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Urban Ecosystems - The original version of this article unfortunately contained errors. The given name and family name of all the authors were interchanged. Dana, Jana and Tomá? are given...  相似文献   

Implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) as part of cities’ transition towards climate resilience encompasses unique opportunities to enhance urban nature qualities. SUDS include individual elements integrated in the urban landscape, e.g. rain gardens or wet basins, which are usually constructed with low structural heterogeneity. Structural heterogeneity of habitats is, however, associated with a high degree of biodiversity. This study explored potentials of habitat heterogeneity enhancement in SUDS using structural heterogeneity as a proxy for biodiversity potential. In an interdisciplinary workshop, landscape architects and urban ecologists designed individual SUDS elements with enhanced structural habitat heterogeneity, hereafter bio-SUDS. The redesigned SUDS elements were infiltration trench, curb extension, rain garden, swale, wet basin, and dry basin. To evaluate the bio-SUDS designs, we developed an index of habitat heterogeneity in SUDS based on registration of 45 structurally important components. The conversion from standard SUDS to bio-SUDS entailed substantial increases in structural heterogeneity ranging from 4 to 18 additional components within elements. Larger bio-SUDS elements returned higher index scores, but the relative score increases were substantial for all bio-SUDS and in the range of a factor of 2–5.5. Increased terrain differences, meandering edges, stones, gravel, boulders, deadwood, and brown roof-like vegetation were the components most often employed in the bio-SUDS designs. In conclusion, implementation of bio-SUDS has potential to increase structural habitat heterogeneity thereby providing habitat for biodiversity in urban green areas. The developed bio-SUDS index can assist in future assessments of ecological qualities in designs and real-world SUDS elements.  相似文献   

This paper studies the use of ecological research information in urban planning focusing on Finland. Research questions addressed the importance and challenges of incorporating ecological information into the planning process, and ways to promote the use of ecological information. Fifteen key professionals from three representative development approval processes in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area were interviewed. The interviewed planners and ecologists considered ecological information important for identifying and preserving valuable urban nature and biodiversity, diminishing negative environmental impacts of construction and for enabling nature-related experiences and services for urban residents. The identified challenges for the use of the information included insufficiency, fragmented nature and lack of adequacy of information, as well as problems with the interpretation and presentation of information. In order to provide more comprehensive ecological information from urbanizing areas in Finland; there should be more coordinated efforts to produce research information that planners really need, ecologists should be more active in the process in providing ecological insights for plans, a proper and simple biodiversity valuation method should be developed, more research on the function on ecological corridors should be conducted, and biodiversity monitoring of implemented planning projects should be developed.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of community structure (species composition, foraging activity, and nightly foraging patterns) of bats in relation to gradients of environmental variation in a tropical urban area. A total of 32 sites spread equally across eight habitat types were sampled in the city of Townsville, North Queensland, Australia. Each site was sampled on 3 non-consecutive occasions using automated AnaBat systems. Eleven species were confidently identified while a possible four more were identified only to the genus level. Ordination of environmental variables measured at these sites identified two distinct environmental gradients reflecting the degree of urbanisation and foliage density. With increasing urbanisation there was a decline in species richness and total foraging activity. We used regression trees to characterise foraging preferences of each species. This analysis suggested that only one species of Mormopterus was able to exploit the resources provided by urbanisation. This species foraged in areas with higher numbers of white streetlights. The remaining species of bats preferred to forage within close proximity to natural vegetation and with low numbers of streetlights. The density of vegetation in long-established suburbs did not substantially reverse the trend for urban areas to have fewer bat species than original habitats.  相似文献   

Two species of tree squirrel inhabit the Chicago region, the fox (Sciurus niger) and gray (S. caroliniensis) squirrel. Chicago residents submitted squirrel observations and associated landscape variables via a Website, allowing us to map squirrel distributions. Data were analyzed for patterns of correlation. At a smaller scale, we did a foot survey of fox and gray squirrels in the suburb of Oak Park, replicating an earlier study and comparing results. Gray squirrels were associated with densely populated areas, parks and campuses, fox squirrels with suburban areas. Compared to gray squirrels, fox squirrels were more likely to be observed in areas of high cat density. In the suburb of Oak Park, the current trend seems to be an extension of gray squirrel distribution and a decrease in fox squirrel distribution. Our study provides support for the idea that fox and gray squirrel coexistence is facilitated by a trade-off between managing the cost of predation and foraging efficiency, gray squirrels out-competing fox squirrels in areas of high food and low predator (or pet) density.  相似文献   

Desert landscaping has become a dominant land cover type in arid US cities and often includes native plant species. Does replacement of native plant distribution in urban areas also reestablish ecological functioning characteristic of natural deserts? We compared ecological processes in three landscape types that are common to the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona (USA): residential desert yards created from former lawns, Sonoran Desert preserves within the city, and Sonoran Desert preserves outside the city boundaries. Canopy cover, abundance of herbivorous insects, and soil properties (concentration of inorganic nitrogen (N), soil moisture and organic matter content, and water-holding capacity) were higher in residential desert yards than in native desert sites located both within and outside of the city. Furthermore, soil resources in desert yards were not organized around plant canopies, departing from the predictable resource island pattern that is characteristic of natural deserts. Intentional human manipulation and land use history accounts for these differences, while the urban environment contributes only subtly to soil N concentrations beneath plant canopies. While the use of desert landscaping may have important water conservation benefits, it does not help to mitigate the well-documented excess of reactive N within the Phoenix metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Two synchronous projects undertaken in 2011 examined the likely impact of increasing urban densification on invertebrate populations within urban settlement in Perth, Western Australia. One project analysed the ant fauna found in 20 gardens and lawns in small to very small properties (these having a bungalow or duplex (semi-detached) as the main residential building, and a lawn or garden area of 43 m2–332 m2) east, south, north and west of the Central Business District (CBD). The other project examined the ant fauna at 14 sites, principally in native regrowth along the Kwinana Freeway, a major artery that runs north to south through Perth’s suburbs. The gardens and lawns produced a very depauperate fauna of 26 ant species, of which a maximum of 20 were native and at least six species were exotic. The ant fauna from regrowth adjacent to the Kwinana Freeway and at two additional sites (one a bush control) was more than twice as rich, the 56 species collected including only two exotics. In the garden project, ant richness, evenness and abundance were not significantly correlated with size of the garden area. The same applied even when the exotic Pheidole megacephala-dominated gardens were removed from the analysis. Ordination analysis combining the two sets of data revealed a distinct clustering of most of the regrowth sites, whereas the bush control stood alone and garden or lawn sites exhibited a much looser pattern of association. We suggest that increasing the density of Perth suburbs is resulting in drastic loss of native invertebrate fauna, of which ants are a useful bioindicator. However, native vegetation regrowth along major arterial roads could act as a reservoir for invertebrate species that might otherwise disappear entirely from the Perth metropolitan area.  相似文献   

The fall of communism in 1989/1990 has led not only to the establishment of new political systems and ideologies, but also to significant modifications in the visual self-representation of the respective states in Eastern and East Central Europe. Statues of communist heroes were abolished and replaced by monuments and memorials reflecting the new political situation. New state buildings were erected, and the old ones remodelled and adapted to the representational needs of the new authorities. In some cases, the political changes even have had a strong impact on principles of city planning, effecting urban structures of symbolic value.

The focal points of these developments are the capital cities, being principal places of the execution of state power as well as of its self-representation. However, the conditions for the staging of the state in the capital are in each case different. They depend on one hand on the architectural shape and historic role of the city, and on the political situation and self-image of the state on the other.

The article provides a comparative analysis of the changes in the political iconography of four East Central European capitals—Berlin, Warsaw, Prague and Bratislava—since 1989, focusing on selected monuments, architectural projects for state institutions and concepts of town planning.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - The spread of the red palm weevil is now a very severe problem on a global scale. In this paper, we investigate its spread during the 2007–2013 period in a coastal urban...  相似文献   

桂琰 《社会保障评论》2020,4(1):129-145
民国时期是否建立了社会保险制度,是社会保障学界存在重大分歧的重要问题。本文在提出判断社会保险制度确立与否的标准的基础上,根据民国时期社会保险在立法、行政与实施方面的实践考辨,得出民国时期没有成功建立社会保险制度的结论,进而从宏观环境结构、中观制度复合体和微观行动者等3个层面,对民国时期影响社会保险制度产生的机制进行探究。  相似文献   

We assessed bird diversity and nesting activity in 54 urban parks in the core of a highly populated East-Asian tropical city to investigate the effects of area, isolation, habitat heterogeneity, and human disturbances on avifauna. Tree density and heterogeneity were lower while isolation was greater in small than in large or medium-sized parks. Yet, park features were often interrelated, with isolation variables negatively correlated to each other, heterogeneity positively correlated to area, and habitat variables mostly positively correlated with one another but variously to disturbances; whereas pedestrian densities wee positively correlated with green area proportions (ISO3) but negatively with the distances to large green areas (ISO2). Park size played a primary role by positively affecting species richness and numbers of nesting species, thus contributing to higher total and nesting species heterogeneity, and determining the occurrence of a greatest number of species. Pedestrian density, canopy cover, and ground heterogeneity played secondary roles, whereas isolation appeared less influential at the community level. Omnivores, granivores, and aerial insectivores appeared more abundant but were dominated by several common species. Nesting was restricted to even fewer species. While species varied in the occupancy responses to these factors, tree heterogeneity positively affected the nesting of Zosterops japonicus and cavity-nesting birds, and predator density negatively affected those of Lonchura punctulata and Streptopelia doves. Improved urban land use planning and park management incorporating these effects should be implemented to enhance breeding and avoid compositional homogenization for long-term sustainability of urban avian diversity.  相似文献   

Based on current research the agglomerations are potentially desirable habitats for bumblebees. However, the relationship between the biodiversity of these bees and the green areas where they live is poorly understood. The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of green areas (ranging from 8 to 102 ha) of big cities on bumblebee species richness, composition, and the relative number of these insects. The studies were conducted within the administrative borders of the city of Wroc?aw (Poland) in 2011–2012 in 12 green areas such as parks, cemeteries and other places with trees and shrubs. Species richness and abundance of bumblebees was determined by direct observation during 30 min. The gathered materials were used to calculate how areas of urban green space affected qualitative and quantitative bumblebee community structure. In total, 13 species of bumblebees (Bombus Latr.) were recorded, of which 3 belonged to cuckoo bumblebees (Psithyrus subgenus). The share of the most similar groups was congregated in green areas not smaller than 30 ha. This was proved by analysis of qualitative structure (Sørensen index), quantitative structure (Renkonen index), and qualitative-quantitative structure (Cody’s index). The number of bumblebee species in the surveyed green areas (r = 0.7497) was decisive for the arrangement of the mutual similarity of group structure. Green urban areas should be created in a size of at least 30 ha. Such sites provide conditions for the most diversified bumblebee species communities. Sites smaller than 30 ha can play an important role as refuges, and allow migration to all pollinators.  相似文献   

We evaluated the richness, composition and abundance of bird communities in three urban forests of Mediterranean France during winter and spring. The urban forests differed in size, composition, structure, age of vegetation, and location relative to the city centre. Estimated species richness across all three urban forest parks was 45 species. Twenty six (26) species were recorded in both winter and spring, whereas ten species were recorded only in spring, and six were recorded only in winter. Distribution, turnover, and type of bird foraging guild were related to characteristics of each urban forest and season. During spring migration, more species were recorded in sampling units (250?×?250 m) within the largest and most natural urban forest located in the outskirts of Montpellier, whereas during winter, more species were recorded in the most urbanized park (i.e., a botanical garden dominated by exotic vegetation), which was located in the city centre. Insectivorous birds were more abundant in winter, whereas seedeaters associated with wooded habitats were recorded more frequently in spring. Our results suggested that different kinds of urban forests are important modulators of urban bird communities and they are necessary to maintain the diversity of migratory and resident birds as well as increasing the environmental quality of urban areas.  相似文献   


Niche partitioning reduces interspecific competition, facilitating coexistence. In urban ecosystems, however, habitat loss reduces species’ ability to spatially partition activity. Temporal partitioning may thus increase in urban areas as species, unable to avoid each other spatially, partition time to avoid competition. In Midwestern US cities, eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and fox squirrels (S. niger) co-occur and compete for resources. We identified urban gray and fox squirrel activity patterns and how they vary with season, land cover, and among sites where they do and do not co-occur using camera-trap data. Both species’ activity patterns varied with season and canopy and impervious surface cover. Gray squirrel activity patterns varied in the presence of fox squirrels only in the fall, providing limited support for our temporal partitioning hypothesis. Temporal niche partitioning may thus play a role in supporting these species co-existence when competition is seasonally-elevated (e.g., fall hording), but appears less important in other seasons.


This study has aimed to describe the care and support for urban and rural elderly people of Bhaktapur district, Nepal. Efforts were made to identify the feeling of some features of general well-beings associated to mental health, person responsible for care and support, capability to perform daily routine activities, sources of finance and ownership to the property. More than half of the respondents were found having single or multiple features of loneliness, anxiety, depression and insomnia. The rate of point prevalence loneliness was found higher in the above 80 years of age, urban respondents. Almost 9 in 10 respondents were capable themselves to dress, walk and maintain personal hygiene and majority of them were assisted by spouse, son/daughter-in-laws. Family support was common sources of income and ownership to the property was absolutely high.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(3):148-152
This study has aimed to describe the care and support for urban and rural elderly people of Bhaktapur district, Nepal. Efforts were made to identify the feeling of some features of general well-beings associated to mental health, person responsible for care and support, capability to perform daily routine activities, sources of finance and ownership to the property. More than half of the respondents were found having single or multiple features of loneliness, anxiety, depression and insomnia. The rate of point prevalence loneliness was found higher in the above 80 years of age, urban respondents. Almost 9 in 10 respondents were capable themselves to dress, walk and maintain personal hygiene and majority of them were assisted by spouse, son/daughter-in-laws. Family support was common sources of income and ownership to the property was absolutely high.  相似文献   

Our objective was to begin to investigate sources, sinks, and flux rates of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in Famosa Slough, a small (12 ha) highly modified urban estuary in San Diego, California, U.S.A. The hydrology of Famosa Slough has been modified by culverts that dampen tidal influence and seasonal runoff from two urban watersheds, each of which has been implicated as a nutrient source that generates nuisance algal blooms. In 1995 and 1996, the ranges of nutrients measured in the water column were extremely wide; upper values exceeded those in other estuaries identified as eutrophic. Average dissolved inorganic nitrogen ranged from 2 to 250 M, while dissolved inorganic phosphorus ranged from <1 to 15 M. Nutrient content of the water changed rapidly both spatially and temporally depending on the tides and rainfall. While tidal water dominated this system, especially in the dry season, our results indicate that Famosa Slough's small watershed, not the larger watershed of the San Diego River, was the major source of nutrients during rainfall. Sediment nutrients were also high (3 mg N g dry wt1 and 0.600 mg P g dry wt1). Short-term flux studies suggest that the large accumulations of opportunistic green macroalgae commonly found in this estuary, and possibly the sediments, may act as a large and rapid sink for nutrients during times of high nutrient supply. We suggest that small, shallow estuaries in urban settings may have more complex and rapid nutrient dynamics than those found in larger systems.  相似文献   

This article presents a study on the activities of the air traffic controllers of the Approach Control Area (APP) of Porto Alegre, Brazil, in different real scenarios. Based on interviews, questionnaires and the analysis of film of real scenes, the following were identified and analyzed: i) the perceptions of risk and complexity of the different air traffic scenes observed; ii) the cognitive factors (knowledge, strategy and attention dynamics) involved in the task and iii) the perception of the controller's workload. The results showed that the task complexity depends on the weather conditions, the number and type of aircraft in observation and that the controllers perceive the scenes in a similar way irrespective of their time in the profession and the type of control (radar or coordination). Attention is the cognitive factor with the greatest impact on the work and mental demand has the greatest impact on workload followed by time demand. The literature on the controllers work in Brazil is scarce and, therefore, this study aimed to contribute to the understanding of the work in one APP in order to promote future changes in the very problematic Brazilian air traffic system.  相似文献   

The occurrence of carabid beetles in relation to trampling was examined in urban forest sites located in the city of Helsinki, southern Finland. The degree of wear of the forest floor was assessed and used as a measure of trampling intensity. In particular, we examined the following predictions: (1) carabid diversity should decrease with increasing trampling intensity, (2) mean body size of the dominating carabid species should decrease with increasing trampling intensity, and (3) opportunistic species should gain dominance in severely trampled sites. In total, 1,326 beetles representing 27 species were captured. The first prediction was not supported, as there was no correlation between species richness or Hill's N2 diversity index and trampling intensity. However, there was a positive correlation between number of carabids captured and trampling intensity of the site. The second hypothesis gained some support, as there was a marginally significant negative correlation between body size and trampling intensity. The hypothesis that opportunistic species should gain dominance in severely trampled sites was supported as one species was very dominant (Pterostichus melanarius, 60.0%) in the heavily trampled sites, while there were two equally and less dominant species in the less trampled sites. Individual species did show different responses to the effects of trampling, and the most sensitive forest species may not survive in the heavily trampled sites. We conclude that at the community level (e.g., species richness, diversity), the effects of trampling on carabids in urban forests are subtle, but impacts are pronounced for some sensitive species.  相似文献   

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