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黄晨熹 《社会学研究》2007,22(1):137-160
影响低保对象求职行为的因素极其复杂,制度安排是通过影响主观心理和认知从而影响低保对象的求职行为和决策。本研究以上海市为例,以问卷调查、定性访谈和文献分析相结合的方法试图回答以下问题哪些因素会影响低保对象的求职行为?现行低保制度安排会对低保对象的求职行为产生哪些影响?定量研究发现,就业责任心、求职制约和受教育程度对求职强度有显著影响,而经济困难和求职自我效能以及救助变量对求职强度无显著影响。定性研究发现,影响低保对象退出、就业决策的因素除了替代率外,还包括其他一些重要因素。总体来说,虽然上海低保建立了旨在鼓励和强化求职行为的制度安排,但存在明显缺陷,其作用亦乏善可陈。对此,作者提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

目的:编制大学生求职社会支持量表,并检验其信效度。方法:通过查阅文献、访谈、内容分析等方法编制题目。采用随机取样,对385名大学本科毕业生和在校生进行问卷调查,进行探索性因素分析(n=351)。结果:(1)大学生求职社会支持量表共包含岗位和资料支持、情感支持、求职经验分享三个因子计19个项目;(2)总量表Cronbachα系数为0.862,各因素Cronbachα系数在0.471-0.701间。结论:大学生求职社会支持量表结构明晰,具有良好的信效度,可以作为测评高校大学生面临毕业求职所得到的社会支持的有效工具。  相似文献   

近段时间,微博上一种或以白话或用文言写出自己经历和求职意向的140字微型简历受到热捧。由于微博发布的字数有限,大多数人织“微简历”,只为幽默—下、放松—下,虽不全为求职,似也有无心插柳之意。  相似文献   

下岗职工的再就业服务和求职行为——上海的案例研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
下岗职工是有中国特色的失业者。① 针对下岗 ,下岗职工及社会环境都有回应。求职行为是下岗职工最积极的应变策略 ,其中旨在“受薪就业”(paidemployment)的求职行为与大部分人有关。再就业工程则是社会环境积极回应下岗的重要手段。其中的再就业服务面向全体下岗职工 ,且可直接对下岗职工施加影响 ,因而在再就业工程中有特殊地位。②本文探索三个具体研究问题 :( 1 )下岗职工所得的再就业服务如何 ?( 2 )其旨在受薪就业的求职行为如何 ?( 3)上述再就业服务是否影响以后的求职行为数 ?一、文献回顾对于何谓再就业服务 ,西方…  相似文献   

青青 《职业》2009,(10)
"求职意向:执行总经理、副总经理……"在南京市人才市场举办的中高级人才精品交流会上,来自重庆的27 岁小伙子杨进华打出了一幅6 米长的横幅,轰轰烈烈地为自己做起了求职广告.据报道,杨进华中专毕业,有7 年的工作经验.杨进华这样介绍他的"计谋":来南京的第二天,他就在一家标牌店做了一幅横幅,6 米长,60 块钱,蓝底白字地写清了求职演讲的题目和意向职位.  相似文献   

宋晓会  张海龙 《职业》2012,(22):120-121
随着高校扩招,毕业生人数逐年递增,就业形势日益严峻,与此同时,毕业生在求职过程中表现出诚信意识淡薄、诚信行为缺失等问题。这不但影响到毕业生的形象,也影响到学校的整体形象,甚至影响到整个社会的  相似文献   

大学生基层就业既是缓解大学生就业压力,也是解决基层人才匮乏问题的有效路径。当前,大学生基层就业受到多重行为因素影响,主观认知上存在待遇水平、发展空间、地域差别、就业观念、生活环境等因素影响,客观上受到政策支持力度、经济发展状况、社会和家庭观念等因素制约,其中待遇水平和政策支持力度是两个关键影响因素。对浙江省高校毕业生的实际研究发现,构建促进高校毕业生到基层就业的长效机制应从创建大学生基层就业的人文关怀服务体系、政策扶持体系、资金融通支持体系以及教育培训体系四个维度入手。  相似文献   

社会身份的结构性失位问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文的主题有关转型时期群体性不满的成因。针对收入差距论的解释局限,作者试图揭示结构性失位对于高学历群体的影响。在回顾文凭教育的传统后,论文展示了高校学生的毕业求职意愿、他们对未来社会身份的预期、过去几年高学位的产出和失业规模、毕业生求职的实际去向、其职业单位和地区类别的变化等数据。在对比分析的基础上,作者指出,大量高学历青年进入社会时面临的结构进位困难,不断动摇着新成员获得预期身份的稳定秩序,从而影响着该群体的态度和行为,同时,教育作为社会分流稳定器的作用也在弱化。  相似文献   

追求幸福是信息社会中现代人的重要目标。已有主观幸福感研究多从心理学、社会学和伦理学等学科的主客观因素考察,尚缺乏传播学视域中关于媒介使用与主观幸福感关系的阐释框架和理论资源。本文通过深度访谈和焦点小组讨论等质化研究方法,考察了大众传播的媒介使用对青少年主观幸福感的影响。研究发现,媒介使用通过三种路径影响青少年的主观幸福感:大学生通过媒介内容(信息)的主动使用与满足直接影响其主观幸福感;媒介作为中介变量能使大学生构建更广阔的主观现实,通过参照系对比和后续行为,进而与主观幸福感发生勾连;大众传播媒介通过如“地方认同”、“国家认同”等象征性资源整合社会凝聚力,大学生的“认同”感知的变化会隐性地影响其主观幸福感。  相似文献   

从探讨高职院校贫困学生自尊、社会支持与主观幸福感的关系着手,为高职贫困学生主观幸福感的理论和相关的研究提供一定的参考意见。就现实方面来说,测量了高职贫困学生的自尊、社会的支持和主观幸福感,对这些学生心理的状态和生活的质量进行了反映,并提出了相关的可以帮助其提高主观幸福感的策略,希望能进一步完善和丰富高职院校的心理健康教育形式。  相似文献   

家庭是影响大学生农村就业的一个重要因素,因而家庭社会资本与大学生农村就业行为有密切的关系。家庭社会资本对大学生去农村的就业意愿、最低工资价位和职业选择的影响显著。母亲的受教育程度、家庭年收入越高,大学生去农村的就业意愿越高,大学生去农村的最低心理工资价位越高;父母的受教育程度越高,大学生去农村更愿意选择从政。  相似文献   

The struggle for rural, low-income mothers to enter and remain in the workforce can contribute to job volatility, longitudinal changes in employment patterns. This study used a mixed methods longitudinal approach to examine job volatility of 245 rural, low-income mothers across 14 states. The mothers were categorized into three groups: stable employment, intermittent employment, and continuous unemployment. Work and family responsibilities were a continuous struggle for these mothers. Some mothers addressed these struggles through changing jobs, receiving social support, and/or staying out of the workforce to care for their children. To reduce job volatility, both qualitative and quantitative analyses showed that human capital development requires workplace flexibility and social support in addition to the traditional investments in education and healthcare.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of job coaching for persons with mental challenges at the Yokohama City Comprehensive Care Continuum is examined through case records. The immediate intervention with the client, as well as improved working conditions through consultation with the company are recognized as crucial for the client's optimum adjustment at the work site. On the other hand, in a case where the client quit the job, we can see that the inadequacy is in the assessment of the client and of the working conditions. Improved assessments are needed. Using the principle and the strategies of supported employment developed in America, the goal of job coaching at Y.C.C.C. is to form an adequate support system for the client, both at the workplace and in other living and social situation which influence the client in the workplace.  相似文献   

Satisfaction with different organisational elements and aspects of work contributes markedly to overall levels of job satisfaction and intention to leave. For newly qualified social workers (NQSWs), especially immediately after graduation, self-perceived competence and their confidence in their educational preparation are also important. This article reports on a longitudinal study following 280 social work students into social work employment in England using data collected as students and six months after graduation. We focus on their experiences as NQSWs, thus only including those working in social work jobs, reporting the relative importance of their satisfaction with different work elements, such as supervision and job engagement. These are used to construct a model of NQSWs' overall satisfaction and intentions of leaving their social work jobs. The model incorporates NQSWs' perceptions of how well their degree courses prepared them for their current social work jobs in addition to personal, organisational and specific role characteristics. Using statistical techniques of factor analysis and regression modelling we highlight the complexities of how job satisfaction is constructed and we argue that the data reveal the importance of team support and self-efficacy in relation to whether social workers are thinking about leaving their current social work jobs.  相似文献   

Research on social support and job satisfaction has yielded mixed results, partly because studies have rarely examined different types of workplace social support, such as collegial support, task support, coaching, and career mentoring. This study identified the relative contributions of different types of social support to job satisfaction and explored the relationship between social support and job tenure. Overall, social support accounted for approximately 17% of the variance in job satisfaction and 9% of the variance in job tenure. Career mentoring and task support were the types of social support most predictive of job satisfaction. Coaching and task support were the types of social support most predictive of job tenure.  相似文献   

对于新生代农民工而言,打工已经不再单纯是为了经济目的,开阔眼界、寻找更好的生活机会、促进个人成长等构成其打工的多重动机,对打工和工作的意义认识也随之发生了转变。运用叙事分析的质性研究方法剖析新生代女性农民工对打工和工作的差异性叙事发现,其对打工、工作的叙述和理解与社会发展变迁的轨迹相吻合,这也为我们提供了重新审视新生代农民工关于劳动及其意义的契机。从打工向工作的转型不仅意味着劳动性质、货币收入的变化,同时意味着人格尊严、职业发展和家庭完整。新生代农民工自身的素质和观念、要求转型的积极主动性成为他们实现转型的重要主观因素。  相似文献   

Using the 1992 Legalized Population Survey, I focus on employment matching processes of formerly undocumented Mexican immigrant workers in the United States. As in earlier studies, I show that employment characteristics are related to the job tenures of immigrant workers. However, my contribution is that I specifically analyze how formerly undocumented Mexican immigrant workers' attributes and social networks influence their job tenures. In general, increases in human capital are associated with shorter job tenure, apparently in an effort to improve employment conditions, while the use of social capital is positively related with job tenure. It appears that acquiring employment is a social process, and those using personal networks find longer lasting jobs. Although prior studies have minimized the role of supply-side characteristics such as employees' skill level and social networks in influencing job tenure, my research confirms the significance of workers and the resources they bring to the labor market.  相似文献   

This study of the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to seek graduate education among human service workers tests the hypothesis that intention will be stronger among satisfied senior practitioners (those in their current job for three or more years) and among dissatisfied junior workers. In November 1993, a questionnaire designed to measure various aspects of both job satisfaction and intent to pursue graduate education was distributed to all 83 bachelor-level human service workers in four agencies. Moderated regression analyses, with several control variables from background information about the 67 respondents, repeatedly supported the hypothesis. Discussion also covers secondary findings, limitations of the study, and implications of the principal finding for both educators and social service administrators.  相似文献   

Job security and its effects on unemployment are controversial issues. I investigate the effects of job security in an efficiency-wage model of unemployment. Though efficiency-wage ideas have wide appeal and provide strong foundations of involuntary unemployment, not much has been written about the ramifications of job security in these scenarios. I show that job security creates wage and unemployment effects when efficiency-wage aspects are relevant, because employment guarantees shift the burden of workers' effort attraction to the wage mechanism. These effects are further enhanced when workers have some bargaining power. My results, therefore, suggest a trade-off between employment stability and employment: High employment security leads to smaller employment (or larger involuntary unemployment). I thank Ron Oaxaca and participants at the W.E. Upjohn Conference on Unemployment Insurance for useful comments.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the relationship between rural socialization and hunting participation. Assessments of the cultural significance of hunting as a “way of life” in rural areas echo traditional assertions of the importance of rurality, but do not consider the interplay between rural residence and other variables that affect hunting participation. Although previous research has demonstrated that rural residents are more likely to participate in hunting, as are males and those who are influenced by family, the interaction of these variables is poorly understood. A national survey used a socialization framework to explore the more specific conditions under which rural upbringings were associated with increased hunting participation. Rural upbringings fostered an increase in hunting primarily when the socialization relationship between agent and target was unlikely to do so and when participation was consistent with gender norms: rural males whose fathers did not hunt were more likely to hunt than urban males whose fathers did not. In no other cases did rural upbringings result in an increased propensity for hunting. Therefore we suggest that broad statements about the cultural significance of hunting to rural life be made more cautiously, with the effects of other variables taken into account.  相似文献   

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