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A class of trimmed linear conditional estimators based on regression quantiles for the linear regression model is introduced. This class serves as a robust analogue of non-robust linear unbiased estimators. Asymptotic analysis then shows that the trimmed least squares estimator based on regression quantiles ( Koenker and Bassett ( 1978 ) ) is the best in this estimator class in terms of asymptotic covariance matrices. The class of trimmed linear conditional estimators contains the Mallows-type bounded influence trimmed means ( see De Jongh et al ( 1988 ) ) and trimmed instrumental variables estimators. A large sample methodology based on trimmed instrumental variables estimator for confidence ellipsoids and hypothesis testing is also provided.  相似文献   

This note extends some results on homogeneous linear estimators to the general, even nonlinear case.A Sufficient condition for the difference of mean square error matrices of minimum conditional mean square error estimator and minimum average risk linear estimator to be postive definite is derived.  相似文献   

Recently, least absolute deviations (LAD) estimator for median regression models with doubly censored data was proposed and the asymptotic normality of the estimator was established. However, it is invalid to make inference on the regression parameter vectors, because the asymptotic covariance matrices are difficult to estimate reliably since they involve conditional densities of error terms. In this article, three methods, which are based on bootstrap, random weighting, and empirical likelihood, respectively, and do not require density estimation, are proposed for making inference for the doubly censored median regression models. Simulations are also done to assess the performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the derivation of the first and second moments for the proposed small area estimators under a multivariate linear model for repeated measures data. The aim is to use these moments to estimate the mean-squared errors (MSE) for the predicted small area means as a measure of precision. At the first stage, we derive the MSE when the covariance matrices are known. At the second stage, a method based on parametric bootstrap is proposed for bias correction and for prediction error that reflects the uncertainty when the unknown covariance is replaced by its suitable estimator.  相似文献   

This article introduces a semiparametric autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model that has conditional first and second moments given by autoregressive moving average and ARCH parametric formulations but a conditional density that is assumed only to be sufficiently smooth to be approximated by a nonparametric density estimator. For several particular conditional densities, the relative efficiency of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator is compared with maximum likelihood under correct specification. These potential efficiency gains for a fully adaptive procedure are compared in a Monte Carlo experiment with the observed gains from using the proposed semiparametric procedure, and it is found that the estimator captures a substantial proportion of the potential. The estimator is applied to daily stock returns from small firms that are found to exhibit conditional skewness and kurtosis and to the British pound to dollar exchange rate.  相似文献   

We review the Fisher scoring and EM algorithms for incomplete multivariate data from an estimating function point of view, and examine the corresponding quasi-score functions under second-moment assumptions. A bias-corrected REML-type estimator for the covariance matrix is derived, and the Fisher, Godambe and empirical sandwich information matrices are compared. We make a numerical investigation of the two algorithms, and compare with a hybrid algorithm, where Fisher scoring is used for the mean vector and the EM algorithm for the covariance matrix.  相似文献   

Estimation of covariance components in the multivariate random-effect model with nested covariance structure is discussed. There are two covariance matrices to be estimated, namely, the between-group and the within-group covariance matrices. These two covariance matrices are most often estimated by forming a multivariate analysis of variance and equating mean square matrices to their expectations. Such a procedure involves taking the difference between the between-group mean square and the within-group mean square matrices, and often produces an estimated between-group covariance matrix that is not nonnegative definite. We present estimators of the two covariance matrices that are always proper covariance matrices. The estimators are the restricted maximum likelihood estimators if the random effects are normally distributed. The estimation procedure is extended to more complicated models, including the twofold nested and the mixed-effect models. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the use of the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

This article considers the unconditional asymptotic covariance matrix of the least squares estimator in the linear regression model with stochastic explanatory variables. The asymptotic covariance matrix of the least squares estimator of regression parameters is evaluated relative to the standard asymptotic covariance matrix when the joint distribution of the dependent and explanatory variables is in the class of elliptically symmetric distributions. An empirical example using financial data is presented. Numerical examples and simulation experiments are given to illustrate the difference of the two asymptotic covariance matrices.  相似文献   

The common principal components (CPC) model provides a way to model the population covariance matrices of several groups by assuming a common eigenvector structure. When appropriate, this model can provide covariance matrix estimators of which the elements have smaller standard errors than when using either the pooled covariance matrix or the per group unbiased sample covariance matrix estimators. In this article, a regularized CPC estimator under the assumption of a common (or partially common) eigenvector structure in the populations is proposed. After estimation of the common eigenvectors using the Flury–Gautschi (or other) algorithm, the off-diagonal elements of the nearly diagonalized covariance matrices are shrunk towards zero and multiplied with the orthogonal common eigenvector matrix to obtain the regularized CPC covariance matrix estimates. The optimal shrinkage intensity per group can be estimated using cross-validation. The efficiency of these estimators compared to the pooled and unbiased estimators is investigated in a Monte Carlo simulation study, and the regularized CPC estimator is applied to a real dataset to demonstrate the utility of the method.  相似文献   

It is well known that in finance variances and covariances of asset returns move together over time. Recently, much interest has been aroused by an approach involving the use of the realized covariance (RCOV) matrix constructed from high-frequency returns as the ex-post realization of the covariance matrix of low-frequency returns. For the analysis of dynamics of RCOV matrices, we propose the generalized conditional autoregressive Wishart (GCAW) model. Both the noncentrality matrix and scale matrix of the Wishart distribution are driven by the lagged values of RCOV matrices, and represent two different sources of dynamics, respectively. The GCAW is a generalization of the existing models, and accounts for symmetry and positive definiteness of RCOV matrices without imposing any parametric restriction. Some important properties such as conditional moments, unconditional moments, and stationarity are discussed. Empirical examples including sequences of daily RCOV matrices from the New York Stock Exchange illustrate that our model outperforms the existing models in terms of model fitting and forecasting.  相似文献   

The definition of distance between two populations of equal covariance matrices is extended to two and more than two populations with unequal covariance matrices and Rao’s U test for testing the conditional contribution of a subset of variables to the distance is extended to this situation, even when sample sizes are not necessarily the same.  相似文献   

We introduce the method of estimating functions to study the class of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) models. We derive the optimal estimating functions by combining linear and quadratic estimating functions. The resultant estimators are more efficient than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. If the assumption of conditional normality is imposed, the estimator obtained by using the theory of estimating functions is identical to that obtained by using the maximum likelihood method in finite samples. The relative efficiencies of the estimating function (EF) approach in comparison with the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator are developed. We illustrate the EF approach using a univariate GARCH(1,1) model with conditional normal, Student-t, and gamma distributions. The efficiency benefits of the EF approach relative to the quasi-maximum likelihood approach are substantial for the gamma distribution with large skewness. Simulation analysis shows that the finite-sample properties of the estimators from the EF approach are attractive. EF estimators tend to display less bias and root mean squared error than the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator. The efficiency gains are substantial for highly nonnormal distributions. An example demonstrates that implementation of the method is straightforward.  相似文献   

In sampling from finite populations conditional minimax estimators are equivalent to BLU estimators. This has been shown by Gabler (1988). If the covariance matrix is singular the BLU estimator can be represented in two different ways.  相似文献   

Inference for a scalar interest parameter in the presence of nuisance parameters is considered in terms of the conditional maximum-likelihood estimator developed by Cox and Reid (1987). Parameter orthogonality is assumed throughout. The estimator is analyzed by means of stochastic asymptotic expansions in three cases: a scalar nuisance parameter, m nuisance parameters from m independent samples, and a vector nuisance parameter. In each case, the expansion for the conditional maximum-likelihood estimator is compared with that for the usual maximum-likelihood estimator. The means and variances are also compared. In each of the cases, the bias of the conditional maximum-likelihood estimator is unaffected by the nuisance parameter to first order. This is not so for the maximum-likelihood estimator. The assumption of parameter orthogonality is crucial in attaining this result. Regardless of parametrization, the difference in the two estimators is first-order and is deterministic to this order.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider an extension of conventional univariate Kaplan–Meier-type estimators for the hazard rate and the survivor function to multivariate censored data with a censored random regressor. It is an Akritas-type estimator which adapts the non-parametric conditional hazard rate estimator of Beran to more typical data situations in applied analysis. We show with simulations that the estimator has nice finite sample properties and our implementation appears to be fast. As an application we estimate non-parametric conditional quantile functions with German administrative unemployment duration data.  相似文献   

Variance estimation of changes requires estimates of variances and covariances that would be relatively straightforward to make if the sample remained the same from one wave to the next, but this is rarely the case in practice as successive waves are usually different overlapping samples. The author proposes a design‐based estimator for covariance matrices that is adapted to this situation. Under certain conditions, he shows that his approach yields non‐negative definite estimates for covariance matrices and therefore positive variance estimates for a large class of measures of change.  相似文献   

Several estimators, including the classical and the regression estimators of finite population mean, are compared, both theoretically and empirically, under a calibration model, where the dependent variable(y), and not the independent variable(x), can be observed for all units of the finite population. It is shown asymptotically that when conditioned on x, the bias of the classical estimator may be much smaller than that of the regression estimators; whereas when conditioned on y, the regression estimator may have much smaller conditional bias than the classical estimator. Since all the y's(not x's) can be observed, it seems appropriate to make comparison under the conditional distribution of each estimator with y fixed. In this case, the regression estimator has smaller variance, smaller conditional bias, and the conditional coverage probability closer to its nominal level  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a robust method of estimating a realized covariance matrix calculated as the sum of cross products of intraday high-frequency returns. According to recent articles in financial econometrics, the realized covariance matrix is essentially contaminated with market microstructure noise. Although techniques for removing noise from the matrix have been studied since the early 2000s, they have primarily investigated a low-dimensional covariance matrix with statistically significant sample sizes. We focus on noise-robust covariance estimation under converse circumstances, that is, a high-dimensional covariance matrix possibly with a small sample size. For the estimation, we utilize a statistical hypothesis test based on the characteristic that the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix asymptotically follows a Tracy–Widom distribution. The null hypothesis assumes that log returns are not pure noises. If a sample eigenvalue is larger than the relevant critical value, then we fail to reject the null hypothesis. The simulation results show that the estimator studied here performs better than others as measured by mean squared error. The empirical analysis shows that our proposed estimator can be adopted to forecast future covariance matrices using real data.  相似文献   

Summary A STAR model is characterized by autoregressive terms lagged both in time and space. The model we call GSTAR presents also contemporaneous spatial correlation. Under the hypothesis of stationarity we derive conditional maximum likelihood estimators of the autoregressive parameters and a consistent estimator of their covariance matrix.  相似文献   

We consider two consistent estimators for the parameters of the linear predictor in the Poisson regression model, where the covariate is measured with errors. The measurement errors are assumed to be normally distributed with known error variance σ u 2 . The SQS estimator, based on a conditional mean-variance model, takes the distribution of the latent covariate into account, and this is here assumed to be a normal distribution. The CS estimator, based on a corrected score function, does not use the distribution of the latent covariate. Nevertheless, for small σ u 2 , both estimators have identical asymptotic covariance matrices up to the order of σ u 2 . We also compare the consistent estimators to the naive estimator, which is based on replacing the latent covariate with its (erroneously) measured counterpart. The naive estimator is biased, but has a smaller covariance matrix than the consistent estimators (at least up to the order of σ u 2 ).  相似文献   

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