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科学合理地对资源型城市转型效果进行评价,有助于明确资源型城市在其转型过程中的优势和不足,同时对于资源型城市转型工作的深入推进具有极其重要的现实意义。文章从城市可持续发展理论及能源转型能力的内涵出发,采用区域经济可持续发展、产业结构优化等先进理论,运用层析分析法从经济转型、社会转型和生态环境转型三个层面构建资源型城市转型效果评价指标体系。以山西省大同市为研究样本,对其转型效果进行评价,在此基础上对其转型效果的影响因素进行深入探究,提出转型发展对策及建议。  相似文献   

陈杰 《经营管理者》2013,(26):87-88
资源型城市是国家经济建设发展进程中的主力军,然而既然是资源,就有走向枯竭的一天。资源型城市的发展通常遵循"资源—产品—污染"的发展趋势,这种单向流动的态势必将导致资源的再生速度低于资源的消耗速度,随之而来的除了经济发展速度放缓的直接问题,还有城市生态环境恶化、人口大量失业等次生问题。资源枯竭型城市亟待经济转型,这是世界性的难题,但同时也是经济发展与和谐社会构建的必经之路。本文以耒阳市这一资源枯竭型城市为例,首先通过梳理资源枯竭型城市经济转型的基本理论,结合耒阳市的具体发展状况,揭示资源枯竭对耒阳市带来的改变与影响,进而探讨耒阳市经济转型的对策与办法,以期对耒阳市未来的经济发展政策制定贡献自己的微薄之力。  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市经济转型和发展问题是世界性难题,而如何在配合我国当前经济转型升级实现自身经济转型是资源枯竭城市发展的首要问题。笔者拟从目前我国资源型城市经济转型所面临的问题出发,结合互联网金融现今的发展态势,提出阿里金融的几点支持意见,并最终实现阿里金融对资源枯竭型城市经济转型的支持作用。  相似文献   

在服务型政府成为政府改革目标的前提下,本文从辽宁省资源型城市的经济特点、经济转型面临的问题出发,研究辽宁省资源型城市服务型政府的角色定位,提出资源型城市政府在经济转型中的治理策略,以丰富东北老工业基地政府治理方面的研究。  相似文献   

盖佳敏 《经营管理者》2014,(29):133-134
在面临不可再生资源枯竭、各国均致力于开发新能源的现阶段,经济转型已经成为资源型城市经济持续稳定发展的唯一出路。资源型城市成功转型且要想可持续发展,考虑到以人为本的理念和资源的不可再生性,其关键在于人力资源的开发。本文以胜利油田所在地东营为例对经济转型时期的资源型城市的人力资源情况做出分析,并提出改革方向和发展策略建议。  相似文献   

松原市作为老工业基地因油而建的资源型城市,要持续发展面临着资源型城市转型的问题,由于历史和现实的原因,要顺利转型面临着资源、生态、经济、社会等困境。  相似文献   

<正>目前,我国具有资源型城市200多个,资源型城市的发展已经进入转型期,国务院和各省区市相继出台了扶持资源型城市发展的相关文件和政策,但城市转型的关键还在自身,因此各地大张旗鼓地招商引资,进行经济结构调整。但作为地方领导干部应该清醒地认识到,城市转型不是简单的经济结构调整,更重要的是人才结构的转型和人力资源的开发,后者是前者的保障,失去后者前者就不能持久。人力资源开发是城市发展的战略问题,在资源型城市转型的关键期,领导干部要转变旧观念树立新思维。  相似文献   

资源的可耗竭性是不可避免,本文从资源型企业应如何充分利用自身优势出发,并考虑其所在城市的产业发展和环境协调,打破原有的资源型企业物流系统和资源型城市物流系统的界限,建立资源型城企物流耦合系统,对于资源型企业向物流行业的转型,及今后资源型企业物流与资源型城市物流协同发展的运行机制和研究给出一个科学有效的平台。  相似文献   

我国当前已经步入经济新常态,由高速发展转为中高速发展。随着经济的不断发展,传统的资源型产业必然面临着转型和升级的问题。资源型城市依托资源而起,在转型时期面临着各种各样的问题,经济结构优化升级、社会稳定、环境污染等问题尤为突出。文章基于经济新常态的背景,针对资源型城市社会治理面临的问题对其发展责任进行划分,探究转型期的发展路径。  相似文献   

资源型城市的产业转型与可持续发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国资源型城市作为工业化进程的主要动力源,为国家的经济建设和社会发展做出了重要贡献。但资源型城市本身存在的问题制约了其发展,因此找出我国资源型城市产业结构存在的问题的原因以及对症下药来加快资源型城市的转型,实现其可持续发展就显的很有必要。  相似文献   


There is interest in the circular economy as a framework for transition from a linear take-make-dispose model of production and consumption, to a circular model which decouples economic growth from resource consumption. However, there is limited understanding of how that applies to the city through governance lens. This paper examines evidence from 28 municipalities in London to unpack the ‘government’ and ‘governance’ of circular economy in the city. It examines the ‘governmentality’ of circular economy in planning practice and reflects on what austerity localism and scalar politics might mean for the planning and governance of circular economy in cities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the possibilities presented by DEA to assess quality of life and evaluate the performance of city managers in what concerns the promotion of urban quality of life. Using the data provided by the Urban Audit program, from the European Union, we defined the city profile regarding quality of life for 206 cities. Two approaches are presented: the construction of a composite indicator of quality of life and the assessment of local management performance, contextualised by the GDP per capita to measure the ability of local authorities to promote quality of life given the economic condition of the country. The results identify the cities with urban best practices and present a model of intervention for the cities considered inefficient, based on benchmarking principles.  相似文献   

Mega-event strategies and their impact on the development of host cities have drawn increasing interest as they have become part of wider city development strategies. Studies of mega-event strategies have tended to focus on a single perspective such as economic rationale and impact. As greater attention is paid to their long-term impact, there is a need for more comprehensive evaluation combining economic, social and environmental perspectives, and assessing the management of competing objectives. This paper proposes a comprehensive analytical framework for examining the multiple long-term impacts of mega-events on host cities. It illustrates the use of the framework through two examples of the Summer Olympics as the archetypal mega-event.  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been focused on the bankruptcy of the City of Detroit in 2013 and the reasons for the largest municipal fiscal melt down in US history. Contrary to a view gaining currency, which dismisses Detroit as the product of exceptional forces and largely calls it the architect of its own collapse, this article argues the case that Detroit conveys more general lessons for European cities struggling with decline, not least of which is the need for interventionist regional planning to avoid predictable but avoidable urban distress. The article briefly reviews the well-documented decline of the city of Detroit measured against population, economic, fiscal and image impacts. It considers five current misreadings of the reasons for Detroit's predicament and implicit signposts for European practice before concluding with an assessment of what has been hailed as the shoots of yet another possible renaissance in the originally proclaimed Renaissance City over 40 years ago.  相似文献   

基于情景分析的未来人力资源经理胜任力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文试图运用情景分析技术来解决未来组织需要什么样的人力资源经理这个难题。预测时间轴选择为五年,有三个关键因素深刻地影响着人力资源经理的胜任力,分别是组织文化的特点、管理职能、组织中所处管理层次的高低。文章从这三方面入手分析了关键外部力量,得到三个不确定轴面,分别是新技术新理论的发展、主体员工的变化、劳动力市场供求关系变化。由此构建了未来五年我国人力资源经理面对的最乐观、最悲观和最可能的情景,分别是黄金时代、萧条时代和丛林时代。然后,测量了在这些情景下人力资源经理胜任特征的重要性程度,相对目前状态下的可能变化,以帮助人们更好地认识未来人力资源经理的胜任特征。研究结论有助于区分出未来导向和非未来导向的人力资源经理胜任力,从而帮助招聘和培训适合未来需要的人力资源经理。  相似文献   

关于农村劳动力流动的政策问题分析   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
本文主要从政策运行过程讨论农村劳动力流动的政策问题。已有的研究 (杜鹰、白南生等,1997;宋洪远、白南生等 ,2001)表明 ,政策和体制是影响农村劳动力外出与回流的重要因素。我们在调查中也时常听到流动劳动力的抱怨 ,外出期间受到很多不公平的待遇和歧视。要全面深刻揭示农村劳动力外出与回流的现象及其原因 ,就必须对政策问题进行专门的讨论和分析。本文的分析主要是依据2001年6月对东部发达地区山东威海、江苏常熟等市和同年7月对中部核心地区河南、湖南两省的三县两市 (郾城县、邓州市 ,临澧县、嘉禾县、浏阳市 )的实…  相似文献   

自2017年3月以来,中国多个城市相继出台了房地产限售政策。本文基于2017年1月至2018年5月的全国城市月度数据,针对限售政策分期出台的实际情况,构建更具适用性的多期双重差分模型(Multi-Stage Difference-in-Difference),分别从国家和城市层面实证分析了限售政策平抑房价的效果及其异质性。在此基础上,又对限售政策和限购政策的联合效应进行研究。研究结果表明:房地产限售政策能显著平抑房价且效果具有异质性。具体而言,在国家层面,限售政策对房价的平抑效果二手房强于新房、小户型强于中大户型;在城市层面,其平抑房价的效果一线城市强于二三线城市、中西部城市强于东部城市。此外,双限政策的联合效果优于单一限售政策。以上研究对进一步发掘限售政策的独特价值具有现实意义。  相似文献   

The synergistic advantage of systems integration for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) has been a powerful thrust behind the productivity advancement in recent decades. However, the dependency among components, the intangible benefits and complexity of the system have been a barrier for system developers and the business community. This paper reports a systematic approach to assess economic merits of the CIM system. It projects CIM system designs on a multiple layer architecture with consideration of project life cycle. It introduces a modelling formalism to present a structured view of the economic aspect of the CIM system. The multiple criteria's aspect of CIM justification was treated with the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. The complexity of various cost factors is reduced through application of the ABC (Activity Based Costing) method. The benefits of low level activities, both tangible and intangible, are then hierarchically aggregated into higher level system objectives. It also provides the necessary linkages between the economic and other views. A simple example was used to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

This paper develops a quantitative model of internal city structure that features agglomeration and dispersion forces and an arbitrary number of heterogeneous city blocks. The model remains tractable and amenable to empirical analysis because of stochastic shocks to commuting decisions, which yield a gravity equation for commuting flows. To structurally estimate agglomeration and dispersion forces, we use data on thousands of city blocks in Berlin for 1936, 1986, and 2006 and exogenous variation from the city's division and reunification. We estimate substantial and highly localized production and residential externalities. We show that the model with the estimated agglomeration parameters can account both qualitatively and quantitatively for the observed changes in city structure. We show how our quantitative framework can be used to undertake counterfactuals for changes in the organization of economic activity within cities in response, for example, to changes in the transport network.  相似文献   

This paper looks at creative or smart city experiments around the world that are aimed at nurturing a creative economy through investment in quality of life which in turn attracts knowledge workers to live and work in smart cities. It highlights the need for and broad nature of human resource/talent development initiatives at the intermediate level, that is regional and city level, as opposed to organizational and national level. Using the literature on economic geography, it provides a useful theoretical framework to cross organizational boundaries and look for factors that influence the decision of knowledge workers in choosing a location to live and work. The implications of urban planning on the theory and practice of human resource development are explored.  相似文献   

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