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政治认同本质上是要确立一种以支配为目的不平等关系以实现有效的政治统治,然而在形式上必须通过意识形态、制度和治理绩效来强化政治权力客体的平等感受,但其作用发挥必须基于社会权力资源的公平配置,这一要求使得政治认同水平的提高最终取决于公民社会的有效建构.  相似文献   

本文从公民权力的角度来界定公民参与。非政府组织作为公民自组织形式,是公民权力的重要实现途径。文章分析了中国非政府组织在三种公民参与模式中的作用和特性。其中,结构性参与的赋权意义最强,但尚处于自组织性薄弱的个体参与阶段;最常见的决策性参与中,倡导性非政府组织虽然在某些领域获得成功,但仍未形成普遍的制度性参与途径;参与式治理模式则在农村、城市社区、弱势群体自治和政府购买公共服务等方面,形成公民权力新的生长点。文章最后指出,中国非政府组织参与的首要障碍是中国传统的取舍性权力结构。促进公民有序的政治参与,首先必须建设共享性权力结构,其基础是政府的公共性。  相似文献   

郭台辉 《社会》2013,33(5):1-28
关键词:公民身份认同公民身份认同合法化构建的拒斥性的重新规划的  相似文献   

构建和谐宪法文化的核心和关键在于寻求宪法主体--国家和公民之间关系的和谐.其价值预设是:公民在一个强大而负责任的政府的国度里享有充分保障的自由和权利.这需要折中的睿智和勇气.在国家(权力)和公民(权利)之间关系上,应建构一种柔性而不是刚性、开放而不是自闭的回应型宪法文化价值秩序.权力谦抑具有建构和谐宪法文化所不可或缺的德性功能,为国家(权力)和公民(权利)良性互动提供了前提条件.型塑责任意识下的权力谦抑性品格,是和谐宪法文化的制度伦理和实践基础.宽容作为权力谦抑性的最好注脚,体现了宪政主义的生态文化观.培育多元价值下的宽容精神,是当代中国宪法文化价值重构的和谐之道.  相似文献   

在中国城市社区,虽然公民社会的建设主要是从居委会这样的自治组织着手进行的,但可以从理论上与实践中看到公民社会建设的另一条途径,其起点就是社区内更"草根"化的结社组织。从公民社会建设的角度看,社区内的草根结社组织与社区自治组织有着大不相同的结果。自治组织更容易突出国家与社会消长性的权力关系,而从结社组织出发,可以引导出建设性的国家—社会关系;建立自治组织所需的社会基础条件比较苛刻,而从结社组织入手,能够培育人们的参与意识与治理能力、提高社区内的社会资本含量。  相似文献   

王杉 《社科纵横》2014,(3):88-91
本文立足于当前中国社区治理的四大主体,从政府与社会的关系、城市社会管理体制的变化以及利益需求日益分化和多元化等视角,分析了重塑城市社区治理结构的必然性,提出完善社区治理社会化运行机制的四大举措,即不断提高城市居民的公民意识、积极培育浓厚的社区文化意识、培育扶植社区组织以及大力培育社区专职工作者和志愿者队伍等。  相似文献   

黎浩元 《探求》2009,(4):7-11
中心城市社区党员对于社区及其党组织的认同差异随着经济社会的发展而变化,党员的组织认同与社区党建有密切关系,重视组织认同研究和管理有重要意义。本文从认知内容、身份角色、内在属性、认识过程和认同程度等方面分析了组织认同的内容,从就业角色与社区身份、素质与需要等角度分析了组织认同的成因,提出了强化党员组织认同管理的建议。  相似文献   

农民工:日常生活中的身份建构与空间型构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵晔琴 《社会》2007,27(6):175-175
近年来,中国的“农民工问题”倍受国内外关注。本研究从“社会建构”概念入手,以上海某棚户区中的外来民工为对象,探讨他们进入城市后的身份建构机制。笔者认为,户籍制度的存在是农民工身份被建构和维持的宏观背景;同时,在与本地居民混居的社区中,这种集体身份也通过日常交往和城市居民的话语被建构和符号化,并获得了广泛的认同。笔者在文中提出“移民空间”的概念,即随着乡城迁移人员在城市的集聚,“农民工”聚居区这一独特的城市空间正在慢慢形成,并成为身份认同的一个空间符号。  相似文献   

西方政治传统中,共和主义与自由主义蕴涵着两种不同的甚至相互竞争的公民传统.哈贝马斯的“三位一体公民模式”试图整合并超越公民传统的二元对峙.“利益性公民”、“认同性公民”和“共同性公民”三维度的理论构建,丰富了现代公民身份的内涵、明确了我国社会管理的主体特性;对交往理性和“认同性公民”的重视,有利于充实公民教育的目标和内容;话语民主的建构功能有益于增进公民参与的有效性.  相似文献   

在外层空间探索利用实践中,主体间关系的运行无法排除物质因素和观念因素所组成的复合结构的影响。冷战后,外层空间国际安全互动实践出现了明显的权力失衡。美国试图通过外空绝对优势来谋求绝对霸权,使得分离性认同加剧,国际安全合作机制建构与完善踟蹰不前。本文认为,通过外层空间信任措施先行增进聚合性认同,是空间行为准则和军备控制并行不悖的建构。国际空间合作最终能走向高政治认同与高暴力受控的复合结构,从而维护和促进外层空间安全"向善"关系的演进与发展。  相似文献   

社区健康教育在促进社区居民健康,改善社区居民生活质量,以及在健康社区的建设中发挥着重要的作用。针对越秀区社区健康教育工作开展中面临的一些困难,广州市越秀区社区教育学院一院通过社区健康教育项目"健康直通车"的实施,将健康教育融入社区教育中,探索出有效促进社区健康教育发展的实践路径,通过对"健康直通车"项目实施成效的分析,提出了进一步推动越秀区社区健康教育发展的建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the theoretical linkage between social capital and sense of community through research studies within four contextual areas. Social capital (SC) can be conceptualized as all the interactions between individuals in a community, and has been examined in various groups and communities. Sense of community (SoC) is a psychological construct that we argue is a correlate of social capital. Sense of community reflects the feelings of attachment and belonging that an individual has towards a community. Through qualitative and quantitative research carried out across the lifespan in four communities in Western Australia (i.e., Perth community, adolescent Jewish community, urban and rural communities, and primary school community), this paper utilizes SoC as a framework for investigating ways in which SC may be realized in communities. The significance of this paper highlights the practical application of increasing SC within communities through targeting SoC within individuals.  相似文献   

陈华珊 《社会》2015,35(5):101-121
对互联网技术的使用是否会增进公民的社区参与一直是一个具有争议性的问题,对于网络社区在其中如何发挥作用的相关研究却寥寥无几。本文利用大数据,采用一个案例,从社会网络分析的视角对此进行研究。通过区分不同性质的讨论网后发现,网络社区对业主的网络公民参与存在正效应,不同议题的讨论网关系可以相互转化,从而促进网络参与。  相似文献   

文章通过对两个典型社区的比较,分析了社区居委会传统角色遭遇的种种冲突和原因,探索社区居委会角色重构的方向。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2012,35(3):287-296
Social justice, community organizing, and task-oriented groups are inextricably connected. Collective action through community organizing can generate the requisite power to overcome unjust social relations and achieve changes that further human rights, participatory democracy, and distributive justice. Most community-organizing work is conducted through task-oriented groups that enable organizational activists to engage directly in collective action for social change. This article presents examples of the use of task groups by a variety of constituencies, in multiple arenas, employing citizen participation, community development, and social action community-organizing approaches and strategies.  相似文献   

论社区居委会矛盾纠纷的舆情疏导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前社区内的矛盾纠纷日趋复杂化。许多学者从不同角度对矛盾纠纷的调解作了深人研究。舆情疏导是社区居委会矛盾纠纷调解的重要方式,是社区居委会把社区居民的现实舆情作为矛盾纠纷调解的出发点和归宿点,通过科学的、有针对性的疏导方法来化解矛盾,从而最大限度保证社会和谐稳定的目标。社区针对矛盾纠纷的舆情疏导具有自身的特点。  相似文献   

Currently the care of the elderly is part of a nationwide trend of deinstitutionalization. However, community placement of formerly institutionalized clients, particularly through the mental hygiene system, has in some instances met with negative community response. Extent of resident participation in the community and degree of community acceptance were studied through interviews with caretakers ir) 100 foster homes, housing one to four clients over 60. More than 3/4 of the residents were reported as having met neighbors. One-third of the residents take walks in the neighborhood, with an additional 2/5 visiting in the neighborhood. One-third participate in activities such as senior centers or church groups. Contrary to expectation, those homes associated with the mental hygiene system reported greater participation in community activities than did those sponsored by the social services system. Negative response from the community occurred in only about 10% of homes. Thus, foster family care appears to show promise both for community integration of the elderly and for community acceptance of the deinstitutionalized.  相似文献   

The negative attitudes fostered by political rhetoric against asylum seekers create significant problems when asylum seekers are housed within communities. Much of the community's opposition focuses on the perceived economic and social impacts of large numbers of asylum seekers. However, we currently lack research on the local economic and social impacts of asylum seekers. As a contribution to this evidence base our paper outlines a South Australian case study of the impact of a low security immigration detention facility on the local economy, health services and social cohesion. Our impact assessment found that community concerns were not borne out. There were increases in employment and local expenditure, no reduction in health care services or access, and tensions between residents subsided, as did initially strong reactions against the asylum seekers themselves. The minimal impacts were due to the government and community interventions such as seeking local contracts and providing onsite health services. This case study is used to provide some guidelines for other communities to effectively target the fears that matter most to the community – either through disseminating information that reduces fears and myths, or through planning and interventions that minimise negative impacts and enhance positive benefits. In this way, the arrival of asylum seekers can potentially become one that benefits all community members.  相似文献   

This article describes an effective summer day program for the mentally impaired elderly. It discusses and illustrdtes the helping principles applied in a life model and interactionally oriented group and milieu approach. A sense of self is restored through community, and through providing opportunities for recall through community, and through providing opportunities for recall through doing, talking and sharing common feelings. The provision of a positive here and now experience which recognizes and bolsten strengths makes it more attractive to live more fully here and now. Even the most regressed patients improved in outlook and functioning as a result of the group experience.  相似文献   

Small community centres have mushroomed in numbers during the 1980s. Most State welfare departments have announced policies and funding programs to support these centres. These policies espouse potentially conflicting purposes. They include the community development goal of mobilising the community through self help ventures, the reform of the social service delivery system via a local base for better services, and the devolution of welfare responsibilities from central government agencies to community groups.  相似文献   

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