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A board of inquiry ot the German Bundestag investigated the future of citizens in Germany. The possibilities and abilities of citizens to more democratic participation and responsibility in the community were part of the subject-matter. The author was member of the commission and describes his observations about how the commission has Organised and developed its work and its affiliation as a social group. He follows the idea that demanding political plans are also subject to daily patterns and reach the limits of what people are ready and able to do. Taking the work of the commission as an example the contribution gives an impression of how politics works and how it is made by people.  相似文献   


也不知道是从什么时候开始,"回炉"火了! 大学生回炉,商界领袖争相回炉,就连房地产从业人员也加入了回炉军团.  相似文献   

In this article in the journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO) we discuss the impact of individual mindfulness trainings on organizations. Therefore, we combine research on high reliability organizations with aspects of the newer sociologist system theory. First we seek to define the construct of mindfulness and we distinguish between individual and collective mindfulness as two different qualities of mindfulness. Using an example from the banking sector we discuss the challenges developing mindfulness in organizations and what intervention strategies could work. We distinguish between the three system levels psyche, interaction and organization. Doing this it becomes clear that interventions have to consider the coupling of the three different levels: How interventions have to be designed to effect all three levels?  相似文献   

The relationship of marital conflict with emotional disorder in children is well known. The disturbed behaviour at these children is a reaction to, and at times may be the only manifestation of, the parent's conflict. The author has developed an interview technique, based on drawing a dream, which enables children to effectively communicate their understanding of the stressful events in their lives that contribute to their emotional disorder. These drawings and the child's perceptions of their parents' conflict are then discussed with the parents. This often sharply focuses the problem for the parents and may facilitate a resolution of the marital conflict, thereby allowing a more appropriate realignment of family relationships, with a consequent improvement of the child's emotional disorder.  相似文献   

怠,轰好比伏油· 住婚枷问.叱均头病·、峋离婚呢|耗走笨"。人早上平牡传杆己巷幸棒”确侧减为人问弃叙·眨不气.勿二、、右忍布衣峨食办‘仁气仆少又完爪美扭六.铎吻咚.吵妞 穿。 幸福的去奋姻诚为人间异数,所以结婚应与仇人结,既恋爱好比饮酒,结婚如同当晚的头痛,而离婚呢办了终舟大事,又完成复仇大业,一举两得—就是第二天早上那拉阿司匹林砖确不枉人.消欠叭标·择乞,佳次有间处·,艺可琳用峨怀未代替械担·登姆姻有点阵‘毛咬|钓有之走你卡义‘佑竹可”弓茱上飞泉你2走洛不仆乞:刹人的盘子·沈慰丫川 婚姻有点像吃饭—你点的肯定是你最…  相似文献   

在一个火车站,一个扳道工正走向自己的岗位,去为一队徐徐而来的火车扳动道岔.这时在铁轨的另一头,还有一列火车从相反的方向进车站.假如他不及时扳岔,两列火车必定相撞.  相似文献   

Dans la plupart des études, les travailleurs de l’économie informelle sont présentés comme un tout homogène. Les auteurs considèrent pourtant qu'il peut y avoir parmi eux des gagnants et des perdants. En utilisant des régressions quantiles sur distribution non conditionnelle et des données issues d'une enquête auprès des ménages indonésiens (IFLS), ils estiment l’écart de rémunération entre travailleurs formels et travailleurs informels à différents points de la répartition des gains. Ils montrent que la pénalité de revenu aux dépens des travailleurs informels, manifeste et sensible pour certains d'entre eux, n'est pas systématique, confirmant ainsi la thèse de Fields (1990 et 2005) sur l'emploi informel hétérogène.  相似文献   

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