general ecological behaviour. However, a positive correlation was found between level of physical mobility and general ecological behaviour. The results also show significant differences in the ecological behaviours of those respondents living dependently and those living independently; respondents living in care scored lower on the ecological behaviour scale.  相似文献   

The energy use in the residential sector is an important area for compaigns to conserve energy. In the first section of this article, a model is proposed that relates personal, environmental (e.g. home) and behavioral factors to energy use. This model is instrumental in relating variables that determine energy use in the home.In the following these determinants of household energy use: socio-demographic factors, family life-style, energy prices, energy-related behavior, cost-benefit trade offs, effectiveness and responsibility, feedback, information, home characteristics are discussed.In the third section several options for energy-saving campaigns and related research are discussed.  相似文献   

Health is a fundamental human right and if health care is to be universal and equitable it should not be less accessible to some sectors of society than to others. The objective of this study was to compare health outcomes and access to health care between persons living with disabilities and their non-disabled counterparts. The research was based on secondary data analysis of wave 1 of the National Income Dynamic Survey. Results from the study indicated that people with disabilities reported a higher incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases, lower access to medical insurance and greater use of public health care than their non-disabled counterparts. In conclusion, the findings highlight the inequities in health outcomes and access to health services for people with disabilities and emphasise the need for disability-friendly health care policies that reduce barriers to accessing health care.  相似文献   

Confidence in the public care system in the United Kingdom (UK) has been shaken by numerous and widespread scandals surrounding the abuse of children and young people, particularly those in residential child care institutions. This paper examines factors associated with such abuse, including: failings in relation to staff recruitment, training, and supervision; ineffective management and systems of accountability; the development of inappropriate institutional cultures; public ambivalence towards children in care; the slow footed response to the threat posed to children and young people by dangerous men and other youngsters in care; and the long‐term policy failure to develop coherent and integrated systems of child welfare in the UK. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Urbanization substantially increases nitrogen (N) inputs and hydrologic losses relative to wildland ecosystems, although the fate of N additions to lawns and remnant grasslands remains contested. In montane semi-arid ecosystems, N cycling is often closely coupled to snowmelt (the dominant period of infiltration) and snow cover, which impact soil temperature and moisture. Here, we compared soil N dynamics between a fertilized and irrigated urban lawn and nearby riparian meadow in Salt Lake City, Utah during a snow manipulation experiment. Snow removal increased freeze/thaw events but did not affect N pools, microbial biomass, denitrification potential, or soil oxygen (O2). Mineral N was similar between sites despite lawn fertilization, but dissolved organic N (DON) was four-fold greater (2.1 ± 0.1 mg N l?1) in lawn soil water. Infiltration was lower in the lawn subsoil, and leaching losses (modeled with Hydrus) were small at both sites (< 2 kg N ha?1 y?1) despite substantial lawn fertilization. Lawn soil O2 fluctuated between 20.9 and 1.6 % following snowmelt and irrigation, but remained near 20 % in the meadow; the lawn had more reducing microsites as indicated by iron speciation. Post-snowmelt potential denitrification was six-fold greater in the lawn than the meadow. Lawns can potentially provide hotspots of denitrification in a semi-arid landscape that exceed some natural riparian ecosystems, whereas DON may represent an increasingly important form of N loss from lawns.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the gap between policy goals and practice in residential services for people with learning disabilities. Drawing on a nine month ethnographic study of three residential services, it outlines a range of obstacles to the promotion of choice and control that were routinely observed in the culture and working practices of the services. Issues discussed include conflicting service values and agendas, inspection regimes, an attention to the bigger decisions in a person's life when empowerment could more quickly and effectively be promoted at the level of everyday practice, problems of communication and interpretation and the pervasiveness of teaching. We offer a range of suggestions as to how these obstacles might be tackled.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the conceptual framework and subsequent treatment strategies that seem to inadvertently create a psychological dichotomization in Canadian Indian young people who are placed in mainstream residential care facilities. Based on a non-Native value system, conventional treatment approaches attempt to alter the young person's attitude and behavior to an acceptable standard defined by the dominant society. Unfortunately, these efforts often result in the opposite effect. This paper will draw upon distinctions that exist between Native and non-Native cultures, while integrating Freud's position regarding the conflict of realities and ego-splitting. Finally, implications of providing mainstream residential services to the Native population will be addressed.  相似文献   

Urban afforestation improves life quality in urban centers providing social and environmental benefits. Understanding growth of urban trees exposed to air pollution will support planning, managing and expanding urban areas. This approach intends to determine growth patterns of urban trees to support future urban planning. Non-destructive samples were collected from trees of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze in Araucaria city, Parana State, Brazil. Growth rings were related to pollutant concentrations and meteorological series. Growth reduction was observed except in the border areas of the city. Trees established during or after the period of industrialization incentives were most affected by air pollution, indicating that immature plants are more vulnerable. Sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide significantly affected growth of smaller trees. Those greater than 60 cm dbh did not demonstrate significant correlation with any identified pollutant. As the trees established before accentuated urbanization were less affected by air pollution, it is reinforced the importance of preserving remaining urban trees. We suggest that planning urban afforestation should precede industries placing. When urban planning is impossible, new planted trees should not be expected to grow as in free pollution areas, but they will still present satisfactory diameter increment, contributing to improve local urban environment.  相似文献   

Hong Kong government policy encourages and facilitates families to care for their older members as long as possible by providing families and their older relatives with community support services. Residential care for the elderly is viewed as a last resort. Due to the inadequate supply of community support services, the long period of care required, and the gradual breakdown of values of filial support, families may increasingly give up their caring roles and seek residential care for their dependent elderly relatives. A shortfall in subsidized residential care may lead to needy elderly persons' being cared for in private residential facilities. The demand for private residential care is projected to increase, despite criticism about the standard of care provided. Although an Ordinance, a Regulation, and a Code of Practice for residential care homes are in place to control, monitor, and upgrade private residential care in Hong Kong, problems remain that put the elderly at risk of receiving substandard services. These include the existence of substandard private aged care homes operating either with or without a license; the provision of substandard "places" to the elderly under the government's "bought place" scheme and "enhanced bought place" scheme; ineffective inspection; a lack of grading to indicate the quality of private aged care homes; and a general neglect of the quality of care. We provide recommendations to address these concerns. This requires paying attention to both the quality of care, as well as to the physical environment of homes.  相似文献   

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