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彭铟旎  黄何明雄 《社会》2012,32(2):199-222
随着全球化的发展和跨国移民的增多,跨国母亲已经成为家庭研究和性别研究的重要课题之一。香港的菲律宾家庭佣工,作为香港一个庞大的跨国母亲群体,近年来也引起了学术界广泛的关注。本文探讨香港的菲佣,作为跨国母亲,如何利用现代化的信息沟通技术(手机和因特网)重新建构她们的母职。本文基于笔者于2010年在香港进行的定性研究获得的资料,从两个层面探讨现代化信息沟通技术与母职建构之间的关系:(1)香港的菲佣如何利用手机和因特网所带来的便利沟通为他们远在菲律宾的孩子提供情感支持和帮助;(2)香港的菲佣如何利用现代化信息沟通技术教育并指导孩子的成长与发展。通过比较信息沟通技术在香港普及前后菲佣的母职建构方式,我们发现,频繁且便利的远程通讯使得跨国母亲们能够克服地理隔绝带来的不便,为她们的孩子建构一种母亲的‘虚拟在场’。通过这种‘虚拟在场’,跨国母亲们从情感和道德两个层面履行其母亲职责。在情感层面,菲佣们利用手机和因特网传达她们对孩子的关心和问候、为生病的孩子提供情感支持、并且为孩子们解决实际的问题;在道德和教育层面,菲佣们利用现代沟通技术指导孩子的功课、帮助他们养成良好的生活习惯,并对孩子们的一些不良行为进行教导和规训,不仅重新建构了她们的母职,而且为“母职”一词提供了新的诠释。  相似文献   

潘天舒  洪浩瀚 《社会》2011,31(5):93-113
本文以2008-2010年在上海市静安区和黄浦区的麦当劳门店所进行的田野研究为基础, 通过检视其员工在日常工作环境中所采取的一系列调适性策略,探讨“麦工”(McJobs)在全球化和地方转型特殊语境中的多重含义。本研究初步发现, 上海“麦工”的意义世界不仅仅是实在的文化生态景观和精英话语制造出的符号,而且还受到跨国主义和地方转型这两股结构性力量的主导和型塑;本文在考察和分析普通“麦工”的地域文化认同、价值观念和工作策略的同时,强调社会分层和日趋多元化的城市生活方式对“麦工”体验过程的关键作用。  相似文献   

大众话语中的母职与性别议题是研究者把握母职意识形态、了解女性生存现状的重要语料。运用母职与性别分析框架,通过对有关丧偶式育儿的学术文献、大众报刊、新闻报道以及公众在网络论坛和社交媒体中的讨论文本进行话语分析,可以发现在"替母亲发声"的表象之下,丧偶式育儿不仅蕴含着精细育儿、育儿责任内卷化的母职困境,还隐藏着矮化女性气质、对相关困境进行性别化归责与归咎的性别焦虑。导致这一话语陷阱产生的重要原因是当下育儿社会支持的不足与性别刻板印象的桎梏。  相似文献   

多元话语分析:社会分析模式的新尝试   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谢立中 《社会》2010,30(2):1-19
话语分析就是对那些已经说出来的“话”究竟是以怎样的方式以及按照什么样的规则被说出和被传播的过程加以分析。多元话语分析就是从多元主义的立场对话语进行分析。倡导多元话语分析的目的是消除以实证主义和古典诠释社会学为主要代表的传统“实在论”分析模式在社会研究中的影响。多元话语分析包括话语策略分析和话语构成规则分析等基本程序。采用多元话语分析模式进行社会研究,对我们具有多方面的重要意义。  相似文献   


  相似文献   

从物质主义身体政治的角度看,英国当代作家安吉拉· 卡特在小说 《新夏娃的激情》 中通过考察女性面临的身体困境,指出女性身体是由消费神话、 母权神话和父权神话三种神话话语塑造起来的沉默无言的被动他者和观念化产物,而不是物质性的身体本身.卡特检视并批判了这些神话话语对女性身体的观念化塑造,并借助主人公艾弗林的变性之旅消解了身体与性别之间固定的能指与所指关系,重新唤醒了基于感觉经验之上的身体物质属性,实现了女性的身体解域,塑造出一名在思想意识层面摆脱了西方传统文化观念殖民的"新夏娃",从而实践了自身独特的物质主义身体政治.  相似文献   

黄盈盈  鲍雨 《社会》2013,33(2):185-207
在身体社会学的理论背景下,本文关注女性乳腺癌问题。基于对14位有乳腺癌经历女性的深度访谈后发现,经历乳腺癌女性的身体与其说是一种患病的身体,不如说是一种被视为残缺(了乳房)的、不符合社会规范的性别态身体。“残缺”表现在身体机能与感受(疼痛感与行动受阻)、身体形象(掉发与切乳)、个体认同(患者身份、女性身份及正常的社会人身份)和人际关系(尤其是亲密关系)。本文展现了女性在经历乳腺癌的过程中(尤其是被切除了乳房之后)如何面对、管理被医学与社会标定为“残缺”的身体,如何努力恢复身体和“正常”的亲密关系;表达了身体从医疗空间走向社会空间时,“残缺”感与正常化过程中的阶段性特点,以及身体在日常生活中的多重性与政治性。  相似文献   

一百年来,健康照顾社会工作(health care social work)一直以疾病管理为主导,但是注重患者自身经验的健康管理的呼声却一直没有停止过.通过对医学人类学、 第二代女性主义和身体社会学的文献梳理发现,疾病与经验两者之间存在不可分割的联系,而医学的疾病治疗就是一种建立在疾病管理上的"专家"经验,对这种"专家"经验的过分依赖必然导致对患者自身健康经验的忽视,从而出现用疾病管理替代健康管理的现象.这一发现将有利于社会工作者重新审视健康照顾社会工作的基本定位,找回患者自身所拥有的健康经验,把健康归还给患者.  相似文献   

社会建构论:社会问题理论研究的一种新视角   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
闫志刚 《社会》2006,26(1):23-35
西方建构主义理论对社会问题的研究,提出了一套全新的概念范畴和分析框架,并产生了许多经验研究成果。这种研究在很大程度上异于对社会问题的常识性理解和传统的研究视角。该理论认为社会问题的社会学研究主题不是“有问题的”客观事实或状态,而是这些事实或状态被宣称成为社会问题的活动和过程。经由这些活动和过程,社会问题建构性地存在着。本文通过与传统社会问题理论的比较,着重探讨建构论所进行的社会问题新的理论研究转向及其启发意义。  相似文献   

陈涛 《社会》2012,32(5):47-79
本文通过对涂尔干思想中的社会概念尤其是集体表象理论的解读,深入剖析现代社会自我证成上的困境。涂尔干一方面继承了契约论传统对社会的人为制造性的强调,另一方面又反对该传统将社会还原为个体之间约定行为的结果。集体表象理论针对的正是这一理论困境。涂尔干认为,集会或集体欢腾之际所产生的集体表象犹如化合作用,不能还原为个体的约定或契约,它是社会的产物,优先于个体。它不仅表达了个体对社会的情感,而且在定期的社会再造中创造这一情感。图腾标记对集体表象的具体化,既构成了个体认识社会的中介,又成为社会定期再造的依凭。涂尔干反对将法国大革命诠释为个体意志主导的结果,而试图通过集体表象将其诠释为社会定期再造的体现并强调社会之于个体的优先性。集体表象的神圣性既不依靠凌驾于社会之上的彼岸化的上帝,也不是个体意志的产物,而是社会性的,来自于社会的自我生产和再造。  相似文献   

Past research has identified the salience of the notion of “good motherhood” in countries such as Australia, where women are expected to invest significant time and energy, often through self‐sacrifice, to raise their children. We analysed free‐text comments provided in response to an open‐ended question from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) to examine whether the discourse of “good motherhood” played any role in how women articulate their experiences of juggling paid employment with motherhood. Eighty women from the cohort born 1973–78 were included, providing 223 comments. “Good motherhood” underpinned many of the accounts about combining motherhood with paid employment. Women reported life as stressful and hectic as they attempted to juggle the demands of childcare with paid employment and domestic chores. Although some identified “good motherhood” as an unachievable ideal, most were largely unable to disengage with this discourse. Broader social structures, such as inflexible working conditions, were found to reinforce and support this ideal, contributing to the strength of the discourse.  相似文献   


This phenomenological study used individual, semistructured, face-to-face interviews to explore motherhood experiences among 15 women receiving public assistance in a large urban area on the West coast. A primary phenomenon observed was that motherhood was described as an experience of identity change, with resulting emotional, behavioral, and sense-of-self changes. Within this broad theme, two categories emerged: the experience and process of change, and consequences of change. It was concluded that motherhood may serve as an important catalyst for change in some women and that the context of poverty is essential for understanding the motherhood experience. These results suggest that interventions aimed at leveraging emerging motherhood identities may be beneficial in setting women on the path out of poverty, drug addiction, and incarceration. Future research should examine the consequences of maternal change within the specific context of the stages of change documented in the recovery process from drug addiction.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the alienated mothers' experience of motherhood. Data were collected by in‐depth semi‐structured interviews with 10 women whose children refused any contact with them. Findings revealed one main theme, ‘Merging vs. detachment’, consisting of four subthemes or motifs in these women's narratives: (i) marriage as an illusion of salvation from an abusive home; (ii) giving birth to a child as compensation for chaotic childhood experiences; (iii) husband exploiting and abusing their sense of failing motherhood; and (iv) the husband and mother‐in‐law expelling the mother. These findings were interpreted within the framework of Bowen's theory. The interpretation suggests that impairment in the mothers' and ex‐husbands' differentiation of the self is manifest in the shattered mother–child relations and in the mothers' loss of their children in the struggle with their mothers‐in‐law. Implications for practice are included.  相似文献   

Dominant social, cultural, and professional discourses view motherhood as the core of a woman's identity. Thus, the identity of women who do not meet the general expectations of motherhood might be negatively affected. Specifically, mothers who are welfare clients may violate the prevailing norms concerning the maternal role. This qualitative study explores how Israeli mothers who are welfare clients construct their maternal identity. Studies of mothers who are clients of welfare services suggest that they feel blamed for being “bad” or “unfit” mothers. However, women occasionally negotiate or challenge the negative perceptions that are forced on them by hegemonic discourses of motherhood. We postulate that such women experience a troubled maternal identity that they negotiate through interactions with others. Accordingly, this study set to explore how Israeli mothers who are welfare clients negotiate their maternal identity in the context of motherhood and welfare discourses. Fourteen participants were interviewed, and the findings illustrate the vulnerability of the mothers and their strategies to construct a positive maternal identity. We discuss the findings in light of the concept of troubled identity.  相似文献   

1922年4月桑格夫人访华之后在生育节制和母性自决的呼声中,知识女性逐渐形成生育自主观念,对传统妇女的社会性别角色直接提出了挑战。民国时期知识女性所采用的避孕方法,主要有周期避孕法、阴道置药法以及应用阴茎套、子宫帽、棉花子宫塞等机械避孕法。民国时期市场上所售的避孕药品的种类甚多,如史斑通、制育良友,她的友、金鸡纳霜等。这些都是国外进口的,其价钱较贵,不过中国国内制造的起泡药粉等避孕药物也相当流行。同时随着妇产科医术的发展,40年代接受结扎输卵管手术的妇女也逐渐增多。不过,民国时期传统打胎方药仍在民间广泛销售,并且不少妇女仍请旧式产婆或江湖郎中私下偷偷做堕胎。结果,围绕着生育空间的医疗支配与权威的建立,中西、新旧势力之间展开一场权力较量和争夺。  相似文献   

Understanding the experience of women who become mothers during their teenage years is central to ensuring that the support that is offered is appropriate to meet their needs. This paper reports on a small part of a larger ethnographic study that captured the lived experience of young mothers who were between the ages of 16 and 19 years that potentially typifies and illuminates the experiences of young women who become mothers in their teenage years. By collecting data from narrative interviews as well as participant and non‐participant observations over an extended period of time it was possible to identify how the young women experienced a range of difficulties as they made their transition into motherhood. Drawing on the findings, this paper argues that this transition for teenage mothers can be significantly different from the experience of older mothers, and it identifies the importance of appropriate support to mediate the challenges that they face. Understanding the young women's journey to ‘becoming’ is critical when planning services because if their experience of support is negative, it can lead to increased levels of maternal stress and reluctance to engage with support services.  相似文献   

We analysed narratives of motherhood produced by 13 women who were involved with the welfare system or the justice system during adolescence. The original contribution of our study was its focus on mothers who were turning age 30, so they were not in that period of generalized instability that characterizes the transition from care and into adulthood. This qualitative study was part of a larger study on French‐Canadian adolescents with a history of residential care. Semi‐directed interviews were conducted with 13 women, more than 15 years after their admission to residential care. Our data highlights that motherhood can contribute to the vulnerability of women who were involved with the welfare or the justice system as adolescents. Our results suggest that in order to shed a perceived deviant label and to compensate for the adverse events they experienced, they pursue internalized ideals of “good motherhood” that translate into restrictions and strain. Furthermore, they tend to refrain from allowing people into their lives and asking for help for fear of being judged. Yet, as their children are getting older and exhibiting problem behaviors of their own, the questioning of their parental practices and skills only becomes more intense.  相似文献   


This exploratory study examines the discourses which construct women as mothers and workers and explores the strategies the women use to weave these sometimes contradictory identities together. Discourse analysis was used to explore the talk of two focus groups of first‐time mothers, all New Zealanders of European descent in stable heterosexual partnerships with babies aged less than six months. The women deployed an intensive mother discourse which privileged their maternal role and positioned the babies as needing parental care and mothers as the natural providers of that care. However, they also felt the pressure of successful woman and economic rationalist discourses in which paid work is essential to wellbeing and good citizenship while motherhood is devalued. The women's decisions about re‐entering the paid workforce were characterised by conflict and constraint. The analysis focuses on the strategies of resistance that the women used to warrant their life choices, including constructing motherhood as a job, and deploying an independent mother discourse which serves to facilitate their striving for the best of both worlds. Also explored are some of the structural barriers that serve to further limit women's choices.  相似文献   

The growing body of research on teenage motherhood in foster care has largely focused on the risks involved for both mother and child, yet these mothers depict a much more complex picture of their own experience of becoming and being mothers. The current study employed interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore 18 in‐depth, qualitative interviews from six participants on the meaning and experience of motherhood among teenage mothers in foster care and in the years immediately after ageing out. This study focused on a particular dimension of motherhood: participants' efforts to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect with their own children. Two themes emerged as characteristic of these experiences: (i) treating children well/parenting differently and avoiding the system; and (ii) reducing isolation and enhancing support. Given the increased likelihood of the children of teen mothers – particularly those who have been maltreated – becoming involved with the child welfare system, study findings suggest possible strategies for disrupting cycles of intergenerational child welfare involvement generated by young mothers themselves. Practice implications for addressing possible substance abuse, mental health and relational and parenting needs are discussed.  相似文献   

The transition to motherhood is a time of tremendous change, during which maternal subjects experience important shifts in their relationships with family, friends, employers, and state. Parental leave policies have potential to mitigate some of these changes, contributing positively to health and economic outcomes. Indeed, such policies have been identified as essential for achieving gender equality, serving to address both recognition and redistributive claims. In this paper, we explore parental leave policy through the lens of first time mothers in Canada, where two distinct policy regimes coexist. Using narrative analysis, we examine the ways in which the transition to motherhood is embodied and enacted through policy experiences. The stories we uncover, stories of helplessness, of control and resistance, and of stymied progress, illuminate how leave policies differently position maternal subjects in complex social settings.  相似文献   

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