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The article describes a form of group coaching for female physicians during their medical specialty training. The basic approach of the coaching is solution and resource oriented and it comprises five sessions. Participants from different departments are given the opportunity to discuss aspects of their recent working experiences under professional guidance. Participants are therefore able to determine the topics to be discussed by themselves. Interest in the offer of coaching was very high and participants who completed the five sessions rated it very positively. The positive feedback allows us to conclude that as few as five coaching sessions can have a positive impact and can be of support for this target group.  相似文献   

Supervision with volunteers in social workWhile professional supervisors are increasingly requested to work with volunteers, the widening scope of application evokes specific problems to both supervisors and volunteers. This article is supposed to carry forward the preceding article in OSC 2/05. The author describes the special features of voluntary service by example of ambulant hospice work and relates them to the setting of supervision. It becomes evident, that it is necessary to modify and extend the roles of the supervisor in order to work successfully. The author emphasizes the adequate choice of methodic repertoire. In many respects psychodramatic supervision is suited particularly for the work with volunteers.  相似文献   

?Somehow we are extorted“. Analysing specific stress factors in nursing The image of nursing is changing, for instance through discussions on the development of nursing as a profession. A main topic of this discussion is patient-centered care. Patient-centered care can be seen as a chance to realize individual values, as a way to find self-fulfillment. But if conditions at the workplace don’s offer the relevant resources specific stress factors result (?extra work to realize individual aims“). Patient-centered care then goes together with the workers renunciation.  相似文献   

This article is a reply to an essay titled “Systemic—what else!”, recently published by Claus Nowak. Despite of great sympathy with Nowak’s passionate plea for an appreciative use of classical approaches to counseling and consulting—especially approaches of the humanistic psychological tradition—our analysis shows that the terms “systemic” and “systems theory” open up our understanding for new phenomena. Therefore, an adequate usage of the term “systemic” and a proper utilization of “systems theory” and its principles are not superfluous.  相似文献   

This article describes a storytelling method, which combines the craft of journalism with premises of systemic organizational development. It transfers the model of press freedom to the organization. Companies hire reporters to be free to cover the everyday life and culture inside the organization. Part of the method are storytelling-events where the reporters present their investigation to an internal public. The radical independence sets the systemic storytelling apart from other formats of corporate communications. The benefit is reliability. This opens new opportunities for companies to deal with itself and defines new turfs for journalists.  相似文献   

Coaching in school development The author focusses on coaching as a method of school development. In most cases school development is designed as organizational change realized by external experts (change agents). In contrast to this procedure, the author favours a school development by internal persons, especially by the principals of schools. It is argued, that if they are carefully coached during the whole process they are much more likely to succeed in developing the whole system.  相似文献   

Possibilities of public relations for hospitals While it is normal for hospitals in the USA to advertise or to do public relations, it is rather uncommon in Germany. Since hospitals in Germany are faced with rising competition and budget restrains of the public health system it seems they are recognizing more and more, that it is difficult to compete in the market without doing public relations. Therefore basic possibilities to reach certain target groups with public relations are presented. Subsequently the case of the Schlosspark-Klinik demonstrates, how it is possible to create public relations, which are strictly oriented towards the main strategy of the hospital.  相似文献   

Group coaching for managersIn this article the concept “Group coaching for managers” from Siemens Learning Campus is introduced. The reasons, goals, requirements, advantages and limitations of the concept are presented. Furthermore, the themes which managers bring to coaching and the methods which are used to work on solutions and clarification are described.  相似文献   

The culture of a seeming shamelessness and its significance for an error cultureThe author describes the culture of the seeming shamelessness and its significance for organization cultures in general and particularly for an error culture. He discusses the thesis of a new social character in the contemporary world and then he delineates the difficulties of the pioneer phase in organizations. The effects of a seeming shamelessness on organization cultures and especially on error cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

The author presents a concept for introducing a coaching programme in a non-university research institute with the aim to strengthen scientific excellence. The paper analyzes requirements for coaching that result from characteristics of scientific work and derives steps for implementation. The results are: (1) There is a tension between individual career objectives and short time organizational goals related to external research funding and commissioned research; (2) coaching should be introduced primarily as individual career coaching; (3) an important challenge exists in sensitizing leading scientists to address this tension between individual career objectives and organizational goals more actively. The paper discusses the relationship between individual consulting and more general organizational goals in science coaching.  相似文献   

Coaching the head physician of a surgical department The author presents an individual coaching of a female head physician, who is leading the surgical department of a hospital for half a year. The motive were conflicts in the relationship to the colleagues, mainly an interactional conflict with the assistant medical director, caused by dysfunctional patterns of understanding and behaviour. Together with the coach objectives were developed to find a more planning, structuring and communicative leading style. Further more, interventions were prepared and the interactions with the assistant analyzed. Finally, as a first conflict intervention a team discussion is prepared and successfully supported.  相似文献   

Resource oriented coaching with unimployed academicsThe author delienates a coaching process with an unemployed scientist looking for support in completing her thesis and in coping with her unimployment.  相似文献   

In this paper a planning and control system for logistics service providers (called LPS system) is developed under consideration of their specific flexibility potentials. Due to the complexity of such planning decisions (different planning levels and data quality of these levels as well as time horizons etc.), a multi-stage, hierarchical planning system is proposed which minimizes the relevant costs under consideration of the flexibilities. The advantage of a hierarchical planning concept consists in a limited planning complexity because otherwise data collection and solution development would lead to unsolvable problems in practice. The results of using LPS systems for a real-life case show a significant pay-off for logistics service providers due to the remarkable cost savings by applying a hierarchical planning concept.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy requires a high qualification which is gained mainly in practical training. Own treatments of mentally ill patients during training requires close-meshed supervision. This also has to meet the highest standards, which require a systematic training as a training supervisor. This article discusses the various aspects that have to be taken into consideration in behavior therapy. Beyond adherence to therapy manuals, extremely complex interaction processes have to be taken into account that cannot be substantiated by the classical behavior therapy. To this extent, supervision appears as a bridge between science and the art of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Supervision and coaching as internal consulting in a great public administrationThe author describes the process of the implementing of supervision, coaching and practise discussion in a great public administration. The difficulties of such an intention are shown, which appear, if an organization has no experiences with these formats and the decision makers have no background knowledge. Furthermore it is explained by which measures an institutional anchorage was possible. Because the process is not finished yet, a view of further developments is given.  相似文献   

This comment refers to the paper ofStefani/Bleibtreu. In their model they combine two important topics of audit research: Auditor’s independence and audit market’s concentration tendencies. The objective of their paper is to demonstrate that abandoning non audit services might have negative impacts on auditors’ competitive behavior.
This comment addresses the following features of the model:
  • The paper’s relevance, because it addresses aspects of the audit market structure, which have been so far neglected in the political discussion on the EU-level.
  • The way of modeling different auditors’ offered product portfolios and auditors’ cost structures.
  • The implications of the paper’s results, because only very few papers make use of analytical models for analyzing the audit market.

Coaching for executives in social work – an empirical study on consultancy needs. Executives in social work see themselves under special demands to balance the necessity to cope with public cost cutting requirements on the one hand and the design of organization structures which are to master future challenges on the other. In order to adapt coaching to the consultancy needs in this field, 96 executives working in social facilities in Thuringia were interviewed with a view to their potential consultancy needs, in particular with respect to their management functions and leadership challenges. This investigation showed a high degree of acceptance for coaching and differentiated consultancy needs in the dilemma between economization and quality oriented social work. A preliminary competence profile for coaching personnel is derived thereof.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Beitrag diskutiert Tarif- und Zinseffekte anhand der begünstigten Besteuerung nicht entnommener Gewinne von Personengesellschaften, die 2008 in Deutschland eingeführt wurde. Bei Eigenfinanzierung und Betrachtung von Grenzsteuers?tzen zeigt der Beitrag, dass die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung stets nachteilig ist, wenn eine abgeltend besteuerte private Kapitalmarktanlage die Alternativanlage darstellt. Müssen Gewinne thesauriert werden, weil Mittel im Unternehmen ben?tigt werden, so entf?llt die private Alternativanlage und die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung kann bei hohen Zins- und Steuers?tzen vorteilhaft sein. Wird die Einkommensteuerprogression berücksichtigt, zeigt der Beitrag, dass bei schwankenden Gewinnen die Thesaurierungsbegünstigung oftmals vorteilhaft ist, auch gegenüber der Abgeltungsteuer. Bei fremdfinanzierten Investitionen kann die Inanspruchnahme der Thesaurierungsbegünstigung sehr vorteilhaft sein, da die geringere Steuerzahlung bei Gewinnanfall den Umfang des ben?tigten Fremdkapitals mindert. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass sich Reformen von Steuertarifen wesentlich st?rker auf die Vorteilhaftigkeit von Investitionen auswirken als Zinseffekte.
Tax reforms by tax rate effects or timing effects? An analysis based an the German tax privilege for retained earnings
Summary  This paper analyzes two typical effects of tax reforms, tax rate effects and timing effects. The example chosen for the analysis is the tax privilege for retained profits of partnerships and sole proprietorships, which was implemented in Germany in 2008. Taking equity-financing and top marginal tax rates into account, the so-called tax privilege turns out to be a disadvantage under most assumptions. If the alternative investment is private capital income taxed at a flat-rate tax, the tax privilege will always be disadvantageous. If profits have to be retained and business income is the alternative investment, then the tax privilege will be advantageous in case of high income tax rates and interest rates. Analyzing progressive tax rates instead of top marginal tax rates reveals favorable results in case of fluctuating profits if the tax privilege is claimed. The same is true if debtfinancing is taken into account. All in all, the paper shows that a reform of tax rates influences the attractiveness of investments much more compared to timing effects.

The Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 and the Directive 2002/15/EC concern the driving and working hours as well as breaks and rest periods of drivers in road transportation. Although the regulations have an enormous effect on vehicle routing and scheduling, only parts of them have been integrated in few solution approaches and some vehicle routing models so far. This paper starts with the presentation of the restrictions of the relevant European Community regulations. Then, a mixed integer linear programming model for the vehicle routing problem with time windows including all rules of the regulations for a planning horizon of an entire week is presented. The model is solved with CPLEX and the impact of the regulations on the resulting vehicle schedules is analyzed by means of computational experiments.  相似文献   

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