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多元智能理论和合作学习策略对大班英语课教学改革有着深刻的启示及意义。将两者强强联合探索大班英语教学的最佳出路具有更大的可能性和可行性。基于多元智能理论的大班英语课合作学习策略有益于改良大班学生被动的、盲目的英语学习状态,破除应试、单一的教学模式,激发学生的多元潜能和主观能动性,大幅提升课堂实践量,增强学生学习英语语言的动力和信心。  相似文献   

刘春燕 《生存》2020,(3):0178-0178
从 1951 年至 1999 年,我国在英语教学领域便大力开展了对学习策略的研究。在开展教学的过程中,教师通过对学习策略进行应用来帮助教师对学生进行科学指导。基于此,本文围绕性别与英语成绩及性别与学习策略进行了分析,同时对于性别差异对学生学习成绩及策略的影响也进行了探讨,对于学生和教师也提出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

本实证研究以广东外语外贸大学国际学院学生作为调查对象,通过问卷、访谈及测试的形式考察其学习策略与英语成绩之间的关系。研究结果表明学习策略对学习者的成绩提高并不能起到显著的作用。基于此,进一步对制约学习策略发挥作用的其它学习者因素进行探讨,进而对大学英语教学营造更好的自主学习环境提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

王会敏 《生存》2020,(15):0100-0100
词汇学习一直是中职学生学习英语的“拦路虎”,单词遗忘是造成英语学习两极分化的重要原因之一。如何有效开展词汇教学是困扰广大英语教师的难题。思维导图是有效的学习策略之一,能有效提高学习效率。文章结合中职英语教学实践,探究思维导图在中职英语词汇教学中的应用。  相似文献   

本研究以142名高职院校英语专业学生为研究对象,对他们所使用的英语学习策略以及学习策略与学习成绩的相关性进行了调查研究,利用SPSS11.0软件对统计数据进行分析。调查结果表明,学生使用频率最高的是补偿策略和元认知策略,情感策略和社会策略使用频率最低。相关和回归分析结果表明,只有认知策略和情感策略与学习成绩呈一定程度的相关性。  相似文献   

郭艳  刘宏利  张博 《社科纵横》2010,25(3):168-169
近年来,语言学界和英语教师已愈来愈重视听力的重要性,在提高学生听力理解水平方面也愈来愈重视对学生听力学习策略的培养、训练和应用。当前,很多语言学家和学术界专业人员都在致力于学习策略的研究。本文从士兵生英语听力的现状出发,对听力教学存在的问题进行分析,总结出了一套改进士兵生听力教学的方法。  相似文献   

马兰萍 《社科纵横》2009,24(3):174-175
心智培育的主渠道是学科教育,其中作为语言学科的英语教育更是实施心智培育的主要学科。在整个英语教学过程中,学生既要掌握英语知识和运用英语的能力,发展智力,又要熏陶情意,扩展世界文化意识,学会学习,发展学习策略和形成人格。只有把英语教育教学的过程、效率和结果有机融合起来,才能充分发挥学生的个性、潜能、创新精神和创造能力。  相似文献   

英语词汇学习策略研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田文燕 《社科纵横》2004,19(2):136-137
本文对过去的 2 5年中英语学习策略研究的发展变化进行了阐述 ,对国内外学者们的学习策略分类进行了表述 ,对国内的一些学者的学习策略的实证研究进行了简要叙述。  相似文献   

吴晔 《生存》2020,(5):0189-0189
词汇学习是英语学习的重要基础,学生只有通过掌握丰富的词汇,才能进一步对英语句子和文章进行理解和分析,久而久之,就能进一步提升他们的英语核心素养。小学六年级阶段的学生即将跨入一个新的学习阶段,此时他们不仅要掌握六年级的新词汇,还要对整个小学阶段学习的词汇都进行复习和掌握,记忆的词汇量非常大,这无疑是一个巨大挑战。为了进一步增加他们的词汇量,本文就归纳总结出了一些系统化、多元化的词汇学习策略。  相似文献   

李莹 《社科纵横》2010,25(10):175-178
本研究采用个案研究的方法,运用问卷、访谈和实地调查等多种手段,对西部欠发达地区(兰州商学院)"新体验大学英语自主学习系统"的自主学习策略存在的问题展开研究。研究发现存在的问题主要集中在网络自主学习条件匾乏,学校的网络自主学习教学管理不到位,教师尚未成功转变角色及学生学习的主人翁感、信息素养和学习策略需要提高。  相似文献   

张秀芝  杨红梅 《唐都学刊》2012,28(4):120-127
计算机网络技术的发展为网络交互教学下的大学英语自主学习提供了条件和可能。国内外许多学者及教育界人士普遍关注网络交互下的大学英语自主学习,并把培养学生自主学习能力作为教育的最终目标。在网络交互自主学习的过程中,教师和学生要持有正确的态度,把握好指导与主体的度,并且师生、生生这间要形成一种新型的关系,从而加强网络教学的互动性。  相似文献   

课堂讨论法是公认比较成熟有效的教学方法,但在英语口语教学的实际操作中,往往会因学生对讨论话题缺乏合作精神而无法达到预期的教学效果。文章试图从合作学习的角度出发,初步探讨课堂讨论法在英语口语教学中的有效应用。  相似文献   

潘海萍 《创新》2007,1(4):96-98
探究式教学是以培养学生的主动参与意识和探索研究能力为目的,使其成为学习的主体。在教学过程中,教师应注重启发学生提出有发散性思维的问题,让学生去自主探索、研究,从而提高学生的能力和素质。探究式教学已成为现行的英语教改主要内容。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic and associated school closures may have constrained educational participation particularly for students in disadvantaged circumstances. We explore how 30 disadvantaged students in secondary school (14 mainstream/16 Flexible Learning Programme) from Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania experienced home learning during the first wave of COVID-19, teasing out nuances across two educational models. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with these students, our analysis revealed three interconnected themes inflecting their learning: connection, connectivity and choice. Connection captures the desire for belonging and practices that facilitated meeting this desire during system-wide disruptions to school routines and face-to-face learning. Connectivity captures the impact of digitally facilitated learning at home on students' ability to engage with curriculum content and with their learning community. Choice captures the availability of viable options to overcome barriers students encountered in their learning and possibilities to flexibly accommodate student preferences and learning needs. Students from Flexible Learning Programmes appeared generally better supported to exercise agency within the scope of their lived experience of home-based learning. Findings indicate a need for strengthening student-centred policy and practices aimed at leveraging the affordances of information technology, balancing self-directed and structured learning and providing holistic support to enable meaningful student choice.  相似文献   

Practice learning is central to the changes in social work educationin the UK but the evidence-base indicating why this should behas not been rigorously examined. Studies of effectiveness conductedto date centre predominantly on the satisfaction of participants,relationships between teachers, supervisors or fieldwork educatorsand students, educational opportunities and developing aspectsof competence. This paper explores the concept of perceivedself-belief or self-efficacy as an indicator of developmentof competence during practice learning, examining whether self-beliefsin student competency do increase during placement and consideringhow this might be harnessed to enhance the experience and effectivenessof it. Findings from the study described indicate that studentperceptions of competence in relation to particular future performancedo increase from pre- to post-test during practice learning,suggesting that practice is effective in this respect and theconcept of self-belief can be utilized to challenge and extendstudent competence or identify areas for further work and development.However, the mechanisms by which these perceptions develop arenot clear and further research into practice learning is warrantedgiven the prominence accorded to it in social work education.  相似文献   

大学生学习活动质量是指大学生在大学学习生活中,对旨在获取知识经验和促进自身发展的各种学习活动的参与和努力程度,具体包括与图书馆、 计算机及信息技术、 课程学习、 生师相处经验等相关的学习活动.通过对北京市属高校大学生的抽样调查发现:大学生学习活动质量的个体差异较大,且在不同学习活动类型上也有所差异,在与课程学习、 计算机及信息技术相关学习活动中的质量较高,在与图书馆、 生师相处经验相关学习活动中的质量较低;大学生学习活动质量在年级、 生源地、 是否独生子女维度上有显著差异,在性别上无显著差异,在各变量内部,低年级、 农村生源和非独生子女学生的学习活动质量相对较低.鉴于此,当前北京市属高校的教育综合改革应以营造支持性的校园文化环境为导向,在强化校园硬件资源建设的同时,注重学校教育制度建设以及学生良好校园人际关系的构建,促进大学生学习活动质量的提升.  相似文献   

We propose an approach to service–learning in which projects are designed so as to empower undergraduate students and community members. When student service scholars take away control from citizens, they can undermine citizens' perceptions of competency; when faculty reduce students' choice and responsibility, they can undermine students' efficacy and desire to learn. We propose four guidelines for optimizing student and citizen experiences: (1) service should serve both the community and the students; (2) service should empower; (3) service should be contextual; and (4) service projects should endure. We elaborate this philosophy and illustrate it with a project in which nine university students and 30 fifth–graders built a science and nature study center for a K–6 elementary school.  相似文献   

大学英语合作学习与自主学习的建构主义视阈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贯彻落实教育部大学英语教学改革精神,运用建构主义学习理论探讨集成合作学习与自主学习的可行性,对于从实践上构建二者的整合模式,具有重要的指导意义.尽管建构主义学习理论的内涵可以划分为过程学说、体验学说和环境学说,但三者又紧密相连,融会贯通:没有对知识的建构、丰富和创新,体验就无从谈起;没有典型环境的创设与充分利用,体验也难以取得收获.大学英语的知识建构过程,即学习主体在适宜的环境中学习体验不断得到收获并不断积累的过程.实践证明,自主学习能力的培养必须有合作学习的引领,合作学习的旨归在于学习者自主学习能力的提升.基于此,在建构主义视闻下,构建"合作-自主学习模式"应采取的策略为:精心策划合作学习选题,激发学习者的主动探索性;善于创设学习情境,实现学习者主体与客体良性互动;总结交流学习体验,促进学习者群体多样化风格的形成.  相似文献   

There are continuing concerns about the quality of social workers' communication and engagement with children. This has led to a focus in England on whether qualifying courses prepare students sufficiently for practice. Although research has uncovered the capabilities social workers need to engage and communicate effectively with children, there has continued to be limited evidence in relation to which pedagogical approaches might best enable students to develop capability. This paper attempts to address some of this deficit by reporting in‐depth case study findings from a larger longitudinal study into the factors that supported a cohort of students in England in learning to communicate with children. Case analyses are presented in respect of two participants whose learning journeys were emblematic of many in the cohort. Their trajectories draw attention to the significant role that pre‐course experience with children can play in the development of students' self‐efficacy and in providing a rich source of experiential learning that can be built upon. Suggestions are made for how qualifying courses might provide alternative experiential learning opportunities, including role play, child observation and opportunities for reflection on pre‐course experience with adults to help students establish the transferability of their learning.  相似文献   

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