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在柴油机喷油嘴测控系统使用过程中,不同的终端、软件系统、算法体系等方面存在差异,成为其融合(互联互通)的一大阻碍,因此迫切需要一个平台来保证互联互通工作的顺利运行。依托现有校企合作协同创新基地,借助立项的省市级科技计划研究平台,开展柴油机喷油嘴测控系统融合实训室的建设与实践。通过阐明实训室的建设目的与工作定位,提出实训室具体建设方案,并从测试平台、管理制度以及人才队伍建设等方面进行探讨。在建设发展中,实训室为柴油机喷油嘴测控系统的融合提供测试等服务,取得了初步的成效。  相似文献   

Research in Australia on the digital divide has concentrated on the disparities that exist between metropolitan and non‐metropolitan areas, and supply side solutions rather than demand side barriers. This paper attempts to add to our understanding of the digital divide in Australia by examining Internet usage in Western Sydney. A survey of over seven hundred households was conducted to analyse disparities in Internet access within a metropolitan area, as well as to add to debates surrounding demand side barriers that inhibit the ability of individuals to access the Internet. The findings suggest that age, income and employment status are significant contributors to demand side barriers. The results confirm evidence from overseas that disparities in online access exist within metropolitan areas. This suggests that more local level information is required so that programs aimed at addressing disparities in Internet access are targeted to the most appropriate areas and individuals, and the circumstances and preferences of those areas and individuals.  相似文献   

Computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling is a flexible and open way to model the economic systems that allow practitioners to assess the impacts of different policies or external shocks over an economic system. There is some empirical literature dedicated to test the double dividend hypothesis of an environmental tax reform using CGE models. This hypothesis claims that is possible to obtain an improvement of both environmental and economic conditions by imposing an environmental tax and recycling revenues obtained to reduce other pre-existing taxes. This research provides a comprehensive review of this literature including a statistical and a meta-regression analysis. 69 different simulations from 40 studies have been analyzed. 55% of simulations have achieved a double dividend, concluding that although the environmental dividend is almost always achieved, the economic dividend still remains an ambiguous question that needs further research.  相似文献   

Many developing regions are facing a youth bulge, meaning that young people comprise the highest proportion of the population. These regions are at risk of losing what could be a tremendous opportunity for economic growth and development if they do not capitalize on this young and economically productive population, also referred to as the “demographic dividend,” defined as the increase in economic growth that tends to follow increases in the ratio of the working‐age population – essentially the labor force – to dependents. Nations undergoing this population transition have the opportunity to capitalize on the demographic dividend if the right social, economic, and human capital policies are in place. In particular, Sub‐Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and North Africa are at risk of losing the demographic dividend. These regions face high youth unemployment, low primary school completion, and low secondary school enrollment. This results in an undereducated and unskilled segment of the population. The prohibitive costs of education prevent young people from finishing school, thereby entering the labor market unprepared. This article presents a case for youth‐focused financial inclusion programs as one of the antidotes to the masses of poor, undereducated, and low‐skilled young people swelling the labor markets of poor developing countries.  相似文献   

Objective . To determine the extent of the urban school "digital divide"—the varying provision of computer technology to students of different races and classes—and whether it has changed in the 1990s. Methods . Ordinary least squares and logit regression analysis is conducted on the 1995 Council of Urban Boards of Education survey, encompassing 72 urban school districts. Results . Districts with a higher percentage of African American students provided fewer computers per student, whereas community educational level, family income, and Latino enrollment had no effect. On the other hand, districts with more African American students reported recent decreases in the student-to-computer ratio, and comparisons with recent research suggest that the magnitude of this digital divide has decreased. Conclusions . Urban school districts appear to be addressing the digital divide, although inequalities in computer access remain.  相似文献   

The proposed elimination of the dividend tax was among the most debated aspects of the Bush administration's economic stimulus package. Both the fairness of the initiative and who would benefit from it were questioned. Drawing on the political rhetoric of these debates, 86 respondents completed materials assessing the effects of framing and attributions for wealth on support for eliminating the dividend tax. The participants were less supportive of eliminating the dividend tax when it was framed as benefiting the wealthy than when the initiative was framed as benefiting the general public. Attributing wealth to personal initiative and "warm" feelings toward the wealthy emerged as the most powerful predictors of supporting the tax's elimination. Implications for social policy and economic justice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the ways in which the UK hunting lobby has historically sought to widen its appeal by wrapping the hunting debate up in broader countryside issues in an attempt to present it as an integral part of rural life. It is based upon a detailed analysis of the re‐branding of the hunting lobby and the subsequent framing of the Countryside Alliance's Liberty and Livelihood March in the British newspaper press in September 2002. This illustrates how the hunting lobby has fed upon and promoted the perception of a growing urban–rural divide in the UK. The analysis suggests that there is a long history of symbiotic relationships between campaigning organizations promoting a ‘countryside agenda’ and the politically partisan UK press. Gaining extensive newspaper access, however, does not guarantee that a protest group is successful in its aims. This case study suggests that it is important to consider the less visible processes of news production within their historical context, and in relation to the broader policy‐making arena, to adequately assess whether there has been a fundamental shift in the relationship between protest movements and the press in recent years.  相似文献   

Housing policy in Australia historically has focused on facilitating homeownership and creating some buffer for those households that are not homeowners. This paper explores the implications of this policy for older Australians. What is argued is that housing tenure has become a crucial divide and that older Australians who have not had the good fortune to access homeownership or public / community housing and who are dependent on the private rental sector as a result, often find themselves in desperate circumstances. The argument is developed that the failure to put in place a housing policy which would give all citizens the ability to access adequate and affordable housing, has led to a situation where a substantial and increasing number of older Australians have untenable housing costs and minimal disposal income. The article concludes that the present policy initiatives aimed at addressing the housing affordability crisis will have little impact on the situation of older people who are currently in housing stress.  相似文献   

Objective. Increasingly, people use the Internet and email for health purposes; however, we know little about whether this varies by health status. This study examines whether sick or healthy people are more likely to access the Internet, conduct online health searches, and exchange emails regarding health issues. Methods. We conduct multivariate analysis on a random sample of 2,038 adults. Results. Despite greater Internet access, respondents in excellent/good health are less likely to say they conduct online health searches because they have no health concerns or are satisfied with other health sources. In contrast, sick and disabled respondents are more likely to seek medical information online, and do so more frequently. They are also more likely to exchange health emails with friends and physicians. Conclusions. Practitioners especially need to educate their sicker patients about the uneven quality of online health information since they are more likely than healthier patients to conduct online health searches.  相似文献   

江苏省区域经济落差原因与苏中苏北协调发展的路径思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏区域经济由南向北产生阶梯式落差,尤其苏北远远落后于苏南。究其原因,区位优势和区域经济基础是形成发展落差的重要因素,而区域文化、传统观念、思维定势是形成落差的主要因素。应立足实际、发挥优势、整合资源、统一规划、综合开发,有效开辟区域经济发展新途径,创建区域经济发展新模式,促进苏中苏北经济快速协调发展。  相似文献   

混合文化中的哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们认为跨文化的哲学对话能够促进国家间的交流,因为哲学对话能够帮助我们理解不同文化间的差异。对此作者并不完全认同。他认为,“文化差异”这个观念将很快过时。在他看来,哲学应该被看作是一种本质上反应的而不是自主的学科。文章对海德格尔式的关于技术和现代性关系的解释提出批评,并给出一种杜威式的解释。  相似文献   

经过20多年的改革开放,黑龙江省零售业已进入快速发展阶段。黑龙江省零售业市场结构存在着市场集中度低,产品差异性小,过度进入等诸多问题,制约了零售业的健康持续发展,严重影响了零售企业的竞争力。因此,我省应该制定相应的产业组织政策,通过提高进入壁垒,培育大型零售企业和企业集团,提高市场集中度等措施来培育黑龙江省零售业有效竞争模式,增强我省零售业的竞争力。  相似文献   

This article, which has its origin in a feasibility study carried out for three youth telephone helplines, focuses on gender, difference and helpline access by young people. During the research process the writers noted that for the three commissioning helplines, as is the case with the majority of other telephone helplines, approximately two‐thirds of callers are female. A helpline for young Muslims where the gender access ratio was 50/50 stood out as being different in this respect. Until recently, literature on gender and help‐seeking has tended towards making a blanket identification of males as experiencing difficulties in negotiating pathways to help. Although this difficulty of males is evident in relation to both help‐seeking and access to helplines, our study suggests that, at least in relation to helpline usage, when we take culture, ethnicity and sexuality into account, the help‐seeking situation may be more nuanced. This has implications in terms of enabling a cross‐section of young people to access helplines as well as with regard to helpline service development.  相似文献   

“数字鸿沟”:当代社会阶层分析的新视角*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李升 《社会》2006,26(6):81-81
当代社会,随着信息技术的发展以及信息重要性的增强,以互联网等为基础的电子信息网络已经浸透于社会的各个领域之中,在产业、经济和社会中生成着一种新的信息场域,影响着人们的社会生活。本文从社会阶层的研究视角出发,透过“现代——后现代”的二维分析模式对信息及信息技术带来的“数字鸿沟”现象进行理论上的阐释,对其究竟是实现着“阶层化”还是“去阶层化”进行探讨,并对信息化高度发达的日本社会进行了“数字鸿沟”的实证分析。可以看出:信息、信息技术已经成为一种新的变量,并与社会阶层之间产生着密切的关系,重塑着社会阶层化机制。  相似文献   

庞圣民 《社会》2016,36(5):155-174
20世纪90年代以来,城乡间高等教育机会不平等愈演愈烈。本文使用CGSS 2008数据,基于梅尔模型,首先从总体上分析了城乡教育不平等的演进过程,结果发现,城乡间高等教育机会不平等主要肇始于小学升初中和初中升高中两个阶段,而由后者产生的不平等尤为严重。继而,本文对中学阶段升学过程展开专门分析,发现在“课外补习班市场”发育过程中,受益最大的是就读于非重点初中的城镇子弟,正是这类高中候选人与同样就读于非重点初中的农村子弟在市场转型后升学机会差距的迅速扩大,导致在后续高中升大学阶段,虽然高等教育规模一再扩张,城乡居民教育机会的不平等却愈演愈烈。本文还发现,就读于重点中学的城乡子弟间升学机会的不平等并未在市场化后显著增大,因而,本文认为,重点中学制度不应为近年来日益加剧的城乡高等教育机会不平等负责。  相似文献   

This article studies the current demographic transition in China and its implications on the country's social welfare reform, particularly its Old Age Social Security (OASS) development. The developmental approach is analyzed to examine how developmentalism affects China's social welfare reform. Reviewing the historical development of the OASS system after the 1980s, this article discusses the major issues and concerns under the current system and the challenges it faces for future development. Further studies are called upon to address these issues in order to build a financially sound and socially equitable welfare system in China.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of the “end of double taxation” (on dividends) policy in stabilizing an economy. Both announced and unannounced policies are considered. A reduction in double taxation stimulates investment and improves welfare, but its impact on output is moderate and it has a negative effect on work hours. A temporary cut creates an investment boom but also generates an investment slump when the tax cut expires. Announcements of future tax cuts are found to have important effect on output dynamics. Agents respond to the tax policy even before it is implemented. If the tax cut is announced to be temporary, its impact on output is greatly reduced. Our study suggests that a temporary dividend tax cut is most effective in stabilizing a recession stricken economy when the policy change comes as “news” to the economy.  相似文献   

养老机构护工素质是制约我国养老业发展的一个极其重要的因素。而护工培训体系的不完善则又制约了护工素质的提高。本文基于中部地区养老机构护工培训工作的调查,把目前我国护工培训体系划分为四个模式类型,它们分别是政府培训模式、市场培训模式、社会培训模式和混合培训模式,这些模式分别适应于不同的外部环境。  相似文献   

养老机构护工素质是制约我国养老业发展的一个极其重要的因素。而护工培训体系的不完善则又制约了护工素质的提高。本文基于中部地区养老机构护工培训工作的调查,把目前我国护工培训体系划分为四个模式类型,它们分别是政府培训模式、市场培训模式、社会培训模式和混合培训模式,这些模式分别适应于不同的外部环境。  相似文献   

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