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强制性公民行为的存在及其危害已引起西方学界的高度重视,但在国内的学术期刊上还未出现相关的研究.为了探讨中国组织情境下的强制性公民行为,本文通过问卷调查和分析本土企业管理者及其直接下属的配对样本,试图揭示强制性公民行为在中国组织中的存在性、危害性及其危害路径.结果表明:(1)西方学界开发的强制性公民行为测量工具不仅适合于中国组织情境,而且表现得更为明显;(2)中国情境下,强制性公民行为与员工周边绩效和组织承诺显著负相关,但对任务绩效和角色内行为无显著影响;(3)心理契约违背在强制性公民行为与员工周边绩效的关系间发挥部分中介作用的作用;(4)中国人传统性显著调节强制性公民行为与员工周边绩效之间的关系.这些研究成果不仅为强制性公民行为理论提供了强有力的支持,还为后续研究提供了良好的研究视角和基础,时企业管理实践也具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

本研究通过配额样本探讨了破坏型领导和强制性公民行为的关系,并识别出了两个影响两者关系大小的权变因素.本文通过对同源偏差进行严格的事前和事后控制,保证了样本的有效性.研究结果表明:(1)破坏型领导与强制性公民行为正相关,并且相关系数大于西方研究.(2)关系取向反向调节了破坏型领导和强制性公民行为之间的关系.(3)工具性则对以上二者关系起正向调节作用.在人力资源管理启示中,我们讨论了本研究对管理实践的指导意义.  相似文献   

强制性公民行为是背离了员工初衷的组织公民行为,也是诱发员工职场偏差行为的影响因素。员工的时间侵占行为作为一种极具隐蔽性、形式多样且低风险性的职场偏差行为,既可以帮助员工在组织中营造出“似好”的强制性公民行为假象以迎合组织的期待,又可以缓解员工由于被迫实施组织公民行为的消极体验,但对于组织来说则是一种“实坏”的结果。引入情绪耗竭这一中介机制,既丰富了强制性公民行为与情绪耗竭之间关系的理论视角,又为强制性公民行为通过情绪耗竭影响员工时间侵占行为提供了合理的解释机制。员工正念通过使员工的情绪耗竭状态得以缓和,来缓解情绪耗竭在强制性公民行为及员工的时间侵占行为这二者之中扮演的完全中介效应。  相似文献   

组织公民行为是一种有利于组织的角色外行为,由一系列非正式的合作行为构成。从社会网络角度研究组织公民行为,主要关注的是人际公民行为。本研究试图构建一个中国企业员工人际公行为成因模式。研究结果表明:人际公民行为的成因模型各项指标拟合良好;个体网络中心性通过个体社会资本、个体动机对组织公民行为发挥影响作用;从而验证了社会网络分析法的一个基本假设,即社会网络中的关系、点的分布和位置等,在某种程度上影响点的行为和态度。  相似文献   

人际公民行为是基于社会网络视角所提出的组织公民行为特定的表现形式,指的是同事之间在非工作需要情况下的帮助行为,其结果直接或间接的提高了个人的工作成绩并最终促进团队和组织的运行。文章首先提出人际公民行为概念的由来及其发展,并介绍了人际公民行为结构的发展演化,然后对人际公民行为的前因变量和结果变量的相关研究进行了分析和归纳。最后指出未来要立足于本土文化做出进一步的理论和实证研究。  相似文献   

夏福斌 《管理评论》2020,(1):187-196
组织公民行为是组织成功的关键因素。现有研究主要以"好公民"为视角,探讨了组织公民行为的前因与后果,至今少见从第三方(旁观者)视角的组织公民行为研究。对旁观者而言,他们可能对"好公民"的组织公民行为本身、动机以及结果形成负面认知,因而可能做出伤害"好公民"的不道德行为。为系统探讨组织公民行为的这种不道德旁观者效应及其机制,本研究提出了在"认知-情感-行为"框架下研究"旁观者不道德侵害好公民"之问题的新思路,分别依据社会比较理论、情感事件理论以及归因理论分析了这一现象的原因和过程机制。这一前瞻性的探索工作,不仅剖析了旁观者为什么以及如何对"好公民"做出不道德行为,而且也为研究"组织公民行为的黑暗面"探究了一种新的可能方向,推动了组织公民行为的理论发展和创新。  相似文献   

本文在组织内社会网络、人际公民行为和个体工作绩效之间建立起了一个中介效应模型,并通过相应的实证研究验证了人际公民行为在组织内社会网络影响个体工作绩效的过程中的中介作用。  相似文献   

很多研究者关注企业组织环境下个体如何获取和输出知识、以及个体获取和输出知识与其前因和结果的关系,但是,这些研究至少在以下两方面有待进一步完善:一是未考察个体获取和输出知识对组织公民行为的作用机制,二是鲜有研究将获取知识和输出知识同时纳入研究范畴中。本研究的目的正是希望针对以上问题,考察企业环境中个体获取知识能力和输出知识能力对于组织公民行为的影响机制。对216个样本的实证研究结果表明,个人获取知识能力能够提升个人组织公民行为,而且这种影响是通过输出知识能力的完全中介作用实现的。本研究结果不仅丰富了个体学习和组织学习的相关理论,而且为企业推动组织学习提供了新的思路:企业管理实践中,只有在组织中对人们"获取知识"和"输出知识"齐抓共管,才能更好地促进个体组织公民行为,更好地建设学习型组织,推动组织的可持续生存和健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

SARS危机中公众理性特征初探   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本研究采用问卷调全的方法,对SARS危机所造成的公众心理状态进行了初步的探讨。结果发现风险事件特征与个人因素都会影响被试的认知从而干扰心理和行为。个体对SARS相关知识的了解、风险特征、公民愿意、从众行为以及社会依赖等因素在一定程度上可以预测个体的心理状态。本文同时讨论了公众理性的建构问题。  相似文献   

组织公民行为是指那些员工主动自发从事对组织有利的行为,而员工对组织公平的认知会影响组织公民行为的产生,本文以实证研究的方法,构建了一个以员工个体属性为控制变量,组织公平为自变量,组织公民行为作因变量的研究框架。研究组织公平与组织公民行为之间的关系,从新的角度为提高群体的协作、自主和认同程度,提高群体效能开辟新的思路。  相似文献   

Estimating potential health risks associated with recycled (reused) water is highly complex given the multiple factors affecting water quality. We take a conceptual model, which represents the factors and pathways by which recycled water may pose a risk of contracting gastroenteritis, convert the conceptual model to a Bayesian net, and quantify the model using one expert's opinion. This allows us to make various predictions as to the risks posed under various scenarios. Bayesian nets provide an additional way of modeling the determinants of recycled water quality and elucidating their relative influence on a given disease outcome. The important contribution to Bayesian net methodology is that all model predictions, whether risk or relative risk estimates, are expressed as credible intervals.  相似文献   

Knowledge about determinants, processes, and outcomes of negotiation can help international business managers employ appropriate collaborative strategies that will result in maximum benefits. This article tackles a prominent issue in the dynamic, evolutionary process of international joint venture (IJV) development: contract negotiations during IJV formation. Building on a sociopsychological perspective together with transaction cost theory, this article presents an integrated conceptual framework on IJV negotiations in a general context where relevant antecedent, concurrent, and consequent factors are interlocked and mutually influential in sequence. It articulates three levels of antecedents of IJV negotiations (environmental, organizational, and individual), three core concurrent factors (term specificity, issue diversity, and contractual obligability, and three sequential consequences including the immediate outcome (IJV formation satisfaction), intermediate effect (IJV process performance), and ultimate effect (IJV overall performance). The interrelationships among them are proposed.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is developed for analyzing determinants and functions of activity at the boundaries of organizations. The process of boundary spanning, based on internal and external organizational factors, is conceptualized. A model of the organizational/environmental information interchange process suggests relationships between organizational, environmental, and individual aspects of boundary activity.  相似文献   


The concept of mental workload has long been recognized as an important factor in individual performance within complex systems. It is documented that either overload or underload may degrade performance, and further affect the efficiency of the whole system. Therefore, systems designers need some explicit models to predict the mental workload imposed on individuals by the system at an early design phase so that alternative system designs can be evaluated. In examining mental-workload literature, it is found that few predictive mental-workload models have considered factors specific to individuals. This research aims to develop a practical framework for predicting mental workload in both single- and multi-task environments considering such individual factors. In order to describe mental workload more precisely and more completely, a framework for mentalworkload definitions, which contains instantaneous workload, average workload, accumulated workload, peak workload and overall workload, is proposed. In order to model individual factors, two new variables, i.e. effective workload and ineffective workload, are introduced to model the taskgenerated workload and individual-generated workload. The extension of the model to multi-task environments is also discussed. The proposed conceptual models are domain-independent and could be used to guide the development of operational models for different specific tasks.  相似文献   

In the design of engineering systems, mental workload is one of the most important factors in the allocation of cognitive tasks. Current methods of task allocation have criteria that are defined in only general terms and are thus not very useful in aiding detailed decision-making in system design. Whilst there are many quantitative criteria available to determine the physical space in human-machine interaction, system designers really require an explicit model and specific criteria for the following identification of the mental workload imposed by the system; prediction of both human and system performance; evaluation of the alternatives of system design; and the design of system components. It is argued that the available methods of workload or performance are either too domain-dependent to apply to the design of other systems, or subject-dependent and thus do not reflect the objective workload imposed by the system. The presented research adopts a new approach to cognitive task analysis in dynamic decision-making systems. Based on the characteristics derived from task analysis, a general conceptual model of the prediction of mental workload in system design is proposed. In the new model, workload is represented by a set of system parameters—task arrival rate, task complexity, task uncertainty, and performance requirements—which are considered to be the main sources of workload. In this context, workload becomes an objective demand of engineering systems, independent of any subjective factors. Whether an individual or population is overloaded depends upon their workload threshold with respect to the specified task and environment. It is hoped that this new model, after both laboratory and industrial validation, could be used by system designers to predict the workload imposed on people by systems.  相似文献   

The intrinsic motivational aspects that improve the psychological well-being of health practitioners have been usurped by an insulated reliance on financial incentives and other external factors. This paper examines issues pertinent to the motivation of doctors in the healthcare system in Malaysia. The article also attempts to identify problem areas that could benefit from interventions focusing on intrinsic motivation. Financial incentives and the deterioration in intrinsic motivation levels partly influence the exodus of healthcare workers from public healthcare organizations to private practice. A multidimensional approach is required to improve intrinsic motivation amongst healthcare workers. Leadership strength, organizational citizenship, modification of job design, career management, and a democratized work environment are seen as crucial factors to remedy work morale in healthcare systems. A prospective conceptual framework described in this article could serve as the foundation to analyse motivational outcomes through research in the future.  相似文献   

Moral character can be conceptualized as an individual's disposition to think, feel, and behave in an ethical versus unethical manner, or as the subset of individual differences relevant to morality. This essay provides an organizing framework for understanding moral character and its relationship to ethical and unethical work behaviors. We present a tripartite model for understanding moral character, with the idea that there are motivational, ability, and identity elements. The motivational element is consideration of others – referring to a disposition toward considering the needs and interests of others, and how one's own actions affect other people. The ability element is self-regulation – referring to a disposition toward regulating one's behavior effectively, specifically with reference to behaviors that have positive short-term consequences but negative long-term consequences for oneself or others. The identity element is moral identity—referring to a disposition toward valuing morality and wanting to view oneself as a moral person. After unpacking what moral character is, we turn our attention to what moral character does, with a focus on how it influences unethical behavior, situation selection, and situation creation. Our research indicates that the impact of moral character on work outcomes is significant and consequential, with important implications for research and practice in organizational behavior.  相似文献   

企业环境创新对于从根本上解决环境问题,实现可持续发展具有重要意义。随着环境问题的日益严峻,消费者对产品环境属性的异质偏好有可能成为企业环境创新的重要驱动力。本文基于消费者异质需求视角,运用计算实验方法,构建具有不同创新态度、创新偏好和可支配资金的异质企业主体,以及对产品价格、质量、环境属性具有不同偏好的异质消费者主体,模拟消费者产品选择及企业环境创新过程,并通过个体消费者异质需求的变化反映市场需求的动态演化及其对企业环境创新行为的影响,探索绿色需求对企业环境创新行为影响的内在机理及演化规律。实验结果表明,消费者对产品属性的异质偏好影响企业环境创新绩效;虽然短期内环境创新行为不利于企业提高经济绩效,但当绿色需求水平较高时,环境创新引起市场结构变化,环境创新企业通过先动优势实现环境绩效与经济绩效的"双赢";由于企业环境创新风险与绿色需求水平显著相关,为推动企业环境创新,政府在采取必要的激励或补贴政策的同时,更应引导消费者重视产品环境属性,以推动企业持续的环境创新行为。以上研究对于揭示异质需求下企业环境创新行为的自组织演化规律具有重要的理论意义,可为政府系列政策措施的出台提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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