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供应链的协作供应问题研究   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19  
当供应链某活动环节的物资需求量过大时, 一个供应点常常不能提供其全部所需物资. 因此, 实际应用中需要多个供应点共同参与. 针对供应链物资需求的特点, 提出了多点协作供 应的数学模型, 通过引入可行方案的定义, 给出了可行方案存在的判定定理, 以及可行方案的 构造方法. 然而一个可行方案可能包含太多的供应点(太多的供应点有时意味着较高的生产准 备费用) , 因此该方案可能并不实用. 考虑到方案可靠性及费用, 给出了求取优化方案的一个启 发式方法. 最后对模型的系统软件集成进行了简单探讨  相似文献   

基于不同风险偏好组合的供应链协作方式的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨德礼  郭琼 《管理科学》2005,18(5):7-10
研究了供应商和零售商在不同的风险偏好组合下的供应链协作方式,建立了相应的供应链协作模型,并求得了其帕累托最优解,最后通过算例对其进行了验证分析,并探讨了进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

协作在缓解供应链中效益悖反现象以及提升供应链绩效中发挥着重要的作用。目前有关供应链协作方面的研究主要集中于供应链节点企业与上下游企业之间的协作,对于供应链中的企业与其他供应链企业之间的跨链间协作的研究比较少。本文将以精益6σ思想为基础,应用系统动力学软件Vensim对供应链与供应链之间的协作进行建模研究,探索能够实现精益6σ思想下的多重目标共赢的跨链间协作模式。  相似文献   

彭扬 《中国管理科学》2005,13(Z1):323-326
本文给出一个多供应点、多产品和多需求点的供应链协作供应问题的模型,对于这样一个复杂的组合优化问题,通过设计合适的编码方案和相应的遗传算子,提出了一个改进遗传算法的求解方案,最后通过一个算例说明该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

经济全球化的背景下,供应链管理面临了新的挑战.本文在传统的供应链管理研究模式中引人了第三方协作企业概念以适应全球化进程,用博弈论方法,分别分析了对供应商和零售商而言,是否应该选择引入第三方协作企业的供应链.经过分析,发现对零售商而言选择第三方协作企业供应链是上策策略,而对供应商而言,是否选择第三方协作企业供应链则与协作企业同供应商协定的价格与其所处市场函数系数的关系有关.  相似文献   

供应链管理下物流外包的协作机制及其实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘小群  马士华 《管理学报》2005,2(4):426-429
对供应链管理下的物流外包双方间的协作进行了研究.借鉴界面管理的相关理论,将物流外包中的相互关系看作是一种界面.在对物流外包中的各种界面进行具体分析之后,阐述了界面之间的相互联系,并根据各自的特点给出了相应的管理方法和具体措施.根据物流外包的协作机制,构建了基于多代理技术的物流外包信息支持系统.用基于消息/对话的形式实现物流外包各参与方间的信息通讯,并分析和阐述了代理间的协调规则和各代理相互激活的流程.  相似文献   

基于电子与契约市场的供应链协作的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过期权机制,建立了电子市场与传统契约市场共存下的供应链各决策主体的决策模型,供应商通过设定合理的契约参数,增强其产品在电子市场的竞争力,而在契约市场获得相应的收益,同时激励零售商的产品购买量为最优,以实现供应链的协调,并求得了均衡状况下供应链的最优价格、产能和购买决策,最后,对上述各决策模型的影响因素进行了敏感性分析,进一步验证了结论的有效性.  相似文献   

供应链管理实施的难点及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,企业之间的竞争已经从单个企业与单个企业之间的竞争发展为供应链与供应链之间的竞争,供应链管理在我国的实施还存在着很多难点,本文分析了这些难点,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

供应链创新是当前管理领域中一个新的研究体系,其本身具有区别于一般创新研究的特点。本文通过对现有供应链创新文献的梳理,评述了供应链创新研究现状及特点。提出供应链创新模型,从内容角度分析了模型的三个组成要素:供应链业务流程、供应链技术及供应链网络结构。  相似文献   

In this study, two models are developed to co-ordinate both production and distribution in order to reduce the relevant costs in a supply chain. According to the functions of the distribution centre, there is a distinction between an inventory co-ordination point and an inventory storage point. The former is a cross-docking strategy, and the latter is a traditional warehousing strategy. The manufacturer has distinct production processes when co-operating with the distribution centre. Case study analysis is used to illustrate the models developed, in which the following conclusions can be obtained: the cross-docking distribution strategy will result in tremendous savings in the total system cost for the supply chain. This study makes two important contributions to the production, and logistics literature. First, the range of applications was extended by studying a new combinatorial problem that incorporates cross-docking in a supply chain environment. Second, computational performance with cross docking was evaluated. The benefit delivery policy for a distribution centre was found by means of integrating manufacturer production planning and a distribution centre delivery policy.  相似文献   

上下游企业间的研发协作与产销竞争共存研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
供应链内上下游企业间的研发合作广泛存在,但研究并不多.考虑供应链内联合研发与产销竞争共存时的企业策略及谈判能力、技术溢出等因素的影响.与横向研发协作不同的是,即使在较低的技术共享水平下,链内联合研发仍具有较高的投资水平和生产规模.在伙伴选择过程中,与自己谈判能力相近的企业进行联合是最优的.而就是否提高技术共享水平,上下游成员却始终存在冲突;进而,指出只有在整体协调能力较强时联盟才能具有较高的技术共享水平.  相似文献   

基于B-S模型的订单农业供应链协调机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于订单农业特点及实践中普通存在的"保底收购,随行就市"订单价格机制,构建了"公司+农户"型订单农业供应链的决策模型.研究发现传统的"保底收购,随行就市"的价格机制并不能很好地协调此类"公司+农户"型订单农业供应链.为此,提出了一种"B-S期权定价+生产协作+保证金"的合同机制来协调此类订单农业供应链.研究结果表明,公司可以通过套期保值工具——期权来降低其市场风险,从而保证公司、农户都能获得相对稳定的收益,增强"公司+农户"型订单农业供应链的稳健性.另外,实施该协调机制后,"公司+农户"型订单农业供应链可以实现完美协调,并且公司与农户双方的利益均得到改善.  相似文献   


In this paper, we aim at understanding the role of collaboration experience in supply chains of knowledge (SCoK). The SCoK of a company is its supply chain not related to the flow of physical goods but to the flow of R&D commodities. R&D commodities are for example patents, technologies, research services, studies, and projects, and, in high-tech industries, their development and commercialisation are considered as important as real products. To accomplish our aim in this paper, we fulfil the following research objectives: (1) investigate the relationship between the collaboration experience in SCoK and the propensity of the firm to develop new patents; (2) examine how the structural embeddedness of the firm within its SCoK mediates this relationship. We ground our conceptual model on the supply chain, open innovation and social capital literatures and empirically test our hypotheses on a cross-sectional data-set of 208 biotech companies that have signed 612 SCoK agreements in the years 2006–2010. The key findings of this study are: first, accumulating experience in SCoK collaborations facilitates the development of new patents; second, being central and bridging structural holes within the SCoK are two means by which the experience in SCoK collaborations is translated into new patents.  相似文献   

This article attempts to introduce indirect carbon emission and trade-credit concept in a network optimisation model for sustainable supply chain. The proposed model optimises total cost, total direct carbon emission, total indirect emission in the form of embodied carbon footprint of the raw material and total trade-credit amount over the purchased item in a supply chain. The model calculates the total cost by considering purchasing cost, logistics cost, handling cost and manufacturing cost. It attempts to measure the direct emission involved in manufacturing and logistics operations. The model has the capability to consider dissimilar trucks used for transportation according to their operating cost and carbon emission. Multi-objective goal programming is applied to deal with four objectives to find a tradeoff among these objectives. The result suggests that managers should capture the direct as well as the indirect emission which helps in arriving at appropriate strategy for a sustainable supply chain. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated through a case of a garment supply chain. This model also supports in deciding appropriate goal for carbon emission, supply chain costs, etc.  相似文献   

基于政府补贴分析的绿色供应链管理博弈模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
建立了绿色供应链管理中考虑产品绿色度和政府补贴分析的三阶段博弈模型:第一阶段为政府选择单位产品补贴系数,第二阶段为采取不同绿色供应链管理战略的最终产品生产商确定各自的产品绿色度水平,第三阶段为采取不同绿色供应链管理战略的最终产品生产商确定各自产品的价格.通过数值仿真讨论了各种参数变化带来的影响,所得结论对于绿色供应链管...  相似文献   

The global value chain (GVC) framework and its central concept of governance are increasingly advocated as powerful tools for interpreting managerial issues with particular reference to global supply chain (SC) management. However, a gap still exists about how the GVC concepts, which have been developed at the industry level, can be applied at the company level. The aim of this work is therefore to investigate how the concepts of GVC structure and governance are related to the way the SC is managed. Several research propositions drawn from the literature are investigated by means of seven case studies in the electric motors industry. The results show that the GVC can be a useful framework for understanding and deploying SC management at the company level. Moreover, the analysis of the governance modes provides an effective tool to explain the existing degree of technological and operational collaboration in the SC. Finally, we show the importance of considering such contextual factors as company size and the competitive priorities of the company to move seamlessly between the GVC, at the industry level, and SC management, at the company level.  相似文献   

In today’s environment, Supply Chain Management (SCM) takes a key role in business strategy. A major challenge is achieving high customer service level under a reasonable operating expense and investment. The traditional approach to SCM, based on local optimisation, is a proven cause of meaningful inefficiencies – e.g. the Bullwhip Effect – that obstruct the throughput. The systemic (holistic) approach, based on global optimisation, has been shown to perform significantly better. Nevertheless, it is not widely expanded, since the implementation of an efficient solution requires a suitable scheme. Under these circumstances, this paper proposes an integrative framework for supply chain collaboration aimed at increasing its efficiency. This is based on the combined application of the Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM) and the Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC). VSM defines the systemic structure of the supply chain and orchestrates the collaboration, while TOC implements the systemic behaviour – i.e. integrate processes – and define performance measures. To support this proposal, we detail its application to the widely used Beer Game scenario. In addition, we discuss its implementation in real supply chains, highlighting the key points that must be considered.  相似文献   

多零售商供应链系统的契约协调问题研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
刘春林 《管理科学》2007,10(2):1-6,18
由于存在着来自纵向和横向的竞争,分散式供应链系统很难达到集成供应链系统的效率.为此论文引入了线性转移支付契约.研究表明,选择恰当的奖惩因子以及将最低销售规模限制在一定的区间内,可以协调供应链.在这种契约机制下,分散式供应链的效率与集成式供应链效率等同,最后通过算例对该研究作进一步说明.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to discover the supply chain relationship traits in construction and their impact on the project performance. Using factor analysis technique, the supply chain relationship traits were determined to be collaboration in the supply chain, support and commitment to the supply chain, and sharing the benefits and risks. A two-step SEM model was then established to test the hypothesised relationship between the supply chain relationship traits and the project performance. The findings indicated that the supply chain relationship traits have a significant positive impact on the project performance. This study contributes to the body of knowledge relating to the construction supply chain management. The findings may help the parties to identify the attributes that may improve the relationships among them and result in better project performance.  相似文献   

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