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基于随机化回答模型的最低工资敏感性问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对最低工资调查中出现的敏感性问题,引入随机化回答技术,并针对定性和定量两类敏感性问题,分别引入不同的随机化回答模型。同时还考虑到最低工资调查中,不同调查单位对同一问题敏感程度不相同的特性,在定量问题的随机化回答模型中引入敏感性水平,对原有模型进行有效的改进,使被调查者能够更加积极配合最低工资调查,从而能够进一步减少由于各类敏感性问题造成的非抽样误差。这套随机化处理方法还可推广应用到其他类型的敏感性问题中。  相似文献   

数量特征敏感性问题调查的两个随机化回答模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章研究数量特征敏感性问题的抽样调查,设计了基于离散均匀分布和均匀分布的两个随机化回答模型.  相似文献   

研究数量特征敏感性问题的抽样调查,设计了双无关问题双样本随机化回答模型,给出了总体均值的无偏估计、估计量的方差,并得出新的模型具有较好的精度。  相似文献   

运用随机化模型对社会敏感性问题进行调查越来越受到人们重视。本文尝试先对几个在实际中常用的模型进行分析,并在此基础上提出新的改进模型。  相似文献   

本文通过结合分层抽样技术和西蒙斯模型,提出了分层抽样下奈曼分配时的西蒙斯随机化回答模型。该模型在应用于总体为分层总体的时候比简单随机抽样下的西蒙斯模型有着更高的精度,在实际的调查操作中也有着更强的可行性。本文还探讨了受访者在不完全真实回答情况下的情形,并对模型进行了改进。  相似文献   

栾文英 《浙江统计》2000,(11):21-23
同其他统计调查方法一样,抽样调查结果也会出现误差。抽样调查的误差可分为抽样误差和非抽样误差两类,其中抽样误差是由抽样的随机性引起的,是不可消除的,但我们可以对它进行估计,并控制在要求的范围内。在样本量固定的情况下,我们通过采用适当的抽样方法和估计量来最大限度地减少抽样误差,并将其控制在一定的限度内。非抽样误差是发生在回答、登记、汇总、计算等过程中的误差,我们可以通过加强统计法规建设,提高统计人员的素质来消除或减少登记、汇总、计算等过程中的误差,而回答误差由于受多种因素的影响,非常难以控制和消除。在调查项目…  相似文献   

对敏感性问题调查之随机化回答技术的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李炜 《江苏统计》2000,(12):27-28
抽样调查在人们生活、工作的方方面面中起着越发重要的作用 ,但数据的无回答现象降低了数据的质量 ,使调查的精度大打折扣。针对于此 ,本文介绍了在敏感性问题调查中使用频率颇高的沃纳模型和西蒙斯模型 ,阐述了随机化回答模型的基本原理 ,并比较了两种模型 ,指出了沃纳模型应用的局限性及西蒙斯模型在此基础上进行的改进。最后提出了在我国应用随机化回答技术应注意的几个问题  相似文献   

已有的定量敏感性问题随机化回答策略都是通过一个事先确定的调查者知道的设计参数来设计回答装置。文章给出一种用随机产生的且不被调查者所知的设计参数设计随机的随机化调查装置,所提出的装置不仅提高了被调查者对调查的配合程度,而且在精度上也要优于固定设计参数的调查模型。  相似文献   

本文通过对Himmelfarb和Edgell可加常量方法深入考察,分析了其固有的局限及优点,并在其基础上提出了"k倍回答法",挖掘了使估计量在无偏的情况下,采用"k倍回答法"时提高估计量精度的规律,从而有效地提高了估计量的精度.  相似文献   

沃纳方法等随机化回答技术是对“敏感性问题”调查的创新之举,但调查实践显示调查对象是否如实回答值得研究,博弈分析表明,随机化回答技术的有效性与调查对象对“群体性特征”的曝露是否敏感有关,据此,应改进调查设计和组织。  相似文献   

在随机截尾模型的基础上,为了保护被调查者的隐私,文章提出了一种改进的调查数量敏感性问题的随机化回答方法,并把改进模型的精度与随机截尾模型、随机截尾Warner模型进行了比较。  相似文献   

The linear discriminant function (LDF) is known to be optimal in the sense of achieving an optimal error rate when sampling from multivariate normal populations with equal covariance matrices. Use of the LDF in nonnormal situations is known to lead to some strange results. This paper will focus on an evaluation of misclassification probabilities when the power transformation could have been used to achieve at least approximate normality and equal covariance matrices in the sampled populations for the distribution of the observed random variables. Attention is restricted to the two-population case with bivariate distributions.  相似文献   

A single-population Markovian stochastic epidemic model is defined so that the underlying social structure of the population is described by a Bernoulli random graph. The parameters of the model govern the rate of infection, the length of the infectious period, and the probability of social contact with another individual in the population. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are developed to facilitate Bayesian inference for the parameters of both the epidemic model and underlying unknown social structure. The methods are applied in various examples of both illustrative and real-life data, with two different kinds of data structure considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a goodness-of-fit test for a semiparametric random censorship model proposed by Dikta (1998 ). The test statistic is derived from a model-based process which is asymptotically Gaussian. In addition to test consistency, the proposed test can detect local alternatives distinct n -1/2 from the null hypothesis. Due to the intractability of the asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic, we turn to two resampling approximations. We first use the well-known bootstrap method to approximate critical values of the test. We then introduce a so-called random symmetrization method for carrying out the test. Both methods perform very well with a sample of moderate size. A simulation study shows that the latter possesses better empirical powers and sizes for small samples.  相似文献   

记录链接的技术问题与统计理论密切相关,尤其是在建立记录链接分类规则时需要构建统计模型,识别关键变量以完成数据匹配。在贝叶斯框架下构建分层模型整合行政记录,通过多元回归可以实现匹配错误率的估计,而且一对一限制下的记录链接允许通过模块反映记录信息的来源变化,基于MCMC模拟的后验分布计算方便,有助于提高数据整合效率。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the analysis of reliability data from a Bayesian perspective for Random Environment (RE) models. We give an overview of current literature on RE models. We also study the computational problems associated with the implementations of RE models in a Bayesian setting. Then, we present the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to solve such problems. These problems arise in posterior and predictive analysis and their relevant quantities such as mean, variance, and median. The suggested methodology is incorporated with an illustration.  相似文献   

We consider the issue of sampling from the posterior distribution of exponential random graph (ERG) models and other statistical models with intractable normalizing constants. Existing methods based on exact sampling are either infeasible or require very long computing time. We study a class of approximate Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling schemes that deal with this issue. We also develop a new Metropolis–Hastings kernel to sample sparse large networks from ERG models. We illustrate the proposed methods on several examples.  相似文献   

A Bayesian estimator based on Franklin's randomized response procedure is proposed for proportion estimation in surveys dealing with a sensitive character. The method is simple to implement and avoids the usual drawbacks of Franklin's estimator, i.e., the occurrence of negative estimates when the population proportion is small. A simulation study is considered in order to assess the performance of the proposed estimator as well as the corresponding credible interval.  相似文献   

The increasingreliability of some manufactured products has led to fewer observedfailures in reliability testing. Thus, useful inference on thedistribution of failure times is often not possible using traditionalsurvival analysis methods. Partly as a result of this difficulty,there has been increasing interest in inference from degradationmeasurements made on products prior to failure. In the degradationliterature inference is commonly based on large-sample theoryand, if the degradation path model is nonlinear, their implementationcan be complicated by the need for approximations. In this paperwe review existing methods and then describe a fully Bayesianapproach which allows approximation-free inference. We focuson predicting the failure time distribution of both future unitsand those that are currently under test. The methods are illustratedusing fatigue crack growth data.  相似文献   

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