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This paper outlines some of the main findings from an exploratory study of a sample of 257 adolescents living in children's homes, foster homes and residential special schools ‘for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties’ (‘EBD’). It focuses on the characteristics of service users, particularly contrasting the looked after and EBD groups. Though there are some similarities, there are also important differences between the populations in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, reasons for separation, legal status, family background and education. An attempt was made systematically to compare groups by creating a subsample of ‘difficult’ adolescents, based on involvement in anti‐social behaviour. Unexpectedly, this revealed that half of the teenagers were not ‘difficult’. Factors associated with being identified as ‘difficult’ were explored.  相似文献   

Residential group care workers are frequently required to support children with extremely challenging and aggressive behaviour. Our knowledge about the tensions that may exist for workers that manage difficult behaviour is theoretically and empirically underdeveloped. The aim of this exploratory study was to contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of behaviour management in the residential environment by identifying the worker‐reported tensions involved in the management of challenging and disruptive behaviour. Seventeen South Australian residential group care workers participated in semi‐structured interviews in which they were asked to describe their management of behaviour. These interviews were subjected to thematic analysis. The analysis revealed several dynamics that influence workers' management of challenging behaviour: the sense of parenting at a distance, the pressure for consistency, the desire for balance between control and connection, the desire for normality and the inconsistent nature of relationships. These findings contribute to our knowledge about the interpersonal context in which behaviour is addressed in the residential group home and enhance our understanding of the unique tensions that workers' experience in managing behaviour in the residential environment. The findings have implications for the development of staff training and the support of residential care workers managing challenging behaviour.  相似文献   

An overview of the parenting skills and strategies utilized by foster carers looking after adolescents was given in an earlier paper. This paper focuses specifically on the relationship between the behaviour of fostered adolescents and the quality of parenting provided by the carer. In particular, the paper considers the consequences of situations in which fostered young people have a detrimental impact on other children within the foster family, as this was an especially difficult situation for foster carers to manage. Similarly, foster carers appeared to find it difficult to maintain good parenting skills with young people who were at risk due to their own sexual behaviour although, conversely, caring for a young person whose sexual behaviour put others at risk was connected with improved parenting. The quality of parenting provided by the foster carers was also influenced by the level of stress they were experiencing, with increased levels of stress leading to poorer parenting of the fostered adolescent.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty social work students who were in the final term of atwo year non-graduate CQSW course were divided into two groupswhich met weekly for four sessions. The purpose of these sessions was to teach the students, throughexperiential methods, the use of behaviour modification techniquesin the hope that they would transfer this competence to theirwork with clients individually or in groups. Each student selecteda target behaviour for change, and with group supervision, defined,monitored and set goals for the target behaviour and finallyimplemented therapeutic procedures.  相似文献   

We examined the contributors to aggressive behaviour in 111 at‐risk Israeli children aged 9–13 years who attended day centres over several years to prevent removal from their homes. This non‐normative transition to a day centre represents a difficult period of change for these children, which often manifests in aggressive behaviours, at least in the short term. To elucidate predictors of aggressive behaviour, we investigated a familial variable (family cohesion) and a personal variable (subjective well‐being [SWB]) that were previously shown to correlate with various aspects of children's aggression. Children's self‐reports underscored the importance of SWB for their aggressive behaviour. SWB's cognitive component – life satisfaction – correlated significantly with all four measures of aggressive behaviour (physical violence, verbal violence, anger and hostility). SWB's emotional component – negative affect – correlated significantly with all but verbal violence. Interestingly, SWB was found to mediate the hostility dimension of aggression (as well as family cohesion). Other significant findings revealed that family cohesion correlated positively with SWB (life satisfaction and positive affect) and correlated negatively with aggression (physical violence, verbal violence, anger and hostility). Various explanations were discussed alongside implications for day care staff's individual and family interventions.  相似文献   

Adolescents of Anglo-Celtic, Greek, Italian and Chinese descent attending a wide range of post-secondary institutions in Victoria (mean age = 18 years) were asked about their sexual behaviours, knowledge about AIDS, and social responses to the threat of AIDS. There was evidence of relatively high levels of sexual activity, with some members of all groups engaging in risky sexual behaviour. Anglo-Australians were more sexually active and informed about AIDS, with more equality between the sexes in these respects than the other groups. There was a distinction made between behaviours regarded as safe with regular and casual partners, but the meaning attributed to regular partnership differed. Greek- and Italian-Australian young men endorsed monogamy for their regular partners but not necessarily for themselves, and Anglo-Australians accepted a relationship of shorter duration as regular. Greater knowledge was not related to safer sexual behaviour, but discussion about a regular partner's previous sexual history correlated with more risky sexual behaviour. Overall, risk levels were not high but the casual-regular partner distinction, together with the greater use of relatively unrealistic strategies for dealing with AIDS in association with risky behaviour in the non-Anglo groups, gives cause for concern.  相似文献   

This study explored the issues facing young Vietnamese who have a sibling with an illicit drug addiction and the coping strategies that they and their families employ. This paper concentrated on the results from interviews/focus groups of Vietnamese parents and young people. There were some areas of commonality between the responses of the parent and youth cohorts. Issues of shame, guilt, grief and lack of support were raised by both groups. The reactions of parents and siblings change over time, as the negative impact of the user's behaviour intensified and family systems become strained. There were significant differences in the responses of the two cohorts in relation to parental behaviour. The youth cohort generally was critical of parental behaviour towards both children who are using illicit drugs and their non‐using siblings.  相似文献   

Summary Abuse of young people in out-of-home care has caused internationalpublic and professional concern over the last fifteen years.Although research has been undertaken to identify factors thatare likely to contribute to a safer environment for young people,little consideration has been given to the impact of abuse scandalson workers' perceptions of what constitutes abusive behaviour.This paper presents the findings of a study undertaken in threeresidential children's units in one local authority which soughtto explore this area and considers two key findings which raiseissues for the social work profession. These are, first, thatthe perception of abusive behaviour was in the main determinedin terms of the workforce's own vulnerability to allegations.Secondly, staff found it difficult to conceive of a colleagueas a potential perpetrator of abuse. The paper concludes byevaluating recent government policy documents in the light ofthe study findings.  相似文献   

Correspondence to R. James Christopherson, School of Social Studies, University of Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. Summary The decision about whether behaviour with children is acceptablehas far-reaching consequences for those involved. Social workersmust decide what behaviour leads people into the child protectionsystem. This study aims to identify how far social work studentsachieve a consensus on the acceptability of behaviour, and whethersimilar items achieve agreement between groups in Sweden andEngland. Forty-four vignettes of behaviour with children whichmight be seen as unacceptable were administered to 52 first-yearsocial work students in Ume, Sweden, and 50 English students.They were asked to rank the behaviour on a 5-point scale, where‘1’ represented ‘Fine’ and ‘5’‘Totally unacceptable'. Key findings were that there is little consensus within societiesabout what is acceptable behaviour towards children, and significantdifferences between them. It is argued that this is the resultof the many different discourses operating in the field. Theauthor points out the difficulties this can cause, and arguesfor the acceptance of a postmodern approach, which though stressingthe importance of consensus in decision making, ultimately positsthat effective and ethical practice must be based on relationship.Such an approach would resolve paradoxes which have challengeda more modernist understanding of social work.  相似文献   

In their professional capacities doctors are often confronted with clients who present with psycho-sexual problems. At the present time Australian medical students are provided with very little instruction in the areas of human sexual behaviour. This paper examines the attitudes and amount of information possessed by a cohort of second year medical students compared with groups of first and fifth year students; these attitudes and levels of information are then related to students' sex, religious affiliation, strength of religious conviction, where this is seen to be relevant. It is shown that some areas of ignorance exist. The paper concludes by outlining some aspects relevant to courses in human sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

A series of informal discussions were held with fifteen Sydney men who regularly participate in drinking groups. These discussions were used to ascertain what rules if any were adhered to by the members of such groups. It was possible to devise five distinct unspoken rules of shouting which were said to be operant in most Australian drinking groups. A further 35 drinking group participants were then asked independently to assess the rules in the light of their personal experience. A general confirmation of the five unspoken rules of shouting behaviour was obtained. A series of unobtrusive observations in the public bars of some inner city Sydney hotels was then undertaken. One hundred and twenty-four participants in 38 drinking groups were observed. Certain aspects of the shouting behaviour, drinking rates and relevant items of conversation were noted. It was observed that the five unspoken rules of shouting disclosed by the earlier interviews and discussions were strictly adhered to. Furthermore, each group member tended to conform to patterns of behaviour and rates of drinking that were consistent with the rest of his drinking group.  相似文献   


This article looks at two periods in the history of white supremacy in New Zealand: the short-lived explosion of skinhead groups in the 1990s, and the contemporary rise of the internet-driven alt-right. It looks at the similarities and differences between the two groups, looking at style, symbols, ideology, and behaviour. It looks at the history of these two movements in New Zealand and compares the economic and social factors that contributed to their rise, in particular how the different social class of members produced groups with near-identical ideology but radically different presentation and modes of action.  相似文献   

Residential programmes for youth may improve youth behaviour during placement, but it is not clear whether there is an association between a youth's behaviour pattern during placement and post‐placement outcomes. Life course perspective has been used to understand longitudinal patterns and pathways, and new statistical methods have been developed to identify latent trajectory groups. This study used administrative data from a family‐style group care programme to assess whether a youth's externalizing behaviour trajectory while in placement can significantly predict delinquency and adjustment outcomes at discharge and 6‐month follow‐up. Findings from multinomial logistic regression revealed a statistically significant relationship between a youth's behaviour trajectory class and outcomes. Behaviour pattern during care was a stronger predictor of outcome than cross‐sectional measures such as other demographic factors, placement history or mental‐health need indicators.  相似文献   

Early modern schools have long been known to have been unruly places. Yet historians have struggled to contextualize violence and other forms of transgressive behaviour committed by pupils, either interpreting such behaviour as part of a virtually timeless culture of children and youth or as a reflection of a decline in morals due to macro-historical events. This article adopts the sociological concept of aspirational reference groups to analyse pupils' transgressive behaviour such as drinking, brawling and carrying rapiers in the context of the violence frequently committed by early modern adults. It does so on the basis of disciplinary cases which have survived as part of the exceptionally well-preserved papers of a teacher-scholar at a Lutheran Latin (grammar) school in Saxony. Pupils' transgression reflected their humanist training and foreshadowed the culture of students. Transgressive behaviour at schools prepared pupils for the similarly violent and hierarchical culture of early modern universities. Though subject to disciplinary measures on the part of urban authorities, pupils' transgression was in fact essential in perpetuating a common code of behaviour for men of learning in the decentralized Holy Roman Empire and therefore served to stabilize rather than destabilize existing hierarchies in early modern society.  相似文献   

We demonstrate in this article how critical realism can be used to explain indeterminacy in role behaviour systematically. In so doing, we both rebut various criticisms of critical realism made recently by Kemp and Holmwood and attempt to illustrate the weaknesses and absences of approaches that concentrate unduly on the collection of expectations of (different groups of) actors concerning roles and the behaviour of incumbents. Within a framework that recognises that structure and agency are ontologically distinct but necessarily empirically related entities, we argue that structures should be seen as sources of indeterminacy within role behaviour for at least four reasons: the co‐determination of roles through the intersection of structures; conflicting role expectations caused by contradictions inhering within structures; asymmetries of power within social relations; and asymmetric repetition within structural reproduction/transformation. In light of this discussion of structural sources of indeterminacy, we then go on to demonstrate how critical realism is also able to analyse systematically the agential sources of indeterminacy within role behaviour and expectations through theories of psychobiography and reflexivity. We thus conclude that critical realism contains the conceptual tools required to illuminate the point(s) of intersection between structure, culture and agency which is central to understanding both role behaviour and the plurality of expectations concerning such behaviour.  相似文献   

Caregivers of persons with AIDS experience numerous stressors in their caregiver role and could benefit from support groups. However, caregiving responsibilities make it difficult for many to attend face-to-face groups. This article describes experience with a telephone support group pilot project for this population. The time-limited, semi-structured groups used conference call technology; the eight session group protocol war designed to meet caregiver needs for information about resources and coping skills. Pilot data from interviews with group members from the first two completed groups on this project indicated that participants valued the group experience highly.  相似文献   

Researchers have long debated whether adopted youth manifest disproportionate levels of psychological dysfunction compared with non‐adopted youth. Yet, missing from the debate has been a clear understanding of the specific subgroups of adopted youth who may develop behaviour problems and of the risk factors associated with various vulnerable populations. This longitudinal study examined one subpopulation of adopted youth – former foster children – in order to determine their immediate and long‐term functioning, particularly in comparison with their adopted non‐foster care peers. The central goal of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of behavioural problems in adopted foster youth compared with adopted non‐foster youth and to chart the longitudinal course of their behavioural problems. Participants included adopted foster youth (n = 293) and adopted non‐foster youth (n = 312) from a statewide sample of adopted youth, aged 2–18 years. Data were collected from the adoptive parents at approximately 2, 4 and 8 years after adoption. Adoptive parents rated youths’ functioning with the Behaviour Problems Inventory. According to parental report, a striking number of the foster youth displayed behaviour problems, although the non‐foster care group of children also displayed noteworthy levels of problem behaviours. The rates of behaviour problems in both groups far exceed what is observed in the general population of children.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the residents of three county council homesfor the elderly is undertaken. The three homes differ both intheir architectural design, and in the role of the staff. Themeasures used are mainly concerned with the residents' dailyactivities, and information is collected both by questionnaireand by personal observation. The results show significant differencesin the three groups and tend to support the authors' predictionsconcerning the residents' behaviour, based on the differencesin the physical design and staff role in the homes  相似文献   

The psychiatric diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) attracts considerable stigma. People given this diagnosis may be characterised as manipulative, difficult, attention-seeking or untreatable. This paper describes a New Zealand study where eight people with a BPD diagnosis who self-identified as encountering discriminatory experiences from healthcare professionals were interviewed. Themes found included that discriminatory experiences contributed to participants' negative self-image and negative messages about the BPD label were communicated. A self-harm history appeared to be related to an increased number of discriminatory experiences. Connecting with the person and ‘seeing more’ (beyond an individual's diagnosis and/or behaviour) epitomised helpful experiences. Additionally, a relationship between stigma and the complaints process was noted. This study privileges the voice of those interviewed and may stimulate thought and discussion for services and health professionals working with this group.  相似文献   

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