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This study presents a new field experimental approach for measuring age discrimination in hiring. In addition to the classical approach in which candidates’ ages are randomly assigned within pairs of fictitious résumés that are sent to real vacancies, we randomly assign between these pairs the activities undertaken by the older candidates during their additional post-educational years. When applying this design to the case of Belgium, we find that age discrimination depends fundamentally on the older candidates’ career patterns. Older age only robustly affects call-back if the older candidate was employed in an out-of-field job during his or her extra post-educational years.  相似文献   

The résumé is a fixture within employment counseling, often viewed as a necessary product for securing employment. Résumés can also be a powerful vehicle for facilitating the development of positive career identities. The complex interplay of negative societal narratives with personal narratives can make the development of a positive identity, and the execution of an employment search, difficult for clients who have work histories complicated by personal and economic challenges (e.g., homelessness, intimate partner violence, histories of incarceration). The authors present résumé counseling as an opportunity for clients to develop stories of strength, reveal stories of difficulty, solidify a positive career identity, and rewrite positive future narratives. This article describes the strength‐based narrative approach to résumé and employment counseling, illustrates its application with a hypothetical case, and offers practice recommendations.  相似文献   

Des résumés identiques, differencés seulement par le sexe et l'orientation sexuelle, étaient énvoyés pour postuler un contrat d'apprentissage chez les firmes des avocats en Ontario. La réponse démontre l'existence de la discrimination par le sexe et l'orientation sexuelle dans le métier de droit de l'Ontario. Les implications pour l'administration de la justice au Canada sont explorées. Identical resumés, differentiated only by sex and sexual orientation, were mailed to Ontario law firms, in application for an articling position. The response demonstrates the existence of discrimination by sex and sexual orientation in the Ontario legal profession. Implications for the administration of justice in Canada are explored.  相似文献   

Terrorist attacks are known to influence public opinion. But do they also change behaviour? We address this question by comparing the results of two identical randomized field experiments on ethnic discrimination in hiring that we conducted in Oslo. The first experiment was conducted before the 2011 terrorist attacks in Norway; the second experiment was conducted after the attacks. In both experiments, applicants with a typical Pakistani name were significantly less likely to get a job interview compared to those with a typical Norwegian name. But the ethnic gap in call‐back rates were very similar in the two experiments. Thus, Pakistanis in Norway still experienced the same level of discrimination, despite claims that Norwegians have become more positive about migrants after the far‐right, anti‐migrant terrorist attacks of 2011.  相似文献   

Racial identity is one of the primary means by which immigrants assimilate to the United States. Drawing from the tenets of segmented assimilation, this study examines how the ethnic traits of immigrant status, national origin, religious affiliation, and Arab Americaness contribute to the announcement of a white racial identity using a regionally representative sample of Arab Americans. Results illustrate that those who were Lebanese/Syrian or Christian, and those who felt that the term “Arab American” does not describe them, were more likely to identify as white. In addition, among those who affirmed that the pan‐ethnic term “Arab American” does describe them, results illustrated that strongly held feelings about being Arab American and associated actions were also linked with a higher likelihood of identifying as white. Findings point to different patterns of assimilation among Arab Americans. Some segments of Arab Americans appear to report both strong ethnic and white identities, while others report a strong white identity, yet distance themselves from the pan‐ethnic “Arab American” label.  相似文献   

L'image représentée par Tupperware est essentiellement féminine. Cet article analyse la littérature entourant Tupperware pour y retrouver cette image de la fémininité de classe moyenne, euronord‐américaine et domestique. L'analyse de cette littérature se fait en tenant compte des changements et continuités, au cours des 50 dernières années, des rôles domestiques, économiques et sociaux des femmes nord‐américaines. Ces rôles domestiques et économiques se sont entrelacés, ce qui a permis à L'entreprise de mieux les exploiter. La réussite de Tupperware en s'associant à cette image très précise peut servir comme baromètre pour révéler comment les femmes négocient les pressions combinées de la maison et du travail. Tupperware projects a quintessentially gendered image. This article explores writings by and about Tupperware to discover its representation of middle‐class white domestic femininity. This image is read against changes and continuities in North American women's domestic, economic and social roles over the past fifty years. There has been an ongoing intertwining of women's domestic and paid work roles that Tupperware has been able to exploit. The enduring success of Tupperware as a company associated with a specific image is thus a useful barometer indicating how women are contending with the combined pressures of home and work.  相似文献   

Using the Integrated Mission System of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the employment discrimination experience of Americans with missing limbs is documented. Researchers compare and contrast the key dimensions of workplace discrimination involving Americans with missing limbs and persons with back and other non-paralytic orthopedic impairments. Specifically, the researchers examine demographic characteristics of the charging parties; the industry designation, location, and size of employers against whom complaints are filed; the nature of discrimination (i.e., type of adverse action) alleged to occur; and the legal outcome or resolution of these complaints. Findings indicate that persons with missing limbs were more likely to encounter discrimination if they were male, under 20 or over 65 years of age, and White or Native American. They were also more likely to encounter more frequent discrimination when they worked for employers in the Southern United States, those with 200 or fewer employers, or whose industry designation involved manufacturing, construction, or transportation. Finally, the nature of job discrimination experienced by Americans with missing limbs is more likely to involve hiring, promotion, or job training than other issues. Implications for policy and advocacy are addressed.  相似文献   

Notices bibliographiques: Kerin, An to T. Sole Survivors: How exceptional companies survive and thrive at the edge. Notices bibliographiques: Ronnås, Per; Orlova, Nina. Moldova's transition to destitution. Livres récents: Argüelles, Antonio; Gonczi, Andrew (directeurs de publication). Competency‐based education and training: A world perspective. Livres récents: Budetti, Peter P.; Burkhauser, Richard V.; Gregory, Janice M.; Hunt, H. Allan (directeurs de publication). Ensuring health and income security for an aging workforce. Livres récents: Moss, Philip; Tilly, Chris. Stories employers tell: Race, skill, and hiring in America. Nouvelles publications du BIT: Cooperatives in Asia. From reform to reconstruction. Par Krishan K. Taimni Nouvelles publications du BIT: Fundamental principles of occupational health and safety. Par Benjamis O. Alli Nouvelles publications du BIT: La dimension sociale et les répercussions sur la main‐d'?uvre de l'évolution des industries de la foresterie et du bois. Rapport sounds aux fins de discussion à la réunion tripartite sur la dimension sociale et les répercussions sur la main‐d'?uvre de l'évolution des industries de la foresterie et du bois. Nouvelles publications du BIT: Les facteurs ambiants sur le lieu de travail. Recueil de directives pratiques du BIT. Nouvelles publications du BIT: L'impact de la décentralisation et de la privatisation sur les services municipaux. Rapport sounds aux fins de discussion à la réunion paritaire sur l'impact de la décentralisation et de la privatisation sur les services municipaux. Nouvelles publications du BIT: Mutuelles de santé et associations de micro‐entrepreneurs. Guide. Nouvelles publications du BIT: Mutuelles de santé en Afrique: Caractéristiques et mise en place. Manuel de formateurs (2eédition). Programme du BIT Stratégies et techniques contre l'exclusion sociale et la pauvreté, Solidarité mondiale, Alliance nationale des mutualités chrétiennes de Belgique.  相似文献   

En se fondant sur une enquête auprès des entreprises, menée à grande échelle en Suède, les auteurs concluent à une hétérogénéité importante des attitudes par rapport à la main‐d'?uvre immigrée d'origine réfugiée, au comportement professionnel de ces travailleurs, à leur niveau de salaire et à la discrimination à leur égard, même si une expérience préalable en la matière limite les attitudes négatives. Pour la majorité des entreprises, les salaires minima conventionnels ne constituent pas un obstacle majeur au recrutement de réfugiés. Cependant, celles qui emploient beaucoup de réfugiés estiment que la réduction de ces seuils serait très bénéfique à l'emploi.  相似文献   

The authors present the constructivist résumé, an original approach developed to promote professional identity development and career adaptability (i.e., concern, curiosity, confidence, and control) in students completing graduate‐level counselor training programs. The authors discuss underlying theories, including Super's (1990; Super, Savickas, & Super, 1996) life span, life space theory and Peavy's (1998) SocioDynamic Counseling Model, and their applications to career counseling. They also provide a detailed case illustration, make practical recommendations, and note the advantages and limitations of the approach.  相似文献   

Cette étude analyse les salaires des avocats et explore si, et pourquoi, les hommes et les femmes reçoivent un traitement salarial différent. Un modèle, tiré de la théorie du human capital et de la théorie de la segmentation des occupations, est proposé. Malgré le fait que le sexe des avocats n'a pas d'effet direct sur leur salaire, les femmes sont désavantagées par rapport à plusieurs facteurs qui augmentent de façon significative les salaires de leurs collègues masculins. Plus spécifiquement, les avocates ont moins d'expérience dans la pratique du droit, travaillent des heures plus courtes, sont moins nombreuses à avoir des enfants d'âge préscolaire et ont moins d'autonomie dans leur travail que leurs homologues masculins. Les résultats demontrent aussi que les avocats et avocates ne sont pas rémunérés différemment pour leurs investissements en capital humain, mais nous suggérons que la discrimination salariale opère de façon plus subtile. Nous faisons aussi des recommandations quant aux recherches à venir. This study examines lawyers' earnings and explores if and why male and female lawyers are differentially rewarded. A model is proposed that draws from human capital theory and occupational segmentation theory. Although lawyers' sex does not have a direct impact on earnings, women were found to be disadvantaged along many of the factors that significantly increased lawyers' earnings. Specifically, women in law have less experience practising law, work shorter hours, are less likely to have preschool‐aged children, and have less job autonomy than their male counterparts. The results also show that male and female lawyers are not differentially rewarded for their human capital investments, but we suggest that pay discrimination may be operating in more subtle ways. Recommendations for future research are presented.  相似文献   


This article gives an analysis of Betty Shamieh’s Roar and The Black Eyed. In these plays, Shamieh presents Arab Americans as victims of Orientalism. She puts Arab Americans within the context of immigrants’ sagas in the United States in an attempt to give their experience validity and identification within larger ethnic experiences. Conversely, Arabs in the two plays are presented as victimizers and politically blamed. This confusion over the representation of the cultural and the political results mainly from Shamieh’s reluctance to offend the wide/white readership market, which is more interested in reading and watching the western stereotype of the Arab. Shamieh’s failure to stage a coherent positive picture of Arab America confirms that Arab Americans are still looking for artistic freedom and that literary censorship is still limiting their productions.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh the disparity between male and female representation in public administration is wide. Fewer women are employed in the civil service and they figure prominently in jobs set aside for them, while executive positions are generally occupied by men. Both systemic and subjective discrimination have created obstacles for women's access to public employment. They have to surmount enormous difficulties, first to gain entry into the civil service by thwarting social and cultural barriers and competing against well‐prepared and favoured male contestants, and then fight against a variety of odds to climb up the career ladder. Public personnel management is dominated by men whose perceptions and attitudes influence the development of personnel policies with a clear male bias. This has led to women's persistent discrimination in recruitment, placement, advancement, mobility and training. Women quotas are capriciously administered and subjective discrimination serves as a barrier in their career path. The promotion system is heavily inclined towards subjectivity and generally works against them. Most women come with high expectations and are committed to and always enthusiastic about their work and keen to advance their career, but circumstances work against them.  相似文献   

The authors describe an undergraduate psychology course that covers academic advising and career planning. Lectures included choosing a major, job opportunities with a bachelor's degree, applying to graduate school, and guest lectures from professionals in psychology‐related careers. Students completed a plan of study, a résumé, and a career exploration paper. Students evaluated the course and assignments as being moderately high in value and recommended that the course continue to be required for psychology majors. Nearly all students (93%) either changed their career plans or felt more confident about their plans after taking the course. Recommendations for implementing a similar course are provided.  相似文献   

Cet article examine comment la structure des réseaux personnels (ou égocentriques) est liée à la participation continue des individus dans un mouvement social (le British Columbia Wilderness Preservation Movement). Les résultats présentés dans ce texte suggèrent que la communication, le recrutement continu et l'identification influent sur le rapport entre la structure des réseaux et le niveau de participation dans le mouvement. Différents aspects de la structure du réseau personnel ont différents effets sur ces processus de médiation. Finalement, dans le contexte d'un activisme comportant des risques/coûts faibles ou moyens, les liens faibles sont plus importants pour faciliter la participation que ne le sont les liens forts. This article examines how the structure of egocentric (or personal) networks is related to the ongoing participation of individuals in a social movement (the British Columbia Wilderness Preservation Movement). The results presented in this paper suggest that: communication, ongoing recruitment, and identification mediate the relationship between ego‐network structure and level of movement participation. Different aspects of personal network structure have differential effects on these intervening processes. Finally, under conditions of low‐medium risk/cost activism, weak ties are more important to facilitating participation than are strong ties.  相似文献   

This article is a comparative study of two Chinese communities in two countries that differ in their history and their political direction when it comes to immigration: Canada and France. Although it neither concludes their independence nor the disappearance of the role of national states, the article points out many similarities in the structure, organization and internal economy relying on cross‐border ethnic networks. Le présent article consiste en une étude comparative de deux communautés chinoises en situation d'immigration dans deux pays différant par leur histoire et leur orientation politique: le Canada et la France. Bien qu'il n'en conclue ni à l'indépendance de ces communautés ni à la disparition du rôle des États nationaux, l'article relève maintee ressemblances sur le plan de la structure, de l'organisation et de l'économie interne reposant sur des réseaux ethniques transcendant les frontières.  相似文献   

Using the Integrated Mission System of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the employment discrimination experience of Americans with traumatic brain injury is documented. Researchers compare and contrast the key dimensions of workplace discrimination involving Americans with traumatic brain injury and persons with other physical, sensory, and neurological impairments. Specifically, the researchers examine demographic characteristics of the charging parties; the industry designation, location, and size of employers against whom complaints are filed; the nature of discrimination (i.e., type of adverse action) alleged to occur; and the outcome or resolution of the investigations. Findings indicate that persons with traumatic brain injury were more likely to encounter discrimination after obtaining employment as opposed to during the hiring process. They were also more likely to encounter discrimination when they were younger or Caucasian or when employed in the Midwestern or Western United States. Implications are addressed.  相似文献   

This essay follows from an historical study of Heron Island (Baie des Chaleurs), and in particular, the relationship between the island and the members, past and present, of the Eel River Bar Band, from the reserve of the same name. It aims to explore elements brought to light through my observation of members of the band, and notably the processes by which the latter strive to fashion a renewed connection with Heron Island; that is, to Self and to the world. Purposefully multidisciplinary, this study focusses on the representation/construction of space and on the manner in which it acts upon its derivatives in the form of collective memory and identity. Situated at the intersection of the symbolic and material realms, this essay endeavours to shed light on the formation of the narratives that, in this instance, constitute the production (mise en scene) of a perspective space of symbolization and social objectification—a process articulated on the enunciation of goals related to socio‐economic development and autonomy. At the same time, it is an attempt to account for a number of correlates to discourse, particularly practices related to social reconfiguration and the exercise of power, in a context marked by a quest for self‐determination and revitalism. In short, it is an examination of a case of resistance and accommodation by a small indigenous group seeking a new world‐vision. Le présent essai découle d'une étude historique portant sur l'île au Héron (Baie‐des‐Chaleurs) et en particulier sur les liens qui s'éta‐blissent entre celle‐ci et les membres, passés et présents, de la bande Eel River Bar, de la réserve du même nom. Il vise à explorer les éléments mis en relief par des observations faites dans le cadre de mes relations avec des membres de la bande, notamment les processus de l'élaboration d'un rapport renouveléà l'île au Héron, c'est‐à‐dire au Soi et au monde. Résolument multidisciplinaire, c'est une étude de cas qui porte sur la représentation/construction de l'espace et sur la façon dont celle‐ci influe sur la mémoire collective et sur l'identité qui en dérive. Sis à l'intersection de l'univers symbolique et de l'univers matériel, cet essai cherche à mettre au jour la formation des récits qui, dans ce cas, constituent la mise en scène d'un espace perspectif de symbolisation et d'objectivation sociale, un processus articulé sur l'énonciation de desseins de développement socio‐économique et d'autonomie. Parallèlement, il s'attache àéclairer les pratiques corrélatives au discursif, qui se nomment reconfiguration sociale et déploiement du pouvoir, dans un contexte de prise en main et de velléités revitalistes. En somme, il s'agit d'examiner un cas de résistance et d'accommodement de la part d'un groupe autochtone de petite taille, en mal de vision‐monde.  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks against the United States on September11, 2001, fueled widespread concern and speculation about mountingIslamophobic sentiment among Americans in response to the events.To monitor developments in opinions about Muslims and Arabs(both living in the United States and abroad) and attitudestoward the Islamic faith, survey organizations began to assessmore regularly Americans’ attitudes on these topics. Ianalyze developments in public sentiment about Arab and MuslimAmericans and Islam in the age of the war on terror using availablepublic opinion data. The data analyses in this study suggestthat Americans possess lingering resentment and reservationsabout Arab and Muslim Americans. The evidence also reveals lowlevels of awareness about basic elements of Islam but growinganxiety about Islam’s (especially Islamic fundamentalism’s)compatibility with Western values of tolerance, acceptance,and civility. Some of the sharpest movement in opinion dynamicswe observe is in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks,but opinion levels stabilize shortly thereafter. Monitoringthese developments as the war on terror continues is crucial.  相似文献   

Cinq modèles pour les programmes pédagogiques de prévention du harcèlement et de la discrimination ont été développés par les collèges et universités de l'Ontario. Ces modèles s'inscrivent dans la lutte contre toutes les formes d'oppression rencontrées dans notre société en s'appuyant sur les principes de base de la théorie et de la pédagogie antiracistes. Conçus en vue d'instruire les principaux responsables des établissements d'enseignement supérieur sur la prévention du harcèlement et de la discrimination, ils ont été tout aussi utiles lorsqu'ils furent employés avec les étudiants, le personnel et les citoyens en général. Le présent article examine ces modèles dans le contexte des pratiques pédagogiques actuelles en équité sociale. Five experiential models were developed by Ontario colleges and universities for harassment and discrimination prevention education. Using basic principles of antiracist theory and pedagogy, these models address issues related to a variety of forms of oppression. Although they were designed to educate senior decision makers in institutions of higher education in the prevention of harassment and discrimination on their campuses, they have been used effectively with students, staff and members of the general community as well. In this paper, the models are discussed within the context of traditional educational equity approaches.  相似文献   

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