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Fouda  Y.E. 《Urban Ecosystems》2001,5(1):5-25
An air pollution problem is taking place in the Rosetta region resulting from the brick industry. Polluting point sources cause plumes that disperse by the prevailing wind, covering urban areas of Rosetta City and surrounding landscape of agricultural fields. A model for pollutants plumes was designed through a GIS to calculate the dispersal of total suspended particulate (TSP) loads over the landscape and to estimate its spatial distribution and to analyze its relationship with other geographic land use attributes.TSP pollutant concentrations starting from 100 g/m3 cover more than 34 km2 of sensitive land cover through all the year. A concentration level of 100 g/m3 affects about 93% of the sensitive palm trees cultivation, 47% of cultivated land, and 92% of urban areas. TSP concentration level of 200 g/m3 was found to be affecting the same percentage of built-up urban areas.Concentration levels exceed the permissible limits mentioned in the Egyptian law of environment (90 g/m3). The situation is hygienically deteriorated, and large areas of agricultural land are strongly affected or subjected to future impact. Recommended measures are mostly involved with transferring this industrial activity to a safer location at the southwest of the city. The study proposes that brick mills sites on the river Nile bank be utilized for urban development projects and for the promotion of tourism.  相似文献   

As urban scales and income-driven levels of consumption rise with development, waste generation expands, and urban ecosystems become ever more sensitive to local patterns of waste disposal. Local incineration and landfilling generate more urban ecosystem stresses than does recycling activity. Arguably, household-level decisions about materials demand and recycling effort levels are central to any society's private environmental decision making.Whatever public influences may be brought to bear on households, their decisions and behaviors are likely to be attributable to factors that may not be subject to modification by public action. These influences include the decision makers' locus of control, sense of responsibility, knowledge of choices, and attitude toward the decision problem, all factors inclined to vary with political and cultural contexts.We use data from the 1993 International Social Survey Program: Environment collected from Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands to permit comparative analysis of the household recycling decision process and how it varies within the European Union. The survey data collected demonstrate extreme variation in the factors described above and indicate that replicability of successful projects—or the development of model recycling plans—is likely to be extremely difficult, possibly resulting in reliance on suboptimal approaches to stimulating household recycling efforts. The efforts presented, however, may be applied to existing programs to enhance their current undertakings.  相似文献   

The theme of the displacement of early pioneers by later settlers in certain American cinema westerns offers an analogy to describe certain aspects of contemporary urban social change. The SoHo district of New York City represents an empirical referent, illustrating how an initial population of low income artists (pioneers) invaded a commercial and industrial area, converting business/manufacturing spaces to residential/work spaces. Their actions modified the area to such an extent that more affluent middle-class households (settlers) could enter and, in some instances, displace the earlier residents. This process illustrates the ecological concepts of invasion, succession, and adaptation, and helps explain the current patterns of neighborhood revitalization and gentrification taking place in a number of older inner cities.Albert Hunter, Herbert M. Hunter, Simon J. Bronner, and Gerald D. Suttles made a number of useful suggestions to this article. Amos H. Hawley clarified a number of theoretical points, and Robert B. Wolf made the paper more readable through his careful editing. Funds were provided, in part, from the Capital College Fund for Research.James R. Hudson holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Michigan and is currently Coordinator of the Behavioral Science Program at the Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg, Middletown, PA 17057. He recently publishedThe Unanticipated City (University of Massachusetts Press, 1987) and continues his interest in the changing social organization of older inner cities.  相似文献   

This study investigates the decision to outsource child care among families involved in family-owned businesses. A management framework is used to examine the impact of inputs to the decision (i.e., goals and resources) and level of management activity (i.e., planning and implementing) in these families as predictors of the choice to outsource child care. The data are a sub-sample of the data from a project entitled, Family Businesses: Interaction in Work and Family Spheres (Winter, Fitzgerald, Heck, Haynes, & Danes, 1998) undertaken in 1997. Study findings indicate that household managers who work in the family business are less likely to outsource child care compared to those who work outside the family business. More educated household managers purchased more, and managers in larger families fewer hours of child care. Female household managers purchased significantly fewer hours of child care compared to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

Structural elements as barriers against wear in urban woodlands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of structural elements of woodlands (trees, rocks, topography, etc.) on the spatial distribution of wear was studied in 30 sites in the cities of Helsinki and Vantaa, Finland. Discriminant analysis showed that the size of the adjacent human population and structural elements within study sites were important in distinguishing sample plots with a lot of path area (6 m2/30 m2) from those with little or no path area (>6 m2/30 m2). The higher the structural elements, the more effectively they functioned as barriers against wear. Thickets of small trees (dbh > 10 cm), topographical elements, and fallen trees seemed most effective, and big trees (dbh 10 cm) least effective as barriers. It was concluded that natural barriers could be used to limit wear in urban woodlands.  相似文献   

Ecofeminists call attention to the associations that have been made between woman and nature, which can operate as a source of both subjugation and resistance, exploitation, and inspiration. This paper expands upon feminist critiques of purity by phrasing these concerns in an ecological feminist perspective. This theoretical exercise of problematizing the ideal of purity sheds light upon the intersections of human and nonhuman oppression. Preservationist work has tended to employ the logic of purity by focusing on protection of the purity of the wild regions of the earth from the polluting forces of humanity. However, such approaches retain the troublesome nature/culture dualism. The author illustrates how attempts to fragment and radically separate people from the environment can prove to be highly dangerous. She connects the theoretical resistance to purity to the important activist work that is being done to expose environmental racism. Finally, she discusses how muddying the waters and resisting the logic of purity can offer a promising approach to pressing problems revolving around the intersections of human and nonhuman oppression.  相似文献   

Vegetative characteristics of urban land covers in metropolitan Tucson   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study we developed a methodology that associated land cover categories to aerial photographs. We selected 4, 42-mile (10 km2) study sites within metropolitan Tucson, Arizona for our pilot study. Land uses within these sites covered the range of landscapes found within Pima County, Arizona, although not necessarily in proportions representative of the metropolitan area. We designated land cover categories within the pilot sites based on recent (March, 1990) aerial photographs and developed a geographical information system (GIS) database of these land cover categories. We measured vegetation attributes on randomly selected samples within each land cover category and classified vegetation occurring on specific land cover categories according to the Brown et al. (1979) system. Our land cover classification system was nominal with a hierarchical structure, facilitating organization and providing flexibility for adding new categories.Our results showed that although neighborhood parks contained the greatest vegetated areas within our four study plots, very low density housing (4 acres/house), rivers whose banks were partially stabilized, naturally occurring washes (with no bank stabilization), and natural open space contained the highest percentage of native vegetation. Within our four study sites, low density housing (4 acres/house), rivers with partially stabilized banks, naturally occurring washes (no bank stabilization), and natural open space land cover categories contained the most area that was covered with vegetation providing escape cover.  相似文献   

The urban-rural interface: Urbanization and tropical forest cover change   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Browder  John O. 《Urban Ecosystems》2002,6(1-2):21-41
A considerable body of empirical and theoretical literature on the causes of tropical deforestation has emerged over the last twenty years. Recognizing that small-farmers in the Amazon Basin are a key agent in the process of primary forest conversion, a growing genre of studies at the household level have attempted to quantify the influence of various factors on small-farmer land-use decisions. Many of these studies have acknowledged the seeming importance of urban centers as hubs of propulsive activity and information, yet none have comprehensively captured the urbanization factor in rural land use decisions. I argue that this methodological shortcoming in empirical work to-date reflects an inadequate conceptualization of the range of urban-based networks and their inter-relationships. In an effort to overcome this roadblock to further empirical discovery, I review several leading schools of thought that might be pressed into service in developing a framework for interpreting the urban influences on rural landscapes. I call this construct the Urban-Rural Interface. This is not a complete theoretical model or a unique methodology, but rather an initial effort to develop a general framework from which more sophisticated formulations might proceed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impacts, feedbacks, and mitigation of the urban heat island in Phoenix, Arizona (USA). At Sky Harbor Airport, urbanization has increased the nighttime minimum temperature by 5°C and the average daily temperatures by 3.1°C. Urban warming has increased the number of misery hours per day for humans, which may have important social consequences. Other impacts include (1) increased energy consumption for heating and cooling of buildings, (2) increased heat stress (but decreased cold stress) for plants, (3) reduced quality of cotton fiber and reduced dairy production on the urban fringe, and (4) a broadening of the seasonal thermal window for arthropods. Climate feedback loops associated with evapotranspiration, energy production and consumption associated with increased air conditioning demand, and land conversion are discussed. Urban planning and design policy could be redesigned to mitigate urban warming, and several cities in the region are incorporating concerns regarding urban warming into planning codes and practices. The issue is timely and important, because most of the world's human population growth over the next 30 years will occur in cities in warm climates.  相似文献   

Qualitative immediacy (also termed quality in its philosophical sense and esthetic quality) is of fundamental importance within the pragmatic conception of meaning as interpretive act, and yet it has been virtually ignored by social scientists. The concept is traced through its foundations in Peirce's philosophy, its development in Dewey's theory of esthetic experience, and its relation to the general pragmatic conception of the self. The importance of the I in Mead's view of the self is seen as similar to Firstness in Peirce and esthetic experience in Dewey. Those turning to qualitative approaches ought to consider qualitative immediacy as a genuine addition to our understanding of human communication.I am grateful for helpful comments from Milton Singer, Kevin McMurtrey, Benjamin Lee, and Thomas Buckley, and for an opportunity to discuss this paper in the seminar on dialogue at the Center for Psychosocial Studies, Chicago. A postdoctoral fellowship (T32 MH 14668) at the Institute for Psychosomatic and Psychiatric Research and Training, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, and the University of Chicago, provided time for the writing of this paper.  相似文献   

Frederick Buttel was one of the pioneers in studying the social impacts of biotechnology, claiming originally that it will involve profound changes in social structure. Recently Buttel turned around his argument proposing that, rather than revolutionary, biotechnology is more a substitutionist technological form to be applied to declining sectors of the economy than an epoch-making technology. This paper provides both external and internal critiques of Buttel's new position based on the concept of the third technological revolution, looking at the impact of new technologies as a global and interrelated phenomenon, and not on an individual case-by-case basis. The concluding section suggests the necessity of bringing into the analysis those living in the Third World: 60% of this population lives from agriculture and will be affected by the deployment of agricultural biotechnologies, whether through substitutionism or through totally new products.  相似文献   

Berbrier  Mitch 《Sociological Forum》2002,17(4):553-591
This article compares the efforts of movement activists in three dissimilar groups to replace a stigmatized status with a valued one by portraying their groups as resembling established minorities (claims of contiguity in cultural space) and as differing from groups stigmatized as deviant (claims of distance). The most common claims assert similarity to African Americans, and frequently incorporate civil rights themes (exemplifying frame diffusion). Tactically, these minority status claims exploit both the resonance of cultural pluralism and state recognition of minorities. Strategically, minority status framing enables stigmatized groups to claim legitimacy without changing — simultaneously asserting both normality and difference.  相似文献   

This paper consideres the problem of designing better mechanisms whose Nash allocations coincide with constrained Walrasian allocations for non-neoclassical economies under the minimal possible assumptions. We show that no assumprions on preferences are needed for feasible and continuous implementation of the constrained Walraisan correspondence. Further, under the monotonicity assumption, we present a mechanism that is completely feasible and continuous. Hence, no continuity and convexity assumptions on preferences are required, and preferences may be nontotal or nontransitive. Thus, this paper gives a somewhat positive answer to the question raised in the literature by showing that, even for non-neoclassical economies, there are incentive-compatible, privacy preserving, and well-behaved mechanisms which yield Pareto-efficient and individually rational allocations at Nash equilibria.I wish to thank J. S. Chipman, J. Jordan, M. Richter, H. Weinberger, the editor, and two anonymous referees for useful comments and suggestions. I am particularly thankful to L. Hurwicz who stimulated my interest in this problem and provided detailed comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Rawls (1971, 1993) suggests that a primary goods index should be the basis for interpersonal comparisons in a theory of justice, but it is well known that in general this approach is not compatible with the Pareto principle. This is the indexing impasse. Sen (1985, 1991) argues that this is partly due to the fact that the approach does not take note of the citizens orderings of these bundles of valuable objects. He suggests an intersection approach, which is an incomplete approach to interpersonal comparisons based on judgements that are shared implications of the relevant set of weighting schemes. In this paper, we show that the intersection approach does not provide any solution to the indexing impasse. Unless the individuals have identical preferences, the intersection approach is incompatible with the Pareto principle. This paper originates from the second chapter of Brun (1998). An earlier version was presented at a conference on Non Welfaristic Issues in Normative Economics at the University of Caen in June 1999, and we should like to thank the participants at the conference for their discussion of the paper. Moreover, we are grateful to Geir B.Asheim, Alexander Cappelen, Kåre P. Hagen, Aanund Hylland, Marc Fleurbaey, John Roemer, Eivind Stensholt, Gaute Torsvik, and an anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This article focuses on clever confidence schemes designed for gambling swindles. Victims of these schemes are sought out for their character and investment potential by con men working together. The big con schemes involve considerable planning and time in order to beat a carefully selected, wealthy victim; perhaps in a simulated casino setting. In contrast, the short con scheme may be carried out by a team or mob using a suburban street corner, or at a traveling carnival. Gaffed (rigged) game equipment may be used along with proven methods, and a well-rehearsed story or pitch by the operators.Until his recent retirement, Robert J. Snyder served as a career law enforcement officer for one of the largest policing agencies in the United States. The focus of his career was on gaming and gambling, especially carnival games and confidence schemes.Mr. Snyder also participates in training law enforcement officers and in providing expert witness testimony for court proceed ings on carnival and gambling confidence schemes. He currently heads Bob Snyder and Associates, Inc., a consulting firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Gaming/Gambling issues for governmental agencies and private industry.  相似文献   

Vegetation has gained importance in respective debates about climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities. Although recently developed remote sensing techniques provide necessary city-wide information, a sufficient and consistent city-wide information of relevant urban ecosystem services, such as carbon emissions offset, does not exist. This study uses city-wide, high-resolution, and remotely sensed data to derive individual tree species information and to estimate the above-ground carbon storage of urban forests in Berlin, Germany. The variance of tree biomass was estimated using allometric equations that contained different levels of detail regarding the tree species found in this study of 700 km2, which had a tree canopy of 213 km2. The average tree density was 65 trees/ha per unit of tree cover and a range from 10 to 40 trees/ha for densely urban land cover. City-wide estimates of the above-ground carbon storage ranged between 6.34 and 7.69 tC/ha per unit of land cover, depending on the level of tree species information used. Equations that did not use individually localized tree species information undervalued the total amount of urban forest carbon storage by up to 15 %. Equations using a generalized estimate of dominant tree species information provided rather precise city-wide carbon estimates. Concerning differences within a densely built area per unit of land cover approaches using individually localized tree species information prevented underestimation of mid-range carbon density areas (10–20 tC/ha), which were actually up to 8.4 % higher, and prevented overestimation of very low carbon density areas (0–5 tC/ha), which were actually up to 11.4 % lower. Park-like areas showed 10 to 30 tC/ha, whereas land cover of very high carbon density (40–80 tC/ha) mostly consisted of mixed peri-urban forest stands. Thus, this approach, which uses widely accessible and remotely sensed data, can help to improve the consistency of forest carbon estimates in cities.  相似文献   

The value of goods and services provided through interfamily economic exchange is examined from a household survey. The existence of an exchange system in society was documented. Over half of the respondents reported that economic transfers between families were important to the quality of their life. Estimated values varied with personal health conditions, importance attached to providing goods and services, years of residence in the community, primary recipient of services, ethnic culture, sex of respondent, and type of service provided. Estimated values can be used for calculating economic loss in community disruption and relocation, measuring family full income, and estimating the importance of nonmarket economic activity in society.The study contributes to interregional Agricultural Experiment Station Research Project NC-128 Quality of Life as Affected by Area of Residence. Cooperating States: Arizona, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, and Texas.Dr. Williams is an Associate Professor in the Department of Consumer Sciences and Retailing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. Her Ph.D. was received from Purdue in Family Economics and Management. Current research areas are income adequacy, economic security, financial problems, and financial counseling.  相似文献   

Sociology of primitive societies has revised its earlier views about kinship, lineage, or lineage mode of production. It attempts now to show that lineage did not pervade African precolonial societies and that other relations, such as capitalist and class relations, were also present. This article seeks to reestablish, contrary to the revisionist view, the centrality of lineage in African precolonial societies to allow for a paradigmatic shift that repudiates evolutionism and brings precolonial societies back to the center of the African debate. Because in such a reoriented debate Africa ceases to be marginalized and on the fringes of other historical experiences, the shift allows, paradoxically, the integration of scholarship on Africa into universal social theory.  相似文献   

This article uses autoethnography to make larger conceptual/theoretical points about racial/ethnic identity categories for Puerto Ricans in the United States. I utilize Puerto Rican-ness to illustrate the limitations of U.S. race and ethnic constructs by furthering racialization analyses with seemingly contradictory categories such as white and people of color. I contrast personal experiences to those of racial/ethnic classificatory systems, the American imagery of Puerto Ricans, and simplistic, political identifications. Travel, colonial relations, intra-ethnic coalitional possibilities, and second-class citizenship are all aspects that expand on the notion of racialization as classically utilized in sociology and the social sciences. Although this is not a comparative study, I present differences between racial formation systems in Puerto Rico and the U.S. in order to make these points.  相似文献   

Conclusions The fundamental characteristics of older German constitutional history were not determined by the urban-bourgeois element but by that of the princely state and nobility; the King/Emperor in this respect equally was a prince. This situation appeared at a very early stage, with respect to some conditions even before the beginnings of German history in the tenth century. An average level of urbanization comparable to that in Flanders or Northern Italy, which may have created a modern urban atmosphere, was simply excluded in the context of the development of the Empire. Nevertheless, the urbanization process, starting mainly in the twelfth century, bringing major changes in the fields of demography, economy, and social and cultural phenomena, did have consequences with respect to the state. Its many effects occurred in close interaction with the leading aristocracy. This interaction stabilized the social and political aristocratic structure on the short and middle term, and only in the middle and longer term did restructuring occur. The feudal Empire and its princely states were for a very long period not less adequate within the European context than were other imaginable social structures.Regional histories, however, included interesting particular cases of cities intruding in state-building processes. Normally the result was a mixture of feudal and urban elements. Just when one takes in consideration the many communal leagues, the conclusion must be that in most cases the feudal world won.The elites playing a role in all these circumstances were not only those closely linked to the communes; persons and groups with looser contacts to particular cities often placed themselves into the service of the king or princes. When these groups formed social networks, then they adapted themselves easily to the prevailing state context. The main occupations in the bureaucracy, the economic life, the Church, and education existing in the eighteenth century, existed already in principle in the Middle Ages.With respect to periodization and breaks, some time lags are to be observed in the general directions West-East and South-North. Under this remark, we can distinguish until 1800 a primary phase (from around 1250 to 1450/1470), a core phase (1450/1470 to 1650), a phase of continuation (from 1650 to after 1750) and finally a phase of transition (second half of the eighteenth century). This global situation surely can be considered to be backward in comparison to Western Europe.When one is looking forward to bourgeois freedom in industrial society, our endeavor urges caution for all too hasty overviews of premodern history; the particular phenomena have to be placed prudently in the context of their time. In this respect, the search for a modern bourgeois alternative to the traditional constitution of the estates around 1500 tends to be anachronistic. Freedom of particular cities and the citizenry in Germany were movements within the whole of the feudal world, which in its turn was modified by them. As the assemblies of estates preluded to parliamentarism, the urban movement prepared the modernity in Central Europe, without being its direct and exclusive cause.  相似文献   

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