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中国老年社会福利事业现状与发展思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人口老龄化是人类社会发展的自然规律,是当今世界面临的重大社会问题之一。中国老年人口规模之大,老龄化速度之快,高龄人口之多,是世界人口发展史上所罕见的,必将给经济和社会发展,特别是老年社会福利事业带来深远的影响。在人口老龄化的进程中,解决老年人的养老问题是最基本、最迫切的任务,在新的历史时期,中国的老年社会福利事  相似文献   

中国人口年龄结构的变动所带来的社会经济后果正在受到关注.日本、韩国、印度也经历了相似的人口年龄结构变动过程.日本、韩国正被劳动年龄人口减少、人口老龄化,甚至人口负增长所困扰,鼓励生育的政策措施效果不佳;而印度则不得不应对人口过多所带来的资源、环境压力.中国正面临劳动力供求关系的改变,劳动力成本上升,人口老龄化进程加速,社会保障体系受到严重挑战.依据日本、韩国、印度的人口政策经验,我国应尽快启动人口政策调整机制,把握时机,为人口问题未雨绸缪.  相似文献   

二十一世纪是全球人口年龄结构进入老龄化时代,我国现有老年人口已达1.3亿,占全国人口的10.9%,是世界上人口老龄化速度最快的国家之一。本世纪上半叶,我国人口的老龄化将出现速度快、规模大、比重高的峰值期。人口老龄化的现状和发展形势,表明老龄化问题已成为重大的社会问题,如何解决老年人所面临的医疗保健、护理服务等问题,是全社会和国家都需要  相似文献   

公共政策是一种服务于社会和民众的管理行为,其制定关系到国家机器是否能够以常态运行,因此公共政策制定的意义重大。本文对我国在公共政策制定的第一个环节——政策议程的提出——所使用的模型,政治动员模型,做了初步分析。  相似文献   

上海作为全国最早进入人口老龄化的城市之一,老年人口发展呈现总量大、程度高、速度快、高龄化突出等特点。近年来,上海市坚持“政府主导、部门协作、社会参与”方针,对外统筹协调、强化资源整合,对内规范管理、强化能力建设,在满足老年人基本照料需求方面做了一些积极的探索与实践,在提升老年人生活质量,推进养老服务社会化发展,构建和谐社会中发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

中国已进入老龄化社会,医疗和养老成为老年人两大需求。医养结合养老服务作为社会福利政策,在应对人口老龄化,回应老年人健康养老需求方面起到了积极作用。与此同时,也面临一些困境。本文从"生活型"社会政策视角就当前医养结合养老服务中出现的困境进行分析,并就构建"生活型"医养结合养老服务政策提出建议。  相似文献   

胡仕勇  李腊 《社会工作》2011,(24):48-51
人口老龄化趋势是我国人口结构转变的一个突出现象。人口老龄化问题的突现,势必对养老保障压力提出了新的挑战,同时也会影响国家对养老政策的调整。本文基于"人口年龄结构—国民经济因素—社会因素—养老政策"综合分析模型,提出了养老保障政策分析的框架。本文以人口结构转变为切入点,描述了人口老龄化趋势,以及由此引发的国家系统养老保障以及公民社会养老保障挑战。为应对这些挑战,本文基于综合分析模型和现代国家治理结构特点,提出了相应的应对策略。本文认为,只有整体性福利制度构建,才能确保在国民经济发展、人口老龄化趋势与社会稳定之间取得动态平衡。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是世界性问题,中国已经步入老龄社会,人口老龄化压力已经显现,并将随着老龄化的发展而不断加重。机构养老成为越来越多的老年人的选择。为了了解机构老年人的精神生活状况,笔者对长沙市F区敬老院进行了调查。调查发现,老年人对敬老院的日常生活照料满意度较高;但老年人精神生活存在的问题比较多,如:社会交往少、精神负担重、敬老院精神服务能力与水平有限等等。要改善老年人的精神生活状况,一是要加强护理人员的专业培训,提高护理人员的专业水平;二是建立专业的社工站,拓展老年人精神生活的专业支持;三是构建多元服务模式,丰富老年人精神生活;四是建构老年人社会支持网,发挥社会支持系统的作用。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是世界性问题,中国已经步入老龄社会,人口老龄化压力已经显现,并将随着老龄化的发展而不断加重。机构养老成为越来越多的老年人的选择。为了了解机构老年人的精神生活状况,笔者对长沙市F区敬老院进行了调查。调查发现,老年人对敬老院的日常生活照料满意度较高;但老年人精神生活存在的问题比较多,如:社会交往少、精神负担重、敬老院精神服务能力与水平有限等等。要改善老年人的精神生活状况,一是要加强护理人员的专业培训,提高护理人员的专业水平;二是建立专业的社工站,拓展老年人精神生活的专业支持;三是构建多元服务模式,丰富老年人精神生活;四是建构老年人社会支持网,发挥社会支持系统的作用。  相似文献   

日本家庭变迁与老年人问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王伟 《日本学刊》2001,(1):126-139
在人类迈入21世纪的今天,人口老龄化、老年人问题正成为世界关注的焦点之一。老年人问题,不仅是简单的人口结构问题,而且还是一个复杂的社会性问题。在不同国家,由于人口数量、经济发展水平及社会文化条件的不同,老年人问题在社会各个层面所反映的强弱也不尽一致。自20世纪70年代初以来,日本开始步入老龄化社会,老年人问题日趋突出。由于具有东方特色的传统文化影响,无论是在现实生活中还是在有关社会保障制度上,日本的老年人问题都与家庭紧密地联系在一起。一、老年人的基本需求与日本传统家庭的作用老年人是特定历史条件下具有社会属性的…  相似文献   

The unprecedented aging of the world's population challenges many institutions, including labor markets and public pension programs. This study was conducted to survey expert opinions regarding conditions and policies that affect employment of older adults. Eighty-nine respondents from 26 nations responded to an Internet survey regarding their own experiences with the aging labor force; factors that encouraged or discouraged labor force participation of older adults; and government responses to these issues. Respondents identified barriers to employment of older adults and described their governments' responses. Findings illuminate a range of current policy options and suggest possible opportunities for innovation.  相似文献   

The United States has seen a sizable increase in older worker labour force participation, although how much of this is due to public policy is uncertain. In fact, outside of academic and policy research circles, there has been relatively little attention paid to older workers and the challenges of an aging workforce in that country. Public policymakers have not demonstrated the same interest in expanding employment opportunities for older workers that they have shown for other groups, or that has been seen in other countries. Still, a number of significant pieces of legislation have been enacted over the past several decades that should be making continued employment at later ages easier, more attractive, or more essential financially. This paper examines those policies. However, because of confounding and conflicting influences from elsewhere, public policy initiatives focusing on older worker employment do not appear to be major contributors to rising labour force participation rates at older ages.  相似文献   

随着我国知识产权公共政策体系的目标转变及调整范围和制定主体的不断扩大,政策的制定重点应转向体系和机制的完善。但目前多数知识产权公共政策运行仍然遵循着强调单一政策效率的传统模式,各种政策之间的冲突与效能抵消造成系统内耗,致使政策体系整体效能降低。本文将协同学原理运用于公共政策体系构建和运行中,在于政策协同运行机制的高效率及其实用价值,提出了构建我国技术转移政策协同运行机制的具体措施。  相似文献   

Management of public rental housing is out of public view because most of the rules, regulations, and management policy directions arise from within the housing authorities themselves. As such, the policies can be vague, contradictory, and unrelated to the actual social and economic situations of the residents of public housing. The housing estate manager must translate these policies into a workable day-by-day relationship with tenants. The quality of housing estates is the result. We must be concerned, for on this quality rests the success or failure of our public housing policy.  相似文献   

Health is perhaps the most significant policy area to be devolved to decision‐makers in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Consequently, there has been a great deal of interest in assessing the extent to which health policies (which already differed somewhat prior to devolution) have diverged since 1999. To date, analyses have tended to focus either on health care policies or on specific public health issues (e.g. health inequalities or tobacco control). The story that emerges from this body of work suggests health care policies have diverged significantly, whilst public health policies have remained remarkably similar. This article is one of the first to consider health care and public health policy alongside each other. It reassesses and updates previous analyses, incorporating developments relating to the 2010 general election and the 2007 and 2011 devolved administration elections. Drawing on a variety of textual sources (policy documents, research evidence and corporate literature), our findings differ from existing analyses in suggesting that, despite some noticeable differences in policy rhetoric, approaches to both health care provision and tackling public health problems remain similar. Looking to the future, the article concludes that the common economic challenges, combined with a tight fiscal policy (that remains excepted from devolution), means the similarities in health care provision across the UK are likely to remain more pronounced than the differences. However, current debate about the constitutional settlement, and in particular the prospect of greater fiscal freedoms for the devolved administrations, may provide opportunities for more meaningful divergence in health policy than has been possible hitherto.  相似文献   

Those who develop or influence Australian public policy impacting on the nonprofit sector rarely have adequate empirical research upon which to base their judgments. Giving Australia research evidence relevant to strengthening giving and volunteering is brought together in this article to inform policy options for government, nonprofit and philanthropic entities. It begins with consideration of research findings related to the capacity of those that give or volunteer and the implications these findings have for policy. Three key criteria are developed for assessing policies to strengthening giving and volunteering, behaviours that primarily assist nonprofit organisations – policies that build trust between those that give and the recipients of their gifts, policies that strengthen affiliation and policies that encourage planned giving.  相似文献   

Those who develop or influence Australian public policy impacting on the nonprofit sector rarely have adequate empirical research upon which to base their judgments. Giving Australia research evidence relevant to strengthening giving and volunteering is brought together in this article to inform policy options for government, nonprofit and philanthropic entities. It begins with consideration of research findings related to the capacity of those that give or volunteer and the implications these findings have for policy. Three key criteria are developed for assessing policies to strengthening giving and volunteering, behaviours that primarily assist nonprofit organisations – policies that build trust between those that give and the recipients of their gifts, policies that strengthen affiliation and policies that encourage planned giving.  相似文献   

生育率迅速下降和预期寿命的延长使中国人口正在经历快速的老龄化。本文试图对中国人口老龄化的长期经济影响做出分析,依次讨论人口老龄化对劳动力供需关系和就业率、国内消费需求、社会保障体制和公共财政、人口城乡迁移和城市化、中国经济在国际市场的比较优势和产业结构变迁的可能影响。在此基础上,作者提出逐步放宽生育控制政策、把人口政策的重点放到提高人口素质上、推迟法定退休年龄和深化对城乡社会保障体制的改革,提高社会保障的公平性和效率等政策建议。  相似文献   

Chile has adopted a package of free-market, neo-liberal social policies. This follows a pattern established by the country's largely successful economic policies. Neo-liberal social policy consists of a series of two-tier systems, which are not in contradiction with the economic model. On the contrary, a key function of the social policies is to supplement a dynamic style of capitalist economic development through a number of mechanisms. These include: improving the skills, education and health standards of the labour force; increasing savings in a privately-run pension system; reducing labour costs to firms; and providing a safety net to those whom the "trickle down" does not reach. The paper examines social policy in three sectors: pensions, health and education. It explores historical roots, present characteristics, and the degree of success or othewise of policy in these sectors. The discussion refers to the role played by the legacy of the Pinochet military dictatorship (1973–90), the interface between public and private spheres, the whole question of social policy in the context of fast economic growth under free-market conditions (and the possible presence of causality links), the changing balance of power between suppliers and users of social sector services in favour of the latter, the threat of market failure, and questions such as whether these policies have been successful and whether (or why) Chileans are prepared to accept this unequal two-tier system.  相似文献   

The legitimacy of social policies has gained increasing attention in the past decade, against the backdrop of fiscal austerity and retrenchment in many nations. Policy legitimacy encompasses public preferences for the underlying principles of policies and the actual outcomes as perceived by citizens. Scholarly knowledge concerning the legitimacy of health policy – a major element of modern social policy architecture – is, unfortunately, limited. This article seeks to extend the scholarly debates on health policy legitimacy from the West to Hong Kong, a member of the East Asian welfare state cluster. A bi‐dimensional definition of health policy legitimacy – encompassing both public satisfaction with the health system and the normative expectation as to the extent of state involvement in health care – is adopted. Based on analysis of data collected from a telephone survey of adult Hong Kong citizens between late 2014 and early 2015, the findings of this study demonstrate a fairly high level of satisfaction with the territory's health system, but popular support for government responsibility presents a clear residual characteristic. The study also tests the self‐interest thesis and the ideology thesis – major theoretical frameworks for explaining social policy legitimacy – in the Hong Kong context. Egalitarian ideology and trust in government are closely related to both public satisfaction with the system and popular support for governmental provision of care. However, the self‐interest thesis receives partial support. The findings are interpreted in the context of Hong Kong's health system arrangements, while implications for the territory's ongoing health policy reform are discussed.  相似文献   

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