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《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(2):250-277

This article analyses a television broadcast in England in 1957 in response to the Wolfenden Report (Wolfenden, 1957) into homosexuality and prostitution. Here I argue that those participants in the broadcast who are sympathetic with liberal reforms of the legislation on homosexuality utilize discourses related to normality and the public/private domains to discursively construct the Wolfenden homonormative male. In addition, I also show how, particularly through the trope of homonormativity, both the heterosexual and homosexual audiences are interpellated by the discourses exploited within the broadcast as publics whose subjectivities are reconfigured toward Wolfenden homonormativity.  相似文献   

This article traces the foundation of the study between sport and physical cultures and masculinities and sexualities principally by examining the homophobic zeitgeist by which the academic discipline was formed. I show that the intense homophobia of the mid-1980s waned throughout the 1990s, and that during the new millennia, researchers found more inclusive forms of heterosexuality. Indeed, research on masculinities and homophobia today shows that, even in the traditionally conservative institution of sport, matters have shifted dramatically. This has resulted not only in improved conditions for sexual minorities, but it has also promoted a culture of softer, more tactile and emotional forms of heterosexual masculinities. These studies, alongside those within this special issue of the Journal of Homosexuality, highlight the necessity of developing new ways of theorizing the changing dynamics between masculinities, sexualities, and physical cultures in the next decade.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(10):1475-1493
This article analyzes how heteronormative discourse may be (re)produced by the very same people it serves to oppress, binding heteronormativity to a specific form of homonormativity. Furthermore, this article also links Portuguese history and society by discussing the context and the recent legal changes that led to legislation providing for same-sex marriage. Using thematic analysis of 14 interviews, this article demonstrates how heteronorms are upheld in the discourses of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) participants. Themes linked to public displays of affection and discrimination emerged from the interviews. Participant discourses are analyzed in terms of their incorporation of heteronorms. Homonormativity is present in both the themes subject to analysis. Analysis of the interviews shows how transgressing the heteronorm implies costs and is ultimately perceived as a personal risk. This article concludes that the lack of discursive resistance denies the possibility of re-signification and subversion even in LGBQ discourses. This clearly indicates the pervasiveness of discourses reiterating heteronorms, even those issued by those most oppressed by such norms.  相似文献   

新世纪、新阶段人口研究和人口工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了低生育水平下实现全面建设小康社会人口研究和人口工作的课题,总结了人口工作成功的主要经验,考察了新时期的人口新情况,质疑传统人口转变理论最后阶段的历程,提出从承载力、城市化、就业与社会保障、人口管理制度、低生育水平下的计划生育、老龄化、新的人口研究领域等方面进一步拓展人口和人口工作。  相似文献   

Matthew Hall 《Demography》2013,50(5):1873-1896
This article explores patterns and determinants of immigrant segregation for 10 immigrant groups in established, new, and minor destination areas. Using a group-specific typology of metropolitan destinations, this study finds that without controls for immigrant-group and metropolitan-level characteristics, immigrants in new destinations are more segregated and immigrants in minor destinations considerably more segregated than their counterparts in established destinations. Neither controls for immigrant-group acculturation or socioeconomic status nor those for demographic, housing, and economic features of metropolitan areas can fully account for the heightened levels of segregation observed in new and minor destinations. Overall, the results offer support for arguments that a diverse set of immigrant groups face challenges to residential incorporation in the new areas of settlement.  相似文献   

20世纪中叶以来 ,世界人口移民逐渐发生变化。发展中国家移民人数明显增加 ,其中越境难民和非法入境者占主流 ,知识型移民逐年提高。而经济发达国家的澳大利亚和德国人口外迁移民也令人关注。典型的移民国家以色列仍在吸引世界各地的犹太人回到自己的祖国  相似文献   

Religion and fertility in the United States: New patterns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the United States, the baby boom-era pattern of high Catholic and low Protestant fertility has ended. Among non-Hispanic whites in the 1980s, Catholic total fertility rates (TFRs) were about one-quarter of a child lower than Protestant rates (1.64 vs. 1.91). Most of the Protestant-Catholic difference is related to later and less frequent marriage among Catholics. Future research on the demography of religious groups should focus on explaining the delayed marriage pattern of Catholics, the high fertility of Mormons and frequently attending Protestants, and the very low fertility of those with no religious affiliation.  相似文献   

1研究背景进入21世纪以来,我国农村社会经济进入了综合改革与创建新制的新阶段,党中央在这一新的历史时期的农村政策重要取向是以农村税费改革和社会主义新农村建设为中心,为此提出了一系列解决“三农”问题的纲领、路线、方针、战略等,以便推动城乡经济社会统筹,使农民共享改革发展成果(盛茂林,2004;王盛开等,2006)。毋庸置疑,我国农村正处于一个经济社会统筹发展的新阶段,真正实现农村、农业、农民的发展正面临着千载难逢的历史机遇。不过,我们必须清醒地认识到,一方面,农村税费改革、乡镇行政区划调整、机关事业单位机构改革、“三农”惠…  相似文献   

Housing in the United States constitutes the largest expenditure for many households. Increasing rents and home prices, changes in the mortgage industry, and the growing importance of immigrants in the U.S. housing market underscore the value of examining the economic hardship that housing costs pose for immigrants. As is true for the native-born, immigrants’ allocation of financial resources to housing influences the funds available for savings, investments, survival of emergencies, and the overall economic well-being of children and families. This project employs 2003 national-level data of legal permanent residents from the New Immigrant Survey to examine an outcome lacking sufficient empirical study: the proportion of household income spent on housing. The study examines whether disparities in immigrant housing cost burden by country/region of origin persist after accounting for differences in human capital, stage in the life cycle, assimilation, and other factors. The analyses disaggregate immigrants from Latin America, Asia, Europe and other areas into more nuanced categories. The results document that after controlling for a diverse array of variables, legal immigrants vary widely in housing cost burdens by country/region of origin. These disparities have implications for the future wealth accumulation and long-term financial security of immigrants in the United States.  相似文献   

Will the authorities ever pluck up the courage to invoke the powers that surely already exist in our health regulations and take these time bombs out of circulation? ( Nelson Evening Mail , June 29, 1994) I didn't have any test in Sudan. I never expected I would have any kind of illness; I am very healthy and strong. I was shocked. My life was very dark and I wasn't expecting to have HIV. How did I get it? What way did I get it? I was very happy when I got to NZ, I was going to have a bright future helping my family, I was going to change my life, I didn't expect it was going to be like this [crying]. (Samuel)  相似文献   

杨道本 《南方人口》2002,17(1):19-23
婚育新风进万家活动是广东婚育文化建设的重要载体 ,是计划生育宣传教育工作“虚功实做”的好形式 ,它无论对于在社会上营造良好的计划生育氛围 ,促进计划生育工作的顺利开展 ,还是对于传播计划生育、优生优育、避孕节育、性与生殖保健等科学知识 ,转变群众的传统婚育观念 ,提高群众的生活质量和文明程度 ,都具有十分重要的意义。本文对广东省 3年来开展婚育新风进万家活动的情况进行系统的、全面的、阶段性的总结 ,并在总结经验的基础上 ,从贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思路的政治高度 ,从对群众婚育观念影响最为根本、最为深刻的生育文化的角…  相似文献   

养老金新政:新旧养老保险政策的替代率测算   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
林东海  丁煜 《人口与经济》2007,(1):69-74,68
本论文通过模型在一定的精算假设下作了比较分析,发现在同样的精算假设下测算,改革之前的养老金替代率要明显高于原来预计的目标替代率,其主要原因在于在个人账户空账的条件下,个人账户假设的利息率是比较低的,而做实个人账户之后,资本市场可以获得合理的利息回报,个人账户积累的效率提高,加上基础养老金比例增加,是改革后养老金目标替代率没有下降的关键。  相似文献   

This article introduces a conceptual model of housing quality that emphasizes consumers' experience of improvements during their lifetime. Following a review of the widely recognized inadequacies associated with the traditional indicators of housing quality, a ‘housing progress’ model is offered as an alternative method for conceptualizing the quality of persons' housing experiences. This model suggests that changes in the level of housing well-being are reflected by changes in the rate at which households move toward their personal housing preferences. To operationalize this concept, four indicators are developed that are based on the pattern of housing unit exchanges achieved by movers each year between 1973 and 1977. The indicators reveal a pronounced downtum in progress (on the order of 20 percent) with the fall in construction between 1973 and 1975. After 1975, progress increased with the rise in construction, but there is evidence of a widening gap between the housing opportunities of owners and renters.  相似文献   

This paper compares age-specific mortality rates in England and Wales with those of New Zealand. Differences in rates are greatest at the younger age groups, and are particularly high for infants under 1 year and children between 1 and 5 years. The age-specific mortality rates for females under 25 years and for males under 35 years are analysed by causes of death in order to discover where the main differences between the two countries occur, and for infant mortality in England and Wales a further analysis has been made by social class. The greatest room for improvement in England and Wales mortality rates, as compared with New Zealand rates, is at ages under 5 years, and in infant mortality in particular the greatest differences between England and Wales and New Zealand rates by causes of death are for those causes usually associated with environmental influences.  相似文献   

人力资源开发是我国新时期扩大有效就业的决定性前提条件。它通过优化开发增加人力资源的有效供给,既可促进就业的持续扩大和亿万农民就业非农化的大转换,又能推动新的低劳工成本国际比较优势的形成而扩大就业,从而就可使严重的失业和潜在失业压力得到根本缓解。因此,当前我国应实行"人力资源开发第一"和开发战略重点向农民倾斜的重大战略调整,并重点突破创业能力与创业人才开发的瓶颈,多层次地增加人力资源的有效供给,以从根本上促进有效就业的扩大。  相似文献   

Glick  Paul C.  Parke  Robert 《Demography》1965,2(1):187-202
Demography - Métodos revisados y nuevas fuenies de datos para estudiar el ciclo de vida de la familia permiten medir con mayor exactitud la edad típica en que ocurren los hechos en dicho...  相似文献   

Back KW 《Demography》1967,4(1):90-97
The topics of demography are those of human fate: birth, illness, marriage, occupation, and death. The methods of demography therefore relate global rates to major events, submerging the individual decision. The social psychologist observes the regularities of people's behavior in different social conditions and builds models from individual decisions. Since he looks at patterns independent of the event, the kind of event does not matter, and he tends to concentrate on trivial events which are amenable to research.To the degree that man has obtained control over his environment, he is able to look at demographic events as less than fate. Social conditions have also given more control to the individual over many events over which he had no control previously, such as choice of a marriage partner or an occupational career. Thus, the classical methods of demography are frequently insufficient to deal with demographic data, and abrupt changes may occur because of vagaries of individual decisions. The more the demographic trends can be affected by individual decisions, the more the methods of social psychology become useful in understanding changes in population composition.The possibilities of micro-demography, of building up demographic trends from individual decisions, become stronger as more individual control can be exerted over the events. Such disparate events as control of infectious disease, air pollution, birth control, civil rights, and changes in the educational system and occupational structure have given individuals more control over different demographic variables, made the study of individual decisions with demographic consequences important, and led to joint efforts by demographers and social psychologists.  相似文献   

新经济时代,国与国之间经济竞争的成败直接取决于其知识的掌握、创造和利用水平,新经济人才已经成为提升国际竞争力的引擎。我国是经济发展中国家,与发达国家相比,教育经费不足,人才匮乏,且流失严重。面对人才大战的严酷形势和我国对人才的紧迫需求,培养人才、吸引人才,对我国完善市场经济体制和应对加入WTO的挑战,以及适应新经济时代和长远的可持续发展的要求具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国西部人口与发展问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实施西部大开发战略,保证西部人口、经济、资源的协调发展是关键所在。在对大量丰富的西部人口、经济、资源的有关数据资料进行分析的基础上,研究西部人口的数量、结构、素质等几个方面的状况和成因,分析西部的自然状况和经济发展状况,并与全国以及东部状况进行比较,提出西部人口与发展的对策性建议。  相似文献   

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