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Arkansas has a significant need for improving the availability of affordable housing with access to supportive services for its large population of elderly and persons with disabilities. Factors that contribute to this need are the high level of poverty, general poor health, low employment rate for persons with disabilities, and the geographic and social isolation problems typical of a rural State.  相似文献   

许庆 《科学发展》2013,(5):14-18
现阶段城市户籍实际代表了三项公共服务:以城市最低生活保障为主的社会救助服务,以经济适用房和廉租房实物或租金补贴为主的政府补贴性住房安排,以及迁移人口子女在城市公立学校平等就学的机会。户籍制度改革的关键,就在于如何通过有效的政策改革方案,为外来人口提供可支付的住房,以及为其子女教育建立有效的融资机制,从而使外来务工人员主要是农民工可以在城市定居下来。土地制度改革可以作为突破口,通过城中村政府和村民有效的公私合作,充分利用市场机制为外来人口提供可支付住房,辅以相关财税体制改革,同时可以有效解决外来务工人员子女的教育问题。在通过土地制度改革和相关财税体制改革有效解决了外来人口住房问题和子女教育问题后,户籍制度改革也就完成了实质性突破。  相似文献   

The market-based approach of delivering affordable housing has led to a net loss of traditional public housing and an increase in alternative subsidized housing options. For poor, physically frail older adult residents, subsidized housing and its associated services and support provide an important safety net. This article explores the implications and consequences of this movement for low-income seniors. Specifically, we look at the past and current housing policies, the focus on public-private partnerships, and the transition toward mixed-income communities. The article ends with suggestions for protecting vulnerable older adult populations in a market-driven arena.  相似文献   


Housing policies in Spain and die United States have important similarities and dissimilarities mat affect housing for the elderly. Spain, even more so than me United States, promotes homeownership. Bom countries face significant challenges in addressing the housing needs of the elderly, particularly those challenges associated wim aging in place. The paper reviews me broader housing policy frameworks in bom countries in order to understand me context for elderly housing policy. The paper identifies lessons from the American experience mat can expand housing policies in Spain.  相似文献   


In most developed countries housing policies are focusing on enabling elderly and very elderly people to remain in their own homes. Attention is also turning to people in the Third Age to see how their housing needs to be different from earlier stages of their lives but also as a preparation for old age. This paper presents evidence from the United Kingdom (UK) about choices and policies at different stages of middle and old age and on the developing range of housing options to meet these needs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent and nature of housing affordability for elderly nonmetropolitan female heads of household using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The results indicate that over one-third of elderly nonmetropolitan female heads of household experience housing poverty and that those who rent, who have fair to poor health, and who are minorities are particularly vulnerable. Housing affordability, measured by the concept of housing poverty, identifies households struggling to meet basic needs while the conventional 25% of income for housing expenditures ratio identifies a larger population. The findings suggest the need for multifaceted public policies to address the problem of housing poverty. Her research interests include housing affordability, housing and community vitality, and decision making. She received her Ph.D. from Purdue University. Sooyoun Park is in the same department as a Project Assistant on a USDA-funded research project entitled “Housing Affordability in Rural Areas,” which is a joint project between Nebraska and Wisconsin. Her research interests focus on housing management behavior in relation to housing expenditure burden. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  相似文献   

王盛  旷丽军 《科学发展》2013,(12):76-84
保障房和商品房在本质上是差异化产品,两者在对应的需求层次、房屋的品质、价格、供给和渠道等方面都存在着巨大的差别。自我国房地产市场化以来,商品房就始终处于市场独大的局面,但随着近年来我国政府加大了对楼市的调控、加快了保障房建设的步伐,房地产市场已朝着保障房市场和商品房市场并重的"双轨制"迈进。然而,保障房的大规模兴建和投放市场会对商品房市场乃至整个中国楼市产生什么影响,以及保障房供给体系在运行与管理过程中存在什么问题,目前尚不确定。为此,有必要对其深入分析并寻找对策。  相似文献   

There is an increasing demand for affordable multifamily housing for a rapidly growing population of ethnic elders. Using the lived experiences of Korean American elders currently residing in affordable housing in the Midwest as one such example, this study seeks to develop design guidelines to meet the specific living needs and desires of this aging population. Verified against well-established building standards and accepted guidelines, these design recommendations lay the groundwork for multifamily housing that will assist elders to age in place in safer, healthier and happier environments.  相似文献   


Devolution is defined as the transfer of power or authority from a central government to a local government. This article addresses federal policies on housing for the elderly and the devolution of funding for federal senior housing and describes two aspects of devolution of federal housing policy for the elderly. One, it points out the decreasing interest in senior housing by federal authorities as indicated by the decreased amount of funds allocated for this purpose. Two, it emphasizes the need for supportive, assistive services for residents of senior housing and how federal funds have not addressed this need adequately or sufficiently. As a consequence, there have emerged Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) in New York State, a housing arrangement that provides supportive and health services to all eligible residents. The article concludes with a discussion of policy implications and the need for additional research before replicating this model.  相似文献   

The declining capacities in older people often lead to limitations in activities of daily living and a simultaneous rising demand for care services. Many of these limitations in daily activities are to a varying degree caused, enhanced or facilitated by disadvantageous housing and environmental conditions. Home modifications have been credited as an important part of the solution, allowing for an extended and safer use of the home. In order to examine this issue in more detail, this paper provides empirical evidence on the type and extent of risks associated with accidents around the home. It reports on findings from a European case study on the difficulties using the home and risks of accidents which may lead to injury. It is argued that healthy housing conditions for older persons are important to maximize the supportive capacity of one's home, to stimulate an active and healthy lifestyle, and to avoid unnecessary institutionalization.  相似文献   


The perception of elderly residents as a homogeneous group is challenged by the diversification of lifestyles and emphasis on individuality in housing. Recently, there has been a rise in Finland in housing projects initiated by groups of elderly people, where the seniors themselves are seeking to fill in qualitative gaps in the offering of housing. This article presents a comparative analysis of four senior housing concepts that represent both a producer-driven (“for the elderly”) and a resident-driven (“by the elderly”) approach. The study shows that elderly people can be a resource for residential development and that this necessitates a different “design logic” than in conventional senior housing.  相似文献   

Compliance data for the low-income housing tax credit program in Ohio was examined to identify factors associated with affordable housing tenure. Residents aged 55 and older reported a median tenure duration of 2.7 years. Cox regression was used to explore time until exiting housing, controlling for demographic factors, and the date the housing project was placed into service. Results suggest that duration of tenure was predicted by age and race. Modifications to the state Qualified Allocation Plan guiding development under the low-income housing tax credit program should be considered to promote aging in place in affordable housing. Reasons for exiting and subsequent housing choice should be explored.  相似文献   

The primary objective of Government policy for the care of the elderly is to enable old people to live independent lives in the community for as long as possible. To facilitate this, recent policies have switched the emphasis away from long-term institutional care to the provision of care within the community. An integral aspect of this has been the provision of sheltered housing, with or without additional facilities and backed up by domiciliary and community services. This paper examines the contribution made by sheltered dwellings to the accomodation of the elderly in two areas of Wales, by comparing the characteristics of those resident in sheltered schemes with those residing in non-specialist accommodation.  相似文献   

The last 30 years has seen significant developments in the Australian housing sector for people with disabilities. Despite much change in the sector, and advancements in disability services, the range of current supported housing options for younger Australian adults with a neurological disability remains vastly under-developed. This is despite a widely accepted and endorsed recognition that, as is the general population, people with all forms of disability have a right to housing of their choice. This paper presents a timely critique of the key actions made by the Australian disability and housing sectors and subsequently proposes a more informed approach to supported housing design and development: one that is based on a comprehensive understanding of consumer housing priorities and preferences, and is conducive to a person’s biopsychosocial health.  相似文献   


The Senior Living Enhancement Program was an initiative designed to provide selected services to seniors, including nursing and health promotion, social service coordination, and social and recreational opportunities. The seniors were located at 12 high-rise buildings for the elderly. The main goal of the initiative was to improve the health of seniors in 10 areas called the 10-Keys to Healthy Aging. In general, the 10-Keys to Healthy Aging are strategies aimed at reducing preventable risk factors in the aging population. Over a period of 2 years, seniors showed improvements in a majority of the 10-Keys to Healthy Aging and, therefore, proved the health benefits for elders coming from this service-enriched housing initiative.  相似文献   

张传勇 《科学发展》2013,(12):72-75
面对保障性安居工程巨额的资金需求,各地政府纷纷尝试多种保障房建设融资模式,其融资途径涵盖银行贷款、地方债、私募债、公积金甚至是企业债,保障房发展的资金困境似乎正在化解。但这又产生了新的问题:一是发债资金使用流向的监管,二是保障房债券的偿还。保障房项目利润率低,建设周期长,单纯依靠财政投入难以为保障房建设提供长期稳定的资金来源。应该发挥政府动员社会资源的能力,构建以地方政府为主体、多方参与、风险共担与风险规避的保障房投融资平台,吸引民间资本、住房公积金增值收益、银行信贷、信托、保险、社保等具有不同风险偏好的资本参与保障房建设,使建设资金来源多元化,从源头上解决融资难的问题。  相似文献   

Extra care housing, which provides support and care for people in specially designed accommodations, has now been part of the range of housing and care services available to older people in England for several years. Currently, the United Kingdom evidence base tells us little about the financing, estimation of the costs, or burden to the public purse of housing with care. The United Kingdom has significant state welfare provision in the areas of health and social care. The objective of this in-depth case study was to investigate the cost and outcome consequences for a sample of people who moved into an extra care housing scheme in Bradford, England, and to reflect on the methodological implications for future research in this developing area. The main finding of the study was that the overall cost per person increased after a move to extra care housing, but that this increase was associated with improved social care outcomes and improvements in quality of life.  相似文献   


This paper examines the linkages between housing and supportive services from the built environmental perspective. When it comes to linking supportive services, it is usually true that the wealthier an individual is the more private resources he or she has available to define a personal support system at every step in the aging process; the poorer the individual is, the fewer choices she or he has and the successful linkages of government subsidized housing, health and supportive services become more important to successful aging of that person. Low-income and aging individuals are the real testing ground for whether current policy allows holistic support linkages to occur and whether programs are available in both the quantity and quality to empower low-income older persons with options and support choices.

The discussion that follows is limited to supportive services and aging in place in conventional housing and affordable purpose built assisted living programs and facilities; it omits institutional living. For low-income older persons, institutional care provides few if any housing choices or individual power to control support delivery, and thus linkages between cooperating support professionals and programs becomes increasingly moot.  相似文献   

Affordable housing is an important form of income security for low-income older persons. This article describes characteristics of older persons waitlisted for either public housing or a housing choice voucher (HCV; previously Section 8) in Portland, Oregon. 358 persons (32% response rate) completed a mailed survey with questions about demographics, health and housing status, food insecurity, and preference for housing with services. Findings indicate that many waitlisted older persons experienced homelessness or housing instability, poor health, high hospital use, and food insecurity. Public housing applicants were significantly more likely to report lower incomes, homelessness, and food insecurity than HCV applicants. We conclude with policy implications for housing and health agencies that serve low-income older persons.  相似文献   

Advocates of policies designed to link federally assisted housing with social services for the frail elderly have encountered barriers such as the historical separation of housing and services, political and bureaucratic fragmentation, and budget constraints. Over a 20-year period, they have attempted to address these issues by identifying the nature and extent of the problem, creating workable models, and developing a political constituency. Major reform, however, occurred only in 1990 when Congress passed the landmark National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) which provided an "open policy window" for supportive housing legislation. NAHA's passage, however, still left many issues unresolved (e.g., targeting and funding for services). The future challenge is to develop new models of supportive housing and provide a range of residential settings and portable services to increase the choices for frail older persons.  相似文献   

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