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消费主义和“同志”空间:都市生活的另类欲望地图   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏伟 《社会》2009,29(4):79-106
基于对在成都市同性恋社区中桑拿、酒吧和健身房等“同志”商业性场所的民族志研究,本文以列斐伏尔的“空间的生产”的视角,探讨了在目前中国都市消费革命的推动下,作为新的“差异空间”的“同志”空间的生产和发展。笔者认为,市场经济和消费主义的兴起,使传统上属于私人领域的同性恋问题被置于属于公共范畴的市场经济之中,并赢得了新的社会合法性。虽然仍然面临诸多来自国家和社会的压制,但“同志”人群公共空间的拓展,从一个侧面反映了消费革命所带来的“解放”和“自由”。这些商业性场所是“同志”社区的重要组成部分,通过参与社区的活动,同志人群在性、语言、兴趣和价值观念等方面彼此认同,构成了后来“同志运动”得以发展的文化基础。  相似文献   

杨宜音  张曙光 《社会》2012,32(6):158-181
本文以半结构化的访谈方法,通过分析在读大学生的同乡交往,试图探讨异地求学的大学生在进入“生人社会”后,如何通过同乡会这一特殊的、具有社团组织和关系网络双重特点的平台,适应学校生活,完成身份转换。研究发现,在这一过程中,“我们”概念的两种形成机制--“关系化”与“类别化”之间实际发生了相互缠绕、竞争与协商,导致了“关系化”的“我们”概念以新的形式--“关系的类别化”与“类别的关系化”--出现,而看似作为一个组织的同乡会,在性质上却仍然没有脱离差序格局所包含的“关系网”的含义。借此研究,可以窥见社会转型期由“熟人社会”向“生人社会”过渡的身份协商过程的基调。  相似文献   

在迄今已经法律认可同性伴侣关系的五个国家中,加拿大、荷兰、比利时及西班牙采用了"婚姻式"立法模式,即承认同性伴侣关系为婚姻关系,并适用婚姻法的相关规定;而英国则区分同性伴侣关系与异性婚姻配偶关系,采用了"伴侣式"立法模式,通过制定《民事伴侣关系法》以调整同性伴侣关系,从而创设了一种在形式上不同于异性配偶身份的民事伴侣法律身份。两种不同的立法模式蕴含着不同的价值取向,体现了不同的立法技术,具有不同的文化适应性,为我国未来的同性伴侣关系法律规制提供了有益的可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

庄渝霞 《社会》2014,34(3):117-144
本文利用上海市的调查数据,首先考察了上海市多性伴性行为的性别差异,接着从阶层归属、家庭亲属生活、性爱生活和性别规范四个层面对多性伴性行为的影响因素进行理论建构。研究结果表明:在多性伴性行为中,“生理需要论”并不起作用;“资本运作”和“环境影响”取代“阶层归属”发挥显性作用;“婚内感情论”具有一定合理性但也存在时效性,“头两年之痒”和“七年之痒”并存;“越轨”性行为具有连贯性;性别规范通过中间变量(两性在社会、家庭和性领域的角色扮演)间接影响两性的性活动方式。因此,我们需要以社会性别视角鉴别女性“性革命”成功与否,思考女性在性地位上是真正解放还是重新被奴役。  相似文献   

邓燕华 《社会》2006,26(1):167-186
本文根据在洋村长期的田野研究获得的资料,用关系和信任的理论,从微观的视角来揭示地下“六合彩”在农村社会的运行逻辑:1、关系是地下“六合彩”蔓延的脉络;2、“自己人”和“外人”有着不同的交易规则;3、关系信任是地下“六合彩”交易的根本保障。最后,笔者得出了以下结论:1、地下“六合彩”是一种集体越轨的产物;2、工具情感关系是农村社会转型时期的主导关系类型;3、目前农村社会中关系信任受到了削弱,而制度信任尚未建立。  相似文献   

中国新生代农民工:社会态度和行为选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李培林  田丰 《社会》2011,31(3):1-23
20世纪80年代以后出生的“新生代农民工”现已达到约1亿人,成为中国社会转型过程中破除城乡二元结构、加快推动城镇化进程的关键人群。与“老一代农民工”相比,新生代农民工的价值取向和行为规则等已发生很大变化。本文基于中国社会科学院社会学所2008年“全国社会状况综合调查”数据,比较分析了新生代农民工的收入状况、受教育水平、工作技能、消费特征和地位认同,并重点分析了“代际”(新生代)和“阶层”(农民工)两个因素对新生代农民工的处境、行为取向和社会态度的影响,以及收入、生活压力和社会态度三者之间的关系。研究发现,生活压力的变化和个人权利意识的增强,对新生代农民工的社会态度和行为取向具有非常重要的影响。  相似文献   

李路路  陈建伟  秦广强 《社会》2012,32(5):25-46
本文系统梳理了当代社会学研究中的阶级分析文献,揭示了阶级分析视角的核心和多元化的分析范式。阶级分析视角的核心是基于社会关系定义的结构性位置,是关于社会不平等及相关社会现象系统化的结构性解释。多元化的分析范式主要包括:(1)研究对象上的宏观层次(解释大规模社会变迁和转型事件)与微观层次(解释阶级对个人态度、行为和生活机会的影响);(2)分析思路上的 “结构-意识-行动”(将阶级作为“集体行动者”)与“结构-状况-选择”(将阶级作为“生活条件综合信号”);(3)解释逻辑上的“剥削和利益形成逻辑”、“状况逻辑或理性行动逻辑”和“结构化(或同质性)逻辑”。  相似文献   

马丹 《社会》2015,35(3):168-192
本研究以2008年和2009年在北京市、上海市和广东省进行的“中国家庭追踪调查”的数据为基础,运用多层线性模型和协方差模型探讨了社会网络对生活满意度的影响程度。研究表明,拜年网中朋友的比例、邻里互动频率和非正式社会参与都对生活满意度有积极影响,生活满意度与拜年网规模之间则呈现出“∩”型的相关关系。协方差分析结果表明,社会网络规模的扩大、朋友比例的上升和非正式社会参与频率的增加都有助于提高个人的生活满意度,但邻里互动频率的变化对个人生活满意度的提升作用还有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

“关系”动态过程理论框架的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国权 《社会》2011,31(4):96-115
既有的多立场的“关系”理论存在着一种去关系化的实体主义思维倾向,因而未能看到“关系”的关系性,从而无法有效地理解“关系”的动态过程,即关系情境和行动者不断反复进行的互动过程,因此这种理论无助于人们全面地掌握和理解“关系”和“关系”现象。本文认为,分析“关系”和“关系”现象问题还应当结合关系社会学和结构化理论的观点,在此基础上,本文尝试提出一个有关“关系”动态过程的理论架构,最后本文强调对研究方法学予以综合运用是把握这一主题的可行取向。  相似文献   

法村社会支持网络的整体结构研究——块模型及其应用,   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘军 《社会》2006,26(3):69-80
本文利用“块模型”方法分析黑龙江省一个村落的社会支持网,是针对费孝通教授提出的“差序格局”理论进行社会网络意义上的一种量化研究。研究发现,在“劳力支持”网络和“亲属关系网”中都存在四个子群。这种发现揭示了法村村民之间的互助行为的整体模式。“块模型”的价值在于可以揭示多种社会网络的整体结构和关系模式。因此,块模型方法可用来研究特别重视“关系”的中国社会。  相似文献   

This commentary responds to Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson's argument for the use of human rights discourse rather than a discourse of mental health when arguing for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Without disagreeing with their basic argument, I "problematize" it, showing that legal and human rights discourses also have a history of reinforcing power dynamics and operating to the disadvantage of marginalized groups such as lesbians and gay men. First, equality rights discourse can force lesbians and gay men into a conservative mode of argument, for instance, having to show how similar they are to traditionalist opposite-sex couples, rather than emphasizing potentially significant differences. Second, the increasing use of rights discourse has arguably narrowed the scope of the lesbian/gay social movement and rendered its political strategies more conservative, rather than aiming for the elimination of heterosexism and patriarchy. Third, the focus on marriage as a human right tends to render invisible, and to reinscribe, the extent to which marriage as a socio-legal institution has operated in oppressive ways. Modern marriage is not innocent of oppression, tied as it is to the increasing privatization of social and economic responsibilities. While human rights discourse offers an important avenue for lesbians and gay men, the perils of its use should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

This article explores the question of whether and how heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians differ from their attitudes toward gay men. Data from a 1997 national survey are presented to show that heterosexual women generally hold similar attitudes toward gay men and lesbians, whereas heterosexual men are more likely to make distinctions according to gender. Moreover, men's attitudes toward lesbians are susceptible to situational manipulations. Nevertheless, the underlying unity of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men is demonstrated by the fact that they are highly correlated for both heterosexual men and women. It is suggested that heterosexuals' attitudes toward gay people are organized both in terms of minority group politics and personal sexual and gender identity and that attitudes toward lesbians are most likelyto be differentiated from attitudes toward gay men in the latter realm.  相似文献   

女同性恋者的婚姻和家庭给传统婚姻制度带来的挑战   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陈亚亚 《社会》2009,29(4):107-129
男同性恋者的婚姻在近些年来的报道和研究中比较受关注,但关于女同性恋者的婚姻状态的研究却非常少,而女同性恋者的婚姻相对男同性恋者有着明显的差异,因而不能一概而论。本文通过网上参与式观察的方式,考察了国内女同性恋者的婚姻状态。笔者选取了网上论坛中较为集中的三个焦点议题:形式婚姻、婚外恋和亲子关系,从女同性恋者所面临的婚姻压力和婚姻困境等现状出发进行分析,反思传统婚姻制度的局限性及其对同性恋伴侣关系的不兼容性。最后提出建议,希望通过渐进方式提升大众意识,在此基础上对传统婚姻制度进行修订,力图使所涉及到的各方都得到一个较为满意的身份和生活保障。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a survey of 108 elderly heterosexual and homosexual men and women in urban Central and Southern California. The purpose of the study was to test the assumption that elderly gay men and lesbians are more depressed and socially-isolated than their heterosexual cohort. The findings indicate that there are no significant differences between older heterosexuals and homosexuals in regard to depression and social support. However, the sources of social support from friends, while heterosexual elderly derive more support from family. The findings suggest a need to redefine the concept of family to include "friendship families." Future research which investigates the way in which these friendship families are created and maintained has the potential to benefit all elderly, especially those who have no biological families or whose biological families are unavailable for support.  相似文献   

There is a growing social work literature about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older people. However, research and guidance are predominantly based on the experiences of older gay men and, to a lesser extent, older lesbians. There is little to help practitioners work with older bisexual people. The Looking Both Ways study aimed to contribute to this gap in knowledge. We undertook in-depth purposely sampled qualitative interviews with 12 people aged over 50, all of whom have bisexual relationship histories and half of whom also currently identify as bisexual. There were three main findings. First, biphobia (prejudice against bisexual people) impacts on older people with bisexual histories in ways that may affect their well-being in later life. Second, concerns around receiving care are similar in some ways and different in others from the concerns of lesbians and gay men. Third, people with bisexual relationship histories may have developed strong support networks and resilience, factors that may be very beneficial in later life. Three recommendations for social work professionals were identified: 1) understand biphobia, 2) recognize the legitimacy of concerns about receiving care, and 3) ask about support networks rather than assuming family support.  相似文献   

This article considers the practices of kinship amongst lesbianand gay foster-carers and adopters, and asks how far these havechallenged dominant genealogical discourses. It asks not howexisting social work practice can be adjusted to prevent discriminationon the basis of sexuality, but rather how the practices of lesbianand gay carers can be drawn upon to expand the genealogicalvisions of state foster-care and adoption work. The author discussesthe methods by which lesbian and gay carers have challengedheteronormative views of adult relationships, the idea of ‘natural’parenting, conventional state child welfare models, the biogeneticbasis of adult–child bonds, notions of the proper ‘family’,and the supposedly non-political nature of heterosexual kinship.Finally, the article asks how foster-care and adoption practicemight learn from the new forms of intimacy, care and parentingdeveloped by lesbians and gay men.  相似文献   

Objectives. Conventional theory regarding externalities and personal choices implies that in the absence of negative externalities, there is no economic rationale for government to regulate or ban those choices. We evaluate whether legally recognizing (or prohibiting) same‐sex marriage has any adverse impact on societal outcomes specifically related to “traditional family values.” Methods. Using data from 1990 to 2004 in the U.S. states, with statistical controls appropriate for the particular model, and with fixed effects, we test the claim of the Family Research Council that same‐sex marriage will have negative impacts on marriage, divorce, abortion rates, the proportion of children born to single women, and the percent of children in female‐headed households. Results. We find no statistically significant adverse effect from allowing gay marriage. Bans on gay marriage, when they are not overturned, appear to be associated with a lower abortion rate and a lower percentage of children in female‐headed households. However, allowing gay marriage also shows the same or stronger associations. Conclusions. The argument that same‐sex marriage poses a negative externality on society cannot be rationally held. Although many might believe that this conclusion is so obvious that it does not warrant testing, many politicians use this argument as a fact‐based rationale to legitimize bans on same‐sex marriage.  相似文献   


This article examines the issues of long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbian caregivers. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 gay men and lesbians over 50. Participants reported on their long-term planning and decision-making processes. All but four persons reported that their partners had advance directives, but the majority of caregivers did not have advance directives for themselves. Concerns about informal family dynamics and interactions with formal systems were expressed, along with financial and ownership issues. It is important for social workers to intervene across individual, organizational, and community levels in advocacy for the needs of older gay men and lesbian clients.  相似文献   

This article examines the issues of long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbian caregivers. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 gay men and lesbians over 50. Participants reported on their long-term planning and decision-making processes. All but four persons reported that their partners had advance directives, but the majority of caregivers did not have advance directives for themselves. Concerns about informal family dynamics and interactions with formal systems were expressed, along with financial and ownership issues. It is important for social workers to intervene across individual, organizational, and community levels in advocacy for the needs of older gay men and lesbian clients.  相似文献   

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