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While the act of faith approach to management development assumes that training and development will improve performance, and that attention to the people factor will give organizations a competitive advantage, there has been little systematic study of the business benefits of management development. The extent to which competence-based management development made identifiable improvements to individual, organizational and business performance was examined in sixteen organizations using an in-depth embedded case-study protocol developed following the preparatory work of an expert group convened by the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE). Interviews were conducted with senior strategic managers, line managers and members of management work teams, and triangulation was sought with documentary evidence. Case reports were validated with the organizations, then evaluated and ranked by an independent consultancy not involved in the fieldwork. The results provide support for attributing business benefits to management development, particularly in relation to individual and business performance. The performance improvements were found to be most significant where management development is linked with organizational strategy and where Human Resource Development (HRD) systems and processes adopt the management standards developed by Management Charter Initiative (MCI).  相似文献   

供应链中物流及信息流管理   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
供应链管理使企业在变化的市场环境中有效地与其它企业合作,取得集体竞争优势。本文首先讨论了后勤学与供应链管理的定义和之间的关系。本文认为供应链管理的核心是物流与信息流的控制。物流控制决策主要包括操作层次的库存补充和运输路径规划,以及战略层次的设施地点规划。信息流管理跨越部门与企业的界限将相关的应用集成起来。动态联盟协调各企业内部的生产经营活动,战略性地决定物流与信息流的构形。  相似文献   

Currently, the terms interface and interface management in the context of interorganisational relationships between suppliers and customers are under intensive discussion. Central issues are the emphasis placed upon the coordination of activities at business interfaces, and the conviction that the concept can make business operations more efficient and thus more effective. That interface management in supplier–customer relationships is discussed in various academic disciplines and characterized by various thematic approaches makes this field complex. Thus the first goal of this article is to investigate the state of interface research, identifying select topics that promise further significant research in the field of interface management in supplier–customer relationships. In addition, based upon a comprehensive citation analysis of 176 journal articles or 4,654 references, the publication development, the important players and the most important academic journals in interface management research in supplier–customer relationships will be briefly presented. Finally, five clusters in interface management research that provide a framework for additional research activities are, based on a co-citation analysis, defined and briefly analysed.  相似文献   

Firms are often encouraged to offer environmentally friendly products as a demonstration of corporate citizenship. However, this may prove to be an unrealistic expectation since a rational firm will only engage in profitable ventures; those that increase shareholder wealth. We develop a framework for analyzing the profitability of reuse activities and show how the management of product returns influences operational requirements. We show that the acquisition of used products may be used as the control lever for the management and profitability of reuse activities. These activities, termed product acquisition management, affect several important business decisions. First, if a firm is to pursue reuse activities, these reuse activities must be value‐creating. Second, if a firm is to compete by offering remanufactured products, then we show how product returns management influences the overall profitability of such activities via a trial and error EVA approach. Third, we show how operational issues are strongly affected by the approach used to manage product returns. There is a need for future research specifying the mathematical relationship between acquisition price and the nominal quality of the returned product.  相似文献   

Control Engineering provides a convenient framework for analyzing and understanding the essential features of business planning and control processes. This is because the basic idea of a control hierarchy is fundamental both to Control Engineering and to the control of a business. Control hierarchies in both business and in engineering are information-processing devices. As a business grows in size and complexity, its control hierarchies grow correspondingly more complex (‘The Principle of Hierarchization’); this is in order to manage the increased information-processing load.The authors describe how the basic control diagram can provide valuable insight into the planning and control hierarchies of business systems. The authors emphasize that the ‘Control Engineering’ method of analyzing the management process complements exisiting theories of management planning and control.  相似文献   

New technology-based firms, particularly those that develop their business around a new technological platform, are likely to be impacted by globalization, in terms of both pace of innovation and pressure of competition. For these firms, strategic decisions and growth processes are characterized by a deep inter-relationship amongst the processes of internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship; processes which have tended to be examined independently in distinct bodies of literature. In practice strategic decisions concern each of these processes and address issues such as organizational boundaries, location of the operational activities, what activities to focus on and selection of value partners. The business model by which firms operate needs also to accommodate the spatial dimensions indicated by globalization; and the emergence of global technology markets. Little is known to date about the extent to which business models accommodate or are adapted to internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper presents a review of the business model literature from which a generic business model framework is derived, identifying and introducing the main elements of these processes as the firms?? focus, modus and locus. This contribution makes a clear distinction between the business model and the strategy concepts and highlights the relevance of location decisions??not considered by extant business model literature to date. While our discussion draws on the high technology new venture as our primary example, we believe our business model conceptualization has general applicability.  相似文献   

This paper examines the coordination processes (CPs) in outsourced engineering projects by focusing on two questions: How are these processes shaped in contract-driven projects, and is there an alternative approach that improves inter-organizational control of CPs from the client perspective? In studying these questions, we compare two engineering projects, one of which implements the meetings-flow approach, abbreviated as MFA. The findings suggest that, for effective management of different organizations through various dependent project activities, the CPs require an integrated and institutionalized venue enabled by the client. CPs are shaped between clients and contractors, and they can be improved and sustained by this approach.  相似文献   

Greening the supply chain is increasingly a concern for many business enterprises and a challenge for logistics management in the 21st century. Of particular concern is how to arouse organizational environmental awareness and put environmental activities into practice in the logistics activities of their supply chains. This paper investigates the correlation of two major factors, organizational learning and management support, with the extent of adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices in Chinese manufacturing firms, where their inbound and outbound logistics activities are potential polluters to the environment. Organizational and operational learning was derived from the firm's experience with programs such as total quality management and environmental management systems. Management support included support for GSCM ideas and practices from top and middle-level management and cooperation across organizational functions. We find significant positive relationships between organizational learning mechanisms, organizational support and the adoption of GSCM practices, after controlling for a number of other influences including regulations, marketing, supplier, cost pressures, industry levels of the relevant practice and organizational size. Implications of our findings on logistics management are discussed.  相似文献   


The primary focus of operations management is to add value through operational processes. Considerable attention has been given to using process improvement (PI) techniques to reduce costs and time, in order to develop a competitive advantage for the wider organization. However, this narrow definition of value at times overlooks the triple bottom line (TBL) which can result in a number of unintended consequences, specifically issues related to environmental and social measures of performance. To address this, a stakeholder theory lens will be used to analyze PI activities within the context of small and medium-sized enterprises. The TBL will be used to complement the stakeholder perspective, to interpret the benefits that are realized from PI activities. This article highlights both the direct benefits from PI as well as more indirect benefits realized by involving a selection of salient stakeholders in PI. It will show how a developed view of PI can provide an important mechanism for delivering improvements to a firm’s TBL. The work concludes by highlighting the contributions made to both PI practice and stakeholder theory, while acknowledging the need for more research on PI, both from a stakeholder perspective and how it impacts a firm’s TBL.  相似文献   

Computer-based manufacturing planning and control (MPC) systems are widely used in industry to gain competitive advantage through integration and coordination of managerial activities. In collegiate business schools, important operations management activities are taught and studied, often by sequential examination of discrete topics such as aggregate production planning, master production scheduling, capacity planning, material planning, and production activity control. This paper explores the potential use of industrial MPC software in the classroom to create experiential learning activities that address the dynamic and integrative nature of operations management. Experiences with this pedagogical approach over the past decade are reported.  相似文献   

Field service management continues to be a major challenge for many service organizations as companies are required to provide more service with less resources. Especially in information intense environments, short response times for service calls are essential to avoid disruptions to a business office or production facility. Managers must regularly assess their manpower needs, and ensure that their allocation and operational decisions lead to the best service at the lowest cost. Xerox Corporation provides copiers, duplicators, and printing systems to an international market. Xerox operates a service network consisting of over 30,000 trained service personnel, each allocated to service regions by the service planning staff. Response-time planning involves many challenging problems: requirements planning at the national level, allocation planning at the district level, and operational planning at the team level. Customer service is critical and is commonly measured by response time—the time that elapses from when a service call is placed to when a service engineer begins service. This paper discusses how Xerox Corporation has used simulation models and metamodels to improve response-time planning and field service operations.  相似文献   

Public and private actors with critical roles for ensuring societal safety need to work proactively to reduce risks and vulnerabilities. Traditionally, risk management activities have often been performed in order to ensure continuous functioning of key societal services. Recently, however, business continuity management (BCM), and its analytical subcomponent business impact assessment (BIA), has been introduced and used more extensively by both the private and public sector in order to increase the robustness and resilience of critical infrastructures and societal functions and services. BCM was originally developed in the business sector but has received a broader use during the last decade. Yet, BCM/BIA has gained limited attention in the scientific literature—especially when it comes to clarifying and developing its conceptual basis. First, this article examines and discusses the conceptual foundation of BCM concepts, including practical challenges of applying the concepts. Based on recent conceptual developments from the field of risk management, a developed conceptualization is suggested. Second, the article discusses challenges that arise when applying BCM in the societal safety area and provides some recommendations aiming to improve the clarity and quality of applications. Third, the article provides suggestions of how to integrate the overlapping approaches of BIA and risk assessment in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of proactive, analytic processes. We hope that the article can stimulate a critical discussion about the key concepts of BCM, their wider use in societal safety, and their connection to other concepts and activities such as risk assessment.  相似文献   

Skanska is among the world's five largest construction companies, with construction-related activities and project development operations in some 60 countries. A strategic approach to environment was adopted in 1995. In 1998 a decision was made to introduce certified environmental management systems. The drivers behind these steps were pressures from the market, future legislation and public opinion.By the end of 2000, all business units of Skanska had environmental management systems certified according to ISO 14001. Newly acquired companies are required to have certified systems within two years after acquisition. While environmental management systems provide the necessary framework, more technical tools are also needed. Some examples of such tools are presented in this article.ISO 14001 is an important element in focusing the attention of the organization on environmental issues, but for leadership in environment, a number of guiding principles are also presented and discussed.Finally, corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be seen as a framework for all types of issues where a company is regarded as having certain obligations toward society at large, because of direct or indirect effects from its business operations. It is only logical that Skanska, following its work with ISO 14001 and the move toward leadership in environment, now has decided to develop a CSR platform.  相似文献   

在零售商促销下,探讨了零售商的资金约束对使用收益共享契约和回购契约协调供应链的影响。分析了零售商拥有不同运营资金下供应链的契约协调问题,研究表明:在运营资金相对充裕下,收益共享契约不仅能协调供应链,且能实现渠道收益的任意分配,但回购契约不能实现渠道收益的任意分配,除非运营资金非常充裕;在运营资金不足下,收益共享契约仍有可能协调供应链,但回购契约不能协调供应链。讨论了资金的时间价值对两个契约协调供应链的影响,结果表明:在回购契约下,资金利率越大,具有资金约束零售商的供应链被协调的可能性越大,但资金利率对收益共享契约没有影响。最后提供了数值分析。研究中得到一些管理启示,可为资金约束供应链的协调管理提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

The outsourcing of complex activities has become a common organizational practice. Yet very little research has focused on the implications of how these activities are divided up among outsourcing partners. Drawing on structural contingency theory, we argue that: (1) because activities within stages of complex projects are highly interdependent, outsourcing structures where owner firms do not maintain high levels of dominance over the activities that are performed will pose control and coordination challenges, leading to poor project performance; (2) the adverse effects of poorly structured outsourcing arrangements will spill over to subsequent project stages when activities are interdependent across project stages; and (3) dividing activities among large numbers of contractors or distributing work evenly among contractors exacerbates coordination and control problems further contributing to poor project performance. Our empirical analysis of 323 capital facility construction projects supports our predictions. Overall, these results provide strong evidence that some outsourcing structures are more costly than others and that because of the nature of complex projects the detrimental effects of poorly structured outsourcing are often not completely observable at the time activities are completed. We discuss the implications of our findings for capital construction and for outsourcing more generally.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the issue of determining design requirements for production control in health care organizations, with a restriction to the internal production control of hospitals. Hospital management has limited possibilities to control hospital production, as hospital production processes are driven by medical specialists who, however, do not manage that process. We consider therefore the hospital as a virtual organization, consisting of a number of relatively independent businesses in a common framework. Each business unit functions as a focused factory for a range of more or less homogeneous products. Production control principles can be applied to each of these businesses, but not to the system as a whole. A number of elements from classical production control theory can be also applied to health care, i.e. the use of decoupling points, the bottleneck-oriented approach, and the operational control between production and market. However, important factors that need to be considered in health production control are that often specifications on quality are not available at the start of the process, and that there is strong interaction between the patient and the process. Our conclusion is that a dedicated framework for approaching hospital production control is necessary. The specific characteristics of hospital care and its state of production control development are the main arguments for this dedicated framework.  相似文献   

近年来,平台型电商企业纷纷开始凭借其在数智化领域的优势赋能供应链成员,这极大地影响了电商供应链成员的运营决策和收益。本文考察了由一个平台型电商企业和一个线上零售商构成的供应链系统中,在平台型电商企业数据赋能,且线上零售商同时进行数据运用投入的情境下,零售商会在何种条件下接受数据赋能,以及怎样的成本分担机制更有助于发挥数据赋能的作用,实现供应链成员的共赢。本文从报童模型出发,运用建模的方法进行探讨,研究表明,只有双方数据运用合作所增加的成本较低时,零售商才会选择接受数据赋能。本文还分析了分散决策、零售商分担平台型电商企业的数据赋能成本,以及平台型电商企业分担零售商的数据运用投入成本三种情境下的决策均衡,指出供应链成员的数据运用效率是影响成本分担策略选择的重要因素,平台型电商企业和零售商均倾向于分担数据运用效率高的一方的成本。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest in the intersection between strategic planning and business model management, research and practice struggle to integrate the two activities. By applying a rationalist view and drawing on the formal control theory, we develop an integrated management framework that provides a conceptual model of how to achieve consistency between the relevant goal and the planning levels. Therefore, we decompose the complex organizational activities into the level strategy, business model portfolio, tactics, and operations. For each level, we specify the formal activities and objectives and elaborate how the levels determine each other. Furthermore, we explain how higher and lower level formal control loops ensure alignment and that the appropriate level of the organization responds to changes in the environment. Finally, we discuss how these formal control mechanisms allow for proficient management of the dynamics inherent in strategy and business model management.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on the role of real options theory in business strategy and organizational decision‐making. It analyses and critiques the decision‐making and performance implications of real options within the management theories of the (multinational) firm, reviews and categorizes the organizational, strategic and operational facets of real options management in large business settings. It also presents the views of scholars and practitioners regarding the incorporation and validity of real options in strategy, international management and business processes 1 . The focus is particularly on the decision‐making and performance attributes of the real options logic concerning strategic investments, governance modes and multinational operations management. These attributes are examined from both strategic and operating perspectives of decision‐making in organizations, also with an overview of the empirical evidence on real options decision‐making and performance.  相似文献   

New technology is calling on people to provide adaptive responses in situations where there are many exceptions or where a high degree of variability exists or where people provide linkages between programmable segments. Further, groups of people who are geographically dispersed and unacquainted with each other will work together to solve business problems or define a process and will then disband when the job is done. Thus, the general model of responsible autonomous job behavior becomes the key facet of individual-organization-technological relationships. It is suggested that this model is best activated by the empowerment of people through the value-based management of transformational leadership.  相似文献   

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