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徐洁  燕颖川 《学术交流》2023,(7):134-155
随着数字化的迅猛发展,算法在现代社会生活中发挥了日益重要的作用,但算法的歧视行为也愈演愈烈。其中,高度隐蔽、连锁反复的算法年龄歧视威胁着老年个体及群体乃至整个社会的权益,但学界对老年群体算法歧视的研究却尚未充分展开。鉴于算法年龄歧视的发生场景和形成机理,应从伦理、技术、法律三条路径协同并进,对算法年龄歧视进行规制,以期在数字化和老龄化的共振中更好地助力老年群体完成数字互动,构建符合公序良俗的友好普惠算法生态体系。  相似文献   

贾玉娇 《社会》2009,29(6):173-188
美国在急剧的社会转型过程中,形成了以往的社会分层概念体系所不能准确把握的一类群体,即底层群体,他们的本质特征在于与主流社会的就业体系和行为规范体系相断裂。威尔逊敏锐地把握住了这一特征,将聚居区底层群体的形成归因为经济社会体系的结构性转型,颠覆了制度性底层的传统观点,并提出通过形成政治联盟,制定普遍性政策,运用隐秘议程的政治策略建构对底层群体有效的管理机制。本文在借鉴威尔逊理论分析的基础上,结合孙立平的“断裂”论,探析中国底层管理问题。  相似文献   

发展老年教育是实施积极老龄化战略的重要举措,课程建设是教育目标得以实现的基本保证.结合当前老年教育课程建设的不足,本文提出,老年教育课程建设应以健康、参与和保障三大支柱作为服务目标,着力从课程目标取向、课程内容建构、课程实施形式以及课程师资组成等方面回应和落实积极老龄化理念的要求.  相似文献   

中国老年妇女的经济地位状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾云竹 《浙江学刊》2007,(1):207-213
如何在现有的老年研究中纳入社会性别的视角、在研究分析中揭示社会性别对老年人口经济地位状况的影响是本文关注的核心问题。利用我国现有的分性别、分城乡老年人口经济地位状况的相关数据,本文勾画出了我国不同性别的老年人口在不同时期、不同地域的经济地位状况,并试图以社会性别的视角对其特征进行解读。本文认为,长期的性别歧视和压制使得老年妇女的经济地位整体低于男性老年群体;而城乡二元制度的分割,使得城乡老年妇女的经济地位状况也迥然不同。如何在我国未来的老年政策中弥补和填平老年群体中这些现存的性别鸿沟,确保数量巨大的老年妇女群体能够平等分享社会发展的成果,这一议题应该引起社会足够的重视和关心。  相似文献   

从社会性别的视角审视中国的性别立法与社会公共政策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李慧英 《浙江学刊》2003,(2):209-213
作者将中国50年来性别立法与政策分为计划经济和计划经济向市场经济过度两个阶段,并用社会性别的视角从诸多方面描述和分析了中国的性别立法与公共政策。  相似文献   

高明华 《社会》2010,30(5):193-216
刻板印象是对社会群体及其成员固定或模式化的看法。对刻板印象形成维度的研究,被系统地总结为刻板印象内容模型(Stereotype Content Model, SCM)。本文对SCM的相关理论进行了简要梳理。作者按照SCM的典范程序,进行了有效样本为115人的试验性调查和160人的正式调查,以问卷的方式要求被调查者对21个社会群体进行分类和评价,建立起了大学生关于21个社会群体的刻板印象类型,并在此基础上进行了理论层面的探讨。本文的研究试图突破以往的SCM研究仅限于发现事实的局限,尝试对形成特定群体刻板印象背后的社会心理机制进行解释。  相似文献   

日本、加拿大:老年福利的特色与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本、加拿大两国按照老年人口占总人口比例超过10%的国际老龄化标准,都已进入老龄化社会。日本是世界上老龄化率最高、老龄化速度最快的国家,目前总人口为1.3亿,老年人口为2800万,占总人口的22%。加拿大在发达国家中老龄化率不算最高,仅次于美国,  相似文献   

夏学銮 《社会福利》2006,(12):24-25
由于老龄化社会的提前到来,使得我们这个“未富先老”的前现代化国家在社会公共服务和公共服务财政上更加矛盾百出,捉襟见肘。按照国际上的通常界定,公共服务系指由政府系统为市民所提供的福利服务,包括社会保障、医疗照  相似文献   

社会结构转型必然引起公共政策体制的变化。我国社会结构转型具有双重过渡的特点,导致公共政策体制的极其复杂的异质性,使之既具有前工业社会的某些特征,也具有工业社会和后工业社会的某些特征。主要表现为组织结构上的集中型、层级型和网状型三型同构;权力分配上的高度集权、层级授权和多元分权三重交叠;运作方式上的单向命令、双向指令和多向协商三式并存;运行机制上的传统规范、法治规范和混合规范一定程度的三规虚范。在社会结构转型期要优化公共政策体制,必须深化政治体制改革,正确处理人民大表大会、执政党和政府的关系;政府、市场和社会的关系;政府整体同政府部门及其所属组织的关系;中央政府同地方政府和最基层的执行者的关系;公民权利同国家权力、官员职权的关系。  相似文献   

低龄健康老年人可以作为老年人力资源开发的重点对象。目前我国老年人口在业状况表现为:劳动参与率低、就业途径单一、就业行业与职业高度集中在农业、就业身份以自营为主、工作时间较长。个案资料显示老年人再就业"社会人"需求为主;收入以贴补家用,提高生活品质为主;工作内容以发挥专业技术特长为主;年龄歧视不明显;家人的理解和支持力度大。他们再就业主要受制于个人的生理与个人素质因素及宏观政策因素。应采取相关系列措施善用老年人力资源。  相似文献   

公共政策变迁间断—平衡分析框架是以美国三权分立和联邦制政治制度为基础构建的,原分析框架限定于考察美国公共政策变迁趋势。尝试从适用条件、理论假设、变迁过程和根本原因等维度对间断—平衡分析框架予以修正,将修正后分析框架的适用条件扩大为稳定的政治制度结构,同时用修正后的分析框架考察新中国建立以来科研政策变迁的总体规律性。这样就达致了两个目的:一是修正和检验公共政策变迁间断—平衡分析框架;二是考察新中国建立以来科研政策变迁趋势,并为解释公共政策变迁提供新的理论工具。  相似文献   

Until quite recently, the problem of poverty was largely “invisible” in Japan, since the poverty rate was relatively low and issues surrounding poverty received little attention. However, the recent financial and economic crisis caused such an increase in the poverty rate that it could no longer be ignored. When the government announced a poverty rate for the first time in 2009 (15.7% for the year 2007), the nation was shocked. Poverty is now widely discussed and “visible” in Japan, and Japanese policy makers have been forced to formulate and implement strategies to help the poor. The contribution of changing international and national economic and social conditions to increased poverty, including population changes in Japan, is also noted. This paper aims to provide an overview of the poverty situation and the nature of social policy that addresses poverty. It describes in particular the national public assistance program, which is a major public income‐support program and is considered as the ‘last safety net’ available for the poor in Japan. In conclusion, the paper explores the key problems faced by the program and discusses the challenges associated with tackling a dramatic increase in poverty.  相似文献   

公共政策视角下的中国人口老龄化(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口老龄化将成为中国社会的常态,它所带来的挑战更多地源于老化的人口年龄结构与现有社会经济体制之间的不协调所产生的矛盾,这使公共政策调节成为必须。本文认为,仅仅调节人口政策、仅仅调节针对老年人的政策或某一部门的政策都不足以全面应对人口老龄化,而应当以社会整合和长期发展的视角来重构当前的公共政策体系。在重构过程中,不仅要统筹人口系统与其他社会系统的关系,而且要统筹短期目标与中长期战略的联系。因此,应建立一个权威的常态统筹机构,并结合中国的国情,重新定位老年人的社会角色、解决老年人养老的现实问题、支持老龄化社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article seeks to make a constructive advance in jurisprudential theory by employing the unified analytical framework of modern social science. We first outline the main ideas of individual rational decision-making and game theory and of social choice and mechanism design, before offering a preliminary discussion of their application to legal issues. The core thesis is that the law in combination with other social norms provides institutional incentives to all actors in society. Legislators’ social justice objectives can be reasonably enforced only as a result of behavioral equilibrium in the social game.  相似文献   

China's public assistance system has been urban–rural divided ever since its implementation in the 1990s. Despite the intention in recent years to promote an integrated public assistance system, there has been little empirical research that has systematically examined the differences between urban and rural areas. Moreover, research has focused mostly on the Minimum Living Assurance system (“Dibao”), paying little attention to other types of public assistance. This study contributes to filling this gap by analyzing a recent data set collected primarily from two Chinese provinces. The findings show substantial differences in the amount of public assistance received by urban and rural low‐income households, even after controlling for demographic and socioeconomic factors. Compared with urban recipient households, rural recipient households have disproportionally lower public assistance benefits and higher medical costs relative to their household expenditure, which suggests that assistance inadequacy is especially prominent among rural households. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

在高科技产业发展中 ,行业协会发挥着重要作用。中关村科技园区积极促进行业协会的发展。本文认为 ,行业协会的发展和作用的发挥 ,需要有公共政策的制定过程利益群体发挥作用的机制存在。否则 ,行业协会难以发挥令企业满意的功能。为此 ,本文提出几项政策建议。  相似文献   

Older people are beginning to represent a large proportion ofthe general population and have become a major area for socialprogramming in many parts of the world. However, neglect orviolation of older people’s rights is common. Until recently,there has been a surprising lack of advocacy on the part ofnon-governmental organizations (NGOs) and human rights activistsfor a legally effective international convention on the rightsof older people, as compared with other vulnerable groups suchas children and women. This paper argues that the introductionof an international convention on the rights of older peopleis long overdue. Such an international convention should containcomprehensive and legally binding provisions which would requireratifying states to promote older people’s rights. Itshould be reinforced by a strong monitoring system that wouldinvolve key members of the international community. This paperoutlines the arguments in favor of the creation of a transnationalhuman rights agreement for older people and proposes that internationalNGOs and human rights advocates should work toward creatingsuch a convention.  相似文献   

This study explores service professionals' perceptions of how and why older adults and younger persons with disabilities are different consumers and clients within the long-term care service sector. Data are from 2004, early in the history of federal long-term care rebalancing initiatives, reflecting perceptions at that time. Findings suggest professionals working within aging, developmental disability, and physical disability service networks believe significant distinctions exist related to age of clients and nature of service required and how it is delivered. Overall need for greater professional and organizational capacity to support provision of service to both aging and disability populations is reported.  相似文献   

周中之 《唐都学刊》2013,29(3):7-11
从公共政策制定、执行和监督等环节分析公共政策对青少年道德成长的影响,在公共政策的制定中,要确立整体性理念,使各项政策形成有利于促进青少年道德成长的合力。为了使公共政策的执行获得更好的实效性,要建立分类指导的操作方案。要充分发挥大众传媒在现代社会中的影响力,加强公共政策的舆论监督。  相似文献   

美国宪法实行"政教"分离原则,禁止教会干预国家政务,但事实上,宗教组织在美国政治体制中如同利益集团一样运作,以各种方式参与和影响公共政策的制定,以确保自己的宗教利益。鉴于美国宗教组织在教义信仰和组织结构上呈多元化,它们对公共政策的影响方式和程度也各自相异,主要取决于历史传统、教义信条、内部团结力量、外部反对力量、战略地位和时代精神等因素。  相似文献   

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