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杨典 《社会》2012,32(5):151-178
基于1997-2007年676家中国上市公司的面板数据及其CEO、董事长、独立董事、基金经理和相关政府官员的访谈资料,本文深入分析了中国上市公司CEO强制离职的影响因素及作用机制,揭示出一种与代理理论预测和西方经验不同的中国的CEO解职规律。研究表明,CEO解职不仅仅是一个经济过程,受“效率逻辑”的支配,更是一个社会政治过程,受“权力逻辑”的强烈影响。组织中普遍存在的“权力逻辑”压倒“效率逻辑”的现象可能是阻碍中国公司治理改革和其他组织和制度变迁的深层原因,从而使改革流于形式,新制度止于表象。  相似文献   

黄盈盈  王文卿  潘绥铭 《社会》2011,31(5):114-132
农民工的“性”问题日益受到社会的关注。本文基于北京地区四个工地136位民工的访谈,以工地男民工“谈小姐”为切入点,将“谈小姐”视为男民工日常生活中的言说实践,以扎根理论的视角来探究“谈话”这种日常活动的建构意义。本文并不停留于男民工对“小姐”形象(谈论的客体)的构建,而是更进一步地探讨:(1)在“谈小姐”的言说实践过程中男民工如何构建出自身的阶层地位、社会性别与性文化;(2)分析阶层、社会性别、性这三者的关系。通过这种主体建构的呈现,本文试图揭示男民工如何寻找自己在这个社会中的定位,以及寻找现实生活中积极的生存策略。  相似文献   

周潇 《社会》2011,31(5):70-92
作者通过对北京某打工子弟学校的田野调查后发现,在农民工“子弟”中间盛行着类似《学做工》中所描述的工人阶级“小子”的反学校文化。但是,由于制度安排与社会条件的差异,“子弟”与“小子”的反学校文化却是形似质异的。“子弟”的“反抗”更多是一种自我放弃的表达形式而非对支配秩序的洞察与抗争。文章进一步分析了“子弟”反学校文化的生产机制后指出,农民工劳动力再生产的低成本组织模式导致“子弟”高度边缘化的生存状态,这使得他们难以通过教育向上流动,从而以拒绝知识的形式放弃了学业,也因此完成了作为底层的社会再生产。  相似文献   

杨典 《社会》2018,38(2):46-83
自20世纪80年代以来,由于金融全球化和美式“股东资本主义”的兴起,“股东导向型”公司治理制度在全世界的影响越来越大,被誉为最佳公司治理模式或“国际惯例”。它不但影响了德、日等发达国家,也影响了中国等发展中国家和转型国家的公司治理改革。本文认为,“股东导向型”公司治理制度在中国的传播主要由内生性和外生性两大动机驱动,经过两个阶段和通过三种机制完成。第一阶段是在跨国层面,“模仿性同构”机制和“规范性同构”机制发挥了重要作用;第二阶段是在国内企业层面,政府通过法律法规和政策等手段要求企业采用新的公司治理模式,即“强制性同构”机制发挥了主导作用。对中国公司治理改革的社会学分析有助于我们从一个不同于经济学和管理学的新视角加深对中国金融市场和上市公司的理解,对于反思西方新自由主义企业制度,构建具有中国特色的现代企业制度具有较为重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

梁永佳 《社会》2015,35(1):161-183
中国农村宗教复兴是改革开放以来最“出人意料”的现象之一。对此,学界提出了“传统的发明”、“国家-社会关系”、“宗教市场”三种解释模式。本文认为,解释中国农村宗教复兴,不能将宗教现象还原为“政治”或“经济”等其他范畴,而应将之视为一种自成一类的事实,一种人的基本条件,同时应充分理解政治精英和知识精英在中国近现代史上对 “宗教”的塑造过程。中国农村的宗教复兴在很大程度上游离于这一塑造过程之外,因此,可能存在着尚不为学界所充分认识的社会机制,有着提供本土理论的潜力。本文认为,在世俗化理论和市场理论之外,应该尝试使用“礼物模式”探索这一社会机制。  相似文献   

李隆虎 《社会》2011,31(5):158-189
基于作者对贵州省北洁地区“大跃进”时期粮食管理体制和粮食生产、分配的考察,本文认为,“大跃进”时期的粮食体制是一个“大权在中央,小权在省,地区以下照章办事”的制度,其核心内容是以高额购销基数为基础的五年粮食包干制度。这一时期的粮食高征购正是源于高额征购基数,高额基数的制定又源于对粮食总产的过高估计。在粮食减产的背景下,过度征购就不可避免。尽管在“大购”之后还有“大销”,但“大销”不是“足销”,因为在“粮食分级索取权格局”下,大量粮食外调造成地区粮食库存不足,饥荒由此而生。〖JP〗  相似文献   

吴同  文军 《社会》2010,30(5):121-141
在中国的制度环境下,对于底层工人来说,争取合法权益的同时还要计算在这个过程中的经济成本与政治风险,因此“安全”、“有效”而又“可持续存在”的抗争方式是工人在采取行动时不得不考虑的问题。本文以上海某制造企业工人两次依法维权的行动为例,提出在这种逻辑下工人抗争所采取的“自我组织”与“遵纪守法”的策略,既为抗争提供了组织保障,又提供了行动的合法性。最后,文章将这种抗争策略放在中国宏观社会变迁的背景下进行了讨论。  相似文献   

熟人社会:村庄秩序机制的理想型探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈柏峰 《社会》2011,31(1):223-241
熟人社会中的“人情”体现为感情、关系、规范和机制等层面。在人情的作用下,熟人社会成了一张微观权力关系网,因此也被整合为对内纷争较少、对外团结一致的亲密社群。在熟人社会中,人们的行为围绕着人情关系展开,行为准则是人情规范,这种人情取向的行动规律就是“乡土逻辑”。因此,“乡土逻辑”可以用来分析当前村庄秩序的变迁。  相似文献   

赵立玮 《社会》2015,35(6):1-30
帕森斯的《社会行动的结构》体现了一种独特的探究,历史的、经验的和理论的研究在其中融为一体。在学科史的意义上,《结构》标志着“古典”社会理论的“现代”转变。不过,帕森斯是以一种典型的“美国式”方式完成这种转变的。囿于20世纪20、30年代、尤其是“新政”时期的语境,他给予处于世纪之交的一些重要的社会理论一种全新的阐述,把它们从其生身处境的“世纪末”中剥离出来,并暗中赋予其一种积极、乐观的“美国精神气质”,在很大程度上消解了这些理论和经验探讨中原本具有的同“世纪末”的社会、文化背景及其时代问题的复杂关联。悖谬的是,这种“美国化”的阐述在某种意义上恰恰体现了帕森斯试图建构社会(科)学一般理论的宏图,蕴含着某种普遍历史的取向。  相似文献   

王洪伟 《社会》2010,30(2):215-234
通过对鄂豫两省艾滋疫情高发区“艾滋村民”抗争的考察,笔者提出了当代中国底层社会抗争的两种社会学逻辑:求助于外的“合法抗争”和求助于内的“以身抗争”,一起形成了当代中国底层社会抗争的具有解释力、却又不同逻辑的社会学分析框架。本文考察了“以身抗争”模式的形成机理和运转规则,发现中国底层农民抗争的“非政治性”、“弱组织性”和“具体利益性”取向,“有组织”的政治抗争乃至革命性转化是不太可能的。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to trace the trajectory of family policy development in South Korea from the 1940s to the present. Changes to family intervention are analyzed in terms of the settings of policy instruments, the policy instruments themselves, and policy goals (or policy regimes). Consequently, two critical turning points are identified: the late 1980s and the early 2000s. The first period (1945–1988) was an era of embryonic Korean family policy when family intervention was limited and indirect based on Confucian familism. During the second period (1998–2003), explicit family policies emerged, but the Korean government kept family intervention to a minimum; maintained a division of roles between the state, the market, and families (the state as the regulator and the market/families as the providers); and maintained patriarchal family relations and gendered family roles based on Confucian familism. However, the third period (2003–2016) shows the explosive expansion of family policies and changes in policy goals and regimes based on Neo‐familism, which emphasizes democratic and equal gender relations within families and a family‐friendly/supportive society.  相似文献   

Research on cultural family beliefs and family processes as protective factors of adolescent development is severely lacking in the Chinese culture. Based on 432 Chinese single‐mother families living in poverty in Hong Kong, the relationships among Chinese cultural beliefs of familism, adolescent perceived maternal sacrifice, and psychological competence (indexed by a clear and healthy identity, cognitive competence, and a positive future outlook) were examined. Results showed that adolescents' perceived maternal sacrifice mediated the influence between maternal Chinese cultural beliefs of familism and the psychological competence of adolescents raised in poor single‐mother families in Hong Kong. The present study underscores the importance of cultural family beliefs and parental sacrifice on nurturing adolescent psychological competence in Chinese single‐mother families living in poverty, which contributes to the construction of a family resilience model applicable to Chinese communities.  相似文献   

Although enhancing family functioning has become a rising concern of social workers in Chinese contexts such as Hong Kong, little has been known on perceived family functioning and family resources. To fill in this knowledge gap, this article reports part of the results of a telephone survey conducted in Hong Kong, aiming to identify the sex differences in these two areas. The results of the study have shown that Chinese women perceived better affective involvement, one of the crucial indicators of family functioning, than Chinese men. However, among the different family resources, men rated better physical and mental well-being whereas women's social connection was stronger than men's. Further analysis have shown that the linkage of three family resources (namely stress coping efficacy, time spent with family and income) to perceived family functioning was statistically significant irrespective of genders. Implications of this study for social work practice are discussed at the end of the article.  相似文献   

Analyzing data drawn from the Beijing Migrant Children Compulsory Education Survey (BMCCES), this study examines the impact of child, family and parent factors on migrant Chinese children’s performance in math. The central questions address the differences between the performance of migrant and non‐migrant children in Beijing, the family and parent correlates of education achievement, such as household income and parent education, the impact of social capital based on family relations, norms and interactions, such as educational expectation and parental involvement, and how the results compare to findings in the US literature. The results show some similarities and differences between the family‐related factors that impact achievement in the US and China.  相似文献   

This study investigates individual heterogeneity in the economic returns to higher education in urban China following large-scale higher education expansion. We draw on data from the urban section of two waves of the Chinese General Social Survey, analyzing a sample of 1022 individuals in total who (1) were aged between 25 and 32; (2) completed high school education; and (3) were currently employed. Individual-level estimates of the distributions of the returns to higher education are obtained using a nonparametric kernel approach. While the average rate of returns to higher education increased for the 2003–2010 period, the extent of heterogeneity in these returns increased as well. Analysis of the heterogeneous returns to higher education across the distribution of income shows that the effects of college education are greatest at the upper end of the income distribution. Moreover, effect heterogeneity across the income distribution increased from 2003 to 2010.  相似文献   

家族企业的成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程书强  李慧 《唐都学刊》2003,19(2):158-160
家族企业在中国大陆和海外华人企业中广泛存在着 ,中国传统社会的家族制度和家文化传统以及长期以来中国私营经济的少数派地位对我国家族企业的形成起到了决定性的影响。家族企业的产生有它的社会、历史条件和文化背景 ,家族企业这种古老而常新的企业组织形式将有助于促进家族企业和中国私营经济的发展  相似文献   

李丁 《社会》2018,38(3):79-104
本文利用“首都大学生成长追踪调查”(BCSPS)数据,分析了城乡户籍、家庭背景因素对大学生学校过程及毕业出路的影响。结果表明,在学校过程方面,城乡大学生在学业成绩、校园表现、心理素质上差异不大,但在文化资本、毕业预期上差异明显,这种差异受家庭文化资本等背景因素影响;家庭背景在不同层次高校的影响存在异质性,家庭经济资本有利于非“211”高校学生争取更好的校园表现,而文化资本对“211”高校大学生心理状况影响更大。在毕业出路方面,国内研究生教育机会的分配相对公平,主要受学习成绩和综合表现影响。不过,海外留学机会获得受家庭文化资本和家庭收入影响明显,优势阶层的子女毕业深造选择空间更大。海外留学和留学归国人员规模快速增长对高等教育的主观公平性与民众阶层固化感的影响值得关注。  相似文献   

曾群 《社会》2007,27(1):141-141
本文采用扎根理论方法探讨了失业对中国青年人生转型的影响,指出西方理论运用于中国时具有局限性,中国文化背景下的青年人生转型的含义并非脱离原生家庭关系网络而独立,而是在原有家庭关系网络中实现经济自立,并为处于社会网络的父母争面子以及反哺父母。失业对中国青年人生转型的影响主要表现其拖延了青年以上人生目标的实现。本文还简要地讨论了社会科学研究本土化的问题。  相似文献   

Caregiver programs provide specialized services and resources to reduce caregiver stress and improve family quality of life and health. Although there are resources and community services available, Chinese American family caregivers’ perceptions on caregiver programs and how specific services help to viably reduce their stress has yet to be examined. An in-depth interview was conducted with four Chinese American family caregivers in exploring their caregiving experiences and program service use; two of the caregivers were spouses and two were adult children. Content analysis revealed that their value of familial piety, and their need to ameliorate caregiver stress fueled their interest in new interventions to improve their quality of life and health. Spousal caregivers and adult children caregivers disclosed different needs due to caregiving, and adult children caregivers were less resistant to new interventions. The results of this study fill the knowledge gap on Chinese American family caregivers’ perception of caregiving in a cultural context as well as their needs. Suggestions for future research are to better understand the effectiveness of the specific services within caregiver programs that are effective in reducing caregiver stress among Chinese American family caregivers.  相似文献   

Family obligation, which has an exceptionally high salience in traditional Chinese society, continues to be significant in contemporary China. In family relations in particular sentiments and practices morphologically similar to those associated with xiao (filial piety) remains intact in so far as an enduring set of expectations concerning age‐based obligation continues to structure behavior toward others. Researchers pursuing the theme of “individualization” in Chinese society, on the other hand, argue that family obligations and filial sentiments have substantially weakened. The present paper will show that under conditions of cultural and social change in China filial behavior through family obligation continues to play an important role even though the conventions associated with the relevant expectations, attitudes and emotions have undergone significant change. The paper argues that the culture‐system develops not merely through an internal dynamic and that family obligation must be understood in terms of the social and material context in which it operates and the nature of the motivations and imagery of the people that practice it.  相似文献   

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