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《Rural sociology》2018,83(1):51-80
Land tenure regimes shape how households use labor and other resources to construct livelihoods. Within a given tenure regime, shifting land‐labor relationships over the household life cycle present households with changing trade‐offs. In China, alongside growing market exchange of labor and produce, the legacies of land distribution following decollectivization—in particular, secure access to land and constraints on land transfers—create distinct patterns connecting livelihood strategies to household life cycles. Drawing on a household survey conducted in upland southwest China, we use latent class analysis to identify clusters of households with differing livelihood strategies. With multinomial logistic regression analyses, we evaluate the effects of household demographic composition, household resources, and community human ecological attributes on cluster membership. Households that had recently been established at the time of decollectivization have not divided their holdings. Their large labor and land endowments support diversifying strategies that include relatively large scale farming. Among other households, partitioning has yielded middle‐sized households with diversifying strategies and small households that specialize in on‐farm production or deactivate from agriculture. These clusters vary in labor exchange practices and agricultural input use. Rather than a cyclical pattern, this configuration reflects time‐bound relationships among national tenure institutions, local markets, and household processes.  相似文献   

This study examines household risk taking, using Swedish cross-sectional data based on tax returns from more than 7000 households for 1985. In contrast to previous studies, this study recognizes that households compose different risky portfolios because of their varying characteristics. This study also recognizes real assets as investment goods and takes into account the gains from diversification that emerge when real assets and financial assets are combined. The estimated risk aversion was found to be very large but not systematically correlated with any of the included variables, with the exception of age. The estimated age coefficient suggests that risk aversion increases with age.  相似文献   

This study explores the link between wealth perception from an appreciation of the residential property price and homeowners’ preference toward asset categories pooled by risk. Household survey data for Portugal were used to build shares of low, medium, and high risk assets representing fractions of household’s total wealth. Data showed incomplete household portfolios along with housing capturing the largest share of households’ wealth, in line with the literature on composition puzzles. The findings indicate robust empirical evidence that the rate of housing valuation is an indicator of households’ wealth perception. When the housing price appreciates with respect to its initial cost, households suffer an endowment effect and tend to increase diversity in their portfolio, expanding the holdings of safe deposits as they raise the share of high risk assets.  相似文献   

The division between rural and urban sectors of the landscape in many parts of the world is increasingly blurred. House-lot or homegardens offer a perspective on understanding rural-urban linkages since they are frequently a landscape feature in both settings and the exchanges of their products link the two. House-lot gardens are an under-researched component of the agricultural repertoires of smallholders in many parts of the world. Urban house-lot gardens in particular, have until recently not received much attention despite their critical importance to urban livelihoods. This paper presents findings from research on house-lot gardens in rural and urban zones of Santarém, Pará, Brazil, one of Amazonia's largest municipalities. The research demonstrates that garden products are important for household subsistence, but even more importantly product exchanges between rural and urban kin households help sustain critical social networks that subsidize urban life. Gardens are a link between urban and rural settings as products, germplasm, and household members move between the two. People are urban and rural at the same time which demonstrates that households can be multi-local.  相似文献   

Improving small-scale farmers’ access to credit is one of the ways of achieving increased agricultural productivity to reduce poverty in Ethiopia. In this study, a two-limit Tobit model was used to analyze the determinants of repayment rate of loans from semi-formal financial institutions among small-scale farmers in Ethiopia. Small group lending, was found to be related to the loan repayment rate of the farmers positively and significantly. Furthermore, agro-ecology, total land holding size, total livestock holding, experience in the use of agricultural extension services, contact with extension agents and income from off-farm activities were found to affect the loan repayment rate of the households significantly. Consideration of these factors would reduce default rates on borrowed funds from semi-formal credit sources in the area.  相似文献   

Abstract Why do people engage in economically minor resource production activities? This field study of Vermont and Quebec maple syrup producers and their households and enterprises examines the diversion of motivations and concerns m contemporary maple syrup production. Farmers, former farmers, and non-farmers all produce maple syrup. The concept of embeddedness provides a framework for understanding how producers understand their involvement with maple syrup, by highlighting the social and cultural context of economic action. An embeddedness perspective emphasizes how other work activities, household relations, the surrounding community, and the resource environment shape the possibilities for and understandings of minor resource production activities. Maple syrup generally only supplemented the household income of the 76 producers interviewed. Producers articulated a cultural economy of syrup production centered on its contribution to overall livelihood, cultural identity, and lifestyle. Reasons included managing risks, making seasonal use of land and labor resources, developing a retirement income, demonstrating a rural, agrarian identity, and strengthening family and community ties. Implications for policy include the place of minor resource production activities in securing rural livelihoods and providing cultural anchors in rural regions experiencing demographic and economic change.  相似文献   

This study uses the Survey of Program Dynamics data to examine the independent role of household assets in food security. It further examines whether assets provide a buffer for low-income households to food insecurity in the face of income losses. Results of the Two-Part Model analyses show that household assets have a significant association with food security in both the full sample and the low-income sample. In the presence of household assets, income’s effect on food security decreases. In addition, the significant interaction terms of income loss and household assets indicate that assets provide resources to smooth food consumption. The findings of this study suggest a consideration of asset building strategies in asset related provisions of current food assistance policy.  相似文献   

Forced migration due to development projects or environmental change impacts livelihoods, as affected households are faced with new—and often less favorable—environmental, social, and economic conditions. This article examines changing livelihood strategies among a population of rural agricultural households displaced by the Belo Monte Dam in the Brazilian Amazon. Using longitudinal data, I find that many households used compensation payments to concentrate income generation efforts on the most lucrative strategies—cacao and cattle production and business or rental income. Poorer households and those that received the least compensation were more likely to continue relying on agricultural wage labor—a less desirable income source associated with not owning land or with persons needing to supplement income with additional work as a day laborer. Results also indicate that the amount of compensation received by most households was sufficient to enable them to make productive investments beyond attaining replacement land and housing. Many households invested in assets such as agricultural infrastructure, cattle, rental houses, or tractors—all of which directly contribute to future income. Displacement compensation, similar to remittances or conditional cash transfers, can therefore act as an important infusion of capital to promote socioeconomic development and poverty reduction.  相似文献   

Although ample research shows that people with disabilities face significant labor market barriers, questions remain about whether and how disadvantages in employment and earnings contribute to economic insecurity. We use 1999 to 2012 Canadian Survey of Financial Security data to study disparities in nonhousing assets, which include household savings, stocks, and pensions, across households with and without disabilities. We find that households where the respondent or their spouse reported a disability held 25 percent less in nonhousing assets after accounting for key employment, education, and demographic factors. Demonstrating the more complicated relationship between disability, employment, and assets, these direct effects were further strengthened by disability's indirect effects on assets through its relationship with employment income.  相似文献   

The development of the livestock sector can contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction, but there is inadequate understanding of livestock‐livelihoods linkages. This article draws on household‐level data from 12 developing countries to investigate the livestock‐asset position of rural households and its contribution to their income. The majority keep livestock; the less well‐off are more likely to keep livestock than the better‐off, but the very poor often lack the resources to invest in small animals. The key policy conclusion is that, contrary to common belief, there are no universal messages about livestock: policy needs to be tailored to farming systems, species, uses of livestock and different wealth groups.  相似文献   

This article investigates current socioeconomic disparities within rural and urban areas. The empirical analysis is grounded in an examination of urban and rural bias theories, which have often underpinned poverty analysis. This article suggests that poverty analysis can be improved by moving beyond the rural–urban binary and investigating differences across all geographical types (when data are available). Using 2012 household survey data on South Africa, the article sheds lights on substantial differences—in household composition and access to services and assets—that are likely to make households located in particular geotypes far more vulnerable to poverty. Finally, the article discusses how development policy can better address the specific income‐generating constraints that disadvantaged areas face.  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationship between how a household receives financial information and the degree to which investment portfolios are diversified. Diversification is measured as allocation across asset classes and share of assets held in each asset class. Propensity score-based techniques incorporating stratification and weighting are employed to better isolate causal links, while also controlling for objective and subjective financial literacy and overconfidence. Results indicate that the use of financial planners and brokers is associated with an increase in asset class diversification. Households that consult with financial planners and bankers allocate their wealth systematically different from those who do not. These results highlight the role that financial professionals play in helping households make investment decisions.  相似文献   

This study investigated significant relationships between youth assets and youth alcohol, tobacco, and drug use that differ according to family structure (one- or two-parent households). Data were collected from a randomly sampled inner-city population (n=1,256 teenagers and 1,256 parents of the teenagers) using in-home, in-person interviews. Logistic regression analyses, stratifying by one- and two-parent household status, were conducted with nine youth assets as the independent variables and youth alcohol, tobacco, and drug use as the dependent variables. Results indicated that the associations between assets and risk behaviors varied depending upon whether the youth lived in one- or two-parent households. Continued research is warranted to further investigate associations among family structure, youth assets, and youth risk behaviors.  相似文献   

The basic thesis of this paper is that the socioeconomic characteristics of household economies delimit the range of viable agronomic alternatives. Agricultural technologies have salient socioeconomic characteristics, which make them appropriate or inappropriate. This varies in ways which are known or knowable, and it is precisely the covariation of the socioeconomic characteristics of farming households, agricultural enterprises and appropriate technologies which can help orient farming systems programs to specific consitituencies.This thesis is developed with respect to three strata of smallholders. Several aspects of fanning systems are considered, including the organisation of crop and livestock production, the marketing of agricultural inputs and products, and the storage of grain for seed. Characteristics of appropriate technologies are identified. A chart summarises the discussion, thereby permitting comparison of the socioeconomic characteristics of appropriate technologies across strata and enterprises.  相似文献   

Amidst booming scholarship on alternative food networks (AFNs) in the global North, research on AFN in the global South remains scarce. Partly this is because explicitly alternative initiatives are themselves scarce, except for those focused on export markets. Yet in countries such as Kenya, urban consumers and rural smallholders have good reason to want alternatives to agrichemical dependency, insecure marketing channels, and food of dubious safety. This article describes one attempt to provide an alternative. A pilot box scheme launched by the Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) in 2007 aimed to connect organic smallholders to consumers in Nairobi, the capital city. It did not last long, and we reflect on the reasons why. In particular, we argue that efforts to build AFN in “developing” countries must take account of the problematic history of development itself, both as an ideology and as a set of institutions, policies and activities. In the case of the Kenyan box scheme, the pervasive yet often ineffectual presence of aid-dispensing non-governmental organizations, in particular, influenced different actors’ perceptions and participation in ways we did not fully anticipate. More broadly, this article emphasizes the need to appreciate the macro-historical and socioeconomic contexts that inform on-the-ground practices and understandings of alternative food.  相似文献   

The Free Primary Education program introduced in Kenya in 2003 increased primary school attendance rates. However, disparities in primary school education are evident throughout the nation. Using data from the 2003 and 2008–09 Kenya Demographic Health Surveys (KDHS), this study investigates the household characteristics—in addition to poverty—associated with poor school attendance. Using bivariate analysis and logistic regression we confirm that indeed household wealth is a factor in accessing free primary education. Younger children, those living in households headed by a non-biological parent are also less likely to attend school. Moreover households in arid and semi-arid regions of the country—areas characterized by historical socio-economic and political marginalization report significantly low primary school attendance rates. Findings from this study call attention to continued education disparities in spite of the free tuition program. The study further directs policy makers on how best to deploy scarce resources to target households most unable to provide adequate educational supports to children.  相似文献   

Data on 7,632 households from the 1999 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey are used to examine household structure and living conditions in Nigeria. The study finds significant disadvantage in living conditions of single‐adult, female‐ and single‐adult, male‐headed households relative to two‐parent households. Extended households show no significant advantage in living conditions over two‐parent households if headed by women but are consistently advantaged if headed by men. Although extended households do not entirely wipe out the disadvantage of female headship on household living conditions, they show a significant mitigating potential. Efforts to understand and alleviate poverty in Nigeria may need to address simultaneously gender imbalances in access to livelihood opportunities and factors that foster nucleation of family structure into single‐adult households.  相似文献   

Abstract The paper examines the relationship among household agriculture, wages and household structure using panel data on urban households from 1994–2003. Experts using cross‐sectional data differ on whether Russian “dachas” or garden houses are a survival strategy that households use in times of economic difficulty or a hobby of the more affluent. This analysis uses time‐series data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) to assess the effect of household status on the likelihood of participation in agriculture in subsequent years. These data show that households turn to gardening after the onset of economic uncertainty. Estimates of the value of the harvest from dacha gardens suggest that they are profitable and that households make economic calculations. Finally, the regional labor‐market participation rate is modeled as a function of garden land to show that where gardens are more prevalent, labor markets allocate a smaller fraction of the working‐age population.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of location in determining the presence of on- and off-farm pluriactivity. Gravity models are developed to define degrees of access to markets from farm locations, and farm household survey data from the Grampian Region of Scotland are used to test the ability of the models to explain the observed location of pluriactivity. Proximity to markets is shown to be an important factor for both tourist and non-tourist on-farm diversification, and is reflected in the location of farms with on-farm non-agricultural activities. However, there is no evidence of a relationship between access to labour market opportunities and the presence of off-farm employment at the sub-regional scale. Personal preferences concerning work location and household responsibilities may be more important in determining the presence of off-farm work than proximity to labour market opportunities. Possible refinements to the technique and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

An important farm household survival strategy in the 1980s agricultural crisis was off-farm employment. Recent research shows that gender role expectations structure off-farm employment's effects on farm operations. However, this research does not evaluate off-farm employment's effects within different socioeconomic and cultural settings. This article explores case studies of two localities with different farming systems: family farming in the Cornbelt and capitalist (or wage labor) farming in the Mississippi Delta. Farmers in two counties representative of each system responded to mail questionnaires covering various topics including farm and household changes made during the 1980s financial crisis. Loglinear modèls estimating the relationship between changes in off-farm employment and selected changes in farm operations derive results for the Cornbelt that confirm previous studies. Women's off-farm employment, in particular, relates to a variety of changes in the farm enterprise and improves its capital position. As expected, given its historic separation of household and enterprise, the Mississippi Delta evinces no such pattern of change. These results indicate the need for additional research on this topic, comparing different agrarian class structures.  相似文献   

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