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Despite considerable research investigating the role of influence tactics on work-related outcomes in organizations, consensus on the effectiveness of influence tactics has been elusive. Specifically, there is a lack of integration concerning the relationships between proactive influence tactics and their outcomes. We investigate the effectiveness of 11 influence tactics from a comprehensive perspective using meta-analytic techniques. In particular, the current study focuses on relationships between each of the 11 influence tactics (i.e., rational persuasion, exchange, inspirational appeal, legitimating, apprising, pressure, collaboration, ingratiation, consultation, personal appeals, and coalition) and task- and relations-oriented outcomes. In addition, we investigate the moderating effects of the direction of influence tactics, measurement of influence tactics, singular influence tactic (versus use of a combination of influence tactics), independence of data sources, and study setting involved in the study. Regardless of task- and relations-oriented outcomes, based on 49 independent samples (N = 8987), our results show positive relationships between outcomes and rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, apprising, collaboration, ingratiation, consultation, and a negative relationship between pressure and outcomes. Rational persuasion is the only tactic which held stable positive relationships with both categories of outcomes regardless of moderating factors. Implications and directions for future research in the area of influence tactics are discussed.  相似文献   

To achieve goals, individuals and organizations must understand how to effectively motivate themselves and others. We review three broad strategies that people employ to increase motivation: giving feedback, setting goal targets, and applying incentives. Although each of these strategies can effectively motivate action under certain circumstances and among certain people, they can also result in unintended consequences: not helping or even hurting motivation. For example, employers may give positive feedback that leads employees to relax their effort or negative feedback that undermines employees’ commitment, organizations may set goals that are overly ambitious and consequently reduce motivation, and certain incentives might appear attractive before pursuing an action but uncertain incentives better motivate action during goal pursuit. By identifying when and how these common motivational strategies work versus fail, we are able to prescribe a specific set of guidelines that will help people understand how to motivate themselves and others.  相似文献   

What are the perceptions of population health, and how do you define it to move forward on any common action agenda of policy, management, teaching, or research? The author asks a series of questions to clarify the ambiguities around the population health concept, beginning with defining "health" as more than the absence of disease, but less than the breadth of complete well-being. Such a framework requires an operational measure of population health outcome that goes beyond quantity of life (mortality) to add extra dimensions. In other words, the goal is not only to purchase life years, but life years at some level of quality. The article provides an argument for the importance of some aggregate measure of health outcome, such as Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE), as a management tool for purchasing populations health.  相似文献   

Change is a difficult and emotionally charged issue in any organization. Clear, effective communication is essential to deal with people's fears and expectations. Multiple tools and schools of thought are available to increase organizational effectiveness, including systems theory, TQM, and change management. Physician managers are under the gun to incorporate these ideas and use them to effect organizational change. But the biggest challenge is how to bring the techniques home and put them to use, one-on-one with another person. How can you become a more effective communicator and change agent? The basis for win-win relationships revolves around being aware of how we communicate--not just our words, but our body language and tone of voice.  相似文献   

Medical management is a large and growing profession. The need for physicians in management roles grows unabated in hospitals, managed care organizations, group practices, and myriad other environments. But entry is not merely a matter of wishful thinking. Painstakingly assembled credentials and skills are the order of the day. The advice in this column is distilled from Medical Directors: What, Why, How, a new College monograph.  相似文献   

Can you avoid ending up in a career-denting job: Are there potential pitfalls to recognize on the search for a rewarding position? Finding oneself in an impossible job, working for a boss who brings out your worst qualities and deepest insecurities, or joining an organization that is doomed are nightmare scenarios. How do these judgment errors happen? We asked physicians who've been there and, unfortunately, done just that. What they learned might help the rest of us skip the experience.  相似文献   

Examine 10 questions that all physician leaders should ask themselves periodically to ensure that they are leading, and not bringing down, their staff.  相似文献   

If you run an organization, what do you know? What could you know? What is obvious--what we take for granted--hides deeper, contradictory realities. Such simple assumptions as "The goal of management is to get things done by motivating people to do them" not only hide a deeper truth, they keep us from getting to what's true. There is no short road to leadership. It is long-term. It is about relationship, in the deepest sense. Leaders don't create energy and momentum, they harness the energy and momentum that already exists in the people that they hope to lead. They connect with people, and they get out of the way.  相似文献   

Research on supplier–customer relationships has attracted a great deal of attention, as such relationships can positively impact firms’ knowledge acquisition and innovation. Within this stream of research, strong ties with customers have been explored with attention to their beneficial and detrimental effects, presenting a paradox to be addressed. To contribute to this debate, we suggest focusing on how tie strength is measured, and accordingly, we return to the seminal definition of tie strength by Granovetter (1973), who defines it as a combination of behavioural and affective components. We acknowledge that the two components have different characteristics and dynamics, which urges us to unbundle the two components and measure their separate impacts on knowledge acquisition and innovation. To further investigate the role of tie strength in innovation, we hypothesize and test the mediating role of knowledge acquisition. We test our hypothesis in vertical partnerships between small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) located in a high-tech cluster and their key customers. We show that the unbundled components of strong ties have a direct positive impact on the knowledge acquisition of high-tech SMEs and an indirect positive impact on innovation, with knowledge acquisition mediating the effect. Our study contributes to the debate on the paradox of tie strength in supplier–customer relations by providing and empirically testing a research approach that might complement the previous approaches and by shedding light on the important role of the affective component of tie strength in knowledge acquisition and innovation.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》2015,26(4):518-531
We extend research on leadership and emotions by addressing two previously under-researched areas. Prior research has focused primarily on the valence of leaders' displayed emotion and on followers' affective reactions to those displays. In contrast, we examined followers' cognitive reactions to the perceived sincerity of leaders' displayed emotion. Study 1 found that American workers' trust in a leader was related to their perceptions of that leader's emotional sincerity. Study 2 replicated these results among Chinese workers, and further indicated the mechanisms through which perceived emotional sincerity influenced trust and showed how trust influenced performance. The findings demonstrate the importance of including emotional sincerity in studies of leader affect, and suggest the value of adding a cognitive perspective to the current focus on followers' affective reactions to their leaders' emotions.  相似文献   

Given that the possession of abundant resources does not always guarantee superior firm performance, this study proposes a dynamic approach to enhancing firm value. Building on the resource orchestration thesis, we investigate how firms facing resource constraints enhance their capabilities over time by orchestrating resources and how this resource orchestration can play a role in improving firm performance. Using the dynamic perspective, this study identifies four resource orchestration modes, which are specified based on how a given firm dynamically allocates its resources to technology (enacted by R&D activities) and marketing (enacted by advertising activities). Accordingly, we claim that firms with resource constraints can enhance their performance by escalating or altering their resources over time. To test our hypotheses, we used a sample of 4078 small and medium-sized enterprises in manufacturing industries between 1984 and 2018. We found that focus escalation for technology positively affects firm performance, captured by Tobin's q, and that focus alternation toward either technology or market is positively related to firm performance. Finally, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

Consider the repercussions carefully before you take on a legal battle with your employer. It may be better to simply resign and try something new.  相似文献   

We examine whether experience from prior divestitures is associated with higher completion likelihood in subsequent acquisitions. We argue that through divestitures, firms could extract meaningful knowledge that is helpful for completing their acquisitions, such as a general understanding of acquisition deal-making stages, and the stories and aims of the target in an M&A transaction. In addition, viewing divestitures as the flipside of acquisitions, we conjecture that the selling firm can observe how the divested component of their business is acquired, and vicariously learn from these observations. We also investigate the relative importance of learning from divestiture vis-à-vis acquisition experience in determining acquisition deal completion. Finally, we contend that the effect of learning from divestitures on acquisition deal completion depends on acquisition experience and deal value. We find evidence supporting our conjectures in a sample of 2164 M&A transactions from the worldwide computer and printing industries between 1991 and 2010.  相似文献   

This career advice column is usually directed toward those in transition--physician executives who are actively pursuing job opportunities or preparing to do so. But most of your career is actually spent in a position and on the job. So it seems appropriate to focus on the great majority of physician executives who are not currently in the job market. Take a look at opportunities to learn and grow in your present position.  相似文献   

[教学内容]新目标初中英语第一册Unit 11(Section A)主要教学任务是在学生已经初步掌握了本单元词汇的基础上进一步学习句型:What time do you go to school?以及What time does he go to school?通过自主学习,自主听、读对话等活动,充分调动学生学习的主动性,使学生能够结合不同的情景,灵活运用本课所学的句型进行英语交际,学会用英语正确表达时间,学会叙述日常生活活动,学习合理安排时间,增强规划时间的能力。  相似文献   

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