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文章从劳动力市场"去管制化"出发,提出对中国"知识失业"现象的解释。理论模型发现,随着劳动力流动和工资"去管制化",受教育人口不断增加,与之伴随的则是"知识失业"的出现和增加。但当劳动力市场进一步"去管制化",知识失业率在增加到一定程度后开始下降。因此,"知识失业"是劳动力市场"去管制化"的结果,"知识失业"的出现在一定程度上是暂时的、阶段性的,继续推进劳动力市场改革,"知识失业"现象就会减少甚至消弭。微观数据实证分析证实,劳动力流动"去管制化"和工资"去管制化"都是2002年样本劳动力市场出现"知识失业"的原因,2009年样本劳动力流动"去管制化"仍是"知识失业"出现的重要原因,但工资"去管制化"效应不再显著。  相似文献   

在社会生活中,人口的迁移活动无疑起着积极的作用,这突出地表现在经济、社会和人口的构成等方面。人口的地区再分布能够消除各地区和各居民点对劳动力的需求与实际存在之间的不平衡状况。因此有必要在符合经济发展的需要和保障人口潜力平衡的基础上制定出人口迁移政策。但是,不适当的迁移政策会加深迁移给社会所带来的不良影响。另外,迁移过程规模过大也会破坏人口、经济和社会的结构。  相似文献   

中国失业问题的贝弗里奇曲线分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓颖  李晶 《西北人口》2007,28(2):1-4,7
中国的失业问题不能简单地理解为劳动力的超额供给,表示失业和空缺岗位关系的贝弗里奇曲线更能解释现今普遍存在的结构性失业与摩擦性失业现象。贝弗里奇曲线既可以用来区别失业的类型,还可以反映劳动力市场运作效率的变化。本文通过贝弗里奇曲线位移的分析,着重从工作搜寻活动、产业结构调整及劳动力队伍中人口年龄结构变化三方面分析了中国劳动力市场供需双方的匹配效率是如何影响失业的。本文的研究结论对于中国如何提高供需双方的匹配效率从而抑制大量失业与大量空缺岗位并存的现象、降低自然失业率有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

李炜 《人口学刊》2005,(5):49-54
俄罗斯作为世界人口大国之一和中国的一个重要邻国,在世界性的经济联系和人口流动背景下,出现了被称为“西方的漂移”以及吸纳被迫移民和发展中国家劳动力的外迁与内迁移民潮双向涌动的趋势。移民成为当代俄罗斯社会的一个重要特征,也使处在人口负增长阴影下的俄罗斯国家的移民政策在当前比历史上任何一个时期尤显迫切和重要。中国作为世界劳动力资源最丰富的国家,如何解决城市化过程中的剩余劳动力问题,是坚持科学发展的重要课题。俄罗斯移民问题给中国带来了多方面的启示。  相似文献   

托达罗人口流动模型的反思和改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章认为农民的迁移决策是一个家庭理性经济决策行为,农民收入是家庭成员的务农收入和进城务工收入的平均数。一个国家的劳动力和失业人口在农业部门、城市非正规部门和正规部门的分布,始终保持一种均衡状况,它是由这三个部门的发展水平和总人口共同决定的。文章主要从上述方面对托达罗模型进行了改进。新模型得出了与托达罗模型相反的结论:发展城市不仅能改善城市失业,而且能提高工资收入,而发展农业只能带来非常有限的收入增加,并会在农村积累更严重的隐蔽性失业。  相似文献   

社会排斥视角下移民问题研究:理论发展与欧洲实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄叶青 《西北人口》2011,32(3):88-93
20世纪80年代以来无论是走向统一的欧盟还是正在加速进入城市化和工业化轨道的中国,都经历着大规模的人口迁移,并引起广泛的学术界讨论。已有的研究对人口迁移的动因、方向、迁移的人口学特征、劳动力市场重组等问题进行了详尽的阐述;然而关于迁移人口的社会排斥问题分析还较少。本文系统地回顾了关于人口迁移与社会排斥的研究,以期对我国内部迁移的研究提供新的研究视野。本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分回顾欧盟人口迁移的历史背景以及移民危机的产生;第二部分提出迁移背景下的社会排斥问题;第三部分从劳动力市场和福利国家两个角度分析了迁移人口社会排斥的机制与特点;最后一部分是结论和启示。  相似文献   

我国城市中外来人口的作用及流量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国城市就业现状近年来,随着我国改革开放的发展和国有企业改革的深化,国内各企业面临的市场竞争日益激烈,许多企业由于内部或外部的原因,经营管理面临困境,效益下滑,对劳动力的需求减少。计划经济条件下长期实行的“低收入、高就业”政策导致企业大量隐性失业人口在市场经济条件下逐渐显性化,失业下岗人员增多,从统计数据来看,截止1997年9月底全国有失业人员1057万人。[1]我国是一个劳动力资源丰富的国家,每年有大量的新增就业人口涌入劳动力市场,根据劳动部门测算,仅从1996年到2000年我国城镇新成长…  相似文献   

托达罗人口迁移模型与中国城乡综合就业发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国经济学家托达罗认为,农村劳动力向城市流动的结果不仅使城市失业人口大量增加,而且导致农村劳动力严重不足,因此应控制农村劳动力向城市迁移。我国当前存在着大量的农村剩余劳动力,城市就业形势又相当严峻,要全面解决中国的就业问题,应借鉴托达罗人口迁移理论,实现城乡综合就业。  相似文献   

新世纪初(2001-2010年),安徽省劳动力市场将主要表现为一种不均衡的状态,即安徽省自身劳动力供给与有效劳动力供给过剩,同时,劳动力供给结构与劳动力需求结构存在差异。本文通过对新世纪初安徽省劳动适龄人口、在校学生规模、外来劳动力人口、迁移人口以及老年就业人口发展状况的分析,预测新世纪初安徽省劳动力供给发展趋势。最后,在此基础上探讨了未来安徽省劳动力供给方面的就业政策选择。  相似文献   

失业人口及其消极后果简析郭庆松失业,本质上就是作为生产要素的劳动力与生产资料处于分离状态和不能得到有效结合。劳动力与生产资料处于分离状态,是谓“显性失业”或“公开失业”;劳动力与生产资料只有形式上的结合而没有内容上的结合,只是表面上的结合而非有效率的...  相似文献   

樊士德 《南方人口》2011,26(3):35-46
近年来,劳动力在地区间抑或城乡间的流动成为劳动经济学、发展经济学,乃至产业经济学和区域经济学的重要研究课题。从世界经济的发展经验与规律来看,这种流动是经济发展过程中必然出现的经济现象。然而,在中国,劳动力流动呈现出何种特征?与世界发达国家以及其他发展中国家具有什么样的共性?又具有哪些差异化的内涵特征和理论含义?这构成本文研究的核心主题,以期弥补已有研究在这一领域的不足乃至空白的现状,更期望为中国劳动力流动的经济效应、福利效应以及相关的制度安排与宏观经济政策等方面的研究奠定基础并有所启示。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移就业空间决策是农村劳动力在特定目标指引下,通过具体就业途径和就业方式,进行就业地决策的过程。通过SPSS17.0的频率分析、聚类分析、交叉分析等方法,以安徽省四个样本村为例,探讨了农村劳动力在转移就业目标决策、就业途径决策、就业方式决策和就业地决策等方面的基本特征.分析了个体属性差异对转移就业空间决策的影响。研究结果表明,除外部环境外,个体属性因素深刻地影响农村劳动力转移就业空间决策,而提高人力资源,消除阻碍转移的户籍、社会保障、定居等障碍因素是提高劳动力就业质量的重要方面。  相似文献   

本研究纳入新经济地理的新型要素——市场获得。试图建立影响劳动力迁徙动力机制的新坐标。利用1998-2008年期间中国劳动力跨区域流动样本数据,本文经验验证了“市场获得一要素报酬一迁徙”的倒“U”关联机制,发现我国早期市场获得对劳动力由外围区向中心区迁徙的贡献显著,并决定了“中心一外围”的地区竞争格局。内部二元经济结构走向“刘易斯拐点”。进而“人口红利”消退,这均迫使“市场获得一迁徙”正向关联机制趋于弱化;研究估算出我国劳动力要素跨区域迁徙的隐性壁垒(边界效应值)为3.94;且边界效应由东向西呈现出阶梯型上升的区域差异态势:劳动力要素市场呈现出中心区相对开放,外围区相对闭塞的局面,而引力型政策和保障性政策分别成为了劳动力跨区域迁徙的拉力和阻力。政府的配套政策应该保障自由市场和生产要素跨区域有效配置,在实现我国区域“中心一外围”格局走向均衡化发展的同时,继续维护中国工业生产的要素竞争力。  相似文献   

Geist C  McManus PA 《Demography》2012,49(1):197-217
Previous research on migration and gendered career outcomes centers on couples and rarely examines the reason for the move. The implicit assumption is usually that households migrate in response to job opportunities. Based on a two-year panel from the Current Population Survey, this article uses stated reasons for geographic mobility to compare earnings outcomes among job migrants, family migrants, and quality-of-life migrants by gender and family status. We further assess the impact of migration on couples’ internal household economy. The effects of job-related moves that we find are reduced substantially in the fixed-effects models, indicating strong selection effects. Married women who moved for family reasons experience significant and substantial earnings declines. Consistent with conventional models of migration, we find that household earnings and income and gender specialization increase following job migration. Married women who are secondary earners have increased odds of reducing their labor supply following migration for job or family reasons. However, we also find that migrating women who contributed as equals to the household economy before the move are no more likely than nonmigrant women to exit work or to work part-time. Equal breadwinner status may protect women from becoming tied movers.  相似文献   

近年来,劳动力外出务工已成为农民增收的一个重要途径。农村流动劳动力作为一个特殊群体,影响其收入的因素既具有居民收入的一般规律。又具有其特殊性。现有的研究一般以传统人力资本理论和收入均等化理论等为基础,来分析农村流动劳动力收入水平的影响因素。本文以甘肃省农村流动劳动力的调查数据为样本,试图从流动劳动力的人口学特征、就职行业、流动去向及工作稳定性等四个方面分析劳动力市场分割对农民工收入水平的影响。  相似文献   

Interstate migration in the United States has decreased steadily since the 1980s, but little is known about the causes of this decline. We show that declining migration is related to a concurrent secular decline in job changing. Neither trend is primarily due to observable demographic or socioeconomic factors. Rather, we argue that the decline in job changing has caused the decline in migration. After establishing a role for the labor market in declining migration, we turn to the question of why job changing has become less frequent over the past several decades. We find little support for several explanations, including the rise of dual-career households, the decline in middle-skill jobs, occupational licensing, and the need for employees to retain health insurance. Thus, the reasons for these dual trends remain opaque and should be explored further.  相似文献   

The use of informal job search method is prevalent in many countries. There is, however, no consensus in the literature on whether it actually matters for wages, and if it does, what are the underlying mechanisms. We empirically examine these issues specifically for rural migrants in urban China, a country where one of the largest domestic migration in human history has occurred over the past decades. We find that there exists a significant wage penalty for those migrant workers who have conducted their search through informal channels, despite their popularity. Our further analysis suggests two potential reasons for the wage penalty: (1) the informal job search sends a negative signal (of workers’ inability to successfully find a job in a competitive market) to potential employers, resulting in lower wages, and (2) there exists a trade-off between wages and search efficiency for quicker entry into local labor market. We also find some evidence that the informal job search may lead to low-skilled jobs with lower wages. We do not find strong evidence supporting alternative explanations.  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2014,(3):10-16
随着人口老龄化程度的不断加深,学界对劳动力状况的研究呈现数量、结构、质量并重的局面。本文利用2012年CLDS数据,对中国劳动力群体进行了基于雇员、雇主、自雇、务农四种从业状态的人口学描述,并分析了四种从业状态的劳动力群体在人力资本、工作时间与场所、收入与社会保障、工作评价、工作价值观及社会阶层认同等方面的差异。这些差异对相关劳动政策的制定具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

The results reported here show that the stage of an individual's life cycle not only has direct effects on the likelihood of migration, but also establishes a context within which the motives to migrate are evaluated and acted upon. One contextual impact of the life cycle concerns the effects of length of residence on migration. The results show that the probability of migrating declines more rapidly over time for married males with children than for singles males--i.e., the difference between the likelihood of migration for single males and married males with children widens with increasing length of residence. Much of this difference may be due to the greater number and strength of community ties for individuals who are married with children. These ties are not well developed at the beginning of a residence but continue to strengthen over the course of a residence. In addition, there are variations in the levels of job rewards and location-specific resources across the life cycle and there are two variations across the early life cycle in the effects of independent variables on the initial rate of migration. One resource (self-employment) and one job reward (prestige) have different effects for single individuals than for either group of married males. If the span of the life cycle considered in this analysis were broadened to include older men, additional differences in the effects of independent variables might be uncovered. In research with cross-sectional data containing a wider range of ages than the data used here, Heaton et al. (1981) found that economic variables were more important in determining the migration of younger individuals than that of older individuals, whereas noneconomic factors were more important determinants of the migration of older than of younger individuals. The results of this paper and Heaton's results suggest that at different stages of life people use a somewhat different "subjective cost-benefit calculus" in making migration decisions. The importance of certain migration determinants may vary significantly depending on whether an individual is married, whether he or she has children, and/or whether he or she is in the labor force or retired. Additional research on these issues could greatly contribute to our understanding of migration.  相似文献   

彭连清 《西北人口》2008,29(4):77-80
改革开放以来,大量劳动力由中西部地区的农业部门流向东部沿海发达地区的非农部门,同步实现劳动力的乡城迁移和产业转移,这既是我国市场经济发展、二元经济结构转换的必然结果,也是支撑我国国民经济增长的一个重要机制。研究结果表明。80年代中期以来,随着我国区际劳动力流动日益活跃,劳动力就业结构效应对国民经济总量增长的贡献率呈加强趋势。消除限制区际劳动力流动的各种障碍,进一步增强我国区域问劳动力流动性,是促进国民经济持续快速发展的应时之举。  相似文献   

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