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本文系统化地考察了中国激光视盘机产业的技术创新。本文的学术贡献是:第一,提出了针对中国企业能力现状的创新分类方法,创新可以分为系统创新、核心创新和外围创新;第二,识别并描述了中国企业创新分布的特点,指出了中国企业创新的优势主要体现在活跃的外围创新;第三,基于产品结构演化分析,尝试性地探讨了中国企业的竞争绩效,并引出了相关的竞争策略启示。产品结构模块化是释放中国企业低劳动力成本优势的重要前提条件之一。在竞争策略上,本土企业成功地利用了价值链的可分性、独立技术供应商的出现和增长迅速且需求结构多层次的市场机会,有效地发挥了低劳动力成本和当地市场知识掌握的优势,在外围创新领域和制造产品的装配环节,取得了较好的竞争绩效。  相似文献   

We adopt the dynamic capability perspective and the institutional view as the guiding theoretical lenses to explain the relative performance of foreign internet platform companies (IPCs) operating in China. Based on data obtained from 51 interviews a multiple‐case‐study approach is adopted, with representative matched cases between foreign IPCs, including Google, eBay, Amazon and Groupon, and local IPCs. The findings highlight the unique characteristics of the IPCs and the Chinese context that challenge assumptions prevailing in the literature of the applicability of firm‐specific advantages in determining a sustainable competitive advantage. We highlight the dynamic capabilities of the firm, such as flexibility and experimentation, in contributing to sustainable competitive advantage. Further, rather than focusing on firm‐specific resources, we find that the active agency of the firm can approach institutions as resources through external links with diversified institutional players, which is crucial for multinational enterprise IPCs to develop sustainable competitive advantage. Drawing on the findings we present a number of propositions and implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

中国大陆自从1978年以来,对外商企业门户开放已逾20年,由于经济持续发展以及平均高个位数的成长率吸引,跨国企业群起涌入投资。将探讨为何进入中国大陆的趋势由以往的合资方式演变为渐采独资经营?为何跨国企业的经营者,在面对截然不同的语言、文化差异以及消费者人口因素及品味急剧的变化而能成功立足于中国大陆?以爱立信、可口可乐、福斯汽车等公司经营成功的案例来说明,并另以顶新集团为例,作为台商投资中国大陆成功  相似文献   

We extend the knowledge‐based view by providing an explanation of how firms develop the capability to create knowledge. We take the view that firms are distributed knowledge systems composed of individuals who embody knowledge, and theoretically identify and empirically test the existence and effectiveness of two strategies – organization and project team – that promote their interactions to develop this capability. On the one hand, building on what we call the organization‐level innovation literature, we identify the organization strategy, which suggests investment in organization‐level integrative management practices to facilitate interactions to create knowledge among individuals situated in different parts of the system, independently of when a knowledge‐creation task is established and individuals are organized to create knowledge. On the other hand, building on what we call the team‐level innovation literature, we identify the project team strategy, which suggests investment in project team‐level integrative management practices to facilitate interactions to create knowledge among individuals once a knowledge‐creation task is defined and individuals are placed into teams to create knowledge. The two strategies are substitute approaches for the development of the capability, although the organization strategy appears to better predict outcomes of the capability. However, this approach might be more costly, so not all managers will choose to follow it.  相似文献   

“后来者劣势”与我国企业发展新兴技术的对策   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
高旭东 《管理学报》2005,2(3):291-294
我国发展新兴技术的道路充满了曲折,有必要提出"后来者劣势"的概念来进一步探讨和认识有关发展中国家发展新兴技术的理论与我国实践之间的巨大反差.研究表明,"后来者劣势"的核心不是技术问题,而是市场问题.即使我国企业在新兴技术开发上取得了突破,同跨国公司相比,也更不容易被市场接受.这一结论表明,需要重新思考企业、政府、以及用户和消费者在我国发展新兴技术中的作用和对策.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of low tax rates using transfer pricing and taking advantage of low production costs using offshoring are two strategies multinational firms (MNFs) use to increase profits. We identify an important trade‐off that MNFs face in setting their transfer prices: the conflict between (i) the incentive role and (ii) the tax role of the transfer price. For MNFs, we find the profit‐maximizing transfer‐pricing strategies that motivate divisional management to (i) make good sourcing decisions and (ii) take advantage of favorable tax rates. We quantify the absolute and relative maximum inefficiency in terms of the after‐tax MNF's profit change from using a single transfer‐pricing system as compared to the dual transfer‐pricing system. We show that the highest relative loss is attained when the average sourcing cost and the tax differential are high. We demonstrate that the highest absolute loss is attained when the average outsourcing cost is approximately equal to the offshoring cost. We extend our results to two practical variations in MNF structures: an MNF that faces operational constraints on its offshoring capacity and an MNF that uses compensation contracts linked to after‐tax firm‐wide profits. Our insights help MNFs' managers identify when to use single and dual transfer‐pricing systems.  相似文献   

We explore innovative projects carried out by MNE subsidiaries with local partners in China, focusing on the roles played by different components of inter-organizational trust with the local partners as well as features of the business environment in the specific location of the subsidiary. From a sample of 44 managers in MNE subsidiaries that we interviewed in three locations: Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, we identify 33 cases of innovative projects with prominent local partner involvement. Using a qualitative, thematic analysis of the data, we gain new insights that explain innovative outcomes for the subsidiaries. Firstly, we find a tendency towards a sociological component of trust with local partners in Beijing in contrast to higher levels of an economic component of trust in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Secondly, we find that a successful outcome was noted by informants where the sociological component of trust was utilized in Beijing and the economic component of trust in Shanghai and Guangzhou. The findings highlight the interaction between business context and the nature of trust with local partners in determining innovative outcomes in an emerging economy. We discuss implications for managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the viability of hybrid competitive strategies, which combine differentiation and cost elements, and their impact on organizational performance in comparison to pure strategies and ‘stuck‐in‐the‐middle’ combinations. Previous studies have focused above all on US data. The analysis carried out in this paper has centred on a multisectorial sample of 164 Spanish firms. The findings show that a large number of the organizations use different types of hybrid strategies and also that such strategies tend to be associated with higher levels of firm performance, particularly those strategies which place emphasis on a greater number of strategic dimensions, and specifically on innovation differentiation.  相似文献   

日本的公司治理对企业竞争优势的影响及其改革动因   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
20世纪90年代以前,日本的公司治理强化了它的企业竞争优势,一度让美国深感不安。而90年代后,日本的公司治理却又演化为经济发展的羁绊,个中原因耐人寻味。本文首先探讨了日本公司治理与企业竞争优势之间的内在逻辑,在此基础上分析了90年代后日本公司治理改革的根本动因。文章的分析是在已有研究成果的基础上力图提供一些更有说服力的见解。  相似文献   

The study examines the impact of product, functional and geographical diversification on the sales, exports and profitability of export intermediaries (EIs). It is based on a mailed survey of a sample of 135 British EIs. The results indicated that product and unrelated functional diversification are important to an EI's export stability. EIs that tend to carry undifferentiated products also exhibit more stable export sales. Although geographical diversification itself was not found to affect performance, focus on the economically developed countries seems to be critical for an EI's stability and growth of sales and exports.  相似文献   

疏礼兵  贾生华 《管理学报》2006,3(4):477-481
企业集群化成长已经成为浙江民营经济发展的一大特色,集群企业的技术创新存在较强的相互依赖性。通过对浙江上虞伞业集群的实证研究显示,不同规模、不同组织形态和不同成长阶段的集群企业在技术创新策略选择上存在显著差异,因此,需要在集群企业成长和技术创新策略之间不断寻求动态匹配。  相似文献   

技术能力如何转化为竞争优势:组织动态能力观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术创业型公司拥有雄厚的技术能力,然而并不表明这些公司也具备相当的竞争优势.技术能力转化为竞争优势的过程中受到组织动态能力(知识整合能力)影响.技术创业型公司的组织动态能力包括两个方面的具体知识整合能力,即来自市场/客户的需求信息与组织技术能力之间的知识整合能力以及公司内部不同职能部门之间的知识整合能力.技术创业型公司组织动态能力过程是影响技术能力转化为竞争优势的关键过程.本文通过对三家典型的技术创业型公司案例研究来解释有关理论假设.  相似文献   

将跨国公司知识流动影响因素的研究视角置于母公司对子公司的组织控制机制这一新兴领域,主要关注跨国公司的人员派遣与知识流动之间的关系.以跨国公司在沪的129个子公司为样本进行了问卷调查,实证结果表明在中国上海这样一个情境下,跨国公司的人员派遣对其知识流动有重要的影响,尤其是高层管理人员的派遣能够显著提高跨国公司的知识流动水平.  相似文献   

通过对欧盟在华投资公司经理们的访谈,从技术先进、市场进入准备、投资地选择、建立有性和稳定的员工队伍、研究与开发、营销网络等方面,分析欧盟在华投资的跨国公司成功因素。  相似文献   

从内部机制和外部网络出发,探究了网络中心度、战略隔绝对新创企业竞争优势的影响.基于来自高科技新创企业的187份有效问卷,利用结构方程对假设关系进行了验证.结果表明,网络中心度、战略隔绝对高科技新创企业竞争优势均具有显著的影响,而且战略隔绝在网络中心度与高科技新创企业竞争优势之间存在部分中介效应.  相似文献   

基于当下气候变暖的背景中有社会责任感的消费者对低碳产品有特殊偏好的情境,研究上游企业主导的供应链在面对具有低碳产品偏好的市场消费者时,上下游企业的减排投资行为与策略。依照Stackelberg博弈模型,构建上下游企业采用不同的行为策略的支付矩阵。进而,应用演化博弈理论中双种群演化博弈模型分析得到上下游企业减排投资行为的演化稳定策略:当需要较大的投资或者下游企业分担减排成本意愿较强时,由处于主导地位的上游企业实施投资减排是稳定的;当需要较小的减排投资或者下游企业分担减排成本意愿较弱时,上下游企业组成的供应链中必然会有一个企业实施减排。最后,指出了减排投资系数和下游企业分担投资成本比例的不同对演化博弈稳定均衡的影响。  相似文献   

利用微分对策理论研究了一强一弱双寡头垄断市场中的品牌广告竞争和大类广告合作策略,提出了一个Stackelberg博弈模型,采用汉密尔顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程求得了模型的均衡品牌广告、大类广告和价值函数,给出了市场份额计算公式。研究发现:与非合作策略相比,大类广告合作策略下,无论强者还是弱者,他们的销售量都增加了,同时两个企业的品牌广告投入也增加了;通过大类广告合作策略,无论强者(领导者)还是弱者(追随者),他们的利润都得到了提高;强者、弱者和行业的大类广告投入分别高于非合作下强者、弱者和行业的大类广告投入。  相似文献   

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