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Summary.  In longitudinal studies missing data are the rule not the exception. We consider the analysis of longitudinal binary data with non-monotone missingness that is thought to be non-ignorable. In this setting a full likelihood approach is complicated algebraically and can be computationally prohibitive when there are many measurement occasions. We propose a 'protective' estimator that assumes that the probability that a response is missing at any occasion depends, in a completely unspecified way, on the value of that variable alone. Relying on this 'protectiveness' assumption, we describe a pseudolikelihood estimator of the regression parameters under non-ignorable missingness, without having to model the missing data mechanism directly. The method proposed is applied to CD4 cell count data from two longitudinal clinical trials of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

When analyzing incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data, it is often inappropriate to assume that the occurrence of missingness is at random, especially in cases where visits are entirely missed. We present a framework that simultaneously models multivariate incomplete longitudinal data and a non-ignorable missingness mechanism using a Bayesian approach. A criterion measure is presented for comparing models. We demonstrate the feasibility of the methodology through reanalysis of two of the longitudinal measures from a clinical trial of penicillamine treatment for scleroderma patients. We compare the results for univariate and bivariate, ignorable and non-ignorable missingness models.  相似文献   


In longitudinal studies data are collected on the same set of units for more than one occasion. In medical studies it is very common to have mixed Poisson and continuous longitudinal data. In such studies, for different reasons, some intended measurements might not be available resulting in a missing data setting. When the probability of missingness is related to the missing values, the missingness mechanism is termed nonrandom. The stochastic expectation-maximization (SEM) algorithm and the parametric fractional imputation (PFI) method are developed to handle nonrandom missingness in mixed discrete and continuous longitudinal data assuming different covariance structures for the continuous outcome. The proposed techniques are evaluated using simulation studies. Also, the proposed techniques are applied to the interstitial cystitis data base (ICDB) data.  相似文献   

We propose a latent variable model for informative missingness in longitudinal studies which is an extension of latent dropout class model. In our model, the value of the latent variable is affected by the missingness pattern and it is also used as a covariate in modeling the longitudinal response. So the latent variable links the longitudinal response and the missingness process. In our model, the latent variable is continuous instead of categorical and we assume that it is from a normal distribution. The EM algorithm is used to obtain the estimates of the parameter we are interested in and Gauss–Hermite quadrature is used to approximate the integration of the latent variable. The standard errors of the parameter estimates can be obtained from the bootstrap method or from the inverse of the Fisher information matrix of the final marginal likelihood. Comparisons are made to the mixed model and complete-case analysis in terms of a clinical trial dataset, which is Weight Gain Prevention among Women (WGPW) study. We use the generalized Pearson residuals to assess the fit of the proposed latent variable model.  相似文献   

Comparison of groups in longitudinal studies is often conducted using the area under the outcome versus time curve. However, outcomes may be subject to censoring due to a limit of detection and specific methods that take informative missingness into account need to be applied. In this article, we present a unified model‐based method that accounts for both the within‐subject variability in the estimation of the area under the curve as well as the missingness mechanism in the event of censoring. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed method has a significant advantage over traditionally implemented methods with regards to its inferential properties. A working example from an AIDS study is presented to demonstrate the applicability of our approach. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider inference in randomized longitudinal studies with missing data that is generated by skipped clinic visits and loss to follow-up. In this setting, it is well known that full data estimands are not identified unless unverified assumptions are imposed. We assume a non-future dependence model for the drop-out mechanism and partial ignorability for the intermittent missingness. We posit an exponential tilt model that links non-identifiable distributions and distributions identified under partial ignorability. This exponential tilt model is indexed by non-identified parameters, which are assumed to have an informative prior distribution, elicited from subject-matter experts. Under this model, full data estimands are shown to be expressed as functionals of the distribution of the observed data. To avoid the curse of dimensionality, we model the distribution of the observed data using a Bayesian shrinkage model. In a simulation study, we compare our approach to a fully parametric and a fully saturated model for the distribution of the observed data. Our methodology is motivated by, and applied to, data from the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial.  相似文献   

Joint modeling of associated mixed biomarkers in longitudinal studies leads to a better clinical decision by improving the efficiency of parameter estimates. In many clinical studies, the observed time for two biomarkers may not be equivalent and one of the longitudinal responses may have recorded in a longer time than the other one. In addition, the response variables may have different missing patterns. In this paper, we propose a new joint model of associated continuous and binary responses by accounting different missing patterns for two longitudinal outcomes. A conditional model for joint modeling of the two responses is used and two shared random effects models are considered for intermittent missingness of two responses. A Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is adopted for parameter estimation and model implementation. The validation and performance of the proposed model are investigated using some simulation studies. The proposed model is also applied for analyzing a real data set of bariatric surgery.  相似文献   

Summary.  In a large, prospective longitudinal study designed to monitor cardiac abnormalities in children born to women who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, instead of a single outcome variable, there are multiple binary outcomes (e.g. abnormal heart rate, abnormal blood pressure and abnormal heart wall thickness) considered as joint measures of heart function over time. In the presence of missing responses at some time points, longitudinal marginal models for these multiple outcomes can be estimated by using generalized estimating equations (GEEs), and consistent estimates can be obtained under the assumption of a missingness completely at random mechanism. When the missing data mechanism is missingness at random, i.e. the probability of missing a particular outcome at a time point depends on observed values of that outcome and the remaining outcomes at other time points, we propose joint estimation of the marginal models by using a single modified GEE based on an EM-type algorithm. The method proposed is motivated by the longitudinal study of cardiac abnormalities in children who were born to women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, and analyses of these data are presented to illustrate the application of the method. Further, in an asymptotic study of bias, we show that, under a missingness at random mechanism in which missingness depends on all observed outcome variables, our joint estimation via the modified GEE produces almost unbiased estimates, provided that the correlation model has been correctly specified, whereas estimates from standard GEEs can lead to substantial bias.  相似文献   

Semiparametric models provide a more flexible form for modeling the relationship between the response and the explanatory variables. On the other hand in the literature of modeling for the missing variables, canonical form of the probability of the variable being missing (p) is modeled taking a fully parametric approach. Here we consider a regression spline based semiparametric approach to model the missingness mechanism of nonignorably missing covariates. In this model the relationship between the suitable canonical form of p (e.g. probit p) and the missing covariate is modeled through several splines. A Bayesian procedure is developed to efficiently estimate the parameters. A computationally advantageous prior construction is proposed for the parameters of the semiparametric part. A WinBUGS code is constructed to apply Gibbs sampling to obtain the posterior distributions. We show through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation experiment that response model coefficent estimators maintain better (when the true missingness mechanism is nonlinear) or equivalent (when the true missingness mechanism is linear) bias and efficiency properties with the use of proposed semiparametric missingness model compared to the conventional model.  相似文献   

The elderly population in the USA is expected to double in size by the year 2025, making longitudinal health studies of this population of increasing importance. The degree of loss to follow-up in studies of the elderly, which is often because elderly people cannot remain in the study, enter a nursing home or die, make longitudinal studies of this population problematic. We propose a latent class model for analysing multiple longitudinal binary health outcomes with multiple-cause non-response when the data are missing at random and a non-likelihood-based analysis is performed. We extend the estimating equations approach of Robins and co-workers to latent class models by reweighting the multiple binary longitudinal outcomes by the inverse probability of being observed. This results in consistent parameter estimates when the probability of non-response depends on observed outcomes and covariates (missing at random) assuming that the model for non-response is correctly specified. We extend the non-response model so that institutionalization, death and missingness due to failure to locate, refusal or incomplete data each have their own set of non-response probabilities. Robust variance estimates are derived which account for the use of a possibly misspecified covariance matrix, estimation of missing data weights and estimation of latent class measurement parameters. This approach is then applied to a study of lower body function among a subsample of the elderly participating in the 6-year Longitudinal Study of Aging.  相似文献   

In nonignorable missing response problems, we study a semiparametric model with unspecified missingness mechanism model and a exponential family model for response conditional density. Even though existing methods are available to estimate the parameters in exponential family, estimation or testing of the missingness mechanism model nonparametrically remains to be an open problem. By defining a “synthesis" density involving the unknown missingness mechanism model and the known baseline “carrier" density in the exponential family model, we treat this “synthesis" density as a legitimate one with biased sampling version. We develop maximum pseudo likelihood estimation procedures and the resultant estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. Since the “synthesis" cumulative distribution is a functional of the missingness mechanism model and the known carrier density, proposed method can be used to test the correctness of the missingness mechanism model nonparametrically andindirectly. Simulation studies and real example demonstrate the proposed methods perform very well.  相似文献   

Missing data are a prevalent and widespread data analytic issue and previous studies have performed simulations to compare the performance of missing data methods in various contexts and for various models; however, one such context that has yet to receive much attention in the literature is the handling of missing data with small samples, particularly when the missingness is arbitrary. Prior studies have either compared methods for small samples with monotone missingness commonly found in longitudinal studies or have investigated the performance of a single method to handle arbitrary missingness with small samples but studies have yet to compare the relative performance of commonly implemented missing data methods for small samples with arbitrary missingness. This study conducts a simulation study to compare and assess the small sample performance of maximum likelihood, listwise deletion, joint multiple imputation, and fully conditional specification multiple imputation for a single-level regression model with a continuous outcome. Results showed that, provided assumptions are met, joint multiple imputation unanimously performed best of the methods examined in the conditions under study.  相似文献   

Summary.  Much research has been devoted to modelling strategies for longitudinal data with missingness, recently especially within the missingness not at random context. In this paper, the relatively unexplored but practically highly relevant domain of non-monotone missingness with multivariate ordinal responses is broached. For this, a dedicated version of the multivariate Dale model is formulated. Furthermore, we also assess the sensitivity of these models to their assumptions, by using the technique of global influence.  相似文献   

Jointly modeling longitudinal and survival data has been an active research area. Most researches focus on improving the estimating efficiency but ignore many data features frequently encountered in practice. In the current study, we develop the joint models that concurrently accounting for longitudinal and survival data with multiple features. Specifically, the proposed model handles skewness, missingness and measurement errors in covariates which are typically observed in the collection of longitudinal survival data from many studies. We employ a Bayesian inferential method to make inference on the proposed model. We applied the proposed model to an real data study. A few alternative models under different conditions are compared. We conduct extensive simulations in order to evaluate how the method works.  相似文献   

We propose a mixture model for data with an ordinal outcome and a longitudinal covariate that is subject to missingness. Data from a tailored telephone delivered, smoking cessation intervention for construction laborers are used to illustrate the method, which considers as an outcome a categorical measure of smoking cessation, and evaluates the effectiveness of the motivational telephone interviews on this outcome. We propose two model structures for the longitudinal covariate, for the case when the missing data are missing at random, and when the missing data mechanism is non-ignorable. A generalized EM algorithm is used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

Missing outcome data constitute a serious threat to the validity and precision of inferences from randomized controlled trials. In this paper, we propose the use of a multistate Markov model for the analysis of incomplete individual patient data for a dichotomous outcome reported over a period of time. The model accounts for patients dropping out of the study and also for patients relapsing. The time of each observation is accounted for, and the model allows the estimation of time‐dependent relative treatment effects. We apply our methods to data from a study comparing the effectiveness of 2 pharmacological treatments for schizophrenia. The model jointly estimates the relative efficacy and the dropout rate and also allows for a wide range of clinically interesting inferences to be made. Assumptions about the missingness mechanism and the unobserved outcomes of patients dropping out can be incorporated into the analysis. The presented method constitutes a viable candidate for analyzing longitudinal, incomplete binary data.  相似文献   

Several models for longitudinal data with nonrandom missingness are available. The selection model of Diggle and Kenward is one of these models. It has been mentioned by many authors that this model depends on untested modelling assumptions, such as the response distribution, from the observed data. So, a sensitivity analysis of the study’s conclusions for such assumptions is needed. The stochastic EM algorithm is proposed and developed to handle continuous longitudinal data with nonrandom intermittent missing values when the responses have non-normal distribution. This is a step in investigating the sensitivity of the parameter estimates to the change of the response distribution. The proposed technique is applied to real data from the International Breast Cancer Study Group.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, the profile of each subject's CD4 response from a longitudinal study may follow a ‘broken stick’ like trajectory, indicating multiple phases of increase and/or decline in response. Such multiple phases (changepoints) may be important indicators to help quantify treatment effect and improve management of patient care. Although it is a common practice to analyze complex AIDS longitudinal data using nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) or nonparametric mixed-effects (NPME) models in the literature, NLME or NPME models become a challenge to estimate changepoint due to complicated structures of model formulations. In this paper, we propose a changepoint mixed-effects model with random subject-specific parameters, including the changepoint for the analysis of longitudinal CD4 cell counts for HIV infected subjects following highly active antiretroviral treatment. The longitudinal CD4 data in this study may exhibit departures from symmetry, may encounter missing observations due to various reasons, which are likely to be non-ignorable in the sense that missingness may be related to the missing values, and may be censored at the time of the subject going off study-treatment, which is a potentially informative dropout mechanism. Inferential procedures can be complicated dramatically when longitudinal CD4 data with asymmetry (skewness), incompleteness and informative dropout are observed in conjunction with an unknown changepoint. Our objective is to address the simultaneous impact of skewness, missingness and informative censoring by jointly modeling the CD4 response and dropout time processes under a Bayesian framework. The method is illustrated using a real AIDS data set to compare potential models with various scenarios, and some interested results are presented.  相似文献   


Handling data with the nonignorably missing mechanism is still a challenging problem in statistics. In this paper, we develop a fully Bayesian adaptive Lasso approach for quantile regression models with nonignorably missing response data, where the nonignorable missingness mechanism is specified by a logistic regression model. The proposed method extends the Bayesian Lasso by allowing different penalization parameters for different regression coefficients. Furthermore, a hybrid algorithm that combined the Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is implemented to simulate the parameters from posterior distributions, mainly including regression coefficients, shrinkage coefficients, parameters in the non-ignorable missing models. Finally, some simulation studies and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The tumor burden (TB) process is postulated to be the primary mechanism through which most anticancer treatments provide benefit. In phase II oncology trials, the biologic effects of a therapeutic agent are often analyzed using conventional endpoints for best response, such as objective response rate and progression‐free survival, both of which causes loss of information. On the other hand, graphical methods including spider plot and waterfall plot lack any statistical inference when there is more than one treatment arm. Therefore, longitudinal analysis of TB data is well recognized as a better approach for treatment evaluation. However, longitudinal TB process suffers from informative missingness because of progression or death. We propose to analyze the treatment effect on tumor growth kinetics using a joint modeling framework accounting for the informative missing mechanism. Our approach is illustrated by multisetting simulation studies and an application to a nonsmall‐cell lung cancer data set. The proposed analyses can be performed in early‐phase clinical trials to better characterize treatment effect and thereby inform decision‐making. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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