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Unilateral Initial Attraction (UIA) is a first unilateral awareness towards an unknown person and can be the starting point of an interest in voluntarily initiating an interaction or relationship. In order to create a measure tapping this feeling, Study 1 asked individuals to indicate attributes characterizing UIA (Phase 1), and to rate their centrality (Phase 2). These were used to develop the Measure of Initial Attraction (MIA) comprising one component of arousal and another of unilateral interest. While the former is shared with the love construct, the latter differentiates from measures of passion. The MIA proved to be a valid and reliable instrument with the capacity to discriminate UIA across different relationships (Study 2) and targets (Study 3), with good convergent validity (Study 3). Results are discussed within the framework of personal relationships.  相似文献   


En este trabajo se estudió la incidencia que, sobre la detección de mentiras, podría tener que los temas a que estaban referidas variasen en cuanto a implicación emocional para el emisor y que las respuestas fuesen preparadas o espontáneas. Los resultados obtenidos señalaron que la implicación personal en el tema facilita el reconocimiento de las respuestas falsas, a la vez que la preparación previa de las respuestas dificulta la detección de mentiras a jueces no entrenados.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the development of the Spanish version of the Generalized Sense of Power Scale — individuals’ perception about their ability to influence others. After examining evidence of content validity, in two studies we investigated the psychometric properties of the Generalized Sense of Power Scale (GSPS) and its relationship with other theoretically related variables. In Study 1, we found through an exploratory factor analysis that the factorial structure of the GSPS presents two differentiated factors: sense of soft power and sense of harsh power. In Study 2, a confirmatory factor analysis replicated this finding, and we also found the expected correlations between these two factors and other theoretically related variables. Furthermore, we found that these two factors showed adequate internal consistency in both studies. All in all, our results suggest that the Spanish version of the GSPS is an instrument that is able to measure the generalized sense of power.  相似文献   


Modern forms of sexism have promoted the development of new scales and evaluation tools. The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) (Glick & Fiske, 1996) aims to assess sexism along two dimensions: hostile sexism and benevolent sexism. The aim of this study is to present evidence of the validity of the factor structure of the Portuguese version of the ASI by analysing its structure and its relationships with neosexism and social dominance. The sample consisted of 446 Portuguese participants (68.6% female) between 17 and 77 years old. Results confirmed the two-factor structure; however, the best fit was registered with a four-factor structure: one hostile factor and three benevolent factors. Both hostile and benevolent sexism were correlated with neosexism and social dominance orientation. Future research should explore the dimensionality of the scale based on a four-dimension structure and its relationship to others sexism issues.  相似文献   


Los modelos que explican la aceptación de los sistemas asistidos por ordenador, se basan en la conducta voluntaria del objeto de actitud. El presente trabajo compara la intención de uso de sistemas asistidos por ordenador en trabajadores de producción en los que la conducta de uso es obligatoria. En este contexto es importante la aceptación de la tecnología por sus implicaciones sobre la motivación. Comparamos un grupo de trabajadores con experiencia de uso obligatorio (N=191) con otro sin experiencia de uso (N=136), en relación a su evaluación de los sistemas asistidos por ordenador y la intención de uso. Los resultados confirman que la experiencia es un mejor indicador de la aceptación de las tecnologías, así como confirman la existencia de múltiples dimensiones de la evaluación de los sistemas asistidospor ordenador, con consecuencias diferentes para su aceptación.  相似文献   

Psychological capital (PsyCap) has been a topic of increasing interest in the last decade. However, there is a lack of validated instruments in Spanish to map PsyCap and its consequences for individuals’ well-being. Consequently, the goal of this study is to adapt the 12-item short version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ-12) to the Spanish context by analysing its internal consistency and reliability, factor solution and external validity. Results indicated that the PCQ-12 exhibited good Cronbach’s alpha (.87) and omega coefficient (.93) values in a sample from a vehicle inspection company (n = 798). As expected, results also revealed that a second-order factor structure provided the best fit. Moreover, PsyCap is associated with increased job engagement (β = .579; R2adjusted = .333), decreased job burnout (β = ?.409; R2adjusted = .166), and lower psychological distress (β = ?.349; R2adjusted = .121) (all < .01), which provided additional support for using the PCQ-12 in the Spanish context. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to examine the influence of the culture of honour on victim blaming according to three types of rape scenarios involving the rape of a married woman (stranger rape vs. acquaintance rape vs. marital rape). A total of 262 university students (120 men and 142 women) participated in this study. Our results confirmed the influence of the culture of honour on the acquaintance rape scenario in the degree of victim blaming, followed by the marital rape scenario. In both scenarios the behaviour of the victim challenged the codes of the culture of honour. The results confirmed that the participants’ answers depended on the interaction of situational variables of a rape (type of scenarios) and the variables concerning the observer (the culture of honour).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to adapt the Activism and Radicalism Intention Scale to Spanish. To do so, two studies were performed. In the first, which had a sample of 514 participants, the instrument was adapted to Spanish and a confirmatory factorial analysis was conducted. The psychometric results obtained were similar to those of the original version, and the scale’s two-dimensional structure was replicated. In the second study, the psychometric characteristics of the original instrument were also replicated, but in this case with a sample of 133 participants comprised of sympathizers and activists in the 15-M anti-austerity movement. Regarding the validity of the scale, both studies provide evidence on the coherence of the construct in terms of both its internal structure and its theoretical relationship with other psychosocial variables. The reliability of the instrument obtained in both samples studied was acceptable. In short, this study presents a tool in Spanish which can be useful for studying individuals’ and groups’ predisposition towards more or less violent political mobilization.  相似文献   


In recent years, the concept of cultural intelligence has received increasing attention by researchers and professionals because of its theoretical and practical importance. To understand why some individuals adapt more effectively than others to culturally different social contexts has become a goal with implications for education, recruitment and the prevention of social conflict. The goal of this study was to adapt the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) to Spanish. To do so, two studies were carried out. In the first, the psychometric properties generated by the CQS on a Spanish sample (N = 413) were analysed. In the second study, a confirmatory replication of the factor structure and reliability of the CQS was performed with a different Spanish sample (N = 526) from the first study. The results indicated that the Spanish version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale can be considered a useful and appropriate tool to be used with psychometric guarantees in the Spanish-speaking population.  相似文献   

Antifat attitudes may be defined as the negative assessment of people with weight problems. To evaluate them, the Antifat Attitudes Scale (AFA) has been used in most studies. The aim of this study is to adapt the AFA questionnaire to the Spanish population. The sample was made up of 1,457 university students from all over Spain. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that the items on the questionnaire fit a three-factor model corresponding to the three dimensions proposed by the original author (dislike, fear of fat and willpower) and that they are interrelated. In light of these results, we conclude that the questionnaire is methodologically valid and can be used by the scientific community to measure antifat attitudes.  相似文献   


A lo largo de este artículo pretendemos ofrecer una revisión actualizada de una perspectiva de liderazgo que surge en los años 80 y define un «Nuevo Liderazgo». El resurgimiento de liderazgo carismático se produce como consecuencia de ser este un tipo de liderazgo con mayores beneficios, por lo que los investigadores psicosociales empiezan a tener en cuenta sus componentes y efectos. Después de un breve repaso a los antecedentes sociológicos del liderazgo carismático, se exponen las aportaciones desde la Psicología Social al estudio de las características de este tipo de liderazgo teniendo en cuenta que los resultados dependen de la relación carismática que se produce entre el líder y seguidores, concebida primero como una propiedad y luego como un proceso. Por último, apuntamos los posibles límites del liderazgo carismático.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to undertake the transcultural adaptation and validation of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) to measure university students’ levels of perseverance and passion for achieving long-term goals. To accomplish this, the Grit-S scale was linguistically and culturally adapted from English to Spanish via the Translation, Review, Adjudication, Pre-testing and Documentation method. After that, the adapted scale was administered to a convenience sample of 1,129 university students comprised of 29.6% males and 70.4% females with a mean age of 21, and finally, its psychometric properties were analysed and compared to the original version. The results reveal acceptable values for the internal consistency of the total scale (α = .71) and outstanding fit indexes for the proposed two-factor structural model (i.e., Consistency of Interest and Perseverance of Effort) (RMSEA = .041, CFI = .96), and the parameters of transcultural adaptation were similar to those in its original version.  相似文献   


En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de las contribuciones realizadas en el ámbito de la psicología social al estudio de la satisfacción de los usuarios y consumidores. En concreto, se constata que la investigación se ha realizado predominan temente des de acercamientos cognitivos (confirmación de expectativas, equidad, atribución causal) y, en menor medida, en afectivos. Se señalan, asimismo, las principales limitaciones relacionadas con el escaso valor diagnóstico de la información, la consideración los atributos inestables de rendimiento de los productos y/o servicios, el estudio de relaciones complejas entre constructos, la utilización de medidas agregadas de satisfacción y el estudio del trabajo emocional. También se ofrecen algunas consideraciones relevantes para investigaciones futuras.  相似文献   


Este estudio fue diseñado para poner a prueba la hipótesis de reactancia-indefensión de Wortman y Brehm (según la cual los efectos producidos por la incontrolabilidad están mediados por la duración del evento incontrolable) en relación al funcionamiento corporal. Para ello, se eligió como principal variable dependiente el control de la respuesta electromiográfica de la musculatura frontal. Se utilizó un diseño factorial 3 (expectativa de control alta, baja y nula) X 2 (entrenamiento en incontrolabilidad corto y largo). Asimismo, se incluyeron medidas sobre «locus de control», estilo atribucional, percepción y estrategias de control. Los resultados obtenidos confirman parcialmente la hipótesis establecida y son discutidos dentro del ámbito de la Psicofisiologia Social.  相似文献   

With the objective of theoretically and psychometrically updating the Regional Identity Scale (RIS) proposed by Zúñiga and Asún in 2004 and expanding the population for which it shows evidence of validity, a revision and revalidation of this instrument was performed via two studies. The first study included 1,113 university students from four regions of Chile, and the second included 1,200 adults from the same regions. Both samples were obtained via a random design through multistage conglomerates. The results enable us to propose a new version of the original scale (RIS-2) with suitable reliability indexes, solid evidence of both convergent validity and internal structure validity, and items with satisfactory psychometric quality. Furthermore, we verify the presence of a multifactor structure with three highly correlated dimensions. We conclude that the RIS-2 is a reliable, valid and conceptually broader instrument than the preceding version, so it is a useful tool to measure the intensity of regional identity in both university students and the adult population.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence that takes place in first couple relationships has received increasing attention in recent years, leading our knowledge on different topics to grow remarkably. The objective of this study is two-fold: on the one hand, we compare levels of victimization and tolerance for two samples, from two waves of assessment; and on the other hand, we focus on coherence among victimization and the use of labels such as abuse, fear and feeling trapped in the relationship in both waves. A total sample of 3,844 women between the ages of 16 and 21 took part in the study, 18% in the first wave in 2003–05 and 82% in the second wave in 2011–13. Data were collected using the Cuestionario de Violencia de Novios (CUVINO), a questionnaire that provides information on the prevalence of and tolerance towards eight different kinds of abuse, along with self-labelling questions on the perception of abuse. Results showed a similarity in prevalence and labelling in both waves of assessment, with higher tolerance in the second wave. We discuss the implications of these findings for improving current prevention programs on dating violence.  相似文献   


En este estudio pretendemos realizar la evaluación del impacto ambiental de una plaza de Granollers (Barcelona). El interés está motivado por los artículos aparecidos en una revista local que evidenciaban una actitud negativa de la mayoría de la población hacia esta plaza. El objeto de análisis que será prioritario será el lenguaje obtenido a partir de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. ¿Por qué desde la Psicología Ambiental? Principalmente por dos razones. En primer lugar, por la necesidad de la comunicación y coordinación de todos/as aquellos/as que están implicados en la planificación de un medio ambiente construido y en que éste cumpla la función y uso deseado. En segundo lugar, para elaborar un diagnóstico ad hoc y a priori de los espacios construidos. En definitiva se pretende aportar un marco de referencia para que los/las políticos/as, diseñadores/as, arquitectos/as y urbanistas escuchen a los/las psicólogos/as ambientales, antes de proyectar y que escuchen a aquellos/as que utilizan lo proyectado.  相似文献   

The Dispositional Empathy with Nature scale (DEN) — dispositional tendency to understand and share the emotional experience of the natural world — offers a methodological tool for the study of the affective component of environmental concern. In this paper, the factor structure of the Spanish version of the DEN scale is tested (N = 394). The originally proposed one-factor structure is found using exploratory factor analysis — FACTOR program — with Unweighted Least Squares procedure and optimal implementation of parallel analysis (GFI = .99), along with high internal consistency (α = .93). The Spanish DEN scale shows moderate correlations between environmental concern measures (r = .36 – .44, p < .01) and low-to-moderate correlations with dispositional empathy with humans (r = .30 – .42, p < .05), indicating the distinctiveness of the scale. The Spanish version of the DEN scale is an adequate and reliable instrument for the measurement of empathic tendencies towards nature. Some recommendations regarding its future use are made.  相似文献   

We studied how the sex of the aggressor and their motivations for attacking influence the social perception of intimate partner violence, as well as the sex of the observer and their sexist ideology. University students read a scenario in which both members of a heterosexual couple harmed each other owing to controlling or reactive motivations. After that, they were asked to identify the motivations of each partner and estimate the seriousness of what occurred, the number of aggressions described and the frequency of this kind of episode in real life. The results showed that the men and women properly identified the motivations underlying the aggressive behaviours, considered control violence more serious than reactive violence, and perceived more of the first kind of aggression. However, the men estimated a lower frequency of these episodes in real life, especially episodes of control violence. The ambivalent sexism of the men is related to these assessments. These results are particularly important with regard to the debate on gender symmetry/asymmetry in intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

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