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In this study, we examined the extent and type of contact with birth family in adoptive families headed by sexual minority and heterosexual parents prior to or at the time of placement, following placement, and currently. Data were drawn from the Modern Adoptive Families project, a nationwide, non-random survey of adoptive parents' beliefs and experiences that was conducted from 2012 to 2013. The current sample consisted of 671 families headed by heterosexual parents, 111 families headed by lesbian parents, and 98 families headed by gay male parents whose oldest adopted child was less than 18 years old and who was placed domestically either from the public child welfare system or from a private agency or independent adoption facilitator. For child welfare adoptions, sexual minority parents reported higher levels of contact and tended to have more positive relationships with birth family compared to heterosexual parents. Fewer differences by family type were found for private agency adoptions. Higher rates of contact and more positive relationships with birth family were found for private domestic placements compared to those from foster care. Secondary analyses suggest that family demographic and adoption placement differences between sexual minority- and heterosexual-parent families do not account for family type differences in contact with birth family. Policy and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined perceived social support available to victims of traditional and cyber forms of bullying in a heterosexual and sexual minority emerging adult university student population. Questionnaires were completed by 521 students ages 18 to 25 years old. The questions related to their sexuality, experience of bullying, and perception of social support. Perceived social support was lower for sexual minority individuals than for heterosexual individuals only when no bullying behavior was present. No significant differences in perceived social support between sexual minority and heterosexual individuals were found when they were traditionally bullied, cyberbullied, or experienced both forms of bullying victimization. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Disclosing one's sexual orientation to family members can be a difficult process for sexual minority youths (SMY). There are many decisions to make and factors to consider, such as whom to tell first and how family members may react. SMY are in need of resources to help them through this process, including programs that help them to make decisions about safe disclosure. Through interviews and open-ended surveys with 48 participants, the authors found that overall, SMY want a program that helps them connect with others. There were no strong preferences for facilitators' gender, and participants differed in opinions on facilitators' sexual orientation. However, most agreed that they would like a program that provides education and the opportunity to hear from and share stories with others.  相似文献   

BackgroundMultiproblem families are multi-users of psychosocial and health care services, but little is known about factors associated with their care utilization in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess which factors were associated with the overall and psychosocial care use of two members—i.e., child and parent—of each multiproblem family.MethodsDuring well-child visits or psychosocial care, we identified 354 children and their parents who had problems in several life domains (response 69.1%). We used multivariate stepwise backward logistic regression analyses to identify the factors related to their use of overall and psychosocial care.ResultsA child's overall care use was associated with greater social support from family and friends (odds ratio, OR, 95% confidence interval, CI; OR = 1.05, CI = 1.01–1.08) compared to less perceived social support; and with more psychosocial problems in the child (OR = 1.84, CI = 1.04–3.24). Child's psychosocial care use was more likely among older children (OR = 1.94, CI = 1.20–3.15); greater social support by family and friend (OR = 1.03, CI = 1.00–1.06); more psychosocial problems (OR = 1.75, CI = 1.04–2.97); and when there were more parenting concerns (OR = 1.19, CI = 1.06–1.33). Parental overall and psychosocial care use was more likely when the family experienced a higher number of life events (OR = 1.27, CI = 1.17–1.38, and OR = 1.39, CI = 1.25–1.55).ConclusionsCare use in multiproblem families is related to family factors as well as psychosocial problems. It may be possible to use these family risk factors to identify such families early, whose intensive care use is possibly explained by the relationship with inadequate use of social support.  相似文献   

Sexual minority status persists in being linked to poorer adolescent mental health. Using a longitudinal sample (N = 845), we examined how youth's own same-gender attraction and their perceptions of peers' beliefs about their same-gender attraction (i.e., assumed attraction) were associated with trajectories of depressive symptoms from grade eight (when students are typically 13–14 years old) to grade 10. Reporting either same-gender attraction, assumed same-gender attraction or both were associated with higher initial levels of depressive symptoms that persisted over time compared to youth with real and assumed other-gender attraction only. These links were partially mediated by experiences of discrimination. Findings suggest the importance of understanding adolescent perceptions of peer beliefs in the association between same-gender attraction and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

A young person's first consensual sexual intercourse experience is often a remarkable and memorable experience. However, little systematic information exists regarding contextual factors of first intercourse, the affective salience of the experience, possible effects on sexual attitudes and beliefs, and subsequent sexual development and adjustment. This retrospective study aimed to examine these in a sample of 475 young adults. Overall, young men and women experienced intercourse for the first time around age 17, were in a committed relationship, and reported positive affective responses. Affective reactions to the first sexual intercourse experience, sexual self-efficacy, sexual aversion, and age at first intercourse affected individuals' current sexual adjustment; however, only sexual self-efficacy mediated between first intercourse and current sexual adjustment in young men and women. Older age at first intercourse was associated with less sexual self-efficacy and lower current sexual adjustment for women. This study provides initial data to suggest that the first sexual intercourse experience significantly impacts current sexual adjustment by affecting beliefs about sexual self-efficacy.  相似文献   


We investigated 163 (82.2% female; 73% White; and 91.4% heterosexual) mental health trainees' explicit and implicit attitudes toward heterosexual, lesbian, and gay White couples adopting and raising Black children. Explicit attitudes were assessed with a vignette depicting a Black child in need of a home. Implicit attitudes were assessed with the multifactor implicit association test (IAT) protocol. Explicit data showed that most participants indicated no strong family preference. However, IAT data showed that most trainees had implicit preference, with a moderate preference for lesbian couples over heterosexual couples and a moderate-to-strong preference for lesbian couples over gay couples. The trainees only demonstrated a very weak preference for heterosexual couples over gay couples. Overall, congruence between explicit and implicit is very low. Implications for training are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundFamily reunification refers to the process through which children and adolescents under a measure of temporary separation (foster care or residential) return to live with their biological families. The research has begun to reflect a paradigm change in intervention and support for these families that affects the consolidation of reunification and the prevention of new processes of separation and reentry into the protection system.ObjectivesThis article examines the needs of parents who are susceptible to an educational intervention from a positive focus that contributes to the consolidation of family reunification.MethodEighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted and 22 discussion groups were convened with 135 participants (63 protection-system professionals, 42 parents and 30 children and adolescents). The data were analyzed through content analysis and were subject to peer revision.ResultsA series of parents' specific educational needs when their children return home was recognized. These needs can be the objects of family intervention based on a positive focus directed toward highlighting parents' strengths and are related to awareness of family progress, emotional management, giving and receiving help from other families and social support. The participants' comments show that feelings of self-sufficiency and positive reinforcement are fundamental for consolidation of the process.ConclusionsSocial support through formal and informal networks may be a path to explore for providing more and better support after returning home. Empowering families so that they can be agents of support for other families can be a way to consolidate reunification, allowing families to be active agents in the reunification process. In addition, listening to children's voices can be a good strategy for family consolidation.  相似文献   

A large body of research has found a concerning prevalence rate of sexual coercion in heterosexual college student dating relationships; however, little research has examined how college students perceive and interpret these behaviors. In the current study we examined the impact of initiator gender and sexually coercive strategy (verbal pressure, purposeful intoxication, physical force, or control/mutual consent) on perceptions of the aggressor, victim, behavior, and relationship quality. Results indicated that men who coerce are viewed as aggressive; women who coerce are viewed as promiscuous. Targets of sexual coercion are not perceived as experiencing high levels of victimization following the incident. These findings suggest that college students do not perceive sexually coercive behaviors to be highly problematic. The results are discussed in terms of gender roles and practical implications for college student relationships.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to create a typology of dual-earner families, based on mothers' and fathers' reports on vocational education, job involvement, and job exhaustion, and to investigate differences between the groups in family functioning, and work-family interface experiences. The study was carried out by means of questionnaires among 133 dual-earner couples with children under 18 years of age living at home. In creating the typology cluster analysis was used as a statistical procedure. In the analysis five groups emerged that were distinguished by both between-group and within-parent differences in the clustering variables: (1) low-status dual-earner families, (2) low-job-exhausted and low-job-involved dual-earner families, (3) dual-earner families with high-status and highly job-exhausted mothers, (4) dual-earner families with highly job-exhausted fathers, and (5) dual-earner families with high-status and highly job-involved fathers. Group membership was related to the characteristics of family life, and to the evaluations of work-family interaction as well as other job characteristics, thus indicating ecological validity for the family typology created. It seemed that a high level of job exhaustion, in particular, was linked to problems in family functioning. Les objectifs poursuivis dans l'analyse qui suit ont été de créer une typologie des familles à double revenu, typologie basée sur les rapports des mères et des pères concernant la formation professionnelle, l'importance accordée au métier et le degré d'épuisement causé par ce dernier, et d'enquêter sur les différences entre les groupes dans les expériences vécues du fonctionnement familial et de l'interaction emploi-famille. L'étude a été menée à l'aide de questionnaires distribués à 133 couples appartenant à cette classe de double revenu et dont les enfants de moins de 18 ans vivaient àla maison. Pour rassembler la typologie, une analyse agglomérée a été employée en tant que procédure de statistique. Au cours de cette analyse, les cinq groupes qui ont émergé se distinguaient par des différences qui touchaient à la fois les domaines inter-groupes et interparentaux selon ces variables d'agglomération: (1) les familles à double revenu à bas statut, (2) les familles àdouble revenu dans des emplois peu épuisants et peu motivants, (3) les familles à double revenu au statut élevé avec des mères épuisées par un emploi de niveau élevé, (4) les familles à double revenu avec des pères épuisés par un emploi de niveau élevé, et (5) les familles à double revenu au statut élevé avec des pères motivés par un emploi de niveau élevé. L'appartenance aux groupes était en rapport avec les caracteéristiques de la vie familiale et avec les évaluations concernant l'interaction emploi-famille ainsi que diverses caractéristiques de l'emploi, afin d'indiquer la validité écologique pour la typologie familiale créée. Il semblait ainsi qu'un important niveau d'épuisement au travail en particulier soit liéaux problèmes du fonctionnement familial.  相似文献   

This article introduces marriage and family therapists (MFT) to some of the common issues faced by families that have a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). First, autism is defined and common myths surrounding it are discussed. Next, relational challenges are presented that families report experiencing during early childhood through the elementary school years, adolescence and the transition into adulthood, and the later years of the family life cycle. Real-life stories are included to illustrate the potential contributions that MFTs can make to families that have a child with ASD.  相似文献   

This paper describes specific transference and counter-transference issues that commonly emerge in therapeutic work with adolescents and parents who are in the midst of family transitions such as divorce and remarriage. Psychoanalytic understanding and definitions of transference and countertransference are applied to short-term family-centered cases in which the parent-adolescent relationship is at particular risk. Case vignettes are presented in order to illustrate how transference and countertransference may guide or interfere with clinical interventions that are especially indicated with adolescents whose family structure has changed. Such interventions as well as the use of consultation are briefly described.At the time this paper was prepared, Ms. Springer was Associate Director and a senior clinician at the Center for the Family in Transition in Corte Madera, California. Funds for the research and clinical work that provided the basis for this paper were supplied by grants from the San Francisco Foudation. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatry Association, New York City, March 31–April 4, 1989.  相似文献   

This paper highlights significant moments, strategies, and themes in British nonheterosexual Muslims’ management of familial and kin relations. Significant socio‐cultural and religious factors constitute the framework within which they negotiate such relations. These factors are: the strict religious censure of non‐heterosexuality (specifically homosexuality) based on various Islamic written sources, the pervasive cultural censure of homosexuality as a ‘western disease’, the expectation of marriage as a cultural and religious obligation, the respect for parents, and the maintenance of family honour (izzat) particularly in the close‐knit kinship network. These factors, which significantly inform the participants’ responses and experiences, also reflect the social position of this religious and ethnic minority in British society. Specifically, the participants highlighted the complexity of secrecy, silence and discretion in balancing individualism (ie expression of sexuality) and socio‐ religious obligations. In general, the data demonstrate the intricate inter‐relatedness of structure and agency, and the cultural embeddedness of the production and management of identity and social relations.  相似文献   


This paper explored whether SGM (sexual and gender minority) young adults in Michigan thought religion played a role in the bullying they had witnessed or experienced. Twenty-four self-identified SGM young adults ages 20–29 participated in this study. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with participants following protocols approved by an institutional review board. The majority of participants (23/24) stated that religion had played a role in the bullying they witnessed or experienced. Additionally, several participants noted that the worst bullying they experienced based upon religion came from their families.  相似文献   

As the Hispanic population of the United States continues to grow, so will the need for therapists who have been trained to work with Hispanic families. This content analysis of the available treatment literature generated several specific guidelines that can be used in training and evaluating culturally competent therapists. Guidelines included: Use family therapy, act as advocate for the family, assess immigration experience, assess acculturation, respect father, interview family subsystems separately, do not force changes, provide concrete suggestions, and warmly engage the family. Empirical and conceptual support for each guideline is discussed and several conclusions are made regarding culturally competent therapy with Hispanic families.  相似文献   

This study examined child inclusion issues and training marriage and family therapists (MFTs) to treat children. This modified Delphi study utilized a panel of experts, and gathered data through questionnaires and qualitative interviews. Panelists believe children should participate in family therapy sessions for both child and adult problems, except when parents are discussing sex or sensitive issues. Child-focused courses should emphasize developmental issues, engaging techniques, theoretical issues, play therapy theory, MFT treatment for child disorders, and specific child/family problems. Panelists suggest numerous child-focused references, but reached consensus for only one. Key therapist attributes and skills were identified. Deductive and inductive training methods and the role of supervision were highlighted. Although therapist playfulness and creativity were emphasized, few play techniques were included in the final profile.  相似文献   

This paper draws on qualitative interviews with 19 children and nine of their parents or carers in the South Wales valleys to discuss the effect on the social identities of minority ethnic children of living in virtually all-white communities. There is discussion of minority ethnic identities, local identities and Welshness, and the paper concludes with consideration of the theoretical and policy implications of the research. Interviews with the children showed them to be using a variety of creative strategies to negotiate their identities in a challenging and highly racialised context. Diverse individual histories and family relationships interact with available minority cultural identities and local and national cultural influences. The children have to construct their own identities in the context of dominant discourses of ‘Wales’ and ‘Welshness’ and also class-based notions of what it means to come from this particular region. Some maintain minority ethnic identities with pride and for others the maintenance of a minority ethnic identity is put under extreme pressure.  相似文献   

This study explored youths' and parents' perceptions of family interaction processes as well as the broader social and cultural factors that influence family functioning in a multiethnic sample of inner-city families with delinquent youth. In-depth interviews were conducted with 61 male youths and 33 parents predominantly from minority families. Guided by an ecological framework, qualitative data analyses were employed to explore individual and contextual factors that were perceived either to foster or to impede individual and family functioning. Findings supported previous empirical research highlighting the importance of family interaction processes in the lives of delinquent youths. Analysis of parent and youth data revealed important relationships among the individual, family, and community domains. The emphases placed on these interrelationships, however, varied in distinct and notable ways for parents and youths. The implications of these divergent patterns for family-level interventions are addressed.  相似文献   

This study questions commonly held Greek social policy assumptions that families are the best and only providers of support to children and adolescents with impaired mobility. This is because the experiences of family life by Greek adolescents with such impairments can be characterized by a cycle of over-protection, dependency and social isolation. We also identify theories of disability that might help to explain the life experiences of the adolescents in our study. Because there is limited research that has examined such ideas in the Greek context we propose an initial and modest hypothesis informed by these theories to explain this cycle of impaired functional, psychological and social development experienced by these adolescents in Greek society.  相似文献   

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