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In this paper, we present evidence on the measurement properties of an instrument that assesses six dimensions of organizational strategy development. These dimensions are labelled planning, incrementalism, cultural, political, command and enforced choice. Using data from 5332 managers, results indicate the instrument has acceptable reliability and validity. Exploratory factor analysis confirms its underlying structure. Generally, the sub‐scales have acceptable internal reliability and inter‐rater reliability at the organizational level (n = 770 organizations). Further, using data aggregated at the organizational level, the sub‐scales are judged to have acceptable validity from the pattern of correlations amongst the six dimensions and with other variables.  相似文献   

Throughput orientation, although a well‐established concept in operations management and well recognized by practitioners, has received limited empirical attention potentially due to lack of a psychometrically validated scale. Based on the tenets of throughput orientation—mindset, methodology, and measurement—we propose and develop a psychometrically validated 26‐item scale of throughput orientation (TO). To lower the possibility of nonfalsifiability between TO and performance, we draw on an unexplored context—bank branches in India—where we expect this relationship to be weaker. Furthermore, as throughput in operations is mainly dependent on market demand, market orientation (MO) is proposed as a nomological moderator strengthening the TO‐performance relationship. Using a sample of 173 branch managers of a major private bank in India, we validate the throughput orientation scale, and find that MO strengthens the relationship between TO and performance.  相似文献   

This investigation attempted to demonstrate directly the relationship between a behavioral measure of safety and occupational injury rates. Behaviorally specific safety rules were written for 12 departments (n = 107 employees) of a farm machinery manufacturing company. Trained observers collected baseline data concerning the percentage of employees in each department working in complete compliance with the rules. Rank-difference correlation between mean departmental baseline performance and previous departmental injury incidence rates were computed. The results revealed a significant inverse relationship between behavioral performance and overall injury rate (rho = -.76 p < .01), and between behavioral performance and lost-time injury rate (rho - -.65, p < .05). It was concluded that applied behavioral analysis could provide a valid and reliable measure of safety which would allow more systematic evaluation of the efficacy of various safety campaigns.  相似文献   

Various studies have argued and concluded that the most effective method of promotingend-user computing (EUC) in an organization consists of providing extensive end-user support. This paper describes the development of an instrument to measure EUC support A search of the EUC literature was conducted to identify items to include in the instrument. Theinstrument was validated by administering it in the form of a questionnaire to end-users in more man a hundred information centers across the United States. A factor analysis conducted on the data obtained from this survey yielded 12 factors of EUC support. Three factors were subsequently dropped from the instrument. The remaining factors were successfully tested for internal consistency. The instrument was tested for, and found to possess, convergent and discriminant validity. The instrument exhibited nomological validity. The resulting instrument, consisting of 42 items and 9 factors, is presented as a reliable, valid, and useful device for assessing the level of EUC support.  相似文献   

The contemporary quality management (QM) literature prescribes various quality improvement strategies. However, it lacks scientifically developed and tested constructs that represent an integrative QM philosophy. Moreover, an impact of the prescribed QM strategies on a firm's product quality has not been analyzed. Through a detailed analysis of the literature, this research identifies 12 constructs of integrated QM strategies. Using a survey of 371 manufacturing firms, the constructs are then empirically tested and validated. LISREL 7 is used for this purpose. Finally, a framework to examine the effects of integrated QM strategies on a firm's product quality is suggested. Comparisons between this and two other comprehensive scales of TQM are made.  相似文献   

在相关文献回顾的基础上,进一步凝练顾客服务己化的概念内涵,并综合运用焦点小组访谈、开放式问卷调查、扎根理论的编码技术等方法,编制了顾客服务己化的初始测量题项。经过预调研和正式调研,结合信度分析及因子分析等统计方法,形成了包含8个问项的顾客服务己化概念测量量表。以顾客契合和顾客情绪作为校标,基于契合原理构建了“顾客服务己化-顾客情绪-顾客契合”概念模型,进一步验证所开发量表的效用,探讨顾客服务己化对顾客契合的效应机制。研究表明,顾客服务己化正向影响顾客契合,顾客情绪在其中起中介作用。  相似文献   

测量是凝聚力领域研究中首先需要解决的基础性问题之一.现有的凝聚力量表多在团体层次上,且多针对体育、军事等特殊领域,缺乏组织层次上针对工商企业的测量工具.本文在案例研究所获得的一个关于组织凝聚力六维度结构基础上,通过三项独立的研究,开发了组织凝聚力量表(OCI),并对它的信度和效度进行了多项检验.在研究1(N=818)中,通过CFA、AVE、模型比较、置信区间、Fisher Z、二阶CFA等方法,确认了OCI是一个包括员工向心力、领导凝聚力、任务协作、人际和谐、利益共享和价值认同等六个维度的构念,且具有良好的构念效度(包括汇聚效度和区分效度).在研究2(N=364)中,通过分层回归和SEM模型,检验了OCI的增加效度和法则效度.在研究3(N=111)中,将GEM、PCS、Langfred凝聚力量表作为效标,检验了OCI量表的共时效度.综合以上三项研究结果,显示OCI具有较好的信度与效度.这一量表为今后的同类研究提供了有效的测量工具,有利于时工商企业中凝聚力问题进行更深入和广泛的研究.  相似文献   

尽管关系营销的主要目的之一是与顾客建立稳固的关系,但是直到最近人们才提出了"关系强度"的概念,而且其有效测度和验证的研究也十分少见.本文在相关理论回顾的基础上,对关系强度的概念进行了界定,并进而提出了关系强度的三维度模型,包括情感强度、认知强度和意动强度.然后,以服务销售为背景,本文开发并验证了用于测度关系强度的量表.实证分析结果表明,我们所开发的量表具有较好的信度水平、单维性、内敛效度与判别效度以及律则/学说效度.  相似文献   

我国企业公仆型领导量表的设计与检验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用文献研究、专题座谈会、个别深入访谈、关键事件分析以及问卷调查等多种研究方法,编制了一个由11个维度的44个计量项目组成的公仆型领导量表,并通过定性和定量分析,对这个量表的心理测量特征进行了初步的检验.可靠性分析、探测性分析、确认性与二阶因子分析、多层次线性模型分析结果表明,作者编制的公仆型领导量表具有较好的可靠性、会聚有效性、鉴别有效性和预测有效性,可用于计量组织、部门、基层单位等各个层次的公仆型领导风格.  相似文献   

This paper defines and operationalizes eight ERP competence constructs. We define ERP competence as a portfolio of managerial, technical and organizational skills and expertise posited as antecedents to improved business performance occurring after an ERP system is operational and functionally stable. To improve responses to changes in markets and products, manufacturers are increasingly adopting ERP systems. However, anecdotal accounts indicate that the realization of ERP's potential benefits is rare. Because of its pervasive influence on manufacturing and business performance, the need for scientifically developed and tested multi‐item scales pertaining to ERP competence is highly relevant to manufacturing strategy research. We follow a two‐stage normative process of scale development. First, we identify a portfolio of eight generic constructs that are hypothesized to be associated with successful ERP adoption. Each construct is then operationalized as a multi‐item measurement scale by applying a manual item sorting technique iteratively to independent panels of expert judges until tentative reliability and validity is established. Second, we further refine and validate the multi‐item scales using survey data from 79 North American manufacturing users of ERP systems.  相似文献   

张珊珊  汪洋 《管理学报》2006,3(3):329-335
家族企业在全世界经济中占有重要地位。从各个不同角度研究家族企业可持续发展的理论问题,介绍家族企业可持续发展路径选择的SHEMP理论,并且探讨了此种路径选择与环境的关系:从宏观的角度进行家族企业可持续发展的PEST分析,进而提出在现有融资环境、诚信环境和职业经理人市场条件下,我国家族企业的选择路径。  相似文献   

可持续发展是近20年来人类认真总结历史进程,重新审视经济社会活动,特别是发展行为而提出的一种新的发展战略.作为全国著名的旅游城市,又将要承办2008年奥运会水上项目的青岛应走在中国城市生态化建设、实现可持续发展战略的前沿.本文利用运用真实储蓄对青岛市的可持续度进行了初步的分析衡量,并构建了PSR模型,从多个角度对青岛市的生态可持续状况进行了分析,最后提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to revise and revalidate the End‐User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) instrument to measure satisfaction with a Web site from a usability perspective. This study is especially important given the increased significance of the Web and the uniqueness of the Web as a computing environment. A total of 176 students participated in a lab simulation that involved a usability evaluation of the Lands' End Web site ( http://www.landsend.com ). Students were asked to complete a set of tasks, record their answers, and then complete the EUCS instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis and invariance analyses were conducted to test the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the revised EUCS. The results show that the EUCS is a valid and robust instrument in the Web environment but that one of the subfactors, timeliness, will need further refinement in the future. Usability practitioners can use the EUCS to measure end‐user satisfaction with a Web site and use the feedback for improving Web‐site design. We describe a case study of an actual usability application that utilized the revised EUCS effectively to support the design of building supply Web sites involving two types of end users, homeowners and contractors. We also propose a typology that researchers can use as a starting point to judge when it is necessary to revalidate an instrument like the EUCS. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our study and present avenues for future research.  相似文献   

This article contains a conversation with Robert (Bob) G. Hamlin and is part of aseries that focuses on different human resource development (HRD) scholars. Theaim is to better understand the people behind the names we see in print and at HRD scholarly conferences. Bob is professor emeritus and chair of HRD at the University of Wolverhampton Business School, UK and a management and organization development consultant at Oaken Consultancy. Bob has spoken at many HRD conferences in Europe and the United States and was one of the founding members of the University Forum for HRD. The conversation explores Bob's career in HRD practice, research, teaching and management. Among the topics covered are the significance of practical experience and the influence it can then have on research, the power of evidence-based practice, and the need for HRD research to be seen as relevant and having utility within the world of practice.  相似文献   

Lack of a valid instrument to measure learning transfer predictors has been the major obstacle hindering Human Resource Development (HRD) professionals from moving forward. This problem is one of the lingering HRD issues in South Korea, in which human resources have been strategically emphasized as a critical asset due to the scarcity of natural resources. To address this issue, this study aims at testing the validity and reliability of the data collected with the Korean Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) Version 4. A sample of 753 managers from 16 Korean industries was divided into two subsamples for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Reliability and the effect of common method variance on the factor structure were examined, with the results suggesting that the LTSI is valid for use in the Korean industry.  相似文献   

The role of information processing in understanding people's responses to risk information has recently received substantial attention. One limitation of this research concerns the unavailability of a validated questionnaire of information processing. This article presents two studies in which we describe the development and validation of the Information‐Processing Questionnaire to meet that need. Study 1 describes the development and initial validation of the questionnaire. Participants were randomized to either a systematic processing or a heuristic processing condition after which they completed a manipulation check and the initial 15‐item questionnaire and again two weeks later. The questionnaire was subjected to factor reliability and validity analyses on both measurement times for purposes of cross‐validation of the results. A two‐factor solution was observed representing a systematic processing and a heuristic processing subscale. The resulting scale showed good reliability and validity, with the systematic condition scoring significantly higher on the systematic subscale and the heuristic processing condition significantly higher on the heuristic subscale. Study 2 sought to further validate the questionnaire in a field study. Results of the second study corresponded with those of Study 1 and provided further evidence of the validity of the Information‐Processing Questionnaire. The availability of this information‐processing scale will be a valuable asset for future research and may provide researchers with new research opportunities.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - Despite their prominence and popularity, pay-for-performance systems are often an area of controversy within an agency. Getting employees more engaged in the...  相似文献   

This empirical study examines the relationship between corporate governance and organizational performance (OP), measured using Tobin's Q (TQ) in the context of an emerging economy for which, as yet, only a handful of studies have been conducted. We employ a system generalized method of moments approach controlling for endogeneity and test it on a newly created dataset comprising 324 listed firms in Pakistan. We find that board size, number of board committees and ownership concentration are positively linked with high TQ ratio, whilst board independence and CEO duality display a negative relationship. In terms of moderating effects, we find that ownership concentration negatively moderates the relationship between board independence and OP, as well as that of CEO duality and OP. The relationship between the number of board committees and OP is positively moderated by ownership concentration. Our findings contribute towards a better articulation and application of a more concrete measure of OP ? that of the TQ ratio ? whilst, at the same time, testing the board composition–performance relationship in the context of an upcoming and increasingly important emerging market. Wider applicability of results and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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