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The interaction processes of twenty-five couples receiving marriage counseling were compared with a control group of twenty-five couples not receiving counseling. The study was a partial test of a circumplex model of marital and family systems. The major variable was adaptability. Creativity and support were also examined. The study also sought to evaluate the usefulness of the principal instrument, SIMFAM, as a behavioral indicator of marital adjustment and an assessment tool for marriage and family counselors. Under stressful circumstances, there was evidence that better adjusted couples have a more equalitarian leadership (relative control) pattern. A combination of high support and equalitarian leadership was especially characteristic of NC (non-clinic) couples. NC couples were significantly more creative, more supportive and more responsive to each other's attempts to influence each other (control efficiency) than clinic couples.  相似文献   

Does the Clinical Rating Scale retain its validity when it is used, not by researchers, but by psychotherapists in their clinical practice? Students in a marital and family therapy training center routinely used the Clinical Rating Scale as part of the intake process. Although they had modest training in its use, confirmatory factor analysis indicated that they produced data that provided a reasonable approximation of the underlying factor structure. Therefore, although primarily considered a research instrument, the Clinical Rating Scale may have a role in clinical assessment and treatment planning.  相似文献   

Despite growing research interest in family businesses, little is known about the characteristics of the families engaging in them. The present paper uses Olson's (Journal of Psychotherapy & the Family, 1988, 4(12), 7-49; Journal of Family Therapy, 2000, 22, 144-167) Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems to look at first-generation family firms. We describe existing typologies of family businesses and discuss similarities between the characteristics of first-generation family firms and the rigidly enmeshed family type described in the Circumplex Model. The Steinberg family business (Gibbon & Hadekel (1990) Steinberg: The breakup of a family empire. ON, Canada: MacMillan) serves to illustrate the difficulties of rigidly enmeshed first-generation family firms. Implications for understanding troubled family businesses are discussed together with guidelines for the assessment of a family business in crisis and for intervention: enhancing open communication; allowing for more flexible leadership style, roles, and rules; and maintaining a balance between togetherness and separateness.  相似文献   

A family model that provides a classification system for family therapists is presented, based on an integration of family systems research in healthy and disturbed families and clinical data. The model provides tools for cross-sectional, process-oriented family assessment derived from consideration of family competence in task performance and family operating style. Seven family types result-optimal, adequate, midrange centripetal, midrange centrifugal, midrange mixed, severely dysfunctional centripetal and severely dysfunctional centrifugal. Identifying characteristics of each type are provided, and intervention strategies and approaches are discussed that follow logically from the assessment.  相似文献   

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES) IV was developed to tap the full continuum of the cohesion and flexibility dimensions from the Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems. Six scales were developed, with two balanced scales and four unbalanced scales designed to tap low and high cohesion (disengaged and enmeshed) and flexibility (rigid and chaotic). The six scales in FACES IV were found to be reliable and valid. High levels of concurrent, construct, and discriminant validity were found and new ratio scores measure the balanced and unbalanced level of cohesion and flexibility. A clinical example on the use of FACES IV scores to assess family dynamics, plan the treatment, and determine the impact of family therapy is provided.  相似文献   

This paper applied the family stress model to the case of Turkey in the wake of the 2001 economic crisis. Using structural equation modeling and a nationally representative urban sample of 711 married women and 490 married men, we tested whether economic hardship and the associated family economic strain on families resulted in greater marital problems. Our results showed a modified family stress model applies to Turkey. In contrast to most previous research, economic strain had a direct effect on marital problems, and the indirect effect of strain, via emotional distress, was only significant for women. The results were interpreted in light of social and cultural factors that condition how economic distress affects marital relations.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a thesis completed for the degree of Master of Psychological Medicine at Monash University, Melbourne. The aim was to determine if an instrument could be used to determine changes in family dynamics quantitatively and objectively during the course of family therapy. A sample of six families was evaluated on several occasions during therapy using the Beavers-Timberlawn Family Evaluation Scale. The results are discussed in the light of the literature as it relates to outcome studies of family therapy. Certain conclusions are made regarding the process of therapy.  相似文献   

In response to the recent economic crisis in Korea and its negative effects on families, the current study examined the interrelationships among economic pressure, emotional distress, marital conflict, and marital satisfaction for 236 Korean couples. The family stress model ( Conger & Elder, 1994 ; Conger, Rueter, & Conger, 2000 ; Conger, Rueter, & Elder, 1999 ) was tested using structural equation modeling. The results generally supported the theoretical model, showing that economic pressure negatively affects marital satisfaction via emotional distress and marital conflict. The results also implied cultural differences in the process of family stress. Korean husbands' emotional distress did not affect marital conflict or marital satisfaction, suggesting that Korean husbands may differ from their wives in their reaction to emotional distress from economic pressure.  相似文献   

This clinical practice pattern survey had two unique aspects. It was a national survey of American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) members in Canada that included all AAMFT membership categories, including student, affiliate, associate, clinical, and supervisor. It compared practice pattern data for clinical members from Canada and the United States. The results also showed that students, affiliates, and associates are very interested in identifying who they are as C/MFTs and that they are receiving various types of training. Clinical members in both Canada and the United States are fairly similar in terms of demographics and therapy practice, except when it comes to the models they identify as most influential. Future client satisfaction and outcome research is needed to determine how clients are specifically benefiting from therapy.  相似文献   

Marital satisfaction has been psychometrically measured using many different instruments not soundly based on theory. The Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS), consisting of 14 items, is commonly accepted by researchers and practitioners to measure marital satisfaction but was not specifically designed to measure marital satisfaction. The Satisfaction with Married Life Scale (SWML), consisting of five items, is a short scale specifically targeted toward measuring marital satisfaction. An online sample collected from 1,187 couples throughout the United States was used to compare these instruments' correlation (r = .782), factor structures, reliability (SWML, α = .958; RDAS, α = .943), theoretical foundation, and validity. These instruments are on parity with each other when measuring marital satisfaction; however, each instrument yields implications for practitioners and researchers desiring to measure marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

Many individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) do not respond well to currently available treatments. Moreover, treatments are less effective when GAD is accompanied by romantic relationship distress. In order to develop effective treatments for GAD and relationship distress, it is necessary to conduct theory‐based research to identify links common to both GAD and romantic relationship distress. Drawing on Bowen's family systems theory, the roles of family abuse/violence and differentiation in GAD and romantic relationship distress were examined using existing data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (= 2,312; 2005). As predicted, family abuse/violence was directly linked to both GAD and romantic relationship distress. Differentiation mediated the relationship between family abuse/violence and GAD, and partially mediated the relationship between family abuse/violence and romantic relationship distress. Findings suggest that current and past relationship processes may help maintain chronic anxiety and that Bowen's theory may be a useful framework for developing couple therapy treatment of GAD and romantic relationship distress.  相似文献   


This article describes a framework for measuring activity demands and the psychometric properties of a related measurement tool, the Multidimensional Activities Demand Strength for Assisted Living (MADS-AL). Nine experts—three in physical, cognitive, and social domains, respectively—rated demands of 37 common assisted-living activities. Interrater reliability and internal consistency for physical, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)(2, 3) = .96, Cronbach's α = .97, cognitive, ICC(2, 3) = .71, α = .93, and social, ICC(2, 3) = .80, α = .86, scales give preliminary support for reliability of the MADS-AL tool. Overall, this article moves the field toward considering task demands as a relevant variable to inform future activities research and practice.  相似文献   


This paper reviews John Gottman's research on marriages through an overlay of the recently developed Relational Systems Model (RSM) by Ray Bardill. Gottman's findings, which identified three styles of marriages that sustain themselves over time and identified those actions that indicate the resolution of conflicts or the eventual ending of the marital relationship, can be interpreted by Bardill's RSM model. Such an interpretation can be made through the concepts of self-differentiation; the realities of self, other, context and spirituality; multigenerational transmission of values and beliefs; and emotionalized right/wrong.

The RSM model effectively illuminates Gottman's work and develops additional categories for illustrating why people stay in or leave relationships. The introduction of the emotionalized right/wrong concept produces a self-regulating component for the individual and a self defining component for the family. In keeping with Gottman's research, the RSM model provides integration of both positivistic and constructionistic elements as well as familiar insights into the eco-systemic nature of the marital system.  相似文献   

This study is an effort to add to the understanding of spousal dynamics in blended families. The survey of 88 couples investigated the effects of family configuration, residence of chil- dren, and birth of a mutual child on husbands' and wives' self-re- ported marital intimacy. Significant interaction effects were found for residence of children on spouses' marital intimacy and for birth of a mutual child on wives' marital intimacy.  相似文献   


The focus of this paper is on the tension and dilemmas that are relatively common in remarried families. The document begins with laying a foundation that, indeed, tension and dilemmas are common in social relations as well as in first married families. The paper then continues to synthesize some of the literature on remarried families to develop a model that identifies seven dilemmas: nomic, authority, family career, bonding, intergenerational, societal boundary and the divorce chain.  相似文献   

This study uses critical race theory as an interpretive lens to critique recent race related articles in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy (JMFT). Our primary goal is to contribute to and inspire dialogue about the perspectives marriage and family therapists (MFTs) are taking in relationship to race. We situate our exploration within the broader context of continuing professional education. We describe the main themes of critical race theory and use them as the conceptual framework. Analyzing 127 articles, we found that only topics related to couples and divorce occurred more frequently than race and social justice. Within the articles on race, evidence suggests that issues of race and racism are emerging as key informants of MFT practice. We point to areas for consideration in future MFT research and practice.  相似文献   

This study examined how the marital bond, as indexed through the Oral History Interview (OHI), is related to future triadic family interactions. Families (N = 108), with a 7–9‐year‐old child, participated in a longitudinal study (the Family Health Project) examining children's emotional development throughout the transition to adolescence. Parental cohesion and family cohesion, warmth, structure, and problem solving were assessed via behavioral observation during family problem‐solving discussions and parent‐child teaching interactions 18–24 months after the OHI. Results indicated that the marital bond was predictive of parental cohesion, family cohesion, warmth, and structure during teaching interactions. The marital bond was not significantly predictive of family problem solving or parental cohesion in problem‐solving interactions.  相似文献   

The current study uses family systems and gender theories to look at three forms of family work (housework, emotion work, and child care) and their association with marital satisfaction and burnout. Data were taken from a sample of dual-earner mothers and fathers parenting preschool-age children. First, relationships between the quantity of family work performed and marital well-being were established. Then, measures related to the perceived “quality” of child care provided by a spouse (childcare appraisals and, for wives, maternal gatekeeping) were added to the statistical model. Overall, emotion work was the most influential predictor of women’s marital well-being. For fathers, the perceived quality of care provided by mothers was most significant for marital well-being.  相似文献   

We propose a circumplex model and typology of patterns of couple engagement to help therapists assess and shape positive couple engagement, prerequisite to successful resolution of relational trauma. View or value of self in relation to other (VSIRO) is conceived as a primary engine organizing couple relationships and patterns of engagement. VSIRO is conceptualized along a continuum anchored at opposite poles by inflated (self‐aggrandizing) versus collapsed (self‐negating) VSIRO, with a balanced (egalitarian) VSIRO as the target position, consisting of self and other mutuality, respect, and equality. Two axes (one for each partner) form the circumplex model of five couple configurations—four quadrants plus a balanced, mid‐axes region. Using couple configuration conceptualization to address patterns of engagement is an essential prerequisite to resolving couple relational trauma.  相似文献   

Judith Herman (1992, page 183) delineates a three stage model of recovery from trauma: 1) Safety, 2) Remembrance and Mourning, 3) Reconnection. She criticises current treatment methods for their failure to make a difference in the “constrictive symptoms of numbing and social withdrawal … and marital, social and work problems do not necessarily improve”. Family therapy has been criticised often for insufficient focus on emotion and general sensations. This case analysis will illustrate how these shortcomings can be successfully addressed with the use of marital counselling and EMDR. The use of multiple treatment approaches contributed to one client's resolution of recent trauma due to a car accident, of past crises due to marital infidelity and early childhood abuse, with significant changes for her in her current family as well as in her family of origin. Theoretical implications for “family therapy” are raised.  相似文献   

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