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为了探讨保险营销员自我和谐与心理控制源、领悟社会支持的关系,采用自我和谐问卷和心理控制源量表、领悟社会支持量表对376名保险营销员进行调查结果表明。保险营销员的自我和谐与心理控制源、领悟社会支持之间存在显著的负相关:心理控制源、领悟社会支持对自我和谐具有负向预测作用。心理控制源可以通过领悟社会支持对自我和谐产生影响。  相似文献   

青春恋是指在生理或心理上还未完全成熟的青少年之间发生的异性迷恋现象。我们现在之所以都不称“早恋”,是因为“早恋”这个词所带有的价值评价的意味太浓,会引起青少年的逆反心理。青少年进入青春期后,随着性生理、心理的急剧变化.青少年不但产生了青春期的新鲜感,也对与生俱来的性的好奇心越来越强烈,对性知识的追求越来越迫切,对性的困惑越来越多。这导致青春恋现象越来越普遍,影响着青少年。  相似文献   

霍尔论青少年心理发展的十大特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G.S.霍尔(G.S.Hall)系美国心理学家,国际青少年研究的发起人之一。霍尔认为,正常的心理发展包括一系列进化阶段。这一信念使他先对儿童,后来又对青少年进行了心理学研究。1904年,霍尔刊市其重要著作《青少年:它的心理学及其与生理学、人类学、社会学、性、犯罪、宗教和教育的关系》。这不仅是一部包罗青少年心理资料的百科全书,而且对霍尔关于发展的“复演说”作了最完整的说明。霍尔认为青少年的发展具有如下一些特征:(-)精力过分旺盛和无精打来青少年可以有几小时、几天、几周或者几个月精力过分的旺盛,他们热衷于打破…  相似文献   

选取10例典型案例对14周岁至25周岁的青少年暴力犯心理成因进行质性研究,从心理学角度探讨影响青少年暴力犯罪的原因。学校教育和家庭教育对青少年暴力犯罪具有良好的规避作用,但是青少年暴力犯家庭及学校教育影响较小;犯罪主体具有知识水平较低、情绪易怒易冲动性、认知狭隘的特性,犯罪个体受群体消极影响明显,责任分散影响下加剧青少年暴力犯罪行为表现。家庭、学校、社会及个性特征综合需互相配合发挥作用调节青少年暴力犯罪。  相似文献   

本文运用质性研究方法中的深入访谈,对19名“80后”青少年对“80后”现象的看法进行了深入研究。结果表明.与以往一些学者研究中社会媒体和家长、老师对“80后”青少年更多持负面、否定评价相比,“80后”青少年对自身评价更为积极明朗,他们对社会及一些媒体对“80后”青少年的看法表示否定。对“80后”青少年持积极肯定态度。他们对“80后”的概念进行了重新诠释。认为“80后”可以分为“85前”和“85后”。“85前”与上一代价值观念更为趋同,而“85后”更符合社会和媒体所描述的青少年特点。“80后”既有突出的优点,也存在着不容忽视的缺点;改革开放特定的时代环境造就了“80后”的一代,他们既有相对独特的个性、心理特征、生活方式,也存在着特有的精神的困惑和心理的压力。“80后”绝对不是垮掉的一代,而且时代的发展也不是一代不如一代,“80后”是有希望的一代。  相似文献   

艾戈 《金色年华》2011,(12):47-49
这里描述的性躁动不是心理医学上的性躁动,心理医学的性躁动是伴随着第二性征的出现而发生的,只有一时的性冲动,能够自我控制住,不影响学习和日常行为。我所要说的中国人的性躁动,应该属于社会学的范畴,反映了现代人在一种无奈、徘徊和迷茫的状态下,靠性刺激来排解郁闷而获得片刻的安宁。  相似文献   

小组成立背景 5·12地震给灾区青少年的生活造成了一定的影响。由于青少年处在生理和心理发展的特殊时期,他们自我意识强,追求独立而又不得不依赖于父母,自尊心强但又不够成熟,感情丰富却又非常情绪化,其困难与需求也具有特殊性。为了给青少年提供具有针对性的、符合青少年群体需求的服务,我们在“儿童友好家园”实习期间,针对灾区青少年开展了“阳光下的我们”青少年成长小组活动。  相似文献   

青少年阶段是人生中最美好的时期,快速成长、朝气蓬勃、风华正茂,但是,从心理发展的角度来讲,此时的心理活动逐渐复杂,青少年开始探索自己的内心世界,对自我和社会充满了困惑,且对于外部环境变化较为敏感,情绪较易起伏,容易冲动。激情犯罪在未成年人犯罪中较为普遍。已有的研究,主要倾向于从社会支持、父母教养方式等外部环境因素来探讨青少年犯罪的影响因素以及有效地预防控制手段,而较少直接探讨在青少年犯罪中情绪情感调节策略匮乏或选择不当等内部因素带来的影响。本文基于对Gross情绪调节过程模型,从情境选择、情境调节、注意分配、改变认知、反应调节整个过程,初步探讨情绪调节策略选择对青少年犯罪的影响以及情绪调节时机选择的重要性。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,中国经济开始进入了平稳高速增长的发展阶段,社会形态进入了一个“正常发展”的社会,为“90后”新一代健康成长提供了一个正常的社会环境。从这个意义上说,“90后”新一代比起前几代青少年,他们属于更健康、更正常成长的新一代。本文通过对“90后”上海青少年的调查,发现他们身体健康总体状况良好;学习自主性和效能感增强;价值取向更加开放、多元和务实;拥有积极的心理感受。与此同时“90后”青少年的发展也存在不成熟之处,对此应以发展的眼光来加以观察,通过改进和完善社会公共政策、加强核心价值引导、提供社会实践机会、加强心理建设等进行应对。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪心理是由青少年时期生理、心理发展及社会化过程中的各种矛盾引起的,从年龄、生理发育和心理发展方面来看,青少年时期是从儿童向成人过渡的时期,处在这个年龄阶段的青少年生理上发生了急剧而显著的变化,而其心理水平的提高相对缓慢,缺乏合理调节和支配自己活动的能力,在认识与情感、认识与行为、情感与意志行为、独立性意向与认识能力之间以及自我意识内部各成分之间存在着矛盾。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to better understand what factors a sample of independent living oldest-old people believed contributed to their late-life independence. Participants selected from a list of Medicare recipients were interviewed in their homes and asked to identify factors that they felt were responsible for their ability to remain independent in late-life. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Locus of control emerged as a useful conceptual framework for describing the data. Five styles of locus of control were identified. The fifth style, Integrative Locus of Control, suggested that the oldest-old may integrate multiple styles of internal and external locus of control. Family members and service providers can encourage independence by respecting the oldest-olds' abilities to make decisions, solve problems, and resolve conflicts, while concurrently acknowledging and providing for their identified needs.  相似文献   

This article presents data from a five-year evaluation-research case study of a large urban schools district's internal Student Assistance Program (SAP). The district employed specially trained and licensed school-based counselors to implement an internal SAP expanded to include tertiary prevention, and modeled after an employee assistance program established for adults. From the population of more than 10,000 students who received some type of program assistance for at-risk behaviors, a stratified random sample of 2,238 cases, over a five year period, were reviewed. Results indicate a statistically significant decline (p < .05) in students' drug use and a significant improvement in internal locus of control occurred each year. While not statistically significant, the average number of student discipline referrals was less than the year prior to program admission; however, there was no significant change in academic performance. A significant correlation between students' drug use and the amount of time in program, the type of assistance received, and the student's custody status was also found.  相似文献   

According to the social axioms framework, people's beliefs about how the world functions (i.e., internal or external locus of control) are related to their social behaviors. Previous researchers have attempted to relate locus of control to gambling behavior, but the results have not been clear-cut. The present study speculated that the effects of perceived control (i.e., belief in luck and belief in skill) on gambling behavior are domain-specific and vary with the type of gambling. A total of 306 adult Macau residents ranging in age from 18 to 65 with casino gambling experience were recruited by going door to door. Empirical data on gambling frequency and perceived control relating to 13 types of gambling were collected. Our results demonstrated that the effects of belief in luck or skill on gambling behavior varied across different gambling categories. Specifically, for football lottery, Chinese lottery, and baccarat, it was not belief in skill but rather belief in luck that was a positive significant predictor of gambling frequency. Only for slot machines and stud poker did belief in skill significantly predict gambling frequency. For the remaining eight gambling categories, neither belief in luck nor belief in skill could predict gambling frequency. Our findings indicate that neither internal nor external locus of control can consistently explain people's gambling behaviors. Instead, which factor plays a greater role in a person's gambling behavior is dependent on the gambling type. Therefore, the finding that not all gambles are created equal might be a promising avenue for further research and treatment approaches.  相似文献   

Advocating acceptance, committed action, and value-guided behavior over experiential avoidance, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may aid lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) clients affected by hetero/homonormative social pressure. By conceptualizing LGBT paradigms of internal/external control/responsibility (IC-IR; EC-IR; IC-ER; EC-IR), ACT may be adapted to a myriad of multicultural worldviews. This article presents locus of acceptance as the attributed worth of internal/external cues perceived necessary by the client to achieve self-acceptance. Recognizing visibility and isolation as recurrent LGBT issues, locus of acceptances balances identity as individual (internal acceptance) with identity as community (external acceptance).  相似文献   

Based on Boss’ family stress model, the study examined whether financial adaptations and locus of control mediated levels of financial distress and hopefulness for low-income consumers experiencing economic pressure. Data were collected online from 221 low-income, Midwestern consumers. Structural equation modeling explored relationships. Those reporting more economic pressure reported higher financial distress, less hopefulness. When locus of control was more internal, however, participants reported less financial distress and more hopefulness. Those making more financial adjustments had more financial distress, but also more hopefulness, indicating that while the current situation was grim, adaptive responses fostered hopefulness that things would improve. Educators can emphasize financial behaviors that improve financial outcomes, facilitating greater perceived control over finances, more hopefulness, and reduced financial distress.  相似文献   

王家庭  赵丽  孙哲  王璇 《城市观察》2013,25(3):5-20
结合我国29个省区2000-2010年的面板数据,运用空间计量方法实证研究了区域城市化与环境污染的关系。实证结果表明:(1)工业污染、生活污染与区域城市化的关系依旧呈现倒N型;(2)其他影响因素对环境污染的影响程度和方向各不相同;(3)目前中国的大部分省区均处于随城市化率增加环境污染加剧的阶段。  相似文献   

In previous studies, internal locus of control (ILC) has been pointed out as a key factor for return to work after vocational rehabilitation. The aim of the current study was to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of ILC in a Swedish vocational rehabilitation context. The study was based on data from 347 long-term sick-listed clients collected at the onset of vocational rehabilitation. A first bi-variate analysis showed that ILC was positively associated with physical functioning and general health, and negatively associated with bodily pain. The analysis also showed that women, more than men, reported high internal locus of control. After a second multivariate analysis, only bodily pain remained associated. It is concluded that there exist a strong and negative association between bodily pain and internal locus of control. Clients with severe pain often also suffer from low internal locus of control. This should be kept in mind when providing vocational rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The current study examined the role of attachment insecurity, locus of control, and parental financial communication on the financial behavior of emerging adults from a family financial socialization theory perspective. Data were used from the Emerging Adult Financial Capability Study, the sample consisted of emerging adult college students (N = 321) from a large southeastern university in the United States. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the direct and indirect effects as well as the overall fit of the model that was constructed according to family financial socialization theory. Results suggested that increased attachment insecurity predicted decreased financial communication from parents and a decreased perception of an internal locus of control. Emerging adults who received greater financial instruction (both direct and indirect) and who felt they had a greater ability to influence outcomes in their life engaged in more sound financial behavior. Results also suggested that financial communication and locus of control mediated the relationship between attachment insecurity and financial behavior. The findings supported the inclusion of attachment as an important family relationship variable in the financial socialization process, as well as the structure of a conceptual model of family financial socialization theory.  相似文献   

The role of contingency learning was examined in 3‐month‐old infants' reaching movements. Infants in the experimental group experienced 9 min of active training during which they could move their arms in a reach‐like fashion to pull and move a mobile. Infants in the control group experienced 9 min of passive training during which they watched a mobile move. Prior to (pre‐training) and following the mobile experience (post‐training), infants in both conditions were given an opportunity to interact with a rattle placed within and out of their reach. Compared with infants in the control condition, infants in the experimental condition produced reach‐like movements more frequently during the mobile experience; they also showed a greater increase in reaching attempts from pre‐ to post‐training assessments with the rattle. These findings show that reinforcement of arm extensions and retractions increases the frequency of infants' reaching behaviors. This result suggests that the reinforcement of components of infants' behaviors may contribute to the successful assembly of these behaviors. This process could help keep infants engaged during the lengthy transition from prereaching to independent reaching.  相似文献   

Exaggerated projections of the 3rd-person effect of crisis news on target groups may play a key role in escalating corporate crises. A 2 (locus of control: internal vs. external) × 2 (product category of crisis: food vs. laptop) experiment found that the 3rd-person perception varies as a function of product category. Our results indicated that in a laptop product category crisis, participants perceived target audiences to be more influenced than themselves when locus of control was internal rather than when it was external. This study delved into the potential effect on target groups and the corporation resulting from possible exaggerated perceptions of the impact of the crisis on the target groups. This perception may prompt or even pressure target audiences to react more strongly in keeping with the perceived impact, not their actual concern with the crisis. In turn, corporations may respond to a target audience based on the reaction the target audience feels obligated to portray in response to perceived impact, not actual impact measured independently in various ways.  相似文献   

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