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中国企业国际化已经成为不可逆转的历史潮流,但学术界和企业界在企业国际化的真正内涵、企业如何进行国际化等问题上,还存在不少认识上的误区。我国已经进入WTO后过渡期,企业国际化的经济背景发生了深刻的变化,一大批中国企业国际化的步伐加快,迅速跻身全球化竞争的行列。但在具体实践过程中,我国企业国际化面对贸易争端不断、缺少国际化的品牌、对外投资规模小、海外并购并非一帆风顺等难题。中国企业应该具有全球化的视野,走出企业国际化方面的认识误区,在全球产业链中寻找自己合适的位置,培养独特的核心竞争力,认真按国际规则办事,走出一条适合自身特点的国际化道路。  相似文献   

大学生英文写作的错误分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡爱民 《创新》2007,1(5):96-99
运用错误分析理论,研究大学生英语写作存在的一些问题。通过分析错误,确定学生学习的薄弱环节和教师教学的重要环节,并采取针对性的补救措施,提出一些提高写作水平的建议,籍此帮助学生提高英文写作水平。  相似文献   

Objectives. Wright and Perrone (1977) was an outstanding empirical analysis of social stratification, a major contribution to Marxist analysis of classes in modern capitalism, and an important contribution to popular discourse and academic research on “social class” in the United States. Since 1977, however, debates with “bean counters” in sociology and “epistemological and ontological purists” within Marxism have yielded a multidimensional game‐theoretic exploitation model that falls far short of Wright and Perrone (1977) on standards of social science, Marxism, commonsense, and the potential for inspiring future scholarship. Thus I propose moving away from game theory and toward Tilly's (1998) model of durable inequality, which might accommodate the dialectic of life and work. Methods. An OLS regression analysis of income inequality among white men in the United States illustrates the benefits of this reconceptualization in capturing the interactive effects of occupational titles, educational credentials, and class relations. Results. Specifically, we find that the professional earnings advantage is associated with J.D. and M.D. credentials and small‐scale proprietorship, rather than supervisorial authority or ownership in large‐scale corporate practice. Conclusions. These results suggest that we should reconsider the Wright (1997) conceptualization of Marxist class categories.  相似文献   

王淑范 《学术交流》2003,(7):107-109
人才素质测评在人才选拨、配置、考核中发挥着越来越重要的作用 ,但人们对这一领域的认识还存在着许多误区。必须提高人们、特别是领导对素质测评的认识和重视程度 ,规范素质测评程序 ,加强素质测评专业队伍建设 ,以更好地发挥人才素质测评的作用  相似文献   

When Social Health Insurance Goes Wrong: Lessons from Argentina and Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social health insurance (SHI) has gained popularity in recent years as a health‐care funding mechanism for developing countries in Latin America and beyond. This is reflected in a number of high‐profile conferences sponsored by international agencies, and a profusion of externally funded reform projects. This article assesses the potential of SHI to provide a sound model of health‐care financing, drawing on the experiences of Argentina and Mexico. It uses four criteria to assess the performance of SHI: coverage, equity, effectiveness and sustainability. The article begins by outlining key principles of SHI and comparing it to other models of health‐care financing. It then gives a comparative overview of four SHI programmes in Argentina and Mexico, before analysing their performance in greater detail. The article finishes by extracting lessons from this comparative analysis, both for the countries studied and for global debates on SHI.  相似文献   

This article critically assesses the marketization of income security, and identifies links between equality, self‐reliance and welfare reform. Marketization in emergent economies is distinguished by a strong separation between the use of insurance for the mainstream economy and relief for the poor. The impact of this model on the shaping of working lives and on market rigidity is discussed through a review of implications in the areas of subsistence, integrity interests and employment transitions. The broad faith in insurance solutions is argued to derive from a highly abstract approach to welfare reform and to result in a lack of attention to uneven and unstable markets, and to self‐government as a motive to work. Evidence of this emerges from a comparison of insurance in its more ideal form (in Chile) with modified models (Brazil and Korea). In the last two cases a developmental orientation has aided in the provision of broad‐based security. Other factors that appear to enhance the importance of direct assistance are also discussed, including aspects of state administration and labour services that limit work opportunity and individual autonomy in uneven economies. The segregated dual approach to income security is argued to be broadly deficient, but not because insurance is inherently wrong. Countries as diverse as Barbados and Denmark show that more cohesive economies are a better foundation for integrating insurance with general welfare and for income security and individual enterprise broadly conceived.  相似文献   

明末来华的天主教耶稣会士,通过传授天文、算法、地理等科学知识的手段,结识了一大批文人,在这些人中有的成为了信徒,有的成为了友教人士.林金水先生在<艾儒略与福州社会>一文中,根据明末福建著名文人曾异撰的一封书信,认为他师从传教士艾儒略学习历法,在此基础上一些研究者将曾异撰定位为友教人士.实际上,曾异撰与艾儒略虽然有交往的可能性,但通过材料考证和文本细读,时曾异撰的生活环境和内心世界进行深入探讨,发现曾异撰艰难的生活状况、孱弱的身体使其不具备学习西方历法的精力,而根深蒂固的"夷夏之辨"这一文化心理更是难以逾越的障碍.更重要的是,时间上他不具备向艾儒略学习天文学的条件.故而可以得出结论:现有材料不足以证明曾异撰曾求教于艾儒略,更不能称其为友教人士.  相似文献   

The introduction of market principles into public services in the 1990s meant that British local authorities were required to develop complaints procedures. In the case of services for children and families, the Children Act 1989 required the appointment of an "independent person". This article describes the findings from a research study conducted in 1999. A total of nineteen independent people from a range of London boroughs participated. It was found that young people themselves rarely use this system designed to protect their rights. As "sole traders" in adversarial situations between social services personnel and complainants, the independent people were constantly negotiating their position. Depending upon the issue, they are required to move skilfully between conciliation and formal investigation. The findings will be useful to local authorities using independent people, and to the independent people themselves who are largely unsupported in their roles.  相似文献   

In addiction, impaired control over drug use raises questions about the capacity of addicted persons to consent to participate in research studies in which they are given their drug of addiction. We review the case for doing such research, and the arguments that addiction does, and does not, prevent addicted persons from consenting to such research. We argue for a more nuanced view that acknowledges that while in some situations addiction impairs decision-making capacity, it does not eliminate such capacity. We conclude with some suggestions for recruiting addicted subjects and designing experiments in ways to obtain free and informed consent.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to provide system developers with a framework to classify variables that influence computer use, and to assess their different roles in this respect. To that end, variables from thirty-five studies were identified, classified and reviewed for their effect on system use. Process variables including participation and involvement were the strongest predictors. Second in strength were system attributes such as perceived usefulness, and user variables such as training, skills and self-efficacy. Organizational context and support, categorized as environmental variables, and attitudes, demographics and personal traits, categorized as user variables, were the weakest predictors. The paper concludes with implications of the review for system design and implementation, and for future research.  相似文献   

Objective. The controversial expansion of a hazardous waste facility in a poor, minority neighborhood in Phoenix illustrates the unanticipated consequences of siting hazardous facilities in vulnerable communities, and the need to recognize neighborhood health/safety issues such as drug‐related crime as environmental justice struggles. Methods. Qualitative methods include participant observation, document analysis, Census data, GIS mapping, and interviews. Results. South Central Phoenix's history reveals a disproportionate share of poverty, pollution, and drug crimes. Most commercial hazardous waste facilities in Phoenix were sited in minority areas. Residents contended that the siting, permitting process, and expansion of the facility and the drug crimes that later occurred there were all due to environmental racism. Conclusions. The expansion of the facility exacerbated environmental injustice in Phoenix through distributional and participative injustice, and was criminogenic. The dual impact on the community of hazardous waste and drug crime argues for a more holistic understanding of environmental justice.  相似文献   

Robodebt describes the automated process of matching the Australian Taxation Office's income data with social welfare recipients' reports of income to Centrelink. Discrepancies signalling benefit overpayment trigger debt notices. The scheme has been criticised for inaccurate assessment, illegality, shifting the onus of proof of debt onto welfare recipients, poor support and communication, and coercive debt collection. Beyond immediate concerns of citizen harm, Robodebt harms democratic governance. Through persisting with Robodebt, the government is launching a regulatory assault on its own integrity. Two Senate inquiries reveal government endorsing (1) incoherence and inconsistency in public engagement, (2) unsound purposes and processes and (3) disregard for citizens. Such actions destroy trustworthiness. Citizens keep their distance and as a result, cooperation falters. At particular risk is the tax system. Citizens harmed by government turn to alternative authorities for help and opportunity, not always along legitimate pathways. The underground economy provides one such opportunity for fearful welfare recipients.  相似文献   

2006年9月20日傍晚,清华大学,初秋,微凉,张国祥着一件白衬衫,坐在经济管理学院教室的讲台后,对面是数百位年轻学子投来的专注而思辨的目光。未来的栋梁们正在关注的是这样一件事:来自老工业基地沈阳的  相似文献   

Epstein, Segal, Spaeth, and Walker (1996) argue that “a justice of advanced age enjoying relatively good health may be more prone to retire if the incumbent president is likely to appoint an [ideologically] acceptable replacement.” “Conversely, a justice of advanced age suffering health problems may attempt to postpone retirement,” if an ideologically inappropriate president is in power. Thirty-three justices left the Court since 1937. Twelve of these did so prior to an “advanced age” (i.e., age 70). Of the remaining 21, eight left during the incumbency of an ideologically congruent president and only two of these justices, Burger and Powell, might have strategically retired. In short, the claim that the justices strategically retire is a myth.  相似文献   

Objective. We analyze the social and economic correlates of air pollution exposure in U.S. cities. Methods. We combine 1990 Census block group data for urbanized areas with 1998 data on toxicity‐adjusted exposure to air pollution. Using a unique data set created as a byproduct of the EPA's Risk‐Screening Environmental Indicators Model, we improve on previous studies of environmental inequality in three ways. First, where previous studies focus on the proximity to point sources and the total mass of pollutants released, our measure of toxic exposure reflects atmospheric dispersion and chemical toxicity. Second, we analyze the data at a fine level of geographic resolution. Third, we control for substantial regional variations in pollution, allowing us to identify exposure differences both within cities and between cities. Results. We find that African Americans tend to live both in more polluted cities in the United States and in more polluted neighborhoods within cities. Hispanics live in less polluted cities on average, but they live in more polluted areas within cities. We find an extremely consistent income‐pollution gradient, with lower‐income people significantly more exposed to pollution. Conclusions. Communities with higher concentrations of lower‐income people and people of color experience disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards. Our findings highlight the importance of controlling for interregional variation in pollution levels in studies of the demographic correlates of pollution.  相似文献   

教科书即通常所谓的课本,其功用在于弘扬科学、传承文明。它把过去和现在的科学思想条理化、概念化,使受者在科学思想指导下认识世界。教科书不同于专著,因为它需要广泛认同,因而其影响力也非专著所能比拟。教科书的目的在于教化,它需要正确地、科学地表述。然而,时下一些教科书,仍然写入了现代科学已经证明是错误的东西。当这些教科书借助于政治力量时,其谬误流传更广,贻害更深。  相似文献   

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