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采用信任博弈范式,通过诱发愤怒、悲伤两种消极情绪和中性情绪,考察不同情绪状态的个体进行陌生人初始信任判断是否存在对信任线索的依赖性,即线索效应。研究结果显示当社会线索指向可信时,消极情绪普遍比中性情绪引起的信任水平低,而在社会线索指向不可信时,消极情绪和中性情绪并没有显著差别;同时悲伤和愤怒两种消极情绪之间存在差异:当社会线索指向可信时,愤怒情境下的被试表现出的信任程度比悲伤情境下的被试更高,当社会线索指向不可信时,愤怒情境下的被试表现出的信任程度比悲伤情境下的被试更低,证实消极情绪引起的认知加工策略差异会影响人际信任判断:愤怒情绪比悲伤情绪更依赖社会线索。  相似文献   

用户生成内容(user-generated content,UGC)行业的高速增长为网络市场带来了新的生机与活力,但也不可避免地出现内容质量方面的负面问题,治理形势严峻。本文在界定UGC内容问题本质为其参与主体的“搭便车”行为基础上,分析了现有集体行动困境的治理思路,通过多案例扎根方法,构建了UGC参与主体的自主治理模型及其实现路径。研究发现,UGC参与主体之间通过带动性激励、包容性审核、去中心化匹配三种行动情境展开相互之间的互动行为,并通过UGC信息链“内容生成—内容审核—内容分发”三个不同阶段的行为决策,最终实现自主治理。研究为有效解决UGC内容问题、改善国家网络内容生态提供了一定的参考思路和决策依据。  相似文献   

尹鹏  丁栋虹  豆国威 《管理科学》2020,23(10):116-126
平台管理者需要在考虑双边网络外部性的条件下对两边用户进行定价决策,除此之外投资策略也愈显重要。文章以视频平台为对象,用博弈模型研究视频平台在两边定价和 UGC (用户生成内容) 投资策略上的利益权衡。不同的内容来源具有不同的属性,UGC 内容相对于版权视频对广告商的吸引力不同,从而影响平台的投资策略。考虑了 3 种情况: 垄断、广告商多归属的寡头竞争以及广告商单归属的寡头竞争。研究提供了不同情况下视频平台的定价和UGC投资的决策指导,并比较了与传统市场的视角下决策的不同之处。结论显示不同的竞争条件下平台对于用户定价和 UGC 内容的投资策略如何受到 UGC 内容的特性以及平台间差异性的影响。  相似文献   

潘洪其 《领导文萃》2013,(10):22-23
从社会常态看,虽然媒体针对负面事件的报道多少会影响受众的情绪和判断,人们在日常生活中往往会更加警惕,但生活秩序、社会秩序并没有受到颠覆性影响。媒体关于负面事件的报道,在多大程度上导致了公众的"道德焦虑",对此不能无限夸大。  相似文献   

王琦珑 《经营管理者》2013,(24):119-119
在现代社会,伦理道德成为时代的主旋律,时代呼吁与此相适应的新的领导理念与领导方式。最近几年,国内外某些企业的领导者因道德缺失、见利忘义给企业发展乃至社会福祉造成了巨大损害的事件时有发生。因此,学术界和企业界开始对以往的领导研究思路进行反思,伦理型领导和道德型领导在此背景下成了众学者的研究目标,但伦理领导和道德型领导在国内的常被互相混用,本文从两种理论的概念、理论基础来分析其区别。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,各类危机事件频繁发生。危机事件具有破坏性、紧急性、复杂性和不确定性等特点,不仅对公共安全和社会稳定产生较大影响,也给危机事件中的相关人群造成强烈的心理冲击。作为危机事件的管理者,领导者在危机事件应对与处置过程中至关重要。危机事件发生后,他们不仅要亲临事件现场,目睹现场惨烈混乱的场景,接触各类受难人员,感受到人们强烈的情绪反应,还必须在有限的时间内快速做出关键性决策,制定具体的危机应对措施。因此,危机事件给领导者带来了强大的心理压力和巨大的考验。  相似文献   

目前,中国正处于公共危机事件的高发阶段,事件的发生直接影响到社会稳定和经济发展,成为中国公共组织必须面对的严峻挑战。当前非营利组织在公共危机管理中积极参与,发挥了重大作用。但其中也暴露了参与的意识与参与的效度等等一些不足。如何科学有效地利用这股力量已经成为公共治理领域的重要议题。  相似文献   

社会经济日益复杂化的今天,会计造假事件也屡屡发生,会计职业因此陷入严重的诚信危机,这与会计人员职业道德缺失有着必然的联系。为了规范会计人员的职业行为,提高会计信息质量,加强会计职业道德建设研究势在必行。本文对会计职业道德的内容、特征进行了分析,从而提出会计职业道德建设的重要性。  相似文献   

粟路军  冯姗 《管理评论》2023,(1):324-338
本文以2019年盐城3·21爆炸事件与2015年天津8·12爆炸事件为研究对象,采用双案例研究法,通过情感分析、主题聚类数据分析工具建构出公共危机信息响应模式对公众应对行为的影响机制。研究发现:(1)公共危机信息响应模式有二元主导型与三元协同型两种。(2)对公众的信息供应与信息需求匹配程度会影响公众应对行为选择。当信息供应与信息需求不匹配时,公众倾向于采用消极回避行为;当信息供应与信息需求匹配时,公众倾向于采用积极应对行为。(3)公共危机事件演化机制存在倒逼式危机演化机制与主动式危机演化机制,公共危机事件演化机制选择受到危机信息响应模式影响。本文研究结果丰富了危机沟通方面的理论,对公共危机管理者具有指导意义。  相似文献   

目前,体现人文关怀精神的心理援助在公共危机管理中的重要性已成为政府与全社会的共识,它所起到的调节情绪、有效缓解危机的作用日渐受到重视,并已成为危机管理的重要内容.一些领导者由于处在社会公共管理的前沿阵地,参与了公共危机管理的全过程,目睹了危机的混乱惨烈场面,加上对当事人及其创伤的同情,可能会出现严重的精神困扰、心理障碍,甚至心理崩溃.因此,有必要对参加救援的领导者适时地进行心理援助. 一、领导者本人的自我援助 领导者要学习心理援助的专业知识,理解并接纳心理援助,树立自我援助的理念汶川地震后的社会调查表明,一些最需要心理援助的基层领导干部由于不了解心理援助,出现了严重抵制甚至否定危机干预的现象,这在一定程度上使灾区来自政府的社会心理支持收效甚微,极个别基层领导干部出现抑郁甚至自杀的情形许多心理问题的产生很大程度上是由于当事人对自己心理状态的不理解和对心理援助的不接纳.理解和接纳自身的心理问题是改变的开始,理解和接纳心理援助是进行危机干预的基础和前提.这样会把心理援助内化成自己的潜意识,一旦自己遭遇心理危机,就可以在第一时间进行自我援助并愿意接受专业的危机干预,树立关爱自己身心健康、自助他助的理念.  相似文献   

Relational leadership is a relatively new term in the leadership literature, and because of this, its meaning is open to interpretation. In the present article I describe two perspectives of relational leadership: an entity perspective that focuses on identifying attributes of individuals as they engage in interpersonal relationships, and a relational perspective that views leadership as a process of social construction through which certain understandings of leadership come about and are given privileged ontology. These approaches can be complementary, but their implications for study and practice are quite different. After reviewing leadership research relative to these two perspectives I offer Relational Leadership Theory (RLT) as an overarching framework for the study of leadership as a social influence process through which emergent coordination (e.g., evolving social order) and change (e.g., new approaches, values, attitudes, behaviors, ideologies) are constructed and produced. This framework addresses relationships both as an outcome of investigation (e.g., How are leadership relationships produced?) and a context for action (e.g., How do relational dynamics contribute to structuring?). RLT draws from both entity and relational ontologies and methodologies to more fully explore the relational dynamics of leadership and organizing.  相似文献   

Social media has slowly become ubiquitous in the workplace; however, the use of these technologies has been associated with both positive and negative consequences. Using the JD-R model, this study examines these positive and negative consequences of the public social media use for work. Survey data of 421 employees is used to explore the relationship between public social media use for work and engagement, and exhaustion, through opposing mechanisms. The findings demonstrate that interruptions and work–life conflict are important demands, whereas accessibility and efficient communication are resources associated with social media use for work. These demands and resources are related to engagement and exhaustion.  相似文献   

Determining the most effective public warnings to issue during a hazardous environmental event is a complex problem. Three primary questions need to be answered: Who should take protective action? What is the best action? and When should this action be initiated? Warning triggers provide a proactive means for emergency managers to simultaneously answer these questions by recommending that a target group take a specified protective action if a preset environmental trigger condition occurs (e.g., warn a community to evacuate if a wildfire crosses a proximal ridgeline). Triggers are used to warn the public across a wide variety of environmental hazards, and an improved understanding of their nature and role promises to: (1) advance protective action theory by unifying the natural, built, and social themes in hazards research into one framework, (2) reveal important information about emergency managers’ risk perception, situational awareness, and threat assessment regarding threat behavior and public response, and (3) advance spatiotemporal models for representing the geography and timing of disaster warning and response (i.e., a coupled natural‐built‐social system). We provide an overview and research agenda designed to advance our understanding and modeling of warning triggers.  相似文献   

This research investigates whether financial institutions that have gained a good reputation in relation to their CSR activities also engage in significant corporate support for the arts (CSA). Using a sample composed of the 42 largest listed European financial institutions, data from 2004 to 2013 (i.e., 420 firm-year observations) and manually collected CSA disclosure information, our findings indicate that entities rewarded for their CSR initiatives are also those that engage in significant CSA. We also find that CSA disclosure reported in the social reports of financial institutions is a predictor for the attainment of a CSR award, whereas that reported in annual reports is not. Our findings suggest that annual and social reports have a different informative relevance, at least in relation to CSR initiatives in the form of CSA, for the stakeholders of financial institutions. Thus, our results provide useful insights for companies’ communication strategies showing, for example, that social reports are the best channel to communicate about CSA.  相似文献   

Influence plays a key role in reaching consensus among multiple actors involved in project-based decision-making processes. While prior literature devotes considerable attention to describing influence, little attention has been paid to influence at the individual level of the strategic project manager within the context of megaprojects. This research intended to fill this knowledge gap by identifying and describing the influence strategies that a strategic project manager applies when implementing innovation strategies on megaprojects. A qualitative case study was used to examine the complex social processes involved in a major UK capital investment programme. The findings underline a critical subset of influence strategies, notably higher-management support, inspirational appeal and bargaining. The study proposes a utilitarian structure of social power comprising selective, supportive and executory power bases.  相似文献   

Hass JK  Walter T 《Omega》2006,54(3):179-198
How do people respond to the grief of parents over the death of their infant child? This article documents the experience of one of the authors, an American married to a Russian whose child died in England. Responses to this death by friends, colleagues and family in the USA, England, and two cities in Russia varied considerably in terms of depth and degree of engagement (emotional engagement, respect, or distance and avoidance). What factors underlie these varied responses? Two are identified, one structural, the other cultural: the strength of the social ties within social networks, and religiosity as historically sedimented within a culture. The degree of engagement is correlated with network form; but the content of engagement depends on religiosity.  相似文献   

The recent surge in the usage of social media has created an enormous amount of user‐generated content (UGC). While there are streams of research that seek to mine UGC, these research studies seldom tackle analysis of this textual content from a quality management perspective. In this study, we synthesize existing research studies on text mining and propose an integrated text analytic framework for product defect discovery. The framework effectively leverages rich social media content and quantifies the text using various automatically extracted signal cues. These extracted signal cues can then be used as modeling inputs for product defect discovery. We showcase the usefulness of the framework by performing product defect discovery using UGC in both the automotive and the consumer electronics domains. We use principal component analysis and logistic regression to produce a multivariate explanatory analysis relating defects to quantitative measures derived from text. For our samples, we find that a selection of distinctive terms, product features, and semantic factors are strong indicators of defects, whereas stylistic, social, and sentiment features are not. For high sales volume products, we demonstrate that significant corporate value is derivable from a reduction in defect discovery time and consequently defective product units in circulation.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) play an increasingly important role in the mix of brands’ marketing communication. A key question for marketing departments, therefore, is how brand posts can be best framed to provoke positive user reactions and interactions. In order to better understand the determinants of communication success on SNS, we propose a theoretical framework of how users process posts on SNS. Its logic suggests that the overall theme of a post (“post appeal”) is a main antecedent of communication success. Thus, we empirically examine the effects of post appeals on user interaction by profoundly analysing a sample of 1948 Facebook posts. Results show that some post appeals have positive and others have negative impact on user interaction. Interestingly, some of the appeals with positive impact are rarely used by brands, while some of the appeals with negative impact are used quite frequently, indicating that brands currently do not grasp the full potential of post appeal strategy. This article concludes by discussing theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   


This paper responds to calls for new inquiries into the use of technology in HRD. We examine how, and to what extent, social media tools contribute to learner experiences and learner outcomes in an HRD intervention in a workplace context. We analyse qualitative and quantitative data relating to a massive open online course (MOOC) in a healthcare sector case study setting. We examine the interaction between the MOOC programme, social learning through social media tools and learner outcomes. The results of our evaluation show that usage of social media tools does not significantly affect knowledge outcomes but social media usage enhances affective outcomes. We conclude that social media tools can foster productive social learning processes. We also find evidence of some reluctance to engage with the technologies and declining patterns of interactivity using social media over the duration of the MOOC programme. We conclude that a more nuanced theorization to take account of personal and professional workplace context is necessary to explain how learners regulate their engagement with social media tools and the effect of social technologies for sustained social learning in HRD interventions.  相似文献   

Many people perceive climate change as psychologically distant—a set of uncertain events that might occur far in the future, impacting distant places and affecting people dissimilar to themselves. In this study, we employed construal level theory to investigate whether a climate change communication intervention could increase public engagement by reducing the psychological distance of climate change. Australian residents (N = 333) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions: one framed to increase psychological distance to climate change (distal frame), and the other framed to reduce psychological distance (proximal frame). Participants then completed measures of psychological distance of climate change impacts, climate change concern, and intentions to engage in mitigation behavior. Principal components analysis indicated that psychological distance to climate change was best conceptualized as a multidimensional construct consisting of four components: geographic, temporal, social, and uncertainty. Path analysis revealed the effect of the treatment frame on climate change concern and intentions was fully mediated by psychological distance dimensions related to uncertainty and social distance. Our results suggest that climate communications framed to reduce psychological distance represent a promising strategy for increasing public engagement with climate change.  相似文献   

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