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Human powered traveling is filled with risks. It takes individual tenacity to walk and bicycle in many US city streets. The danger of being injured or fatally killed requires responsible government action and a new repoliticization of the transportation priorities. This paper examines the risks involved in exercising the right to walk and bicycle and the authority’s responsibility to account for the health, safety and well-being of all individuals. I argue that the implementation of broadly agreed upon non-motorized transportation planning is critical to the success of public policies. The paper reviews concepts, prior policies and trends, remaining dilemmas and planning implications of US non-motorized transportation planning.  相似文献   

Large-scale projects seem to be as popular in urban politics as they are risky in implementation. Existing research shows a certain bias towards studying projects in large metropolitan regions. The paper aims at extending the scope of research on large-scale urban projects by analysing such projects in a smaller metropolitan area. The case of the city region and country of Luxembourg shows that decision-makers in small metropolitan regions also make use of large-scale urban projects as a planning and place-making instrument. The case is also used to explore methodological approaches of examining the symbolic nature and discursive place-making dimension of planning large-scale projects, and proposes a methodological approach based on constructivist grounded theory and situational analysis of discourses.  相似文献   

The environment of the American corporation is becoming politicized by a variety of trends in the specific sense that social, political and legal developments are assuming greater strategic importance relative to market competition. As a result, long-range planning at the level of enterprise strategy is increasingly important. This paper examines two major illustrations of such politicization in the context of commercial law (the Westinghouse uranium crisis) and environmental regulation (Consolidated Edison's Storm King Mountain project). The paper concludes with a brief investigation of the implications of such politicization for long-range planning procedures.  相似文献   

Despite academic and practitioner debate surrounding public involvement in planning, little is actually known about the extent to which the public is aware of the planning process. The focus of this paper is the examination of the underlying, latent public knowledge of the planning system in Australia. This latent knowledge (or more accurately, the absence of this knowledge) emerges as a barrier to public involvement. This paper examines public perceptions of the importance of metropolitan and local strategic plans, knowledge of these plans, the main sources of this knowledge, and the extent to which the public is likely to become involved with strategic planning process. The paper concludes that despite large segments of the population viewing strategic planning as important, only a small proportion is actually aware of the plans themselves, while an even smaller proportion is likely to become involved in the planning process.  相似文献   

Consequence models for the risk assessment of man-made or natural disasters do not ordinarily take into account time-of-day variations in the size of the exposed population. Residential census population statistics are used instead. This paper proposes and illustrates a methodology for using metropolitan travel survey data to estimate the variations in question. Variations are computed from the Washington, D.C. area sample survey statistics on the number of trips taken in and out of different census tracts throughout each workday. Four principal patterns of population variation are identified, corresponding to four types of land use: commercial, residential, shopping/entertainment, and mixed use. Some general implications for consequence analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Unequal Regionalism: Regional Planning in China and England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper responds to the revival of regionalism in the past two decades by showing that such a re-emergence is unequal. Comparing the practice of regional planning in China and England, this paper has demonstrated that the party-state in China and the liberal-democratic state in England have responded differently to this revival and developed different framework for regional administration and planning. These variations have not only elaborated planners' concern about planning practice in a ‘context of difference’ from social dimension to geographical variations, but also echoed geographers' affirmation that global trends take on different characters in local setting.  相似文献   

The benefits of programme review, forward planning and control have been demonstrated at the university-wide level. Within a faculty or department, there is also a clear need for developing and using planning methods which are rationally based and forward looking if appropriate responses to changing social and academic trends are to be made. This paper delineates a number of planning and control variables encountered at the faculty or departmental level, describes the development and use of a computer-based interactive forecasting model, and discusses the advantages and limitations of such models in planning a faculty's progress toward its goals.  相似文献   

The planning profession struggled for urban amelioration, but avoided confronting the conflict between the redistributive public interest and the goals of industrial capital, resulting in a devaluing of social planning in the US. This article classifies social biases in planning and relates them to sanctuary cities. In the current crisis, launched by the federal government’s hostile rhetoric to immigrants, the planning apparatus is forced to confront what it has sought to avoid – planning for the just, inclusive city that has to reckon with the presence of some of the poorest urban populations.  相似文献   

This paper looks at creative or smart city experiments around the world that are aimed at nurturing a creative economy through investment in quality of life which in turn attracts knowledge workers to live and work in smart cities. It highlights the need for and broad nature of human resource/talent development initiatives at the intermediate level, that is regional and city level, as opposed to organizational and national level. Using the literature on economic geography, it provides a useful theoretical framework to cross organizational boundaries and look for factors that influence the decision of knowledge workers in choosing a location to live and work. The implications of urban planning on the theory and practice of human resource development are explored.  相似文献   

European local governments face strong pressures to privatisation and market-based reforms in the near future to combat economic austerity and demands for efficiency. This article shows how Finnish metropolitan city has been able to organise its for-profit activities in the new competitive landscape which requires balancing between political demands, legal restrictions and economic efficiency. The governance of for-profit activities in metropolitan city shows that there is both demand and room for administrative innovation to accommodate past administrative idiosyncrasies to market environment. In conclusion, local governments need to pay attention to their own role in shaping local competitive landscape.  相似文献   

The paper emphasizes the need of developing countries like India for organizing information, research and perspective planning requirements of the Metropolitan Development System (MDS) in an integrated manner. This MDS is viewed as consisting of special agencies that are concerned with development in the various sectors, linked into a system by an appropriate organization of the information, research and planning inputs. The paper lists specific items of input required for well-informed decision making. The role of a data bank as the key element in the integrated system is stressed. It is advocated that the information, research and perspective planning inputs should be provided by the Metropolitan Development Authorities (MDA) which are being formed to coordinate metropolitan development.  相似文献   

This article critically analyses the debates which have unfolded in the aftermath of the Scottish independence referendum of 18 September 2014 concerning the constitutional arrangements of the UK as a plurinational state and the internal governmental structure of England. The debates unfolding in the UK reflect and illustrate two central themes in planning, territorial development and public policy. First, they highlight the contested distribution of power across multiple layers of government in states with an inherited centralized pattern of governance that are now facing strengthening regionalist and nationalist claims. Second, they illustrate the linked growth in the demand for new governance and strategic planning arrangements in large metropolitan areas with fragmented administrative and institutional boundaries. The article first discusses what the outcome of the Scottish referendum (and its aftermath) means for planning in Scotland. It then turns to the debates on devolution in the rest of UK which were stoked in the wake of the referendum, looking at the planning implications of further devolution in Northern Ireland and Wales, and at the possible consequences of the various options currently being aired to solve the ‘English question’. Finally, ongoing debates on decentralization to regions and city-regions in England are briefly considered.  相似文献   

西方绿色广告发展和研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴鑫  吴丹  荆美星  童诗兰 《管理学报》2009,6(5):704-709
通过文献回顾,将西方绿色广告的发展和研究分别梳理为4个阶段和5个领域,这5个领域分别是:绿色广告的界定与分类研究;绿色广告诉求及绿色程度评价研究;消费者特征对绿色广告策略和效果感知的影响研究;绿色广告虚假承诺及监管研究;社会责任型绿色广告研究.最后,归纳分析了西方绿色广告在研究主题、研究对象、研究的理论基础和方法等方面的发展趋势,并指出了对国内研究的借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

The increasing need for business to monitor the social dimensions of its environment and, hopefully make some forecasts of future trends has met with some constructive response from academics and consultants although not as yet on a very liberal scale. The published literature does not indicate to what extent companies in general attemp social forecasting and, where they do, the degree of integration which exists within their corporate planning systems. The authors, therefore, decided to survey a sample of British organizations to see if they could shed some light on these issues and thereby add some information to the excellent accounts of individual cases of social forecasting in, they suspect, the more advanced and atypical companies. The survey suggests a general picture of: awareness of the value of social forecasting; fairly widespread ignorance of the techniques which do exist, primitive though these may largely be; successful integration of social forecasting into the corporate planning systems of a substantial number of organizations but not in the majority.  相似文献   


City logistics refers to the process of total optimisation of the logistics and transport activities in urban areas while considering economic, environmental, social and safety aspects. This paper considers a collaborative scenario for the urban goods transport planning and management as a way to reduce transport costs, congestion and environmental impact of this activity. An approach from the Operations Management field, using mathematical modelling, for tactical and operational decision-making is proposed to discuss and compare both collaborative and non-collaborative scenarios. This approach is validated using real data taken from the city of Bogotá, Colombia. Results put in evidence the quantitative benefits that can be achieved when collaborative logistics operations are implemented, represented in both transportation costs and environmental impacts. Although these results might not be surprising (like in the field of supply chain management), the contribution of this paper is centred in the fact that the impacts of collaboration in city logistics have not yet been quantified until now. This allows an ‘ex ante’ evaluation of the benefits of collaborative goods transport in cities.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors review and analyse two key processes conducted by the Chilean state over the past 50 years. The first process consists of the development of specific planning instruments for the particular realities of metropolitan areas. The second process consists of the successive legislative attempts to work towards a definition of a new form of institutionality for cities with metropolitan profiles. These attempts have either failed or solely become bills of law. Both processes suggest a political and technical resistance throughout history, to substantially modify institutionality, as well as planning instruments, in order to make them more appropriate and consistent with the needs of growing metropolitan areas in Chile.  相似文献   

Spatial planning across European city regions is undergoing substantial changes. The paper draws on the framework of territorial re-scaling, strategic spatial planning and the emergence of new governance modes in order to analyse strategic planning episodes in Grenoble urban region (France). The paper aims at showing how strategic planning processes by means of new governance arenas call into question local planning cultures, especially by reshaping planning perimeters, territorial identities and actors' roles. In particular, it shows the importance of path dependency for strategic planning, the effects of power imbalances between local actors and the crucial role planners play in spatial policy-making.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine established practice regarding the reporting, justification and number of interview participants chosen within organization and workplace studies. For such qualitative research there is a paucity of discussion across the social sciences, the topic receiving far less attention than its centrality warrants. We analysed 798 articles published in 2003 and 2013 in ten top and second tier academic journals, identifying 248 studies using at least one type of qualitative interview. Participant numbers were contingent on characteristics of the population from which they were chosen and approach to analysis, but not the journal, its tier, editorial base or publication year, the interview type or its duration. Despite lack of transparency in reporting (23.4% of studies did not state participant numbers) we reveal a median of 32.5 participants, numbers ranging from one to 330, and no justification for participant numbers in over half of studies. We discuss implications and, recognizing that different philosophical commitments are likely to imply differing norms, offer recommendations regarding reporting, justification and number of participants. Acknowledging exceptions, dependent upon study purpose and data saliency, these include an organization and workplace research norm of 15?60 participants, alongside credible numbers for planning interview research.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, there has been remarkable progress in advanced technology in Japan and in leading Western countries. What is the present situation in technological development in major Japanese industries and what are the implications for strategic management? The author describes how Japanese industries have harnessed new technologies and suggests a number of concepts which underly these trends. Given the imperatives of advanced technology, he emphasizes the importance of positioning the technology development strategy in the context of strategic management paying particular attention to developing an open organizational culture through a flexible corporate planning system.  相似文献   

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