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In this paper, varying coefficient models are investigated with the response and covariate prone to measurement error. Without specifying any error structure equation, four estimators of the coefficient function vector are proposed by using the local linear kernel smoothing technique and also proved to be asymptotically normal. The data-driven bandwidth selection method is discussed. Simulation examples are conducted to evaluate the proposed estimation methods.  相似文献   

Qingguo Tang 《Statistics》2013,47(5):389-404
The varying coefficient model is a useful extension of linear models and has many advantages in practical use. To estimate the unknown functions in the model, the kernel type with local linear least-squares (L 2) estimation methods has been proposed by several authors. When the data contain outliers or come from population with heavy-tailed distributions, L 1-estimation should yield better estimators. In this article, we present the local linear L 1-estimation method and derive the asymptotic distributions of the L 1-estimators. The simulation results for two examples, with outliers and heavy-tailed distribution, respectively, show that the L 1-estimators outperform the L 2-estimators.  相似文献   

In this note we discuss two-step kernel estimation of varying coefficient regression models that have a common smoothing variable. The method allows one to use different bandwidths for different coefficient functions. We consider local polynomial fitting and present explicit formulas for the asymptotic biases and variances of the estimators.  相似文献   

We propose in this article a novel dimension reduction method for varying coefficient models. The proposed method explores the rank reducible structure of those varying coefficients, hence, can do dimension reduction and semiparametric estimation, simultaneously. As a result, the new method not only improves estimation accuracy but also facilitates practical interpretation. To determine the structure dimension, a consistent BIC criterion is developed. Numerical experiments are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the varying coefficient partially linear model to the varying coefficient partially nonlinear model in which the linear part of the varying coefficient partially linear model is replaced by a nonlinear function of the covariates. A profile nonlinear least squares estimation procedure for the parameter vector and the coefficient function vector of the varying coefficient partially nonlinear model is proposed and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. We further propose a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test to check whether or not the varying coefficients in the model are constant. The asymptotic null distribution of the GLR statistic is derived and a residual-based bootstrap procedure is also suggested to derive the p-value of the GLR test. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed estimating and testing procedures and the results show that both the procedures perform well in finite samples. Furthermore, a real data example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed model and its estimating and testing procedures.  相似文献   


This article explores the estimation problem of the coefficients in the varying coefficient model with heteroscedastic errors. Specifically, we first present a method for estimating the variance function of the error term and the resulting estimator is proved to be consistent. Then, motivated by the generalized least-squares procedure for dealing with heteroscedasticity in the linear regression literature, we re-weight each squared residual term in the local linear smoother with the inverse of the corresponding estimated error variance to construct estimates of the coefficients. Simulation experiments and practical data analysis conducted demonstrate that the re-weighting approach can improve the accuracy of the coefficient estimates under a finite sample size, especially when the error heteroscedasticity is strong.  相似文献   

In this paper we suggest to use the sample average of the derivative estimators from a local polynomial fitting to estimate the average derivatives of an unknown multivariate function. Using the techniques of Masry (1996a Masry, E. (1996a). Multivariate regression estimation local polynomial fitting for time series. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 65: 81101. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar],b) Masry, E. (1996b). Multivariate local polynomial regression for time series: Uniform strong consistency and rates. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 17: 571599. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], we derive the asymptotic normal distribution of the proposed average derivative estimator. Monte Carlo experiments show that the proposed estimator compares well with the existing estimators.  相似文献   

This paper studies the partially time-varying coefficient models where some covariates are measured with additive errors. In order to overcome the bias of the usual profile least squares estimation when measurement errors are ignored, we propose a modified profile least squares estimator of the regression parameter and construct estimators of the nonlinear coefficient function and error variance. The proposed three estimators are proved to be asymptotically normal under mild conditions. In addition, we introduce the profile likelihood ratio test and then demonstrate that it follows an asymptotically χ2χ2 distribution under the null hypothesis. Finite sample behavior of the estimators is investigated via simulations too.  相似文献   


Partially varying coefficient single-index models (PVCSIM) are a class of semiparametric regression models. One important assumption is that the model error is independently and identically distributed, which may contradict with the reality in many applications. For example, in the economical and financial applications, the observations may be serially correlated over time. Based on the empirical likelihood technique, we propose a procedure for testing the serial correlation of random error in PVCSIM. Under some regular conditions, we show that the proposed empirical likelihood ratio statistic asymptotically follows a standard χ2 distribution. We also present some numerical studies to illustrate the performance of our proposed testing procedure.  相似文献   

Local Polynomial Estimation of Regression Functions for Mixing Processes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Local polynomial fitting has many exciting statistical properties which where established under i.i.d. setting. However, the need for non-linea r time series modeling, constructing predictive intervals, understanding divergence of non-linear time series requires the development of the theory of local polynomial fitting for dependent data. In this paper, we study the problem of estimating conditional mean functions and their derivatives via a local polynomial fit. The functions include conditional moments, conditional distribution as well as conditional density functions. Joint asymptotic normality for derivative estimation is established for both strongly mixing and ρ-mixing processes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimation procedure for a class of semi-varying coefficient regression models when the covariates of the linear part are subject to measurement errors. Initial estimates for the regression and varying coefficients are first constructed by the profile least-squares procedure without input from heteroscedasticity, a bias-corrected kernel estimate for the variance function then is proposed, which in turn is used to define re-weighted bias-corrected estimates of the regression and varying coefficients. Large sample properties of the proposed estimates are thoroughly investigated. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimates is assessed by an extensive simulation study and an application to the Boston housing data set. The simulation results show that the re-weighted bias-corrected estimates outperform the initial estimates and the naive estimates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a robust statistical inference approach for the varying coefficient partially nonlinear models based on quantile regression. A three-stage estimation procedure is developed to estimate the parameter and coefficient functions involved in the model. Under some mild regularity conditions, the asymptotic properties of the resulted estimators are established. Some simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the finite performance as well as the robustness of our proposed quantile regression method versus the well known profile least squares estimation procedure. Moreover, the Boston housing price data is given to further illustrate the application of the new method.  相似文献   

The estimation problem for varying coefficient models has been studied by many authors. We consider the problem in the case that the unknown functions admit different degrees of smoothness. In this paper we propose a reducing component local polynomial method to estimate the unknown functions. It is shown that all of our estimators achieve the optimal convergence rates. The asymptotic distributions of our estimators are also derived. The established asymptotic results and the simulation results show that our estimators outperform the the existing two-step estimators when the coefficient functions admit different degrees of smoothness. We also develop methods to speed up the estimation of the model and the selection of the bandwidths.  相似文献   

In Gardes et al. (2011), a new family of distributions is introduced, depending on two parameters ττ and θθ, which encompasses Pareto-type distributions as well as Weibull tail-distributions. Estimators for θθ and extreme quantiles are also proposed, but they both depend on the unknown parameter ττ, making them useless in practical situations. In this paper, we propose an estimator of ττ which is independent of θθ. Plugging our estimator of ττ in the two previous ones allows us to estimate extreme quantiles from Pareto-type and Weibull tail-distributions in an unified way. The asymptotic distributions of our three new estimators are established and their efficiency is illustrated on a small simulation study and on a real data set.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the estimation of a varying-coefficient regression model when the response variable is sometimes missing and some of the covariates are measured with additive errors. We propose a class of estimators for the coefficient functions, as well as for the population mean and the error variance. The resulting estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with semiparametric efficient estimation of a generalized partially linear varying coefficient model. The model studied in this paper is very flexible, accommodating various nonlinear relations between the response variable and a set of predictor variables. It is a structured regression model and is particularly useful in dealing with a discrete response variable. We apply the smooth backfitting technique to estimate the nonparametric part of the model and employ the profiling approach to obtain a semiparametric efficient estimator of the parametric part.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of variable selection for partially varying coefficient single-index model, and present a regularized variable selection procedure by combining basis function approximations with smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty. The proposed procedure simultaneously selects significant variables in the single-index parametric components and the nonparametric coefficient function components. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, the consistency of the variable selection procedure and the oracle property of the estimators are established. Finite sample performance of the proposed method is illustrated by a simulation study and real data analysis.  相似文献   

This article considers a nonparametric varying coefficient regression model with longitudinal observations. The relationship between the dependent variable and the covariates is assumed to be linear at a specific time point, but the coefficients are allowed to change over time. A general formulation is used to treat mean regression, median regression, quantile regression, and robust mean regression in one setting. The local M-estimators of the unknown coefficient functions are obtained by local linear method. The asymptotic distributions of M-estimators of unknown coefficient functions at both interior and boundary points are established. Various applications of the main results, including estimating conditional quantile coefficient functions and robustifying the mean regression coefficient functions are derived. Finite sample properties of our procedures are studied through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Nonparametric density and regression estimators commonly depend on a bandwidth. The asymptotic properties of these estimators have been widely studied when bandwidths are non stochastic. In practice, however, in order to improve finite sample performance of these estimators, bandwidths are selected by data driven methods, such as cross-validation or plug-in procedures. As a result, nonparametric estimators are usually constructed using stochastic bandwidths. In this article, we establish the asymptotic equivalence in probability of local polynomial regression estimators under stochastic and nonstochastic bandwidths. Our result extends previous work by Boente and Fraiman (1995 Boente , G. , Fraiman , R. ( 1995 ). Asymptotic distribution of data-driven smoothers in density and regression estimation under dependence . Can. J. Statist. 23 : 383397 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Ziegler (2004 Ziegler , K. ( 2004 ). Adaptive kernel estimation of the mode in nonparametric random design regression model . Probab. Mathemat. Statist. 24 : 213235 . [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

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