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The sample distance functions between an observation and a population were deduced by the likelihood procedures for discrimination problem in the case of several normal populations with unequal covariance matrices(1986). The present paper gives the exact MGFs of the distance functions for the case that the observation and the sample come from the same population and the limiting distributions of the distance functions by using the MCFs.  相似文献   

For the two-color reinforcement-depletion urn model, with balancing reinforcement and depletion held constant over cycles, a recursive formula is given from which all factorial moments (for white balls, for example) can be determined. When the reinforcement of each color is positive, the stationary distribution of white balls (infinite number of cycles) turns out to be determined by three parameters. namely (i) the total number of balls in the urn, (ii) the richness of the reinforcement, or ratio of white ball reinforcement to total reinforcement, and (iii) the size of the white ball reinforcement. In addition, the distribution mimics the binomial (with less variance and skewness (√β1:) ) and from formulas for the exact first four moments rapidly approaches normality. On the basis of the few cases studied, an approximating Gram-Charlier distribution with a binomial nucleus is only moderately successful  相似文献   

Cumulants, moments about zero, and central moments are obtained for the mean-corrected serial covariances and serial correlations for series realizations of length n from a white-noise Gaussian process. All first and second moments (and some third, fourth, and higher moments) are given explicitly for the serial covariances; and the corresponding moments for the serial correlations are derived either explicitly or implicitly.  相似文献   

Representations of noncentral chi-square cumulative distribution function and probability density function are reviewed and new repre¬sentations are given. One representation of the cdf in terms of an integral is easily computed on any machine which has an accurate algorithm for computing the normal cdf.  相似文献   

We consider a particular subclass of the two-parameter exponential family with natural parameters γ1, γ2 and characterize those distributions of the family having a ratio of the mean value and the variance that is a linear function of γ1 by the form of the moment generating function. As special cases we find the normal and the gamma distributions.  相似文献   


The compound Poisson-exponential distribution is a basic model in risk analysis and stochastic hydrology. Graphical procedures for assessing this distribution are proposed which utilize the residuals from a regression involving the moment generating function. Plots furnished with a 95% simultaneous confidence band are constructed. The band and critical points of the equivalent goodness-of-fit test are found by utilizing asymptotic results and fitted regressions involving the supremum of the standardized residuals, the sample size, and the estimated Poisson mean. Simulation results indicate that the tests have good level stability and appreciable power against competing compound Poisson distributions of a mixed type.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new generalization of alpha-skew-normal distribution is considered. Some properties of this distribution, which is denoted by GASN(α, λ), including moments, maximum likelihood estimation of parameters, and some other properties are studied. Finally, using a real data set, we show that our new distribution is the best-fitted distribution for the used data among normal, skew normal, alpha-skew-normal, and skew-bimodal-normal distributions.  相似文献   

A number of statistical problems use the moment generating function (mgf) for purposes other than determining the moments of a distribution. If the distribution is not completely specified, then the mgf must be estimated from available data. The empirical mgf makes no assumptions concerning the underlying distribution except for the existence of the mgf. In contrast to the nonparametric approach provided by the empirical mgf, alternative estimators can be formed based on an assumed parametric model. Comparison of these approaches is considered for two parametric models; the normal and a one parameter gamma. Comparison criteria are efficiency and empirical confidence interval coverage. In general the parametric estimators outperform the empirical mgf when the model is correct. The comparisons are extended to underlying models which are two component mixtures from the distributional family assumed by the parametric estimators. Under the mixture models the superiority of the parametric estimator depends upon the model, value of the argument of the mgf, and the comparison criterion. The empirical mgf is the better estimator in some cases.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of skew distributions by extending the alpha skew normal distribution proposed by Elal-Olivero [Elal-Olivero, D. Alpha-skew-normal distribution. Proyecciones. 2010;29:224–240]. Statistical properties of the new family are studied in details. In particular, explicit expressions for the moments and the shape parameters including the skewness and the kurtosis coefficients and the moment generating function are derived. The problem of estimating parameters on the basis of a random sample coming from the new class of distribution is considered. To examine the performance of the obtained estimators, a Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted. Flexibility and usefulness of the proposed family of distributions are illustrated by analysing three real data sets.  相似文献   

The construction of some wider families of continuous distributions obtained recently has attracted applied statisticians due to the analytical facilities available for easy computation of special functions in programming software. We study some general mathematical properties of the log-gamma-generated (LGG) family defined by Amini, MirMostafaee, and Ahmadi (2014 Amini, M., S. M. T. K. MirMostafaee, and J. Ahmadi. 2014. Log-gamma-generated families of distributions. Statistics 48:91332.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). It generalizes the gamma-generated class pioneered by Risti? and Balakrishnan (2012 Risti?, M. M., and N. Balakrishnan. 2012. The gamma exponentiated exponential distribution. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82:1191206.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We present some of its special models and derive explicit expressions for the ordinary and incomplete moments, generating and quantile functions, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Shannon entropy, Rényi entropy, reliability, and order statistics. Models in this family are compared with nested and non nested models. Further, we propose and study a new LGG family regression model. We demonstrate that the new regression model can be applied to censored data since it represents a parametric family of models and therefore can be used more effectively in the analysis of survival data. We prove that the proposed models can provide consistently better fits in some applications to real data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give the exact moments of a ratio of qua- dratic forms in normal variables, where the quadratic forms are not assumed to be independent. This problem was tackled by other authors who gave approximations and partial results. Here we will give the exact moments for the general case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend Bernstein theorem by using basic tools of calculus on time scales, and, as a further application of it, the discrete nabla and delta Mittag-Leffler distributions are introduced here with respect to their Laplace transforms on the discrete time scale. For these discrete distributions, infinite divisibility and geometric infinite divisibility are proved along with some statistical properties. The delta and nabla Mittag-Leffler processes are defined.  相似文献   

We introduce a new class of distributions called the Burr XII system of densities with two extra positive parameters. We provide a comprehensive treatment of some of its mathematical properties. We estimate the model parameters by maximum likelihood. We assess the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators in terms of biases and mean squared errors by means of a simulation study. We also introduce a new family of regression models based on this system of densities. The usefulness of the proposed models is illustrated by means of three real data sets.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider the non-central distribution of the classical Wilks' lambda statistic for testing the general linear hypothesis in MANOVA. We prove that as the dimension of the observation vector goes to infinity, Wilks' lambda obeys a central limit theorem under simple growth conditions on the non-centrality matrix. In one case we also prove a stronger result: the saddlepoint cumulative distribution function (CDF) approximation for the standardized version of Wilks' lambda converges uniformly on compact sets to the standard normal CDF. These theoretical results go some way towards explaining why saddlepoint approximations to the distribution of Wilks' lambda retain excellent accuracy in high-dimensional cases.  相似文献   

Several statistical applications demand the adoption of models in which the response is binary but the outcomes of different trials exhibit some degree of correlation. Although the independent case is well known and treated even in elementary textbooks, results on correlated Bernoulli trials are hardly found in the literature. Analogues of the binomial and negative binomial distributions are presented in this article when the correlation is of the Markovian type. Probability-generating function, probability mass function, mean, and variance are derived. The analysis allows illustration of a variety of techniques useful in the study of discrete distributions appropriate for second-level probability courses. An example on customer brand switching discussed by Olkin, Glesser, and Derman is presented as illustration.  相似文献   

For any continuous baseline G distribution [G.M. Cordeiro and M. de Castro, A new family of generalized distributions, J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 81 (2011), pp. 883–898], proposed a new generalized distribution (denoted here with the prefix ‘Kw-G’ (Kumaraswamy-G)) with two extra positive parameters. They studied some of its mathematical properties and presented special sub-models. We derive a simple representation for the Kw-G density function as a linear combination of exponentiated-G distributions. Some new distributions are proposed as sub-models of this family, for example, the Kw-Chen [Z.A. Chen, A new two-parameter lifetime distribution with bathtub shape or increasing failure rate function, Statist. Probab. Lett. 49 (2000), pp. 155–161], Kw-XTG [M. Xie, Y. Tang, and T.N. Goh, A modified Weibull extension with bathtub failure rate function, Reliab. Eng. System Safety 76 (2002), pp. 279–285] and Kw-Flexible Weibull [M. Bebbington, C.D. Lai, and R. Zitikis, A flexible Weibull extension, Reliab. Eng. System Safety 92 (2007), pp. 719–726]. New properties of the Kw-G distribution are derived which include asymptotes, shapes, moments, moment generating function, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, reliability, Rényi entropy and Shannon entropy. New properties of the order statistics are investigated. We discuss the estimation of the parameters by maximum likelihood. We provide two applications to real data sets and discuss a bivariate extension of the Kw-G distribution.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with evaluating the moments of a number of serial correlation coefficients which arise in various ways and where the observations are from the first order autoregressive Gaussian process with known zero mean. The forms considered have biases whose main parts (of order 0(n-1) , where n is the sample size) are substantially different. They are the intra-class correlation,the maximum likelihood estimators and an estimator whose main part of the bias is sere. The moments are obtained as asymptotic expansions in terms of the parameter of the process and to terms of order 0(n-3). It is found that removing certain end terms in the denominator of a serial correlation has the effect of reducing the magnitude of the main part of its bias considerably and in one case completely eliminating it. This work extends the results of various authors,e.g.Kandall(1954), Marriott and pope(1954) and white (1961) in the special cases of the first order autogressive process.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In this paper, we compute moments of a Wishart matrix variate U of the form E ( Q ( U )) where Q ( u ) is a polynomial with respect to the entries of the symmetric matrix u , invariant in the sense that it depends only on the eigenvalues of the matrix u . This gives us in particular the expected value of any power of the Wishart matrix U or its inverse U − 1. For our proofs, we do not rely on traditional combinatorial methods but rather on the interplay between two bases of the space of invariant polynomials in U . This means that all moments can be obtained through the multiplication of three matrices with known entries. Practically, the moments are obtained by computer with an extremely simple Maple program.  相似文献   

For the first time, we propose a five-parameter lifetime model called the McDonald Weibull distribution to extend the Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, beta Weibull and Kumaraswamy Weibull distributions, among several other models. We obtain explicit expressions for the ordinary moments, quantile and generating functions, mean deviations and moments of the order statistics. We use the method of maximum likelihood to fit the new distribution and determine the observed information matrix. We define the log-McDonald Weibull regression model for censored data. The potentiality of the new model is illustrated by means of two real data sets.  相似文献   

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