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Effectively solving the label switching problem is critical for both Bayesian and Frequentist mixture model analyses. In this article, a new relabeling method is proposed by extending a recently developed modal clustering algorithm. First, the posterior distribution is estimated by a kernel density from permuted MCMC or bootstrap samples of parameters. Second, a modal EM algorithm is used to find the m! symmetric modes of the KDE. Finally, samples that ascend to the same mode are assigned the same label. Simulations and real data applications demonstrate that the new method provides more accurate estimates than many existing relabeling methods.  相似文献   

The need to use rigorous, transparent, clearly interpretable, and scientifically justified methodology for preventing and dealing with missing data in clinical trials has been a focus of much attention from regulators, practitioners, and academicians over the past years. New guidelines and recommendations emphasize the importance of minimizing the amount of missing data and carefully selecting primary analysis methods on the basis of assumptions regarding the missingness mechanism suitable for the study at hand, as well as the need to stress‐test the results of the primary analysis under different sets of assumptions through a range of sensitivity analyses. Some methods that could be effectively used for dealing with missing data have not yet gained widespread usage, partly because of their underlying complexity and partly because of lack of relatively easy approaches to their implementation. In this paper, we explore several strategies for missing data on the basis of pattern mixture models that embody clear and realistic clinical assumptions. Pattern mixture models provide a statistically reasonable yet transparent framework for translating clinical assumptions into statistical analyses. Implementation details for some specific strategies are provided in an Appendix (available online as Supporting Information), whereas the general principles of the approach discussed in this paper can be used to implement various other analyses with different sets of assumptions regarding missing data. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen an explosion of work on the use of mixture models for clustering. The use of the Gaussian mixture model has been common practice, with constraints sometimes imposed upon the component covariance matrices to give families of mixture models. Similar approaches have also been applied, albeit with less fecundity, to classification and discriminant analysis. In this paper, we begin with an introduction to model-based clustering and a succinct account of the state-of-the-art. We then put forth a novel family of mixture models wherein each component is modeled using a multivariate t-distribution with an eigen-decomposed covariance structure. This family, which is largely a t-analogue of the well-known MCLUST family, is known as the tEIGEN family. The efficacy of this family for clustering, classification, and discriminant analysis is illustrated with both real and simulated data. The performance of this family is compared to its Gaussian counterpart on three real data sets.  相似文献   

Within the mixture model-based clustering literature, parsimonious models with eigen-decomposed component covariance matrices have dominated for over a decade. Although originally introduced as a fourteen-member family of models, the current state-of-the-art is to utilize just ten of these models; the rationale for not using the other four models usually centers around parameter estimation difficulties. Following close examination of these four models, we find that two are actually easily implemented using existing algorithms but that two benefit from a novel approach. We present and implement algorithms that use an accelerated line search for optimization on the orthogonal Stiefel manifold. Furthermore, we show that the ‘extra’ models that these decompositions facilitate outperform the current state-of-the art when applied to two benchmark data sets.  相似文献   

Estimation in mixed linear models is, in general, computationally demanding, since applied problems may involve extensive data sets and large numbers of random effects. Existing computer algorithms are slow and/or require large amounts of memory. These problems are compounded in generalized linear mixed models for categorical data, since even approximate methods involve fitting of a linear mixed model within steps of an iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm. Only in models in which the random effects are hierarchically nested can the computations for fitting these models to large data sets be carried out rapidly. We describe a data augmentation approach to these computational difficulties in which we repeatedly fit an overlapping series of submodels, incorporating the missing terms in each submodel as 'offsets'. The submodels are chosen so that they have a nested random-effect structure, thus allowing maximum exploitation of the computational efficiency which is available in this case. Examples of the use of the algorithm for both metric and discrete responses are discussed, all calculations being carried out using macros within the MLwiN program.  相似文献   


In this paper we are concerned with variable selection in finite mixture of semiparametric regression models. This task consists of model selection for non parametric component and variable selection for parametric part. Thus, we encountered separate model selections for every non parametric component of each sub model. To overcome this computational burden, we introduced a class of variable selection procedures for finite mixture of semiparametric regression models using penalized approach for variable selection. It is shown that the new method is consistent for variable selection. Simulations show that the performance of proposed method is good, and it consequently improves pervious works in this area and also requires much less computing power than existing methods.  相似文献   

Bayesian nonparametric methods have been applied to survival analysis problems since the emergence of the area of Bayesian nonparametrics. However, the use of the flexible class of Dirichlet process mixture models has been rather limited in this context. This is, arguably, to a large extent, due to the standard way of fitting such models that precludes full posterior inference for many functionals of interest in survival analysis applications. To overcome this difficulty, we provide a computational approach to obtain the posterior distribution of general functionals of a Dirichlet process mixture. We model the survival distribution employing a flexible Dirichlet process mixture, with a Weibull kernel, that yields rich inference for several important functionals. In the process, a method for hazard function estimation emerges. Methods for simulation-based model fitting, in the presence of censoring, and for prior specification are provided. We illustrate the modeling approach with simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Summary.  Likelihood methods are often difficult to use with large, irregularly sited spatial data sets, owing to the computational burden. Even for Gaussian models, exact calculations of the likelihood for n observations require O ( n 3) operations. Since any joint density can be written as a product of conditional densities based on some ordering of the observations, one way to lessen the computations is to condition on only some of the 'past' observations when computing the conditional densities. We show how this approach can be adapted to approximate the restricted likelihood and we demonstrate how an estimating equations approach allows us to judge the efficacy of the resulting approximation. Previous work has suggested conditioning on those past observations that are closest to the observation whose conditional density we are approximating. Through theoretical, numerical and practical examples, we show that there can often be considerable benefit in conditioning on some distant observations as well.  相似文献   


Nonstandard mixtures are those that result from a mixture of a discrete and a continuous random variable. They arise in practice, for example, in medical studies of exposure. Here, a random variable that models exposure might have a discrete mass point at no exposure, but otherwise may be continuous. In this article we explore estimating the distribution function associated with such a random variable from a nonparametric viewpoint. We assume that the locations of the discrete mass points are known so that we will be able to apply a classical nonparametric smoothing approach to the problem. The proposed estimator is a mixture of an empirical distribution function and a kernel estimate of a distribution function. A simple theoretical argument reveals that existing bandwidth selection algorithms can be applied to the smooth component of this estimator as well. The proposed approach is applied to two example sets of data.  相似文献   

Cross-validated likelihood is investigated as a tool for automatically determining the appropriate number of components (given the data) in finite mixture modeling, particularly in the context of model-based probabilistic clustering. The conceptual framework for the cross-validation approach to model selection is straightforward in the sense that models are judged directly on their estimated out-of-sample predictive performance. The cross-validation approach, as well as penalized likelihood and McLachlan's bootstrap method, are applied to two data sets and the results from all three methods are in close agreement. The second data set involves a well-known clustering problem from the atmospheric science literature using historical records of upper atmosphere geopotential height in the Northern hemisphere. Cross-validated likelihood provides an interpretable and objective solution to the atmospheric clustering problem. The clusters found are in agreement with prior analyses of the same data based on non-probabilistic clustering techniques.  相似文献   

Mixture models are flexible tools in density estimation and classification problems. Bayesian estimation of such models typically relies on sampling from the posterior distribution using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Label switching arises because the posterior is invariant to permutations of the component parameters. Methods for dealing with label switching have been studied fairly extensively in the literature, with the most popular approaches being those based on loss functions. However, many of these algorithms turn out to be too slow in practice, and can be infeasible as the size and/or dimension of the data grow. We propose a new, computationally efficient algorithm based on a loss function interpretation, and show that it can scale up well in large data set scenarios. Then, we review earlier solutions which can scale up well for large data set, and compare their performances on simulated and real data sets. We conclude with some discussions and recommendations of all the methods studied.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how to perform direct simulation for discrete mixture models. The approach is based on directly calculating the posterior distribution using a set of recursions which are similar to those of the Forward-Backward algorithm. Our approach is more practicable than existing perfect simulation methods for mixtures. For example, we analyse 1096 observations from a 2 component Poisson mixture, and 240 observations under a 3 component Poisson mixture (with unknown mixture proportions and Poisson means in each case). Simulating samples of 10,000 perfect realisations took about 17 minutes and an hour respectively on a 900 MHz ultraSPARC computer. Our method can also be used to perform perfect simulation from Markov-dependent mixture models. A byproduct of our approach is that the evidence of our assumed models can be calculated, which enables different models to be compared.  相似文献   

In most applications, the parameters of a mixture of linear regression models are estimated by maximum likelihood using the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. In this article, we propose the comparison of three algorithms to compute maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of these models: the EM algorithm, the classification EM algorithm and the stochastic EM algorithm. The comparison of the three procedures was done through a simulation study of the performance (computational effort, statistical properties of estimators and goodness of fit) of these approaches on simulated data sets.

Simulation results show that the choice of the approach depends essentially on the configuration of the true regression lines and the initialization of the algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of co-clustering binary data in the latent block model framework with diagonal constraints for resulting data partitions. We consider the Bernoulli generative mixture model and present three new methods differing in the assumptions made about the degree of homogeneity of diagonal blocks. The proposed models are parsimonious and allow to take into account the structure of a data matrix when reorganizing it into homogeneous diagonal blocks. We derive algorithms for each of the presented models based on the classification expectation-maximization algorithm which maximizes the complete data likelihood. We show that our contribution can outperform other state-of-the-art (co)-clustering methods on synthetic sparse and non-sparse data. We also prove the efficiency of our approach in the context of document clustering, by using real-world benchmark data sets.  相似文献   


In this paper we introduce continuous tree mixture model that is the mixture of undirected graphical models with tree structured graphs and is considered as multivariate analysis with a non parametric approach. We estimate its parameters, the component edge sets and mixture proportions through regularized maximum likalihood procedure. Our new algorithm, which uses expectation maximization algorithm and the modified version of Kruskal algorithm, simultaneosly estimates and prunes the mixture component trees. Simulation studies indicate this method performs better than the alternative Gaussian graphical mixture model. The proposed method is also applied to water-level data set and is compared with the results of Gaussian mixture model.  相似文献   

Thin plate regression splines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. I discuss the production of low rank smoothers for d  ≥ 1 dimensional data, which can be fitted by regression or penalized regression methods. The smoothers are constructed by a simple transformation and truncation of the basis that arises from the solution of the thin plate spline smoothing problem and are optimal in the sense that the truncation is designed to result in the minimum possible perturbation of the thin plate spline smoothing problem given the dimension of the basis used to construct the smoother. By making use of Lanczos iteration the basis change and truncation are computationally efficient. The smoothers allow the use of approximate thin plate spline models with large data sets, avoid the problems that are associated with 'knot placement' that usually complicate modelling with regression splines or penalized regression splines, provide a sensible way of modelling interaction terms in generalized additive models, provide low rank approximations to generalized smoothing spline models, appropriate for use with large data sets, provide a means for incorporating smooth functions of more than one variable into non-linear models and improve the computational efficiency of penalized likelihood models incorporating thin plate splines. Given that the approach produces spline-like models with a sparse basis, it also provides a natural way of incorporating unpenalized spline-like terms in linear and generalized linear models, and these can be treated just like any other model terms from the point of view of model selection, inference and diagnostics.  相似文献   

Selection of the important variables is one of the most important model selection problems in statistical applications. In this article, we address variable selection in finite mixture of generalized semiparametric models. To overcome computational burden, we introduce a class of variable selection procedures for finite mixture of generalized semiparametric models using penalized approach for variable selection. Estimation of nonparametric component will be done via multivariate kernel regression. It is shown that the new method is consistent for variable selection and the performance of proposed method will be assessed via simulation.  相似文献   

Periodic autoregressive (PAR) models with symmetric innovations are widely used on time series analysis, whereas its asymmetric counterpart inference remains a challenge, because of a number of problems related to the existing computational methods. In this paper, we use an interesting relationship between periodic autoregressive and vector autoregressive (VAR) models to study maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to the inference of a PAR model with normal and skew-normal innovations, where different kinds of estimation methods for the unknown parameters are examined. Several technical difficulties which are usually complicated to handle are reported. Results are compared with the existing classical solutions and the practical implementations of the proposed algorithms are illustrated via comprehensive simulation studies. The methods developed in the study are applied and illustrate a real-time series. The Bayes factor is also used to compare the multivariate normal model versus the multivariate skew-normal model.  相似文献   

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