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According to the Program of Action adopted at the International Conference on Population and Development at Cairo in 1994, reproductive healthcare in the context of primary health care should include education and services for prenatal care, safe delivery and post-natal care, especially breastfeeding and infant and women‘s health care.  相似文献   

Reproductive health is a new concept put forward by the international community in recent years. In April 1994, WHO defined reproductive health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its function and processes. The concept gained international recognition at the International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in September 1994. Based on the global repro…  相似文献   

The issue of health status and care for the elderly in urban and rural areas is becoming increasingly serious in the rapid context of population aging in China.The paper analyzed the health status of urban and rural elderly in China in the two-week morbidity rate,prevalence rate of chronic diseases, disability status,self-rated health and healthy life expectancy of the elderly using the data from the 2006 Sampling Survey on the Status of Urban/ Rural Aged Population in China,the Fourth National Health Service Survey and the 2006 Second China National Sample Survey on Disability,to explore the current provision of sources of care for the elderly and try to make some policy recommendations about to improve the health and care for the elderly population facing the crisis of population aging.  相似文献   

Fertility,reproductive health and development were the themes for discussion in the session. Mr.Wang Pei’an,Vice Minister of National Population and Family Planning of China(NPFPC) led a Chinese delegation to attend the 44th Session of UN Commission on Population and Development on April 11-15,2011 at UN headquarters in New York. The themes of the 44th session were Fertility,reproductive health and development.The Chairperson of the 44th Session was Brian Bowler(Malawi); The Vice-Chairpersons were  相似文献   

The purpose of the PO2 project is to improve the special health education on reproductive health and HIV/ AIDS prevention knowledge in classroom education in the rural junior high schools of China. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education(MOE)of China,the Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China carried out a baseline KAP survey on the subject  相似文献   

Like the pilot project, the scaling up of the quality of care approach is also new in China and requires continued research and exploration. In July 2003, the National Population and Family Planning Commission (NPFPC) drew on the experience of scaling up the quality of care project and decided to launch a campaign to select and commend model counties (cities/districts) in implementing the project in order to set an example for different regions with different economies and ensure the quali…  相似文献   

An International Forum on Population and Development was held during, September 7-9 in Wuhan, capital city of central China‘s Hubei Province, to mark the lOth anniversary of both the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Partners in Population and Development (PPD). Jointly organized by PPD, the National Population and Family Planning, Commission of China and the Population, Resources and Environment Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference, the forum was attended by about 400 participants front member countries of the Partners, international organizations, NGOs and donor institutions. Following is a full text of the cottntry report submitted by China to the conference.  相似文献   

Abstract: China's basic medical care system has achieved universal coverage, laced the system transformation with substance fair. Under the transformation background from universal coverage to integration on urban and rural areas, and the transformation direction from the "medical care" to "health for all", through the institutional transition path on system design, service delivery, financial support, this paper points out that how to improve quality of medical care and optimizing the level of health care services, match sustainable funding system and improving payment system, which in public health, medical services, medical care and medicine supply, realize the transtbrmation and the development from universal medical care to health care.  相似文献   

O n the afternoon of August 26, 2013, during the XXVII IUSSP jlnternational Population Conference, Population China and Development Research Center (CPDRC) and Digital China(China), Ltd. convened a side event on PADIS-INT, a web-based Population Projection Software. At the side event, PADIS-INT was introduced for the third time at international occasions after the first side event to promote PAD1S-INT in 2011 at the UN headquarters and the second side event at the Conference on Sustainable Development in  相似文献   

Despite improving health conditions of Chinese students aged 7-22 on the whole in recent years, some problems still exist. These include increasing obesity, a high rate of nearsightedness, weakening physical and vital capacities and a low level of health care for rural students. These are the results released by the Education Ministry through a monitoring network established in 2002 in 14 provinces (municipalities or autonomous regions) including Beijing, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning. The…  相似文献   

In mid-July, China held its first family planning and reproductive health new technology and new product exposition in Beijing, on the occasion of the first World Population Day in the new millennium. Tens of thousands of visitors both industry people and ordinary citizens flocked to the exhibition hall, accompanied by a major media blitz proclaiming the coming of age of a new industry, reproductive health. China Transformed Just a few years ago, few people in China realized that sexual…  相似文献   

In accordance with the Regulations on National Population Census and the Circular of the State Council on the Conduct of the 6th National Population Census,China carried out its 6th national population census with zero hour of November~1,2010 as the reference time~2.The field enumeration of the census has been successfully completed through the leadership of the State Council and governments at all levels,the support and cooperation from people of various nationalities, and the painstaking efforts and hard work of nearly 10 million census workers. Results on major figures obtained through advance tabulation are released as follows:  相似文献   

Reproductive tract infections(RTIs)prevention and treatment is one of the three major projects organized by the National Population and Family Planning Commission.The author,based on the practice of this project and the China/UNFPA reproductive health and family planning project,made some suggestions on how to improve the effectiveness of the efforts made to prevent and treat RTIs.1.Focus on people’s needs and improve public awareness about RTI prevention and treatment Reproductive tr…  相似文献   

I. Current Situation and Prospects of China's Population Development China is the most populous developing country in the world. A large population size, a weak economic base, and a lack of resources on a per capita basis form its basic national conditions. Many issues and difficulties encountered in the process of China's economic and social development are closely related to the population issues. Population is the principal factor and the major constraint to China's economic and soc…  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
Concern for adolescent sex and reproductive health is a common understanding formed in recent years in the world.The International Conference on Population and Development(ICPD)held in 1994 for the first time made clear the obviously different demands for sexual and reproductive health by adolescents from those by adults and regarded it as one of the issues that should be given first priority to.Adolescent has become the hot issue in many international organizations and international cooperative programs.  相似文献   

China's first expo on new technologies and products in the family planning and reproductive health fields is scheduled to open on World Population Day, which falls on July 11. The State Family Planning Commission says the holding of the expo demonstrates the country's family planning policy has shifted its focus from population control to reproductive health. It says the government is beginning to pay more attention to people's individual needs. Around 400 domestic and overseas research ins…  相似文献   

At the beginning of the new year, more than 700 families with their only-child dead or disabled in Taiyuan City received a copy of Shanxi Daily as a New Year’s gift from the Taiyuan Municipal Population and Family Planning Commission. Besides this excessive care, Taiyuan Municipal Population and Family Planning Commission has recently sent care and assistance to special families complying with family planning regulations in four aspects, including policy formulation, material assistance, mental solace and health care.  相似文献   

China-ASEAN Forum on Population and Family Development was divided into three sessions.Each session had a keynote speech,followed by introdution of two case studies and expert comments.Afterwards,there were questions and answers and free discussion. Comprehensively Addressing Population Issues and Achieving Sustainable Development This session mainly discussed issues on population and sustainable development in China and ASEAN countries.Population issues not only concem the number of population but also every aspect of social development.  相似文献   

正According to relevant laws and regulations,National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC)has formulated and issued Measures for the Management of Population Health Information(Trial)in order to regulate the management of population health information;enhance interconnection,sharing and utilization of population  相似文献   

Xianyang City is located in the center of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. In 2001, it was designated as one of the pilot cities for comprehensive reform of family planning work initiated by the National Population and Family Planning Commission. This has provided a good opportunity for the city to better implement the quality of care approach. Weicheng, a district of Xianyang City, is the pilot site for the quality of care project. Over the past few years, local authorities have succ…  相似文献   

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