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文章从劳动力市场"去管制化"出发,提出对中国"知识失业"现象的解释。理论模型发现,随着劳动力流动和工资"去管制化",受教育人口不断增加,与之伴随的则是"知识失业"的出现和增加。但当劳动力市场进一步"去管制化",知识失业率在增加到一定程度后开始下降。因此,"知识失业"是劳动力市场"去管制化"的结果,"知识失业"的出现在一定程度上是暂时的、阶段性的,继续推进劳动力市场改革,"知识失业"现象就会减少甚至消弭。微观数据实证分析证实,劳动力流动"去管制化"和工资"去管制化"都是2002年样本劳动力市场出现"知识失业"的原因,2009年样本劳动力流动"去管制化"仍是"知识失业"出现的重要原因,但工资"去管制化"效应不再显著。  相似文献   

This article examines common assumptions behind the notion of "gay community," contrasting these views with the experiences of homosexual men originating from Southeast Asia on the commercial gay scene in Melbourne, Australia. The narratives here reveal fragmented social networks involving various social groups, categories of people and an "In/Out" culture where informants were culturally marginal. Fitting into the scene culture involves processes of assimilation, and loss of connection even with supportive ethnic networks. While all men who look for a place to belong on the scene generally feel pressure to assimilate to a predominantly white middle-class gay culture, Southeast Asian men generally had more cultural distance to cover. Men who are not well assimilated face exclusion, invisibility and discrimination. Differences and discrimination within Southeast Asian based networks also contributed towards fragmented relations. This article raises questions about dominant gay cultural forms, assumptions of gay solidarity, and how ethnic minority men make sense of and negotiate their sexual and social experiences.  相似文献   

The book "On Being a Prostitute" (Perkins & Bennett, 1985) is a valuable contribution to the sociology of deviance and sexual ideologies. However, comprehensive as it is, the book presents certain omissions and flaws, with implications for both is empirical data and theoretical underpinnings. In focusing on male (homoerotic) prostitution, and drawing upon Bennett's (1983) "Twenty-Ten" survey (which forms the main empirical base of that aspect of the book), I argue that certain categories of male prostitutes have been excluded. These omissions, I suggest, were necessary to allow Bennett's hypothesis that most male prostitution derives from economic necessity--a recurrent economic determinism reminiscent of Havelock Ellis (1906/1936), and somewhat contrary to a broader structural approach (see Mathews, 1983).  相似文献   

The three-stage progression toward homosexual identity that Minton and McDonald (1983/1984) delineate in Bisexual and Homosexual Identities (De Cecco & Shively, eds., 1983/1984) is generally not applicable to women who have come to lesbianism through the radical feminist movement of the past 15 years. Their progression toward a lesbian identity was in an order roughly the reverse of what Minton and McDonald describe: Through the movement they came to understand that society's norms can be critically evaluated and that heterosexuality was detrimental to women's freedom, often before they had homosexual genital experience. The "egocentric" stage for these women may have been no different from that of heterosexuals. They may have escaped the guilt and isolation associated with the "sociocentric" stage because they first viewed themselves as lesbian in the context of a supportive social group. There is also some evidence to suggest that many premovement lesbians made their decision to identify as homosexual on the basis of their political views about heterosexuality. Thus, they too may not have experienced Minton and McDonald's three-stage progression toward identity.  相似文献   

以家庭周期理论为基础的“空巢家庭”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石燕 《西北人口》2008,29(5):124-128
国内存在着四种空巢家庭的界定,这四种界定各不相同。分析比较发现:第一种空巢家庭的界定过于宽泛;第二种空巢家庭的界定建立在空巢比喻义的基础上因而不够严谨和科学:第三种和第四种空巢家庭界定存在区别的根源在于对家庭生命周期中空巢期的认识不同。通过梳理国内外学者对于家庭生命周期的界定和划分.更清楚地界定了空巢期。在空巢期基础上界定出的空巢家庭可被理解为“那些子女离开起源家庭、父母仍共同居住的夫妇家庭”。清晰界定空巢家庭之后,就可以更好地区分空巢家庭与丁克家庭、独居家庭。  相似文献   

适应市场经济需要,实现计划生育工作思路和工作方法的“两个转变”,“知情选择”是一个有效的切入,提高育龄妇女“知情率”是关键环节,实现了“要我计划生育”到“我要计划生育”的根本性转变。  相似文献   

马尔萨斯以推动社会进步为目的,主张采取多种预防性办法来抑制人口。马尔萨斯提出了解脱“人口陷阱”所必须的制度条件,并把有效抑制人口增长、改善人民生活的社会途径归纳为:一种充满就业机会、多样性选择的社会条件,将会最大限度地激发人们的个人努力,并在有效的法律保护下激励人们遵从一种更加理性的生活方式。马尔萨斯的一些人口经济思想至今仍然具有学术价值。  相似文献   

“小人口”与可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
原华荣 《人口研究》2002,26(1):49-51
由于无法减轻把人类逼向困境的人口压力 ,适度人口 ,从“经济适度”到“环境适度”便被排除在可持续发展的选择之外。“小人口”———一个节欲、小规模且“远离平衡态”的人口 ,既是物质世界有限性、平衡原理、生命平等的规定和对人类反自然本质、人类社会本质上不平等性质的回应 ,又是实现生态—经济可持续、生物与人类平等、代际平等、代内公平的必须 ,从而摆脱人类困境 ,走可持续发展之路的必然选择。当有限性使生存和发展资源不能同时满足生物、人类的需求时 ,符合伦理道德的选择是用生命平等优先替代人类优先 ,用代际平等优先代替当代人优先  相似文献   

对"人口老龄化"之说的几点质疑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗淳 《人口研究》2001,25(6):16-21
笔者认为,对Aging一词的理解应注意分辩不同的学科视角,面对跨世纪的人口老龄化走势,我们对人口老龄化的认识亦不应滞留于以往的解释,而有必要对老龄化的概念本身、理论依据、基本因子、生成条件以及参量指标等再做考察,并进行新的诠释.  相似文献   

本文介绍了纽约"大停电"事件对出生婴儿数量变动的影响,系统分析了中国羊年对出生人口数量变化的影响,并籍此说明了科学地对人口现象进行分析的重要性.  相似文献   

"I Do" or Don't:     
《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(1-2):55-70
Although the health and social benefits of physical activity have been well documented, a majority of females at every life stage are insufficiently active to acquire those benefits. Explanations for this lack of commitment to physical activity have not been found. Marriage, as a social role and life circumstance, has been neglected as a possible explanation for the inactive lie patterns of women. This paper highlights the available scientific evidence on the relationships of marital status and spousal influence with the leisure-time physical activity of women throughout the lifespan. Research showed that women's leisure-time physical activity decreased upon marriage. The major factor in the maintenance of healthy levels of exercise for married women at all ages appeared to be a physically active and supportive spouse.  相似文献   

涂途 《人口研究》2003,27(6):48-51
马克思、恩格斯在自己不同时期的著作中提出了"三种生产"理论;即人口生产论、物质生产论和精神生产论.这三种生产既有相同的共性,又有性质不同的个性."三种生产"相互联系、相互影响和相互作用;只有当人类进入到社会发展的高级阶段,"三种生产"才能达到高度协调一致、同步运作和发展.  相似文献   

近几年,我国高校偏重的是高层次学历教育,培养的重点是研究型人才和治理型人才,对技术型人才的培养重视不够。导致大学生很难学以致用,人才供给与需求出现偏差。造成我国生产一线的劳动者素质偏低和技能型人才紧缺的问题十分突出。日本是世界上职业教育最发达的国家之一,也是社会发展中受惠于职业教育最多的国家之一,在职业教育方面有很多成功的经验。我们应当认真学习借鉴日本的先进教育教学理念和人才培养模式。努力走出一条具有中国特色的职业教育发展之路。  相似文献   

美国 2 0世纪产业结构变化的突出现象是“去工业化”和与信息产业相关的新兴产业的崛起。伴随产业结构变化 ,人口区域分布也经历了“非都市转折”和“再城市化”的过程。产业结构的变化是城市兴衰的决定性因素。对我国来说 ,重视城市化发展过程中的产业支撑 ,根据区域发展格局的调整和产业结构的演进实施不同的城市化发展模式 ,尤为重要。  相似文献   

“单身”热潮的社会学解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜双燕 《西北人口》2008,29(5):49-54
单身现象已经成为世界范围内一个不可忽视的社会现象,尽管今天的“单身”已经是一种生活方式,但是仍然有其相似特征和产生的深层原因,并且对社会产生了物质、精神、制度文明等方面的影响,针对其产生的消极影响,提出初步的建议和对策,引导和规范“单身”行为,使之朝向更积极的方向前行。  相似文献   

我国农村新"空巢"家庭   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
刘庚常 《人口研究》2004,28(1):48-52
最近 ,谭琳教授的《新“空巢家庭———一个值得关注的社会人口现象》一文引起笔者的强烈共鸣。她在文中指出 :随着我国城市第一代独生子女逐渐离家求学、就业和结婚 ,一批新“空巢”家庭已经出现。此类“空巢”家庭的成员是那些长大成人了的独生子女的父母 ,他们中的许多人不到 5 0岁 ,他们可能将在“空巢”家庭中生活 2 0~ 30年。她将新“空巢”家庭界定为 :我国城市第一代独生子女逐渐离家求学、就业和结婚后出现的一批以独生子女的父母为家庭成员的中年“空巢”家庭。谭琳教授的这施展新论引起笔者更加关注的是在我国农村 ,新“空巢”…  相似文献   

The setting up of a medical cooperative in a squatter community in Davao City, Philippines, and the training of women from the community to serve as paramedical health visitors and family planning workers, is described. The clinic charges each family a small fee and sells drugs at cost. The health visitor program was initiated by the poor families themselves to reach those who could not come to the clinic. The 1st groups trained chose the name Kaunaunahang Katiwala ng Kalusugan, or First Trustees of Health, and they are called katiwala for short. Since 1973 about 80 of these women, usually about 30 years of age, with home and family responsibilities, and of low educational background, have bee n trained. The dialogic method of Paolo Fraire of Brazil is used, which focuses on the native intelligence of the student and emphasizes a mutual learning process on the part of both teacher and student. Upon graduation the katiwala take care of minor ailments, refer major problems to the clinic, distribute family planning information, and encourage sanitation and good health practices. The barrios are divided into districts and 2 katiwala assigned to each. They receive some compensation. The program has proved it is possible to train persons with little education to be effective health workers and free physicians and nurses for more serious cases.  相似文献   

人口现代化和生育现代化是人口发展与计划生育工作的根本目标。计划生育就是为了实现生育的现代化,进而来推进人口的现代化。如果说人口现代化是人口发展的战略目标,那么生育现代化就是计划生育事业的战略目标。从政策的角度探讨两大命题的现实意义,在此基础上提出了稳定低生育水平的"三合一"工程。  相似文献   

This paper is on heterosexuals' use of words such as "fag" and "queer" to refer to one another in an insulting manner. This behavior perpetuates heterosexism and the stigmatization of gays. Two hundred and fifty-seven university students (73% Euro-American) served as participants. Males exhibited more anti-gay prejudice and anti-gay behavior than females. Heterosexual males frequently used words such as "fag" and "queer" to put one another down. Anti-homosexual prejudice was predictive of anti-gay behavior. However, approximately half of those who engaged in the behavior were not strongly anti-homosexual. For these individuals, the behavior may win approval from their social group. Awareness campaigns and peer reminders that the derisive use of "fag" and "queer" harms homosexuals may be effective in changing this group. It is more difficult to reduce this behavior in individuals with strong anti-homosexual attitudes. The role of individuals and educational and work organizations in bringing about change is discussed.  相似文献   

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