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We propose a cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the negative binomial distribution and the time to the event of interest has the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. Further, the new model includes as special cases some well-known cure rate models published recently. We consider a frequentist analysis for parameter estimation of the negative binomial Birnbaum-Saunders model with cure rate. Then, we derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model in the analysis of a real data set from the medical area.  相似文献   

We formulate a new cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest has the Poisson distribution, and the time to this event has the generalized linear failure rate distribution. A new distribution to analyze lifetime data is defined from the proposed cure rate model, and its quantile function as well as a general expansion for the moments is derived. We estimate the parameters of the model with cure rate in the presence of covariates for censored observations using maximum likelihood and derive the observed information matrix. We obtain the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform global influence analysis. The usefulness of the proposed cure rate survival model is illustrated in an application to real data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a cure rate survival model by assuming the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the Geometric distribution and the time to event follow a Birnbaum Saunders distribution. We consider a frequentist analysis for parameter estimation of a Geometric Birnbaum Saunders model with cure rate. Finally, to analyze a data set from the medical area.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a new three-parameter exponential-type distribution. The new distribution is quite flexible and can be used effectively in modeling survival data and reliability problems. It can have constant, decreasing, increasing, upside-down bathtub and bathtub-shaped hazard rate functions. It also generalizes some well-known distributions. We discuss maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters for complete sample and for censored sample. Additionally, we formulate a new cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest has the Poisson distribution and the time to this event follows the proposed distribution. Maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters of the new cure rate survival model is discussed for complete sample and censored sample. Two applications to real data are provided to illustrate the flexibility of the new model in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the Poisson distribution and the time to event has the Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) distribution. We define the Poisson BS distribution and provide two useful representations for its density function which facilitate to obtain some mathematical properties. Two closed-form expressions for the moments of the new distribution are given. We estimate the parameters of the model with cure rate using maximum likelihood. For different parameter settings, sample sizes and censoring percentages, several simulations are performed. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform a global influence study. We analyse a real data set from the medical area.  相似文献   

We define two new lifetime models called the odd log-logistic Lindley (OLL-L) and odd log-logistic Lindley Poisson (OLL-LP) distributions with various hazard rate shapes such as increasing, decreasing, upside-down bathtub, and bathtub. Various structural properties are derived. Certain characterizations of OLL-L distribution are presented. The maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained. We propose a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest has a Poisson distribution and the time to event has an OLL-L distribution. The applicability of the new models is illustrated by means real datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the Negative Binomial distribution and the time to event follows a Weibull distribution. Indeed, we introduce the Weibull-Negative-Binomial (WNB) distribution, which can be used in order to model survival data when the hazard rate function is increasing, decreasing and some non-monotonous shaped. Another advantage of the proposed model is that it has some distributions commonly used in lifetime analysis as particular cases. Moreover, the proposed model includes as special cases some of the well-know cure rate models discussed in the literature. We consider a frequentist analysis for parameter estimation of a WNB model with cure rate. Then, we derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform global influence analysis. Finally, the methodology is illustrated on a medical data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming the number of competing causes of the event of interest to follow the Conway–Maxwell Poisson distribution. This model includes as special cases some of the well-known cure rate models discussed in the literature. Next, we discuss the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of this cure rate survival model. Finally, we illustrate the usefulness of this model by applying it to a real cutaneous melanoma data.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a new cure rate survival model. In our approach the number of competing causes of the event of interest is assumed to follow an exponential discrete power series distribution. An advantage of our model is that it is very flexible, including several particular cases, such as, Bernoulli, geometric, Poisson, etc. Moreover, we derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some ways to perform global influence analysis. Distribution fitting can be tested for the best fitting in a straightforward way. Maximum likelihood estimation is discussed. Our proposed model is illustrated through cutaneous melanoma data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming the number of competing causes of the event of interest to follow a compound weighted Poisson distribution. This model is more flexible in terms of dispersion than the promotion time cure model. Moreover, it gives an interesting and realistic interpretation of the biological mechanism of the occurrence of event of interest as it includes a destructive process of the initial risk factors in a competitive scenario. In other words, what is recorded is only from the undamaged portion of the original number of risk factors.  相似文献   

We propose a mixture model that combines a discrete-time survival model for analyzing the correlated times between recurrent events, e.g. births, with a logistic regression model for the probability of never experiencing the event of interest, i.e., being a long-term survivor. The proposed survival model incorporates both observed and unobserved heterogeneity in the probability of experiencing the event of interest. We use Gibbs sampling for the fitting of such mixture models, which leads to a computationally intensive solution to the problem of fitting survival models for multiple event time data with long-term survivors. We illustrate our Bayesian approach through an analysis of Hutterite birth histories.  相似文献   

In this article, for the first time, we propose the negative binomial–beta Weibull (BW) regression model for studying the recurrence of prostate cancer and to predict the cure fraction for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer treated by open radical prostatectomy. The cure model considers that a fraction of the survivors are cured of the disease. The survival function for the population of patients can be modeled by a cure parametric model using the BW distribution. We derive an explicit expansion for the moments of the recurrence time distribution for the uncured individuals. The proposed distribution can be used to model survival data when the hazard rate function is increasing, decreasing, unimodal and bathtub shaped. Another advantage is that the proposed model includes as special sub-models some of the well-known cure rate models discussed in the literature. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. We analyze a real data set for localized prostate cancer patients after open radical prostatectomy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming the number of competing causes of the event of interest following the Conway–Maxwell distribution and the time for the event to follow the generalized gamma distribution. This distribution can be used to model survival data when the hazard rate function is increasing, decreasing, bathtub and unimodal-shaped including some distributions commonly used in lifetime analysis as particular cases. Some appropriate matrices are derived in order to evaluate local influence on the estimates of the parameters by considering different perturbations, and some global influence measurements are also investigated. Finally, data set from the medical area is analysed.  相似文献   

In survival data analysis it is frequent the occurrence of a significant amount of censoring to the right indicating that there may be a proportion of individuals in the study for which the event of interest will never happen. This fact is not considered by the ordinary survival theory. Consequently, the survival models with a cure fraction have been receiving a lot of attention in the recent years. In this article, we consider the standard mixture cure rate model where a fraction p 0 of the population is of individuals cured or immune and the remaining 1 ? p 0 are not cured. We assume an exponential distribution for the survival time and an uniform-exponential for the censoring time. In a simulation study, the impact caused by the informative uniform-exponential censoring on the coverage probabilities and lengths of asymptotic confidence intervals is analyzed by using the Fisher information and observed information matrices.  相似文献   

Survival models deal with the time until the occurrence of an event of interest. However, in some situations the event may not occur in part of the studied population. The fraction of the population that will never experience the event of interest is generally called cure rate. Models that consider this fact (cure rate models) have been extensively studied in the literature. Hypothesis testing on the parameters of these models can be performed based on likelihood ratio, gradient, score or Wald statistics. Critical values of these tests are obtained through approximations that are valid in large samples and may result in size distortion in small or moderate sample sizes. In this sense, this paper proposes bootstrap corrections to the four mentioned tests and bootstrap Bartlett correction for the likelihood ratio statistic in the Weibull promotion time model. Besides, we present an algorithm for bootstrap resampling when the data presents cure fraction and right censoring time (random and non-informative). Simulation studies are conducted to compare the finite sample performances of the corrected tests. The numerical evidence favours the corrected tests we propose. We also present an application in an actual data set.  相似文献   

As the treatments of cancer progress, a certain number of cancers are curable if diagnosed early. In population‐based cancer survival studies, cure is said to occur when mortality rate of the cancer patients returns to the same level as that expected for the general cancer‐free population. The estimates of cure fraction are of interest to both cancer patients and health policy makers. Mixture cure models have been widely used because the model is easy to interpret by separating the patients into two distinct groups. Usually parametric models are assumed for the latent distribution for the uncured patients. The estimation of cure fraction from the mixture cure model may be sensitive to misspecification of latent distribution. We propose a Bayesian approach to mixture cure model for population‐based cancer survival data, which can be extended to county‐level cancer survival data. Instead of modeling the latent distribution by a fixed parametric distribution, we use a finite mixture of the union of the lognormal, loglogistic, and Weibull distributions. The parameters are estimated using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Simulation study shows that the Bayesian method using a finite mixture latent distribution provides robust inference of parameter estimates. The proposed Bayesian method is applied to relative survival data for colon cancer patients from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program to estimate the cure fractions. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 40–54; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Models for dealing with survival data in the presence of a cured fraction of individuals have attracted the attention of many researchers and practitioners in recent years. In this paper, we propose a cure rate model under the competing risks scenario. For the number of causes that can lead to the event of interest, we assume the polylogarithm distribution. The model is flexible in the sense it encompasses some well-known models, which can be tested using large sample test statistics applied to nested models. Maximum-likelihood estimation based on the EM algorithm and hypothesis testing are investigated. Results of simulation studies designed to gauge the performance of the estimation method and of two test statistics are reported. The methodology is applied in the analysis of a data set.  相似文献   

A new flexible cure rate survival model is developed where the initial number of competing causes of the event of interest (say lesions or altered cells) follows a compound negative binomial (NB) distribution. This model provides a realistic interpretation of the biological mechanism of the event of interest, as it models a destructive process of the initial competing risk factors and records only the damaged portion of the original number of risk factors. Besides, it also accounts for the underlying mechanisms that lead to cure through various latent activation schemes. Our method of estimation exploits maximum likelihood (ML) tools. The methodology is illustrated on a real data set on malignant melanoma, and the finite sample behavior of parameter estimates are explored through simulation studies.  相似文献   

We propose a new cure model for survival data with a surviving or cure fraction. The new model is a mixture cure model where the covariate effects on the proportion of cure and the distribution of the failure time of uncured patients are separately modeled. Unlike the existing mixture cure models, the new model allows covariate effects on the failure time distribution of uncured patients to be negligible at time zero and to increase as time goes by. Such a model is particularly useful in some cancer treatments when the treat effect increases gradually from zero, and the existing models usually cannot handle this situation properly. We develop a rank based semiparametric estimation method to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in the model. We compare it with existing models and methods via a simulation study, and apply the model to a breast cancer data set. The numerical studies show that the new model provides a useful addition to the cure model literature.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a parametric model for the distribution of time to first event when events are overdispersed and can be properly fitted by a Negative Binomial distribution. This is a very common situation in medical statistics, when the occurrence of events is summarized as a count for each patient and the simple Poisson model is not adequate to account for overdispersion of data. In this situation, studying the time of occurrence of the first event can be of interest. From the Negative Binomial distribution of counts, we derive a new parametric model for time to first event and apply it to fit the distribution of time to first relapse in multiple sclerosis (MS). We develop the regression model with methods for covariate estimation. We show that, as the Negative Binomial model properly fits relapse counts data, this new model matches quite perfectly the distribution of time to first relapse, as tested in two large datasets of MS patients. Finally we compare its performance, when fitting time to first relapse in MS, with other models widely used in survival analysis (the semiparametric Cox model and the parametric exponential, Weibull, log-logistic and log-normal models).  相似文献   

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