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On the basis of Csiszar's φ-divergence discrimination information, we propose a measure of discrepancy between equilibriums associated with two distributions. Proving that a distribution can be characterized by associated equilibrium distribution, a Renyi distance of the equilibrium distributions is constructed that made us to propose an EDF-based goodness-of-fit test for exponential distribution. For comparing the performance of the proposed test, some well-known EDF-based tests and some entropy-based tests are considered. Based on the simulation results, the proposed test has better powers than those of competing entropy-based tests for the alternatives with decreasing hazard rate function. The use of the proposed test is evaluated in an illustrative example.  相似文献   

In this investigation a test of goodness of fit for exponentiality is proposed. This procedure applies equally whether the scale and/or the location parameters of the distribution are known or not. The limiting null and non-null distributions of the test statistic are normal under minimal conditions. Monte Carlo critical values for small sample sizes are given and the power of the test is calculated for various alternatives showing that it compares favourably relatively to other more complicated published procedures.  相似文献   

The problem of testing the fit of the Levy distribution with unknown scale parameter is addressed. The corresponding empirical process is analysed, and the Cramer-von Mises W2 and the Anderson-Darling's A2 statistics are used. Well known results regarding the relationship between the Levy distribution and the gamma and inverse Gaussian are exploited. Some remarks are made regarding the use of the Rao-Blackwell estimator of the distribution function in the empirical process.  相似文献   

The maximum entropy characterization of the von Mises distribution on the circle is exploited to derive a consistent goodness of fit test for the von Mises distribution. Monte Carlo simulation results are tabulated giving critical values of the test statistic for various sample sizes and values of the concentration parameter. A power analysis is presented for various alternative hypotheses, comparing this entropy statistic to two other competing goodness of fit statistics. The entropy statistic is shown to compare favorably and may be more attractive, especially considering its ease of computation.  相似文献   

Many applications of the Inverse Gaussian distribution, including numerous reliability and life testing results are presented in statistical literature. The paper studies the problem of using entropy tests to examine the goodness of fit of an Inverse Gaussian distribution with unknown parameters. Some entropy tests based on different entropy estimates are proposed. Critical values of the test statistics for various sample sizes are obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. Type I error of the tests is investigated and then power values of the tests are compared with the competing tests against various alternatives. Finally, recommendations for the application of the tests in practice are presented.  相似文献   

A uniqueness theorem for a recently introduced special Hankel transform of probability distributions on the non negative half-line motivates a K-S type test statistic based on empirical Hankel transforms for testing the hypothesis of exponentiality. This article deals with the asymptotic behavior of the new test.  相似文献   

An omnibus test of uniformity based upon the ratios of sample moments and population moments is introduced. Results of a monte carlo power study show that for two types of alternatives considered, the proposed test has good power in comparison with Neyman's test N 2Greenwood's test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and Chi-squared test.  相似文献   


Recent literature has proposed a test for exponentiality based on sample entropy. We consider transformations of the observations which turn the test of exponentiality into one of uniformity and use a corresponding test based on entropy. The test based on the transformed variables performs better in many cases of interest.  相似文献   

In this article, two new consistent estimators are introduced of Shannon's entropy that compares root of mean-square error with other estimators. Then we define new tests for normality based on these new estimators. Finally, by simulation, the powers of the proposed tests are compared under different alternatives with other entropy tests for normality.  相似文献   

Graphs are presented on which the empirical distribution function can be plotted to test the assumption of normality by the Lilliefors test. A second set of graphs is presented for using the Lilliefors test on exponential distributions. The graphs allow for tests at the 10 percent, 5 percent, and 1 percent levels of significance. Use of these graphs makes it easy for students in a first course in statistics to test normal and exponential distributions without having to unravel the mystery associated with putting together a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.  相似文献   

In this article, we use a new cdf estimator to obtain a nanparametric entropy estimate and use it for testing exponentiality and normality. We also use the new cdf estimator to estimate the joint entropy of the Type II censored data which we use for some goodness-of-fit tests based on Kullback–Leibler information and show, by simulation, that it compares favorably with the leading competitor.  相似文献   

A probability property that connects the skew normal (SN) distribution with the normal distribution is used for proposing a goodness-of-fit test for the composite null hypothesis that a random sample follows an SN distribution with unknown parameters. The random sample is transformed to approximately normal random variables, and then the Shapiro–Wilk test is used for testing normality. The implementation of this test does not require neither parametric bootstrap nor the use of tables for different values of the slant parameter. An additional test for the same problem, based on a property that relates the gamma and SN distributions, is also introduced. The results of a power study conducted by the Monte Carlo simulation show some good properties of the proposed tests in comparison to existing tests for the same problem.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a nonparametric mixed test for normality of linear autoregressive time series. The test is based on the best one-step forecast in mean square with time reverse. The test statistic is the mixture of a goodness of fit statistic and Cramer–Von Mises statistic. Some asymptotic properties are developed for the test. Simulated results have shown that the test is easy to use and has good powers. Three examples of applying the test to real data are also included.  相似文献   

In this paper, two new statistics based on comparison of the theoretical and empirical distribution functions are proposed to test exponentiality. Critical values are determined by means of Monte Carlo simulations for various sample sizes and different significance levels. Through an extensive simulation study, 50 selected exponentiality tests are studied for a wide collection of alternative distributions. From the empirical power study, it is concluded that, firstly, one of our proposals is preferable for IFR (increasing failure rate) and UFR (unimodal failure rate) alternatives, whereas the other one is preferable for DFR (decreasing failure rate) and BFR (bathtub failure rate) alternatives and, secondly, the new tests can be considered serious and powerful competitors to other existing proposals, since they have the same (or higher) level of performance than the best tests in the statistical literature.  相似文献   

The Laplace transform \psi(t)=E[{\rm exp}(-tX)] of a random variable X with exponential density u exp( m u x ), x S 0, satisfies the equation (\lambda+t)\psi(t)-\lambda=0 , t S 0. We study the behavior of a class of consistent tests for exponentiality based on a suitably weighted integral of [({\hat\lambda}_n+t)\psi_n(t)-{\hat\lambda}_n]^2 , where {\hat\lambda}_n is the maximum-likelihood estimate of u , and é n is the empirical Laplace transform, each based on an i.i.d. sample X 1 , …, X n . As the decay of the weight function tends to infinity, the test statistic approaches the square of the first nonzero component of Neyman's smooth test for exponentiality. The new tests are compared with other omnibus tests for exponentiality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new test for normality that is easy for biomedical researchers to understand and easy to implement in all dimensions. In terms of power comparison against a broad range of alternatives, the new test outperforms the best known competitors in the literature as demonstrated by simulation results. In addition, the proposed test is illustrated using data from real biomedical studies.  相似文献   

Summary. We propose a goodness-of-fit statistic Q n based on the Hoeffding maximum correlation for testing uniformity and we show its relationship to Gini's mean difference. We compute exact and asymptotic critical values and study the power of the test proposed against a representative set of alternatives.  相似文献   


Nakagami distribution is one of the most common distributions used to model positive valued and right skewed data. In this study, we interest goodness of fit problem for Nakagami distribution. Thus, we propose smooth tests for Nakagami distribution based on orthonormal functions. We also compare these tests with some classical goodness of fit tests such as Cramer–von Mises, Anderson–Darling, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests in respect to type-I error rates and powers of tests. Simulation study indicates that smooth tests give better results than these classical tests give in respect to almost all cases considered.  相似文献   

A sequentialized version of the x2; goodness of fit test, called repeated x,2; test, is introduced. The form of the asymptotic distribution of the repeated x2 test statistic is given under the null hypothesis as well as under local alternatives. For various numbers of cells Monte Carlo results are given for critical values, power and distribution of stopping time. Finally, the perfor-mance of the repeated and the fixed sample x2 test are compared.  相似文献   

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