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Calibration on the available auxiliary variables is widely used to increase the precision of the estimates of parameters. Singh and Sedory [Two-step calibration of design weights in survey sampling. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2016;45(12):3510–3523.] considered the problem of calibration of design weights under two-step for single auxiliary variable. For a given sample, design weights and calibrated weights are set proportional to each other, in the first step. While, in the second step, the value of proportionality constant is determined on the basis of objectives of individual investigator/user for, for example, to get minimum mean squared error or reduction of bias. In this paper, we have suggested to use two auxiliary variables for two-step calibration of the design weights and compared the results with single auxiliary variable for different sample sizes based on simulated and real-life data set. The simulated and real-life application results show that two-auxiliary variables based two-step calibration estimator outperforms the estimator under single auxiliary variable in terms of minimum mean squared error.  相似文献   

Whenever there is auxiliary information available in any form, the researchers want to utilize it in the method of estimation to obtain the most efficient estimator. When there exists enough amount of correlation between the study and the auxiliary variables, and parallel to these associations, the ranks of the auxiliary variables are also correlated with the study variable, which can be used a valuable device for enhancing the precision of an estimator accordingly. This article addresses the problem of estimating the finite population mean that utilizes the complementary information in the presence of (i) the auxiliary variable and (ii) the ranks of the auxiliary variable for non response. We suggest an improved estimator for estimating the finite population mean using the auxiliary information in the presence of non response. Expressions for bias and mean squared error of considered estimators are derived up to the first order of approximation. The performance of estimators is compared theoretically and numerically. A numerical study is carried out to evaluate the performances of estimators. It is observed that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the usual sample mean and the regression estimators, and some other families of ratio and exponential type of estimators.  相似文献   


The present study confirms the influential role of a positively and a negatively correlated auxiliary variables in enhancing the precision of estimates of current population mean in two occasion rotation (successive) sampling. Exponential-type estimators of current population mean have been proposed for three different situations: (i) the information on a positively correlated auxiliary variable is readily available on both occasions (ii) the information on a negatively correlated auxiliary variable is readily available on both occasions and (iii) the information on both positively and negatively correlated auxiliary variables are readily available on both the occasions. The characteristics of the proposed estimators have been explored and their efficacious performances are compared with the natural and recent contemporary estimators. Optimum replacement strategies of the proposed estimation procedures have been formulated. Simulation and empirical studies are carried out to justify the proposition of the proposed estimators and appropriate recommendations have been put forward to the survey practitioners.  相似文献   

Numerous optimization problems arise in survey designs. The problem of obtaining an optimal (or near optimal) sampling design can be formulated and solved as a mathematical programming problem. In multivariate stratified sample surveys usually it is not possible to use the individual optimum allocations for sample sizes to various strata for one reason or another. In such situations some criterion is needed to work out an allocation which is optimum for all characteristics in some sense. Such an allocation may be called an optimum compromise allocation. This paper examines the problem of determining an optimum compromise allocation in multivariate stratified random sampling, when the population means of several characteristics are to be estimated. Formulating the problem of allocation as an all integer nonlinear programming problem, the paper develops a solution procedure using a dynamic programming technique. The compromise allocation discussed is optimal in the sense that it minimizes a weighted sum of the sampling variances of the estimates of the population means of various characteristics under study. A numerical example illustrates the solution procedure and shows how it compares with Cochran's average allocation and proportional allocation.  相似文献   

Abstract. A model‐based predictive estimator is proposed for the population proportions of a polychotomous response variable, based on a sample from the population and on auxiliary variables, whose values are known for the entire population. The responses for the non‐sample units are predicted using a multinomial logit model, which is a parametric function of the auxiliary variables. A bootstrap estimator is proposed for the variance of the predictive estimator, its consistency is proved and its small sample performance is compared with that of an analytical estimator. The proposed predictive estimator is compared with other available estimators, including model‐assisted ones, both in a simulation study involving different sampling designs and model mis‐specification, and using real data from an opinion survey. The results indicate that the prediction approach appears to use auxiliary information more efficiently than the model‐assisted approach.  相似文献   

Information on several auxiliary variables correlated with the variable under study is available in most of the sample survey studies. This paper attempts an optimal use of several auxiliary variables in the form of a single auxiliary variable obtained as a linear function of these variables. The performance of this condensed auxiliary variable has been studied in selecting the sample.  相似文献   

In stratified sample surveys, the problem of determining the optimum allocation is well known due to articles published in 1923 by Tschuprow and in 1934 by Neyman. The articles suggest the optimum sample sizes to be selected from each stratum for which sampling variance of the estimator is minimum for fixed total cost of the survey or the cost is minimum for a fixed precision of the estimator. If in a sample survey more than one characteristic is to be measured on each selected unit of the sample, that is, the survey is a multi-response survey, then the problem of determining the optimum sample sizes to various strata becomes more complex because of the non-availability of a single optimality criterion that suits all the characteristics. Many authors discussed compromise criterion that provides a compromise allocation, which is optimum for all characteristics, at least in some sense. Almost all of these authors worked out the compromise allocation by minimizing some function of the sampling variances of the estimators under a single cost constraint. A serious objection to this approach is that the variances are not unit free so that minimizing any function of variances may not be an appropriate objective to obtain a compromise allocation. This fact suggests the use of coefficient of variations instead of variances. In the present article, the problem of compromise allocation is formulated as a multi-objective non-linear programming problem. By linearizing the non-linear objective functions at their individual optima, the problem is approximated to an integer linear programming problem. Goal programming technique is then used to obtain a solution to the approximated problem.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of estimating the population mean of a study variable in the presence of non-response in a mail survey design. We introduce calibrated estimators of the population mean of a study variable in the presence of a known auxiliary variable. Using simulation the proposed calibrated estimators of population mean are compared to the Hansen and Hurwitz (1946) estimator under different situations for fixed cost as well for fixed sample size. The results are then extended for the use of multi-auxiliary information and stratified random sampling. We consider the problem of estimating the average total family income in the US in the presence of known auxiliary information on total income per person, age of the person, and poverty. We compute the relative efficiency of the proposed estimator over the Hansen and Hurwitz (1946) estimator through the use of large real datasets. Results are also presented for sub-populations consisting of whites, blacks, others, and two or more races in addition to considering them together in a population.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the problem of estimation of the population mean on the current (second) occasion in two-occasion successive sampling. Utilizing the readily available information on several auxiliary variables on both occasions and the information on the study variable from the previous occasion, an estimation procedure of the population mean on the current occasion has been proposed. Theoretical properties of the proposed estimator have been investigated. Optimum replacement policy to the proposed estimator has been discussed. The proposed estimator has been compared empirically with the sample mean estimator, when there is no matching and the optimum estimator which is a linear combination of the means of the matched and unmatched portions of the sample at the current occasion. Appropriate recommendations have been made for practical applications.  相似文献   

In most economic and business surveys, the target variables (e.g. turnover of enterprises, income of households, etc.) commonly resemble skewed distributions with many small and few large units. In such surveys, if a stratified sampling technique is used as a method of sampling and estimation, the convenient way of stratification such as the use of demographical variables (e.g. gender, socioeconomic class, geographical region, religion, ethnicity, etc.) or other natural criteria, which is widely practiced in economic surveys, may fail to form homogeneous strata and is not much useful in order to increase the precision of the estimates of variables of interest. In this paper, a stratified sampling design for economic surveys based on auxiliary information has been developed, which can be used for constructing optimum stratification and determining optimum sample allocation to maximize the precision in estimate.  相似文献   

Singh and Sukhatme [4] have considered the problem of optimum stratification on an auxiliary variable x when the units from the different strata are selected with probability proportional to the value of the auxiliary variable and the sample sizes for the different strata are determined by using Neyman allocation method. The present paper considers the same problem for the proportional and equal allocation methods. The rules for finding approximately optimum strata boundaries for these two allocation methods have been given. An investigation into the relative efficiency of these allocation methods with respect to the Neyman allocation has also been made. The performance of equal allocation is found to be better than that of proportional allocation and practically equivalent to the Neyman allocation.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of finding optimum strata boundaries when sample sizes to different strata are allocated in proportion to the strata totals of the auxiliary variable. This variable is also treated as the stratification variable. Minimal equations, solutions to which provide the optimum boundaries, have been obtained. Because of the implicit nature of these equations their exact solutions cannot be obtained. Therefore, methods of obtaining their approximate solutions have been presented. A lim¬iting expression for the variance of the estimate of population mean, as the number of strata tend to become large, has also been obtained.  相似文献   

Summary.  In sample surveys of finite populations, subpopulations for which the sample size is too small for estimation of adequate precision are referred to as small domains. Demand for small domain estimates has been growing in recent years among users of survey data. We explore the possibility of enhancing the precision of domain estimators by combining comparable information collected in multiple surveys of the same population. For this, we propose a regression method of estimation that is essentially an extended calibration procedure whereby comparable domain estimates from the various surveys are calibrated to each other. We show through analytic results and an empirical study that this method may greatly improve the precision of domain estimators for the variables that are common to these surveys, as these estimators make effective use of increased sample size for the common survey items. The design-based direct estimators proposed involve only domain-specific data on the variables of interest. This is in contrast with small domain (mostly small area) indirect estimators, based on a single survey, which incorporate through modelling data that are external to the targeted small domains. The approach proposed is also highly effective in handling the closely related problem of estimation for rare population characteristics.  相似文献   

Unit level linear mixed models are often used in small area estimation (SAE), and the empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP) is widely used for the estimation of small area means under such models. However, EBLUP requires population level auxiliary data, atleast area specific aggregated values. Sometimes population level auxiliary data is either not available or not consistent with the survey data. We describe a SAE method that uses estimated population auxiliary information. Empirical results show that proposed method for SAE produces an efficient set of small area estimates.  相似文献   

When the information on a highly positively correlated auxiliary variable x is used to construct stratified regression (or ratio) estimates of the population mean of the study variable y, the paper considers the problem of determining approximately optimum strata boundaries (AOSB) on x when the sample size in each stratum is equal. The form of the conditional variance function V(y/x) is assumed to be known. A numerical investigation into the relative efficiency of equal allocation with respect to the Neyman and proportional allocations has also been made. The relative efficiency of equal allocation with respect to Neyman allocation is found to be nearly equal to one.  相似文献   

In multivariate stratified sample survey with L strata, let p-characteristics are defined on each unit of the population. To estimate the unknown p-population means of each characteristic, a random sample is taken out from the population. In multivariate stratified sample survey, the optimum allocation of any characteristic may not be optimum for others. Thus the problem arises to find out an allocation which may be optimum for all characteristics in some sense. Therefore a compromise criterion is needed to workout such allocation. In this paper, the procedure of estimation of p-population means is discussed in the presence of nonresponse when the use of linear cost function is not advisable. A solution procedure is suggested by using lexicographic goal programming problem. The numerical illustrations are given for its practical utility.  相似文献   

The sampling designs dependent on sample moments of auxiliary variables are well known. Lahiri (Bull Int Stat Inst 33:133–140, 1951) considered a sampling design proportionate to a sample mean of an auxiliary variable. Sing and Srivastava (Biometrika 67(1):205–209, 1980) proposed the sampling design proportionate to a sample variance while Wywiał (J Indian Stat Assoc 37:73–87, 1999) a sampling design proportionate to a sample generalized variance of auxiliary variables. Some other sampling designs dependent on moments of an auxiliary variable were considered e.g. in Wywiał (Some contributions to multivariate methods in, survey sampling. Katowice University of Economics, Katowice, 2003a); Stat Transit 4(5):779–798, 2000) where accuracy of some sampling strategies were compared, too.These sampling designs cannot be useful in the case when there are some censored observations of the auxiliary variable. Moreover, they can be much too sensitive to outliers observations. In these cases the sampling design proportionate to the order statistic of an auxiliary variable can be more useful. That is why such an unequal probability sampling design is proposed here. Its particular cases as well as its conditional version are considered, too. The sampling scheme implementing this sampling design is proposed. The inclusion probabilities of the first and second orders were evaluated. The well known Horvitz–Thompson estimator is taken into account. A ratio estimator dependent on an order statistic is constructed. It is similar to the well known ratio estimator based on the population and sample means. Moreover, it is an unbiased estimator of the population mean when the sample is drawn according to the proposed sampling design dependent on the appropriate order statistic.  相似文献   

Sarjinder Singh 《Statistics》2013,47(3):566-574
In this note, a dual problem to the calibration of design weights of the Deville and Särndal [Calibration estimators in survey sampling, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 87 (1992), pp. 376–382] method has been considered. We conclude that the chi-squared distance between the design weights and the calibrated weights equals the square of the standardized Z-score obtained by the difference between the known population total of the auxiliary variable and its corresponding Horvitz and Thompson [A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 47 (1952), pp. 663–685] estimator divided by the sample standard deviation of the auxiliary variable to obtain the linear regression estimator in survey sampling.  相似文献   

In rotation (successive) sampling, it is common practice to use the information collected on a previous occasion to improve the precision of the estimates at current occasion. The previous information may be in the form of an auxiliary character, the character under study itself, or both. In the present work, information on an auxiliary character, which is readily available on all the occasions, has been used along with the information on study character from the previous and current occasion. Consequently, chain type difference and regression estimators have been proposed for estimating the population mean at second (current) occasion in the two occasions rotation (successive) sampling. The proposed estimators have been compared with sample mean estimator when there is no matching and the optimum estimator, which is the combination of the means of the matched and unmatched portions of the sample at the second occasion. Optimum replacement policy is also discussed. Theoretical results have been justified through empirical interpretation.  相似文献   

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