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Let D be a saturated fractional factorial design of the general K1 x K2 ...x Kt factorial such that it consists of m distinct treatment combinations and it is capable of providing an unbiased estimator of a subvector of m factorial parameters under the assumption that the remaining k-m,t (k = H it ) factorial parameters are negligible. Such a design will not provide an unbiased estimator of the varianceσ2 Suppose that D is an optimal design with respect to some optimality criterion (e.g. d-optimality, a-optimality or e-optimality) and it is desirable to augment D with c treatmentcombinations with the aim to estimate 2 Suppose that D is an optimal design with respect to some optimality criterion (e.g. d-optimality, a-optimality or e-optimality) and it is desirable to augment D with c treatment combinations with the aim to estimate σ2 unbiasedly. The problem then is how to select the c treatment combinations such that the augmented design D retains its optimality property. This problem, in all its generality is extremely complex. The objective of this paper is to provide some insight in the problem by providing a partial answer in the case of the 2tfactorial, using the d-optimality criterion.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the study of discrete discrepancy. In this paper, the popular discrete discrepancy is extended to the so-called generalized discrete discrepancy. Connections among generalized discrete discrepancy and other optimality criteria, such as orthogonality, generalized minimum aberration and minimum moment aberration, are investigated. These connections provide strong statistical justification of generalized discrete discrepancy. A lower bound of generalized discrete discrepancy is also obtained, which serves as an important benchmark of design uniformity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the issue of projection discrepancy for extended U-type or nearly U-type extended designs along the line of Fang and Qin (2005 Fang, K. T., and H. Qin. 2005. Uniformity pattern and related criteria for two-level factorials. Science China Series A 48:111.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) based on the centered L2-discrepancy proposed in Hickernell (1998 Hickernell, F. J. 1998. A generalized discrepancy and quadrature error bound. Mathematics of Computation 67:299322.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Extended designs are obtained through augmenting optimally few runs (or points) to an optimal U-type design. Lower bounds to projection discrepancy with reference to the centered L2-discrepancy of extended designs have been obtained. Some illustrative examples are also provided.  相似文献   

General minimum lower-order confounding (GMC) criterion is to choose optimal designs, which are based on the aliased effect-number pattern (AENP). The AENP and GMC criterion have been developed to form GMC theory. Zhang et al. (2015 Zhang, T.F., Yang, J.F., Li, Z.M., Zhang, R.C. (2015). Construction of regular 2n41 designs with general minimum lower-order confounding. Commun. Stat. - Theory Methods 46:27242735.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) introduced GMC 2n4m criterion for choosing optimal designs and constructed all GMC 2n41 designs with N/4 + 1 ? n + 2 ? 5N/16. In this article, we analyze the properties of 2n41 designs and construct GMC 2n41 designs with 5N/16 + 1 ? n + 2 < N ? 1, where n and N are, respectively, the numbers of two-level factors and runs. Further, GMC 2n41 designs with 16-run, 32-run are tabulated.  相似文献   


Mixture experiments have attracted increasingly attention due to their great practical value in production and living, while uniform designs over irregular experimental regions have become a hot topic in the area of experimental designs in the past two decades. Noting that the experimental region of a mixture experiment with q components under some constraints is in fact a (q ? 1)-dimensional geometry, this article proposes a new method for searching nearly uniform designs for mixture experiments with any complex constraints. Two examples with some tables and figures are given to illustrate this method.  相似文献   

Minimal square designs are proposed and compared. All treatment contrasts in both designs are estimable under the existence of two-way heterogeneity. That is, all designs are treatment-connected. Extended treatment-connected designs are generated by adding one column to minimal treatment-connected square designs. The extended designs not only have lower variances in paired comparisons of unreplicated treatments but also provide necessary degrees of freedom to estimate the process error. (M,S)-optimal extended designs are constructed systematically. Both square designs and their extensions have large numbers of unreplicated treatments.  相似文献   

The iterative analysis of block designs is considered and an iterative method for analysing three-way designs is derived using a well known mathematical result. The results presented are discussed with the help of examples.  相似文献   

In some situations, an appropriate quality measure uses three or more discrete levels to classify a product characteristic. For these situations, some control charts have been developed based on statistical criteria regardless of economic considerations. In this paper, we develop economic and economic statistical designs (ESD) for 3-level control charts. We apply the cost model proposed by Costa and Rahim.[Economic design of X charts with variable parameters: the Markov chain approach, J Appl Stat 28 (2001), 875–885] Furthermore, we assume that the length of time that the process remains in control is exponentially distributed which allows us to apply the Markov chain approach for developing the cost model. We apply a genetic algorithm to determine the optimal values of model parameters by minimizing the cost function. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed models and to compare the cost of the pure economic and ESD for three-level control charts. A sensitivity analysis is also conducted in this numerical example.  相似文献   

Fractional factorial (FF) designs are no doubt the most widely used designs in experimental investigations due to their efficient use of experimental runs. One price we pay for using FF designs is, clearly, our inability to obtain estimates of some important effects (main effects or second order interactions) that are separate from estimates of other effects (usually higher order interactions). When the estimate of an effect also includes the influence of one or more other effects the effects are said to be aliased. Folding over an FF design is a method for breaking the links between aliased effects in a design. The question is, how do we define the foldover structure for asymmetric FF designs, whether regular or nonregular? How do we choose the optimal foldover plan? How do we use optimal foldover plans to construct combined designs which have better capability of estimating lower order effects? The main objective of the present paper is to provide answers to these questions. Using the new results in this paper as benchmarks, we can implement a powerful and efficient algorithm for finding optimal foldover plans which can be used to break links between aliased effects.  相似文献   

Neighbour balance and evenness of distribution designs help to address user concerns in the two‐dimensional layout of agricultural field trials. This is done by minimising the occurrence of pairwise treatment plot neighbours and ensuring that the replications of treatments are spread out across rows and columns of a trial. Such considerations result in a restriction on the normal randomisation process for a row‐column design which can lead to error variance bias. In this paper, uniformity trial data is used to assess the degree of this bias for both resolvable and non‐resolvable designs. Comparisons are made with a similar investigation using Linear Variance spatial designs.  相似文献   

The foldover is a useful technique in construction of two-level factorial designs. A foldover design is the follow-up experiment generated by reversing the sign(s) of one or more factors in the initial design. The full design obtained by joining the runs in the foldover design to those of the initial design is called the combined design. In this article, some new lower bounds of various discrepancies of combined designs, such as the centered, symmetric, and wrap-around L2-discrepancies, are obtained, which can be used as a better benchmark for searching optimal foldover plans. Our results provide a theoretical justification for optimal foldover plans in terms of uniformity criterion.  相似文献   

The foldover is a useful technique in the construction of two-level factorial designs for follow-up experiments. To search an optimal foldover plans is an important issue. In this paper, for a set of asymmetric fractional factorials such as the original designs, a lower bound for centred L 2-discrepancy of combined designs under a general foldover plan is obtained, which can be used as a benchmark for searching optimal foldover plans. All of our results are the extended ones of Ou et al. [Lower bounds of various discrepancies on combined designs, Metrika 74 (2011), pp. 109–119] for symmetric designs to asymmetric designs. Moreover, it also provides a theoretical justification for optimal foldover plans in terms of uniformity criterion.  相似文献   

Equirephcate variance-balanced block designs possess many desirable properties and include several important subclasses of designs, such as balanced incomplete block designs. However, while attention has been paid to the derivation of properties and the construction of these designs, methods of analyzing experiments using these designs have not been developed completely. Thus, we consider models appropriate to these designs, construct test statistics for basic hypotheses and derive the distributions for these statistics. Four additive models that include all of the possible combinations of fixed and random effects are examined. The analyses are generalizations of the analyses for balanced incomplete block designs, and include the intra-block, intra-treatment and inter-block analyses, Estimators of fixed treatment effects and their distributions also are given.  相似文献   

In this paper we give a sufficient condition under which theD-optimal design for a regression model without an intercept can be obtained from theD-optimal design for the corresponding model with an intercept by simply removing the origin from its support points. Examples are given to demonstrate the applications of the results.  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型的合成信度及其使用问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信度是问卷、量表、测验质量保障的核心要素,基于因素分析理论的合成信度估计方法近年来被讨论,并被统计学者推荐使用。合成信度比常用的信度计算方法α系数更为准确,且可用于多维测验和题目残差间存在相关的测验。通过文献分析及实例演示,分析了合成信度的特点和优点;同时,重点讨论了通过结构方程模型软件计算合成信度应注意的数据类型、数据分布、样本量以及模型收敛和拟合程度等问题,并比较了常用结构方程模型软件对合成信度计算的支持情况。  相似文献   

It was shown, essentially, by Kiefer (1961) that the type II (a) design of Williams (1952) is asymptotically universally optimum for a first-order autoregression with parameter λ >0. We investigate any optimality properties these designs have when finite. We show that small differences in the definitions of the autoregression or of the design can lead to standard results in the theory of optiaml design no longer being applicable. We include some useful results on patterned matrices.  相似文献   


Optimized group sequential designs proposed in the literature have designs minimizing average sample size with respect to a prior distribution of treatment effect with overall type I and type II error rates well-controlled (i.e., at final stage). The optimized asymmetric group sequential designs that we present here additionally consider constrains on stopping probabilities at stage one: probability of stopping for futility at stage one when no drug effect exists as well as the probability of rejection when the maximum effect size is true at stage one so that accountability of group sequential design is ensured from the first stage throughout.  相似文献   

To evaluate the performance of randomization designs under various parameter settings and trial sample sizes, and identify optimal designs with respect to both treatment imbalance and allocation randomness, we evaluate 260 design scenarios from 14 randomization designs under 15 sample sizes range from 10 to 300, using three measures for imbalance and three measures for randomness. The maximum absolute imbalance and the correct guess (CG) probability are selected to assess the trade-off performance of each randomization design. As measured by the maximum absolute imbalance and the CG probability, we found that performances of the 14 randomization designs are located in a closed region with the upper boundary (worst case) given by Efron's biased coin design (BCD) and the lower boundary (best case) from the Soares and Wu's big stick design (BSD). Designs close to the lower boundary provide a smaller imbalance and a higher randomness than designs close to the upper boundary. Our research suggested that optimization of randomization design is possible based on quantified evaluation of imbalance and randomness. Based on the maximum imbalance and CG probability, the BSD, Chen's biased coin design with imbalance tolerance method, and Chen's Ehrenfest urn design perform better than popularly used permuted block design, EBCD, and Wei's urn design.  相似文献   

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