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The area under the ROC curve (AUC) can be interpreted as the probability that the classification scores of a diseased subject is larger than that of a non-diseased subject for a randomly sampled pair of subjects. From the perspective of classification, we want to find a way to separate two groups as distinctly as possible via AUC. When the difference of the scores of a marker is small, its impact on classification is less important. Thus, a new diagnostic/classification measure based on a modified area under the ROC curve (mAUC) is proposed, which is defined as a weighted sum of two AUCs, where the AUC with the smaller difference is assigned a lower weight, and vice versa. Using mAUC is robust in the sense that mAUC gets larger as AUC gets larger as long as they are not equal. Moreover, in many diagnostic situations, only a specific range of specificity is of interest. Under normal distributions, we show that if the AUCs of two markers are within similar ranges, the larger mAUC implies the larger partial AUC for a given specificity. This property of mAUC will help to identify the marker with the higher partial AUC, even when the AUCs are similar. Two nonparametric estimates of an mAUC and their variances are given. We also suggest the use of mAUC as the objective function for classification, and the use of the gradient Lasso algorithm for classifier construction and marker selection. Application to simulation datasets and real microarray gene expression datasets show that our method finds a linear classifier with a higher ROC curve than some other existing linear classifiers, especially in the range of low false positive rates.  相似文献   

In many diagnostic studies, multiple diagnostic tests are performed on each subject or multiple disease markers are available. Commonly, the information should be combined to improve the diagnostic accuracy. We consider the problem of comparing the discriminatory abilities between two groups of biomarkers. Specifically, this article focuses on confidence interval estimation of the difference between paired AUCs based on optimally combined markers under the assumption of multivariate normality. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed generalized variable approach provides confidence intervals with satisfying coverage probabilities at finite sample sizes. The proposed method can also easily provide P-values for hypothesis testing. Application to analysis of a subset of data from a study on coronary heart disease illustrates the utility of the method in practice.  相似文献   

In several cases the same measurement is used as a marker for two or more population features, and it is useful to test whether this measurement has the same diagnostic effectiveness with respect to different features. In this paper we use the area under receiver operating characteristic curve as index for the discriminatory power among continuous variables and population features (eventuality, two or more diseases), and we propose a test to contrast the equality of the diagnostic effectiveness of this measurement.  相似文献   

Studies of diagnostic tests are often designed with the goal of estimating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) because the AUC is a natural summary of a test's overall diagnostic ability. However, sample size projections dealing with AUCs are very sensitive to assumptions about the variance of the empirical AUC estimator, which depends on two correlation parameters. While these correlation parameters can be estimated from the available data, in practice it is hard to find reliable estimates before the study is conducted. Here we derive achievable bounds on the projected sample size that are free of these two correlation parameters. The lower bound is the smallest sample size that would yield the desired level of precision for some model, while the upper bound is the smallest sample size that would yield the desired level of precision for all models. These bounds are important reference points when designing a single or multi-arm study; they are the absolute minimum and maximum sample size that would ever be required. When the study design includes multiple readers or interpreters of the test, we derive bounds pertaining to the average reader AUC and the ‘pooled’ or overall AUC for the population of readers. These upper bounds for multireader studies are not too conservative when several readers are involved.  相似文献   

The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve is the most commonly used summary measure of diagnostic accuracy for a continuous-scale diagnostic test. In this paper, we develop methods to estimate the area under the curve (AUC) with censored data. Based on two different integration representations of this parameter, two nonparametric estimators are defined by the “plug in” method. Both the proposed estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal based on counting process and martingale theory. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performances of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In biomedical research, two or more biomarkers may be available for diagnosis of a particular disease. Selecting one single biomarker which ideally discriminate a diseased group from a healthy group is confront in a diagnostic process. Frequently, most of the people use the accuracy measure, area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to choose the best diagnostic marker among the available markers for diagnosis. Some authors have tried to combine the multiple markers by an optimal linear combination to increase the discriminatory power. In this paper, we propose an alternative method that combines two continuous biomarkers by direct bivariate modeling of the ROC curve under log-normality assumption. The proposed method is applied to simulated data set and prostate cancer diagnostic biomarker data set.  相似文献   

In many situations the diagnostic decision is not limited to a binary choice. Binary statistical tools such as receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and area under the ROC curve (AUC) need to be expanded to address three-category classification problem. Previous authors have suggest various ways to model the extension of AUC but not the ROC surface. Only simple parametric approaches are proposed for modeling the ROC measure under the assumption that test results all follow normal distributions. We study the estimation methods of three-dimensional ROC surfaces with nonparametric and semiparametric estimators. Asymptotical results are provided as a basis for statistical inference. Simulation studies are performed to assess the validity of our proposed methods in finite samples. We consider an Alzheimer's disease example from a clinical study in the US as an illustration. The nonparametric and semiparametric modelling approaches for the three way ROC analysis can be readily generalized to diagnostic problems with more than three classes.  相似文献   

In the cases with three ordinal diagnostic groups, the important measures of diagnostic accuracy are the volume under surface (VUS) and the partial volume under surface (PVUS) which are the extended forms of the area under curve (AUC) and the partial area under curve (PAUC). This article addresses confidence interval estimation of the difference in paired VUS s and the difference in paired PVUS s. To focus especially on studies with small to moderate sample sizes, we propose an approach based on the concepts of generalized inference. A Monte Carlo study demonstrates that the proposed approach generally can provide confidence intervals with reasonable coverage probabilities even at small sample sizes. The proposed approach is compared to a parametric bootstrap approach and a large sample approach through simulation. Finally, the proposed approach is illustrated via an application to a data set of blood test results of anemia patients.  相似文献   

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves can be used to assess the accuracy of tests measured on ordinal or continuous scales. The most commonly used measure for the overall diagnostic accuracy of diagnostic tests is the area under the ROC curve (AUC). A gold standard (GS) test on the true disease status is required to estimate the AUC. However, a GS test may be too expensive or infeasible. In many medical researches, the true disease status of the subjects may remain unknown. Under the normality assumption on test results from each disease group of subjects, we propose a heuristic method of estimating confidence intervals for the difference in paired AUCs of two diagnostic tests in the absence of a GS reference. This heuristic method is a three-stage method by combining the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, bootstrap method, and an estimation based on asymptotic generalized pivotal quantities (GPQs) to construct generalized confidence intervals for the difference in paired AUCs in the absence of a GS. Simulation results show that the proposed interval estimation procedure yields satisfactory coverage probabilities and expected interval lengths. The numerical example using a published dataset illustrates the proposed method.  相似文献   

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, plotting true positive rates against false positive rates as threshold varies, is an important tool for evaluating biomarkers in diagnostic medicine studies. By definition, ROC curve is monotone increasing from 0 to 1 and is invariant to any monotone transformation of test results. And it is often a curve with certain level of smoothness when test results from the diseased and non-diseased subjects follow continuous distributions. Most existing ROC curve estimation methods do not guarantee all of these properties. One of the exceptions is Du and Tang (2009) which applies certain monotone spline regression procedure to empirical ROC estimates. However, their method does not consider the inherent correlations between empirical ROC estimates. This makes the derivation of the asymptotic properties very difficult. In this paper we propose a penalized weighted least square estimation method, which incorporates the covariance between empirical ROC estimates as a weight matrix. The resulting estimator satisfies all the aforementioned properties, and we show that it is also consistent. Then a resampling approach is used to extend our method for comparisons of two or more diagnostic tests. Our simulations show a significantly improved performance over the existing method, especially for steep ROC curves. We then apply the proposed method to a cancer diagnostic study that compares several newly developed diagnostic biomarkers to a traditional one.  相似文献   

Receiver Operating Characteristic curves and the Area Under Curve (AUC) are widely used to evaluate the predictive accuracy of diagnostic tests. The parametric methods of estimating AUCs are well established while nonparametric methods, such as Wilcoxon's method, lack proper research. This study considered three standard error techniques, namely, Hanley and McNeil, Hanley and Tilaki, and DeLong methods. Several parameters were considered, while measuring the predictor on a binary scale. The normality and type I error rate was violated for Hanley and McNeil's method while asymptotically DeLong's method performed better. Hanley and Tilaki's Jackknife method and DeLong's method performed equally well.  相似文献   

Measuring the accuracy of diagnostic tests is crucial in many application areas including medicine and health care. Good methods for determining diagnostic accuracy provide useful guidance on selection of patient treatment, and the ability to compare different diagnostic tests has a direct impact on quality of care. In this paper Nonparametric Predictive Inference (NPI) methods for accuracy of diagnostic tests with continuous test results are presented and discussed. For such tests, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves have become popular tools for describing the performance of diagnostic tests. We present the NPI approach to ROC curves, and some important summaries of these curves. As NPI does not aim at inference for an entire population but instead explicitly considers a future observation, this provides an attractive alternative to standard methods. We show how NPI can be used to compare two continuous diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

In assessing the area under the ROC curve for the accuracy of a diagnostic test, it is imperative to detect and locate multiple abnormalities per image. This approach takes that into account by adopting a statistical model that allows for correlation between the reader scores of several regions of interest (ROI).

The ROI method of partitioning the image is taken. The readers give a score to each ROI in the image and the statistical model takes into account the correlation between the scores of the ROI's of an image in estimating test accuracy. The test accuracy is given by Pr[Y > Z] + (1/2)Pr[Y = Z], where Y is an ordinal diagnostic measurement of an affected ROI, and Z is the diagnostic measurement of an unaffected ROI. This way of measuring test accuracy is equivalent to the area under the ROC curve. The parameters are the parameters of a multinomial distribution, then based on the multinomial distribution, a Bayesian method of inference is adopted for estimating the test accuracy.

Using a multinomial model for the test results, a Bayesian method based on the predictive distribution of future diagnostic scores is employed to find the test accuracy. By resampling from the posterior distribution of the model parameters, samples from the posterior distribution of test accuracy are also generated. Using these samples, the posterior mean, standard deviation, and credible intervals are calculated in order to estimate the area under the ROC curve. This approach is illustrated by estimating the area under the ROC curve for a study of the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance angiography for diagnosis of arterial atherosclerotic stenosis. A generalization to multiple readers and/or modalities is proposed.

A Bayesian way to estimate test accuracy is easy to perform with standard software packages and has the advantage of employing the efficient inclusion of information from prior related imaging studies.  相似文献   

As new diagnostic tests are developed and marketed, it is very important to be able to compare the accuracy of a given two continuous‐scale diagnostic tests. An effective method to evaluate the difference between the diagnostic accuracy of two tests is to compare partial areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs). In this paper, we review existing parametric methods. Then, we propose a new semiparametric method and a new nonparametric method to investigate the difference between two partial AUCs. For the difference between two partial AUCs under each method, we derive a normal approximation, define an empirical log‐likelihood ratio, and show that the empirical log‐likelihood ratio follows a scaled chi‐square distribution. We construct five confidence intervals for the difference based on normal approximation, bootstrap, and empirical likelihood methods. Finally, extensive simulation studies are conducted to compare the finite‐sample performances of these intervals, and a real example is used as an application of our recommended intervals. The simulation results indicate that the proposed hybrid bootstrap and empirical likelihood intervals outperform other existing intervals in most cases.  相似文献   

In disease screening and diagnosis, often multiple markers are measured and combined to improve the accuracy of diagnosis. McIntosh and Pepe [Combining several screening tests: optimality of the risk score, Biometrics 58 (2002), pp. 657–664] showed that the risk score, defined as the probability of disease conditional on multiple markers, is the optimal function for classification based on the Neyman–Pearson lemma. They proposed a two-step procedure to approximate the risk score. However, the resulting receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is only defined in a subrange (L, h) of false-positive rates in (0,1) and the determination of the lower limit L needs extra prior information. In practice, most diagnostic tests are not perfect, and it is usually rare that a single marker is uniformly better than the other tests. Using simulation, I show that multivariate adaptive regression spline is a useful tool to approximate the risk score when combining multiple markers, especially when ROC curves from multiple tests cross. The resulting ROC is defined in the whole range of (0,1) and is easy to implement and has intuitive interpretation. The sample code of the application is shown in the appendix.  相似文献   

Non-inferiority tests are often measured for the diagnostic accuracy in medical research. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a familiar diagnostic measure for the overall diagnostic accuracy. Nevertheless, since it may not differentiate the diverse shapes of the ROC curves with different diagnostic significance, the partial area under the ROC (PAUROC) curve, another summary measure emerges for such diagnostic processes that require the false-positive rate to be in the clinically interested range. Traditionally, to estimate the PAUROC, the golden standard (GS) test on the true disease status is required. Nevertheless, the GS test may sometimes be infeasible. Besides, in a lot of research fields such as the epidemiology field, the true disease status of the patients may not be known or available. Under the normality assumption on diagnostic test results, based on the expectation-maximization algorithm in combination with the bootstrap method, we propose the heuristic method to construct a non-inferiority test for the difference in the paired PAUROCs without the GS test. Through the simulation study, although the proposed method might provide a liberal test, as a whole, the empirical size of the proposed method sufficiently controls the size at the significance level, and the empirical power of the proposed method in the absence of the GS is as good as that of the non-inferiority in the presence of the GS. The proposed method is illustrated with the published data.  相似文献   

Combination of multiple biomarkers to improve diagnostic accuracy is meaningful for practitioners and clinicians, and are attractive to lots of researchers. Nowadays, with development of modern techniques, functional markers such as curves or images, play an important role in diagnosis. There exists rich literature developing combination methods for continuous scalar markers. Unfortunately, only sporadic works have studied how functional markers affect diagnosis in the literature. Moreover, no publication can be found to do combination of multiple functional markers to improve the diagnostic accuracy. It is impossible to apply scalar combination methods to the multiple functional markers directly because of infinite dimensionality of functional markers. In this article, we propose a one-dimension scalar feature motivated by square loss distance, as an alternative of the original functional curve in the sense that, it can retain information to the most extent. The square loss distance is defined as the function of projection scores generated from functional principal component decomposition. Then existing variety of scalar combination methods can be applied to scalar features of functional markers after dimension reduction to improve the diagnostic accuracy. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and Youden index are used to assess performances of various methods in numerical studies. We also analyzed the high- or low- hospital admissions due to respiratory diseases between 2010 and 2017 in Hong Kong by combining weather conditions and media information, which are regarded as functional markers. Finally, we provide an R function for convenient application.  相似文献   

A cure rate model is a survival model incorporating the cure rate with the assumption that the population contains both uncured and cured individuals. It is a powerful statistical tool for prognostic studies, especially in cancer. The cure rate is important for making treatment decisions in clinical practice. The proportional hazards (PH) cure model can predict the cure rate for each patient. This contains a logistic regression component for the cure rate and a Cox regression component to estimate the hazard for uncured patients. A measure for quantifying the predictive accuracy of the cure rate estimated by the Cox PH cure model is required, as there has been a lack of previous research in this area. We used the Cox PH cure model for the breast cancer data; however, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) could not be estimated because many patients were censored. In this study, we used imputation‐based AUCs to assess the predictive accuracy of the cure rate from the PH cure model. We examined the precision of these AUCs using simulation studies. The results demonstrated that the imputation‐based AUCs were estimable and their biases were negligibly small in many cases, although ordinary AUC could not be estimated. Additionally, we introduced the bias‐correction method of imputation‐based AUCs and found that the bias‐corrected estimate successfully compensated the overestimation in the simulation studies. We also illustrated the estimation of the imputation‐based AUCs using breast cancer data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate diagnosis of disease is a critical part of health care. New diagnostic and screening tests must be evaluated based on their abilities to discriminate diseased conditions from non‐diseased conditions. For a continuous‐scale diagnostic test, a popular summary index of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is the area under the curve (AUC). However, when our focus is on a certain region of false positive rates, we often use the partial AUC instead. In this paper we have derived the asymptotic normal distribution for the non‐parametric estimator of the partial AUC with an explicit variance formula. The empirical likelihood (EL) ratio for the partial AUC is defined and it is shown that its limiting distribution is a scaled chi‐square distribution. Hybrid bootstrap and EL confidence intervals for the partial AUC are proposed by using the newly developed EL theory. We also conduct extensive simulation studies to compare the relative performance of the proposed intervals and existing intervals for the partial AUC. A real example is used to illustrate the application of the recommended intervals. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 17–33; 2011 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The semiparametric LABROC approach of fitting binormal model for estimating AUC as a global index of accuracy has been justified (except for bimodal forms), while for estimating a local index of accuracy such as TPF, it may lead to a bias in severe departure of data from binormality. We extended parametric ROC analysis for quantitative data when one or both pair members are mixture of Gaussian (MG) in particular for bimodal forms. We analytically showed that AUC and TPF are a mixture of weighting parameters of different components of AUCs and TPFs of a mixture of underlying distributions. In a simulation study of six configurations of MG distributions:{bimodal, normal} and {bimodal, bimodal} pairs, the parameters of MG distributions were estimated using the EM algorithm. The results showed that the estimated AUC from our proposed model was essentially unbiased, and that the bias in the estimated TPF at a clinically relevant range of FPF was roughly 0.01 for a sample size of n=100/100. In practice, with severe departures from binormality, we recommend an extension of the LABROC and software development for future research to allow for each member of the pair of distributions to be a mixture of Gaussian that is a more flexible parametric form.  相似文献   

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